130 resultados para Percepció 3D


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We use cryo-electron microscopy to compare 3D shapes of 158 bp long DNA minicircles that differ only in the sequence within an 18 bp block containing either a TATA box or a catabolite activator protein binding site. We present a sorting algorithm that correlates the reconstructed shapes and groups them into distinct categories. We conclude that the presence of the TATA box sequence, which is believed to be easily bent, does not significantly affect the observed shapes.


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In this paper we present a new method to track bonemovements in stereoscopic X-ray image series of the kneejoint. The method is based on two different X-ray imagesets: a rotational series of acquisitions of the stillsubject knee that will allow the tomographicreconstruction of the three-dimensional volume (model),and a stereoscopic image series of orthogonal projectionsas the subject performs movements. Tracking the movementsof bones throughout the stereoscopic image series meansto determine, for each frame, the best pose of everymoving element (bone) previously identified in the 3Dreconstructed model. The quality of a pose is reflectedin the similarity between its simulated projections andthe actual radiographs. We use direct Fourierreconstruction to approximate the three-dimensionalvolume of the knee joint. Then, to avoid the expensivecomputation of digitally rendered radiographs (DRR) forpose recovery, we reformulate the tracking problem in theFourier domain. Under the hypothesis of parallel X-raybeams, we use the central-slice-projection theorem toreplace the heavy 2D-to-3D registration of projections inthe signal domain by efficient slice-to-volumeregistration in the Fourier domain. Focusing onrotational movements, the translation-relevant phaseinformation can be discarded and we only consider scalarFourier amplitudes. The core of our motion trackingalgorithm can be implemented as a classical frame-wiseslice-to-volume registration task. Preliminary results onboth synthetic and real images confirm the validity ofour approach.


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In three-dimensional (3D) coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), the in-flow contrast between the coronary blood and the surrounding myocardium is attenuated as compared to thin-slab two-dimensional (2D) techniques. The application of a gadolinium (Gd)-based intravascular contrast agent may provide an additional source of signal and contrast by reducing T(1blood) and supporting the visualization of more distal or branching segments of the coronary arterial tree. In six healthy adults, the left coronary artery (LCA) system was imaged pre- and postcontrast with a 0.075-mmol/kg bodyweight dose of the intravascular contrast agent B-22956. For imaging, an optimized free-breathing, navigator-gated and -corrected 3D inversion recovery (IR) sequence was used. For comparison, state-of-the-art baseline 3D coronary MRA with T(2) preparation for non-exogenous contrast enhancement was acquired. The combination of IR 3D coronary MRA, sophisticated navigator technology, and B-22956 allowed for an extensive visualization of the LCA system. Postcontrast, a significant increase in both the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR; 46%, P < 0.05) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR; 160%, P < 0.01) was observed, while vessel sharpness of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery and the left coronary circumflex (LCX) were improved by 20% (P < 0.05) and 18% (P < 0.05), respectively.


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Xenobiotic exposure is a risk factor in the etiology of neurodegenerative disease. It was recently hypothesized that restricted exposure during brain development could predispose for a neurodegenerative disease later in life. As neuroinflammation contributes to progressive neurodegeneration, it is suspected that neurodevelopmental xenobiotic exposure could elicit a neuroinflammatory process, which over time may assume a detrimental character. We investigated the neurotoxic effects of paraquat (PQ) in three-dimensional whole rat brain cell cultures, exposed during an early differentiation stage, comparing immediate effects-directly post exposure-with long-term effects, 20 days after interrupted PQ-administration. Adverse effects and neuroinflammatory responses were assessed by measuring changes in gene- and protein-expression as well as by determining cell morphology changes. Differentiating neural cultures were highly susceptible to PQ and showed neuronal damage and strong astrogliosis. After the 20-day washout period, neurons partially recovered, whereas astrogliosis persisted, and was accompanied by microglial activation of a neurodegenerative phenotype. Our data shows that immediate and long-term effects of subchronic PQ-exposure differ. Also, PQ-exposure during this window of extensive neuronal differentiation led to a delayed microglial activation, of a character that could promote further pro-inflammatory signals that enable prolonged inflammation, thereby fueling further neurodegeneration.


