142 resultados para Psychotherapy of PE
This article illustrates some of the specific aspects of the psychotherapeutic approach with medically ill patients. Our considerations are based on our daily work in CL Psychiatry and refer to the psychodynamic model, rooted in Freudian's thought. Characteristics are the setting, as well as the relationship with the patient and the interactions with the physicians as the "emergence" of the suffering body within the therapy. We therefore adopt specific approaches such as the work with the Auxiliary Ego and the narrative reconstruction. This paper illustrates our experiences applying the mentioned tools with patients suffering from chronic pain and cancer.
AIMS: To investigate empirically the hypothesized relationship between counsellor motivational interviewing (MI) skills and patient change talk (CT) by analysing the articulation between counsellor behaviours and patient language during brief motivational interventions (BMI) addressing at-risk alcohol consumption. DESIGN: Sequential analysis of psycholinguistic codes obtained by two independent raters using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code (MISC), version 2.0. SETTING: Secondary analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of BMI in an emergency department. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 97 patients tape-recorded when receiving BMI. MEASUREMENTS: MISC variables were categorized into three counsellor behaviours (MI-consistent, MI-inconsistent and 'other') and three kinds of patient language (CT, counter-CT (CCT) and utterances not linked with the alcohol topic). Observed transition frequencies, conditional probabilities and significance levels based on odds ratios were computed using sequential analysis software. FINDINGS: MI-consistent behaviours were the only counsellor behaviours that were significantly more likely to be followed by patient CT. Those behaviours were significantly more likely to be followed by patient change exploration (CT and CCT) while MI-inconsistent behaviours and 'other' counsellor behaviours were significantly more likely to be followed by utterances not linked with the alcohol topic and significantly less likely to be followed by CT. MI-consistent behaviours were more likely after change exploration, whereas 'other' counsellor behaviours were more likely only after utterances not linked with the alcohol topic. CONCLUSIONS: Findings lend support to the hypothesized relationship between MI-consistent behaviours and CT, highlight the importance of patient influence on counsellor behaviour and emphasize the usefulness of MI techniques and spirit during brief interventions targeting change enhancement.
Aims: (i) To describe the prevalence and profile of newly diagnosed cancer patients motivated for psychotherapy and (ii) To evaluate its effectiveness.Methods: Between 2006 and 2009, every new patient of the Oncology Service of the University Hospital Lausanne was informed of the opportunity to benefit from psychotherapeutic support. Patients were randomly assigned to an immediate or delayed (4 month waiting list) psychodynamicoriented psychotherapeutic intervention, formalized as short intervention (1-4 sessions) or brief psychotherapy (16 sessions). Patients with no interest were asked to participate in an observational group. Socio-demographic and medical data, anxiety and depression (HADS, SCL-90), alexithymia (TAS) and quality of life were evaluated for all groups at baseline and 1, 4, 8 and 12-months follow-up. Results: Of 1973 patients approached, 1024 were excluded, mainly because of organisational reasons (living too far away, interfering treatments, etc.), ageN75 years, life expectancyb1 year or language difficulties. One fourth (N=530) refused to participate and 229 patients accepted to be followed in the observational group. Patients interested in psychological support (N=190, 94 in immediate and 96 in delayed intervention) were younger, predominantly female and symptomatic (higher depression and anxiety scores); 56% engaged in 1-4 and 44% in 16 sessions.Conclusions: The naturalistic design of this study revealed relevant questions regarding (i) the design of such studies (untargeted intervention, choice of measurement, etc.), (ii) the type of interventions (pro-active approaches of men, those unable to speak the language or who can not leave home) and (iii) the profile of patients accepting support. A complete analysis will be presented at the congress.Keywords: Psychotherapy, psycho-oncology, cancer, methodology, interventions
La clinique systémique est trop souvent identifiée à la thérapie de couple ou de famille au détriment de la psychothérapie individuelle. Cet article présente les résultats d'un groupe de travail de thérapeutes systémiciens qui ont longuement réfléchi à cette question. Après une revue bibliographique commentée sur le sujet, il propose un certain nombre de points critiques concernant la clinique de la psychothérapie individuelle d'orientation systémique. Systems therapy is too often identified with couple or family therapy to the detriment of individual psychotherapy. This paper presents the results of a group of systems oriented therapists who have reflected on this question in depth. After a review of literature on the subject, this group advances key points concerning the practice of systems oriented individual psychotherapy.
