368 resultados para RNA sequence analysis
Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is one of the most limiting nutrients for plant growth in both natural and agricultural contexts. Pi-deficiency leads to a strong decrease in shoot growth, and triggers extensive changes at the developmental, biochemical and gene expression levels that are presumably aimed at improving the acquisition of this nutrient and sustaining growth. The Arabidopsis thaliana PHO1 gene has previously been shown to participate in the transport of Pi from roots to shoots, and the null pho1 mutant has all the hallmarks associated with shoot Pi deficiency. We show here that A. thaliana plants with a reduced expression of PHO1 in roots have shoot growth similar to Pi-sufficient plants, despite leaves being strongly Pi deficient. Furthermore, the gene expression profile normally triggered by Pi deficiency is suppressed in plants with low PHO1 expression. At comparable levels of shoot Pi supply, the wild type reduces shoot growth but maintains adequate shoot vacuolar Pi content, whereas the PHO1 underexpressor maintains maximal growth with strongly depleted Pi reserves. Expression of the Oryza sativa (rice) PHO1 ortholog in the pho1 null mutant also leads to plants that maintain normal growth and suppression of the Pi-deficiency response, despite the low shoot Pi. These data show that it is possible to unlink low shoot Pi content with the responses normally associated with Pi deficiency through the modulation of PHO1 expression or activity. These data also show that reduced shoot growth is not a direct consequence of Pi deficiency, but is more likely to be a result of extensive gene expression reprogramming triggered by Pi deficiency.
BACKGROUND: We present the results of EGASP, a community experiment to assess the state-of-the-art in genome annotation within the ENCODE regions, which span 1% of the human genome sequence. The experiment had two major goals: the assessment of the accuracy of computational methods to predict protein coding genes; and the overall assessment of the completeness of the current human genome annotations as represented in the ENCODE regions. For the computational prediction assessment, eighteen groups contributed gene predictions. We evaluated these submissions against each other based on a 'reference set' of annotations generated as part of the GENCODE project. These annotations were not available to the prediction groups prior to the submission deadline, so that their predictions were blind and an external advisory committee could perform a fair assessment. RESULTS: The best methods had at least one gene transcript correctly predicted for close to 70% of the annotated genes. Nevertheless, the multiple transcript accuracy, taking into account alternative splicing, reached only approximately 40% to 50% accuracy. At the coding nucleotide level, the best programs reached an accuracy of 90% in both sensitivity and specificity. Programs relying on mRNA and protein sequences were the most accurate in reproducing the manually curated annotations. Experimental validation shows that only a very small percentage (3.2%) of the selected 221 computationally predicted exons outside of the existing annotation could be verified. CONCLUSION: This is the first such experiment in human DNA, and we have followed the standards established in a similar experiment, GASP1, in Drosophila melanogaster. We believe the results presented here contribute to the value of ongoing large-scale annotation projects and should guide further experimental methods when being scaled up to the entire human genome sequence.
The SOS screen, as originally described by Perkins et al. (1999) [7], was setup with the aim of identifying Arabidopsis functions that might potentially be involved in the DNA metabolism. Such functions, when expressed in bacteria, are prone to disturb replication and thus trigger the SOS response. Consistently, expression of AtRAD51 and AtDMC1 induced the SOS response in bacteria, even affecting E. coli viability. 100 SOS-inducing cDNAs were isolated from a cDNA library constructed from an Arabidopsis cell suspension that was found to highly express meiotic genes. A large proportion of these SOS(+) candidates are clearly related to the DNA metabolism, others could be involved in the RNA metabolism, while the remaining cDNAs encode either totally unknown proteins or proteins that were considered as irrelevant. Seven SOS(+) candidate genes are induced following gamma irradiation. The in planta function of several of the SOS-inducing clones was investigated using T-DNA insertional mutants or RNA interference. Only one SOS(+) candidate, among those examined, exhibited a defined phenotype: silenced plants for DUT1 were sensitive to 5-fluoro-uracil (5FU), as is the case of the leaky dut-1 mutant in E. coli that are affected in dUTPase activity. dUTPase is essential to prevent uracil incorporation in the course of DNA replication.