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Background: To compare the different schemes that have been proposed during the last thirteen years to explain the renewal of the corneal epithelium. Material and Methods:We analyzed all the data present in the literature to explain the renewal of the corneal epithelium in mammals. According to the schemes proposed in the literature we developed a 3D animation to facilitate the understanding of the different concepts. Results:Three different schemes have been proposed to explain the renewal of the corneal epithelium in mammals during the last thirteen years. 1950-1981: the corneal epithelium was thought being renewed by mitosis of cells located in the basal layer. At this time scientist were not talking about stem cells. 1981-1986 was the period of the "XYZ hypothesis" or the transdifferentiation paradigm. At this time the conjunctival epithelium renewed the corneal epithelium in a centripetal migration. 1986-2008: the limbal stem cell paradigm, there were no stem cells in the corneal epithelium, all the corneal stem cells were located in the limbus and renewed the central cornea after a migration of 6 to 7 mm of transient amplifying cells toward the centre of the cornea. 2008, epithelial stem cells were found in the central cornea in mammals (Nature, Majo et al. November 2008). Discussion:We thought that the renewal of the corneal epithelium was completely defined. According to the last results we published in Nature, the current paradigm will be revisited. The experiments we made were on animals and the final demonstration on human has still to be done. If we find the same results in human, a new paradigm will be define and will change the way we consider ocular surface therapy and reconstruction.


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3D dose reconstruction is a verification of the delivered absorbed dose. Our aim was to describe and evaluate a 3D dose reconstruction method applied to phantoms in the context of narrow beams. A solid water phantom and a phantom containing a bone-equivalent material were irradiated on a 6 MV linac. The transmitted dose was measured by using one array of a 2D ion chamber detector. The dose reconstruction was obtained by an iterative algorithm. A phantom set-up error and organ interfraction motion were simulated to test the algorithm sensitivity. In all configurations convergence was obtained within three iterations. A local reconstructed dose agreement of at least 3% / 3mm with respect to the planned dose was obtained, except in a few points of the penumbra. The reconstructed primary fluences were consistent with the planned ones, which validates the whole reconstruction process. The results validate our method in a simple geometry and for narrow beams. The method is sensitive to a set-up error of a heterogeneous phantom and interfraction heterogeneous organ motion.


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Predictive groundwater modeling requires accurate information about aquifer characteristics. Geophysical imaging is a powerful tool for delineating aquifer properties at an appropriate scale and resolution, but it suffers from problems of ambiguity. One way to overcome such limitations is to adopt a simultaneous multitechnique inversion strategy. We have developed a methodology for aquifer characterization based on structural joint inversion of multiple geophysical data sets followed by clustering to form zones and subsequent inversion for zonal parameters. Joint inversions based on cross-gradient structural constraints require less restrictive assumptions than, say, applying predefined petro-physical relationships and generally yield superior results. This approach has, for the first time, been applied to three geophysical data types in three dimensions. A classification scheme using maximum likelihood estimation is used to determine the parameters of a Gaussian mixture model that defines zonal geometries from joint-inversion tomograms. The resulting zones are used to estimate representative geophysical parameters of each zone, which are then used for field-scale petrophysical analysis. A synthetic study demonstrated how joint inversion of seismic and radar traveltimes and electrical resistance tomography (ERT) data greatly reduces misclassification of zones (down from 21.3% to 3.7%) and improves the accuracy of retrieved zonal parameters (from 1.8% to 0.3%) compared to individual inversions. We applied our scheme to a data set collected in northeastern Switzerland to delineate lithologic subunits within a gravel aquifer. The inversion models resolve three principal subhorizontal units along with some important 3D heterogeneity. Petro-physical analysis of the zonal parameters indicated approximately 30% variation in porosity within the gravel aquifer and an increasing fraction of finer sediments with depth.


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PURPOSE: To compare 3 different flow targeted magnetization preparation strategies for coronary MR angiography (cMRA), which allow selective visualization of the vessel lumen. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The right coronary artery of 10 healthy subjects was investigated on a 1.5 Tesla MR system (Gyroscan ACS-NT, Philips Healthcare, Best, NL). A navigator-gated and ECG-triggered 3D radial steady-state free-precession (SSFP) cMRA sequence with 3 different magnetization preparation schemes was performed referred to as projection SSFP (selective labeling of the aorta, subtraction of 2 data sets), LoReIn SSFP (double-inversion preparation, selective labeling of the aorta, 1 data set), and inflow SSFP (inversion preparation, selective labeling of the coronary artery, 1 data set). Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the coronary artery and aorta, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) between the coronary artery and epicardial fat, vessel length and vessel sharpness were analyzed. RESULTS: All cMRA sequences were successfully obtained in all subjects. Both projection SSFP and LoReIn SSFP allowed for selective visualization of the coronary arteries with excellent background suppression. Scan time was doubled in projection SSFP because of the need for subtraction of 2 data sets. In inflow SSFP, background suppression was limited to the tissue included in the inversion volume. Projection SSFP (SNR(coro): 25.6 +/- 12.1; SNR(ao): 26.1 +/- 16.8; CNR(coro-fat): 22.0 +/- 11.7) and inflow SSFP (SNR(coro): 27.9 +/- 5.4; SNR(ao): 37.4 +/- 9.2; CNR(coro-fat): 24.9 +/- 4.8) yielded significantly increased SNR and CNR compared with LoReIn SSFP (SNR(coro): 12.3 +/- 5.4; SNR(ao): 11.8 +/- 5.8; CNR(coro-fat): 9.8 +/- 5.5; P &lt; 0.05 for both). Longest visible vessel length was found with projection SSFP (79.5 mm +/- 18.9; P &lt; 0.05 vs. LoReIn) whereas vessel sharpness was best in inflow SSFP (68.2% +/- 4.5%; P &lt; 0.05 vs. LoReIn). Consistently good image quality was achieved using inflow SSFP likely because of the simple planning procedure and short scanning time. CONCLUSION: Three flow targeted cMRA approaches are presented, which provide selective visualization of the coronary vessel lumen and in addition blood flow information without the need of contrast agent administration. Inflow SSFP yielded highest SNR, CNR and vessel sharpness and may prove useful as a fast and efficient approach for assessing proximal and mid vessel coronary blood flow, whereas requiring less planning skills than projection SSFP or LoReIn SSFP.