BACKGROUND: Long-term therapy with natalizumab increases the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). OBJECTIVES: We present a patient study through therapy, the diagnosis of PML (after 29 infusions), plasma exchange (PE) and development of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). METHODS: Routine diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), immunological status (flow cytometry, T-cell migration assays and T-cell repertoire analysis), and brain biopsy with immunohistological analysis. RESULTS: CD49d decreased after 12 months of treatment. At PML diagnosis, CD49d expression and migratory capacity of T cells was low and peripheral T-cell receptor (TCR) complexity showed severe perturbations. The distribution of peripheral monocytes changed from CCR5+ to CCR7+. After PE some changes reverted: CD49d increased and overshot earliest levels, migratory capacities of T cells recovered and peripheral TCR complexity increased. With no clinical, routine laboratory or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) changes, MRI 2 months after PE demonstrated progressive lesion development. Brain histopathology confirmed the presence of infiltrates indicative of IRIS without clinical signs, immunologically accompanied by CCR7/CCR5 recovery of peripheral monocytes. CONCLUSION: Natalizumab-associated immunological changes accompanying PML were reversible after PE; IRIS can occur very late, remain asymptomatic and be elusive to CSF analysis. Our study may provide insights into the changes under treatment with natalizumab associated with JC virus control.
OBJECTIVES: We aimed to (i) evaluate psychological distress in adolescent survivors of childhood cancer and compare them to siblings and a norm population; (ii) compare the severity of distress of distressed survivors and siblings with that of psychotherapy patients; and (iii) determine risk factors for psychological distress in survivors. METHODS: We sent a questionnaire to all childhood cancer survivors aged <16 years when diagnosed, who had survived ≥ 5 years and were aged 16-19 years at the time of study. Our control groups were same-aged siblings, a norm population, and psychotherapy patients. Psychological distress was measured with the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18) assessing somatization, depression, anxiety, and a global severity index (GSI). Participants with a T-score ≥ 57 were defined as distressed. We used logistic regression to determine risk factors. RESULTS: We evaluated the BSI-18 in 407 survivors and 102 siblings. Fifty-two survivors (13%) and 11 siblings (11%) had scores above the distress threshold (T ≥ 57). Distressed survivors scored significantly higher in somatization (p=0.027) and GSI (p=0.016) than distressed siblings, and also scored higher in somatization (p ≤ 0.001) and anxiety (p=0.002) than psychotherapy patients. In the multivariable regression, psychological distress was associated with female sex, self-reported late effects, and low perceived parental support. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of survivors did not report psychological distress. However, the severity of distress of distressed survivors exceeded that of distressed siblings and psychotherapy patients. Systematic psychological follow-up can help to identify survivors at risk and support them during the challenging period of adolescence.
Psychodynamic therapists are often suspicious of positive emotions and consider them to be nothing more than a form of denial or of another defense aiming to diminish painful or difficult affects. Positive emotions seem to exist only through the absence of negative emotions or as something that may happen outside of therapy. On the other hand, clinicians also agree that psychoanalytic work could not be successful without such positive emotions as interest, pleasure, surprise and creativity. Contemporary psychoanalytic thinking and new research findings in the area of relationship regulation are likely to give positive emotions an increasingly prominent place in dynamically oriented therapies. With today's emphasis on the therapeutic relationship and intersubjectivity, the time appears right to integrate positive emotions more formally into psychodynamic clinical theories.