As a result of sex chromosome differentiation from ancestral autosomes, male mammalian cells only contain one X chromosome. It has long been hypothesized that X-linked gene expression levels have become doubled in males to restore the original transcriptional output, and that the resulting X overexpression in females then drove the evolution of X inactivation (XCI). However, this model has never been directly tested and patterns and mechanisms of dosage compensation across different mammals and birds generally remain little understood. Here we trace the evolution of dosage compensation using extensive transcriptome data from males and females representing all major mammalian lineages and birds. Our analyses suggest that the X has become globally upregulated in marsupials, whereas we do not detect a global upregulation of this chromosome in placental mammals. However, we find that a subset of autosomal genes interacting with X-linked genes have become downregulated in placentals upon the emergence of sex chromosomes. Thus, different driving forces may underlie the evolution of XCI and the highly efficient equilibration of X expression levels between the sexes observed for both of these lineages. In the egg-laying monotremes and birds, which have partially homologous sex chromosome systems, partial upregulation of the X (Z in birds) evolved but is largely restricted to the heterogametic sex, which provides an explanation for the partially sex-biased X (Z) expression and lack of global inactivation mechanisms in these lineages. Our findings suggest that dosage reductions imposed by sex chromosome differentiation events in amniotes were resolved in strikingly different ways.
Magnaporthe oryzae causes rice blast, the most serious foliar fungal disease of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa). During hemibiotrophic leaf infection, the pathogen simultaneously combines biotrophic and necrotrophic growth. Here, we provide cytological and molecular evidence that, in contrast to leaf tissue infection, the fungus adopts a uniquely biotrophic infection strategy in roots for a prolonged period and spreads without causing a loss of host cell viability. Consistent with a biotrophic lifestyle, intracellularly growing hyphae of M. oryzae are surrounded by a plant-derived membrane. Global, temporal gene expression analysis used to monitor rice responses to progressive root infection revealed a rapid but transient induction of basal defense-related gene transcripts, indicating perception of the pathogen by the rice root. Early defense gene induction was followed by suppression at the onset of intracellular fungal growth, consistent with the biotrophic nature of root invasion. By contrast, during foliar infection, the vast majority of these transcripts continued to accumulate or increased in abundance. Furthermore, induction of necrotrophy-associated genes during early tissue penetration, previously observed in infected leaves, was not seen in roots. Collectively, our results not only report a global characterization of transcriptional root responses to a biotrophic fungal pathogen but also provide initial evidence for tissue-adapted fungal infection strategies.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the in vitro susceptibility of Actinobaculum schaalii to 12 antimicrobial agents as well as to dissect the genetic basis of fluoroquinolone resistance. METHODS: Forty-eight human clinical isolates of A. schaalii collected in Switzerland and France were studied. Each isolate was identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. MICs of amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, gentamicin, vancomycin, clindamycin, linezolid, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, co-trimoxazole, nitrofurantoin and metronidazole were determined using the Etest method. Interpretation of results was made according to EUCAST clinical breakpoints. The quinolone-resistance-determining regions (QRDRs) of gyrA and parC genes were also identified and sequence analysis was performed for all 48 strains. RESULTS: All isolates were susceptible to amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, gentamicin, clindamycin (except three), vancomycin, linezolid and nitrofurantoin, whereas 100% and 85% were resistant to ciprofloxacin/metronidazole and co-trimoxazole, respectively. Greater than or equal to 90% of isolates were susceptible to the other tested fluoroquinolones, and only one strain was highly resistant to levofloxacin (MIC ?32 mg/L) and moxifloxacin (MIC 8 mg/L). All isolates that were susceptible or low-level resistant to levofloxacin/moxifloxacin (n?=?47) showed identical GyrA and ParC amino acid QRDR sequences. In contrast, the isolate exhibiting high-level resistance to levofloxacin and moxifloxacin possessed a unique mutation in GyrA, Ala83Val (Escherichia coli numbering), whereas no mutation was present in ParC. CONCLUSIONS: When an infection caused by A. schaalii is suspected, there is a risk of clinical failure by treating with ciprofloxacin or co-trimoxazole, and ?-lactams should be preferred. In addition, acquired resistance to fluoroquinolones more active against Gram-positive bacteria is possible.