OBJECTIVES: Mindfulness is a concept of growing impact on psychotherapy and has been shown to be effective for stress reduction and to improve psychological well-being. Existential Behavioural Therapy (EBT) was developed to support relatives of palliative care (PC) patients to cope with their situation during caregiving and bereavement. Mindfulness training was a core element of the intervention. We investigated the relationship between mindfulness, mental distress, and psychological well-being in informal caregivers, and evaluated if the effects of the intervention were mediated by mindfulness. METHODS: Relatives of PC inpatients took part in a randomized-controlled EBT trial and completed the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised, items from the Five Facets of Mindfulness as well as the Brief Symptom Inventory, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the WHOQOL-BREF, a numerical rating scale on quality of life (range 0-10), and the Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation at pre- and post-intervention, and a 3- and 12-months follow-up. RESULTS: One-hundred-and-thirty carers were included, most of them (71.6%) recently being bereaved at the beginning of the intervention. High correlations between mindfulness and mental distress (r = -0.51, p < 0.001) as well as life satisfaction (r = 0.52, p < 0.001) were found. Mindfulness was a significant predictor of improvement in psychological distress, meaning in life and quality of life three months after the intervention. The EBT effects were partly mediated by mindfulness. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: Mindfulness seems to be a promising concept in supporting informal caregivers of PC patients. Further research is needed to identify the required format and intensity of mindfulness practice necessary for improvement.
BACKGROUND: The Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) estimates the risk of 30-day mortality in patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). We constructed a simplified version of the PESI. METHODS: The study retrospectively developed a simplified PESI clinical prediction rule for estimating the risk of 30-day mortality in a derivation cohort of Spanish outpatients. Simplified and original PESI performances were compared in the derivation cohort. The simplified PESI underwent retrospective external validation in an independent multinational cohort (Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad Tromboembólica [RIETE] cohort) of outpatients. RESULTS: In the derivation data set, univariate logistic regression of the original 11 PESI variables led to the removal of variables that did not reach statistical significance and subsequently produced the simplified PESI that contained the variables of age, cancer, chronic cardiopulmonary disease, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and oxyhemoglobin saturation levels. The prognostic accuracy of the original and simplified PESI scores did not differ (area under the curve, 0.75 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.69-0.80]). The 305 of 995 patients (30.7%) who were classified as low risk by the simplified PESI had a 30-day mortality of 1.0% (95% CI, 0.0%-2.1%) compared with 10.9% (8.5%-13.2%) in the high-risk group. In the RIETE validation cohort, 2569 of 7106 patients (36.2%) who were classified as low risk by the simplified PESI had a 30-day mortality of 1.1% (95% CI, 0.7%-1.5%) compared with 8.9% (8.1%-9.8%) in the high-risk group. CONCLUSION: The simplified PESI has similar prognostic accuracy and clinical utility and greater ease of use compared with the original PESI.
Individual systems-oriented psychotherapy: a therapy without family? - Pursuing and deepening the reflections of a task force of the CEF in Lausanne dedicated to individual systems-oriented psychotherapy, the author raises the question of the legitimacy of such a practice for systemic therapists : are systemic thought and clinical practice to be allowed to take an interest in the individual ? The ideological stakes having been better identified, the article can address the methodological and technical issues involved in this type of psychotherapy, and more succinctly, those of training in such a practice.
Knowledge of T(1) relaxation times can be important for accurate relative and absolute quantification of brain metabolites, for sensitivity optimizations, for characterizing molecular dynamics, and for studying changes induced by various pathological conditions. (1)H T(1) relaxation times of a series of brain metabolites, including J-coupled ones, were determined using a progressive saturation (PS) technique that was validated with an adiabatic inversion-recovery (IR) method. The (1)H T(1) relaxation times of 16 functional groups of the neurochemical profile were measured at 14.1T and 9.4T. Overall, the T(1) relaxation times found at 14.1T were, within the experimental error, identical to those at 9.4T. The T(1)s of some coupled spin resonances of the neurochemical profile were measured for the first time (e.g., those of gamma-aminobutyrate [GABA], aspartate [Asp], alanine [Ala], phosphoethanolamine [PE], glutathione [GSH], N-acetylaspartylglutamate [NAAG], and glutamine [Gln]). Our results suggest that T(1) does not increase substantially beyond 9.4T. Furthermore, the similarity of T(1) among the metabolites (approximately 1.5 s) suggests that T(1) relaxation time corrections for metabolite quantification are likely to be similar when using rapid pulsing conditions. We therefore conclude that the putative T(1) increase of metabolites has a minimal impact on sensitivity when increasing B(0) beyond 9.4T.
Abstract Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterized by both maladaptive thinking and problematic schemas. Kramer and colleagues (2011) showed that using the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship (MOTR), based on the individualized understanding of the patient according to Plan Analysis (Caspar, 2007), can improve treatment outcomes for BPD. The present process-outcome pilot study aimed to examine the effects of the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship on the cognitive biases of patients with BPD. Change in biased cognitions in N=10 patients who were subject to MOTR was compared to that of N=10 patients who received psychiatric-psychodynamic treatment (Gunderson & Links, 2008). Results show a greater decrease in over-generalizations in patients who received MOTR, compared to the patients who received the psychiatric-psychodynamic treatment. These changes were related to outcome in various ways. These findings underline the importance of an individualized case formulation method in bringing about therapeutic change.
Background The PEmb-QoL is a validated 40-item questionnaire to quantify health-related quality of life in patients having experienced pulmonary embolism (PE). It covers six health dimensions: frequency of complaints, activities of daily living limitations, work-related problems, social limitations, intensity of complaints, and emotional complaints. Originally developed in Dutch and English, we sought to prospectively validate the psychometric properties of a French version of the PEmb-QoL.MethodsWe performed a forward and backward translation of the English version of the PEmb-QoL into French. French-speaking consecutive adult patients with an acute, objectively confirmed PE admitted to the emergency department of a Swiss university hospital between 08/2009 and 09/2011 were recruited telephonically. We used standard psychometric tests and criteria to evaluate the acceptability, reliability, and validity of the French version of the PEmb-QoL. We also performed an exploratory factor analysis.ResultsOverall, 102 patients were enrolled in the study. The French version of the PEmb-QoL showed good reliability (internal consistency, item¿total and inter-item correlations), reproducibility (test-retest reliability), and validity (convergent, discriminant) in French-speaking patients with PE. The exploratory factor analysis suggested three underlying dimensions: limitations in daily activity (items 4b-m, 5a-d), symptoms (items 1a-h and 7), and emotional complaints (items 9a-f and j).ConclusionWe successfully validated the French version of the PEmb-QoL questionnaire in patients with PE. Our results show that the PEmb-QoL is a valuable tool for assessing health-related quality of life after PE in French-speaking patients.
BACKGROUND: Existential behavioural therapy (EBT) was developed to support informal caregivers of palliative patients in the last stage of life and during bereavement as a manualised group psychotherapy comprising six sessions. We tested the effectiveness of EBT on mental stress and quality of life (QOL). METHODS: Informal caregivers were randomly assigned (1:1) to EBT or a treatment-as-usual control group using computer-generated numbers in blocks of 10. Primary outcomes were assessed with the Brief Symptom Inventory (subscales somatisation, anxiety and depression), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), the WHOQOL-BREF and a numeric rating scale for QOL (QOL-NRS, range 0-10). Data were collected at baseline, pre-treatment, post-treatment and follow-ups after 3 and 12âeuro0/00months. Treatment effects were assessed with a multivariate analysis of covariance. RESULTS: Out of 160 relatives, 81 were assigned to EBT and 79 to the control group. Participants were 54.5âeuro0/00±âeuro0/0013.2âeuro0/00years old; 69.9% were female. The multivariate model was significant for the pre-/post-comparison (pâeuro0/00=âeuro0/000.005) and the pre-/12-month comparison (pâeuro0/00=âeuro0/000.05) but not for the pre-/3-month comparison. Medium to large effects on anxiety and QOL (SWLS, WHOQOL-BREF, QOL-NRS) were found at post-treatment; medium effects on depression and QOL (QOL-NRS) emerged in the 12-month follow-up. No adverse effects of the intervention were observed. CONCLUSION: Existential behavioural therapy appears to exert beneficial effects on distress and QOL of informal caregivers of palliative patients. Further longitudinal evidence is needed to confirm these findings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The assimilation of problematic experiences has been studied as change processes in psychotherapies of different client populations. Several theory-building case studies using the assimilation model have shown how important a meaning bridge is in such change processes. In a client presenting schizoid personality disorder the creation of meaning as an affect-evoking process may be a particularly important stage in the change process. The present case study aims to apply the assimilation model to a psychotherapy process with a highly disturbed client and focuses on the creation of a meaning bridge in the process. Moreover, the assimilation analysis focuses on the effect of an external person, i.e. the partner or the therapist, when responding to the client's unassimilated problematic experiences. Their effects on the client's assimilation processes are discussed.