Huntington's disease (HD) pathology is well understood at a histological level but a comprehensive molecular analysis of the effect of the disease in the human brain has not previously been available. To elucidate the molecular phenotype of HD on a genome-wide scale, we compared mRNA profiles from 44 human HD brains with those from 36 unaffected controls using microarray analysis. Four brain regions were analyzed: caudate nucleus, cerebellum, prefrontal association cortex [Brodmann's area 9 (BA9)] and motor cortex [Brodmann's area 4 (BA4)]. The greatest number and magnitude of differentially expressed mRNAs were detected in the caudate nucleus, followed by motor cortex, then cerebellum. Thus, the molecular phenotype of HD generally parallels established neuropathology. Surprisingly, no mRNA changes were detected in prefrontal association cortex, thereby revealing subtleties of pathology not previously disclosed by histological methods. To establish that the observed changes were not simply the result of cell loss, we examined mRNA levels in laser-capture microdissected neurons from Grade 1 HD caudate compared to control. These analyses confirmed changes in expression seen in tissue homogenates; we thus conclude that mRNA changes are not attributable to cell loss alone. These data from bona fide HD brains comprise an important reference for hypotheses related to HD and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Proteins secreted from adipose tissue are increasingly recognized to play an important role in the regulation of glucose metabolism. However, much less is known about their effect on lipid metabolism. The fasting-induced adipose factor (FIAF/angiopoietin-like protein 4/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma angiopoietin-related protein) was previously identified as a target of hypolipidemic fibrate drugs and insulin-sensitizing thiazolidinediones. Using transgenic mice that mildly overexpress FIAF in peripheral tissues we show that FIAF is an extremely powerful regulator of lipid metabolism and adiposity. FIAF overexpression caused a 50% reduction in adipose tissue weight, partly by stimulating fatty acid oxidation and uncoupling in fat. In addition, FIAF overexpression increased plasma levels of triglycerides, free fatty acids, glycerol, total cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol. Functional tests indicated that FIAF overexpression severely impaired plasma triglyceride clearance but had no effect on very low density lipoprotein production. The effects of FIAF overexpression were amplified by a high fat diet, resulting in markedly elevated plasma and liver triglycerides, plasma free fatty acids, and plasma glycerol levels, and impaired glucose tolerance in FIAF transgenic mice fed a high fat diet. Remarkably, in mice the full-length form of FIAF was physically associated with HDL, whereas truncated FIAF was associated with low density lipoprotein. In human both full-length and truncated FIAF were associated with HDL. The composite data suggest that via physical association with plasma lipoproteins, FIAF acts as a powerful signal from fat and other tissues to prevent fat storage and stimulate fat mobilization. Our data indicate that disturbances in FIAF signaling might be involved in dyslipidemia.
In the vast majority of bottom-up proteomics studies, protein digestion is performed using only mammalian trypsin. Although it is clearly the best enzyme available, the sole use of trypsin rarely leads to complete sequence coverage, even for abundant proteins. It is commonly assumed that this is because many tryptic peptides are either too short or too long to be identified by RPLC-MS/MS. We show through in silico analysis that 20-30% of the total sequence of three proteomes (Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Homo sapiens) is expected to be covered by Large post-Trypsin Peptides (LpTPs) with M(r) above 3000 Da. We then established size exclusion chromatography to fractionate complex yeast tryptic digests into pools of peptides based on size. We found that secondary digestion of LpTPs followed by LC-MS/MS analysis leads to a significant increase in identified proteins and a 32-50% relative increase in average sequence coverage compared to trypsin digestion alone. Application of the developed strategy to analyze the phosphoproteomes of S. pombe and of a human cell line identified a significant fraction of novel phosphosites. Overall our data indicate that specific targeting of LpTPs can complement standard bottom-up workflows to reveal a largely neglected portion of the proteome.
Profiling microRNA (miRNA) expression is of widespread interest given the critical role of miRNAs in many cellular functions. Profiling can be achieved via hybridization-based (microarrays), sequencing-based, or amplification-based (quantitative reverse transcription-PCR, qPCR) technologies. Among these, microarrays face the significant challenge of accurately distinguishing between mature and immature miRNA forms, and different vendors have developed different methods to meet this challenge. Here we measure differential miRNA expression using the Affymetrix, Agilent, and Illumina microarray platforms, as well as qPCR (Applied Biosystems) and ultra high-throughput sequencing (Illumina). We show that the differential expression measurements are more divergent when the three types of microarrays are compared than when the Agilent microarray, qPCR, and sequencing technology measurements are compared, which exhibit a good overall concordance.
The human genome encodes the blueprint of life, but the function of the vast majority of its nearly three billion bases is unknown. The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project has systematically mapped regions of transcription, transcription factor association, chromatin structure and histone modification. These data enabled us to assign biochemical functions for 80% of the genome, in particular outside of the well-studied protein-coding regions. Many discovered candidate regulatory elements are physically associated with one another and with expressed genes, providing new insights into the mechanisms of gene regulation. The newly identified elements also show a statistical correspondence to sequence variants linked to human disease, and can thereby guide interpretation of this variation. Overall, the project provides new insights into the organization and regulation of our genes and genome, and is an expansive resource of functional annotations for biomedical research.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear hormone receptors that can be activated by fatty acids and peroxisome proliferators. The PPAR alpha subtype mediates the pleiotropic effects of these activators in liver and regulates several target genes involved in fatty acid catabolism. In primary hepatocytes cultured in vitro, the PPAR alpha gene is regulated at the transcriptional level by glucocorticoids. We investigated if this hormonal regulation also occurs in the whole animal in physiological situations leading to increased plasma corticosterone levels in rats. We show here that an immobilization stress is a potent and rapid stimulator of PPAR alpha expression in liver but not in hippocampus. The injection of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone into adult rats produces a similar increase in PPAR alpha expression in liver, whereas the administration of the antiglucocorticoid RU 486 inhibits the stress-dependent stimulation. We conclude that glucocorticoids are major mediators of the stress response. Consistent with this hormonal regulation, hepatic PPAR alpha mRNA and protein levels follow a diurnal rhythm, which parallels that of circulating corticosterone. To test the effects of variations in PPAR alpha expression on PPAR alpha target gene activity, high glucocorticoid-dependent PPAR alpha expression was mimicked in cultured primary hepatocytes. Under these conditions, hormonal stimulation of receptor expression synergizes with receptor activation by WY-14,643 to induce the expression of the PPAR alpha target gene acyl-CoA oxidase. Together, these results show that regulation of the PPAR alpha expression levels efficiently modulates PPAR activator signaling and thus may affect downstream metabolic pathways involved in lipid homeostasis.
We investigate the evolutionary history of the greater white-toothed shrew across its distribution in northern Africa and mainland Europe using sex-specific (mtDNA and Y chromosome) and biparental (X chromosome) markers. All three loci confirm a large divergence between eastern (Tunisia and Sardinia) and western (Morocco and mainland Europe) lineages, and application of a molecular clock to mtDNA divergence estimates indicates a more ancient separation (2.25 M yr ago) than described by some previous studies, supporting claims for taxonomic revision. Moroccan ancestry for the mainland European population is inconclusive from phylogenetic trees, but is supported by greater nucleotide diversity and a more ancient population expansion in Morocco than in Europe. Signatures of rapid population expansion in mtDNA, combined with low X and Y chromosome diversity, suggest a single colonization of mainland Europe by a small number of Moroccan shrews >38 K yr ago. This study illustrates that multilocus genetic analyses can facilitate the interpretation of species' evolutionary history but that phylogeographic inference using X and Y chromosomes is restricted by low levels of observed polymorphism.
Arising from either retrotransposition or genomic duplication of functional genes, pseudogenes are "genomic fossils" valuable for exploring the dynamics and evolution of genes and genomes. Pseudogene identification is an important problem in computational genomics, and is also critical for obtaining an accurate picture of a genome's structure and function. However, no consensus computational scheme for defining and detecting pseudogenes has been developed thus far. As part of the ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project, we have compared several distinct pseudogene annotation strategies and found that different approaches and parameters often resulted in rather distinct sets of pseudogenes. We subsequently developed a consensus approach for annotating pseudogenes (derived from protein coding genes) in the ENCODE regions, resulting in 201 pseudogenes, two-thirds of which originated from retrotransposition. A survey of orthologs for these pseudogenes in 28 vertebrate genomes showed that a significant fraction ( approximately 80%) of the processed pseudogenes are primate-specific sequences, highlighting the increasing retrotransposition activity in primates. Analysis of sequence conservation and variation also demonstrated that most pseudogenes evolve neutrally, and processed pseudogenes appear to have lost their coding potential immediately or soon after their emergence. In order to explore the functional implication of pseudogene prevalence, we have extensively examined the transcriptional activity of the ENCODE pseudogenes. We performed systematic series of pseudogene-specific RACE analyses. These, together with complementary evidence derived from tiling microarrays and high throughput sequencing, demonstrated that at least a fifth of the 201 pseudogenes are transcribed in one or more cell lines or tissues.
PPARs (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors) alpha, beta/delta and gamma are a group of transcription factors that are involved in numerous processes, including lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. By comparing liver mRNAs of wild-type and PPARalpha-null mice using microarrays, a novel putative target gene of PPARalpha, G0S2 (G0/G1 switch gene 2), was identified. Hepatic expression of G0S2 was up-regulated by fasting and by the PPARalpha agonist Wy14643 in a PPARalpha-dependent manner. Surprisingly, the G0S2 mRNA level was highest in brown and white adipose tissue and was greatly up-regulated during mouse 3T3-L1 and human SGBS (Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome) adipogenesis. Transactivation, gel shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicated that G0S2 is a direct PPARgamma and probable PPARalpha target gene with a functional PPRE (PPAR-responsive element) in its promoter. Up-regulation of G0S2 mRNA seemed to be specific for adipogenesis, and was not observed during osteogenesis or myogenesis. In 3T3-L1 fibroblasts, expression of G0S2 was associated with growth arrest, which is required for 3T3-L1 adipogenesis. Together, these data indicate that G0S2 is a novel target gene of PPARs that may be involved in adipocyte differentiation.