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The authors compared radial steady-state free precession (SSFP) coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiography, cartesian k-space sampling SSFP coronary MR angiography, and gradient-echo coronary MR angiography in 16 healthy adults and four pilot study patients. Standard gradient-echo MR imaging with a T2 preparatory pulse and cartesian k-space sampling was the reference technique. Image quality was compared by using subjective motion artifact level and objective contrast-to-noise ratio and vessel sharpness. Radial SSFP, compared with cartesian SSFP and gradient-echo MR angiography, resulted in reduced motion artifacts and superior vessel sharpness. Cartesian SSFP resulted in increased motion artifacts (P <.05). Contrast-to-noise ratio with radial SSFP was lower than that with cartesian SSFP and similar to that with the reference technique. Radial SSFP coronary MR angiography appears preferable because of improved definition of vessel borders.


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During conventional x-ray coronary angiography, multiple projections of the coronary arteries are acquired to define coronary anatomy precisely. Due to time constraints, coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) usually provides only one or two views of the major coronary vessels. A coronary MRA approach that allowed for reconstruction of arbitrary isotropic orientations might therefore be desirable. The purpose of the study was to develop a three-dimensional (3D) coronary MRA technique with isotropic image resolution in a relatively short scanning time that allows for reconstruction of arbitrary views of the coronary arteries without constraints given by anisotropic voxel size. Eight healthy adult subjects were examined using a real-time navigator-gated and corrected free-breathing interleaved echoplanar (TFE-EPI) 3D-MRA sequence. Two 3D datasets were acquired for the left and right coronary systems in each subject, one with anisotropic (1.0 x 1.5 x 3.0 mm, 10 slices) and one with "near" isotropic (1.0 x 1.5 x 1.0 mm, 30 slices) image resolution. All other imaging parameters were maintained. In all cases, the entire left main (LM) and extensive portions of the left anterior descending (LAD) and the right coronary artery (RCA) were visualized. Objective assessment of coronary vessel sharpness was similar (41% +/- 5% vs. 42% +/- 5%; P = NS) between in-plane and through-plane views with "isotropic" voxel size but differed (32% +/- 7% vs. 23% +/- 4%; P < 0.001) with nonisotropic voxel size. In reconstructed views oriented in the through-plane direction, the vessel border was 86% more defined (P < 0.01) for isotropic compared with anisotropic images. A smaller (30%; P < 0.001) improvement was seen for in-plane reconstructions. Vessel diameter measurements were view independent (2.81 +/- 0.45 mm vs. 2.66 +/- 0.52 mm; P = NS) for isotropic, but differed (2.71 +/- 0.51 mm vs. 3.30 +/- 0.38 mm; P < 0.001) between anisotropic views. Average scanning time was 2:31 +/- 0:57 minutes for anisotropic and 7:11 +/- 3:02 minutes for isotropic image resolution (P < 0.001). We present a new approach for "near" isotropic 3D coronary artery imaging, which allows for reconstruction of arbitrary views of the coronary arteries. The good delineation of the coronary arteries in all views suggests that isotropic 3D coronary MRA might be a preferred technique for the assessment of coronary disease, although at the expense of prolonged scan times. Comparative studies with conventional x-ray angiography are needed to investigate the clinical utility of the isotropic strategy.


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With the dramatic increase in the volume of experimental results in every domain of life sciences, assembling pertinent data and combining information from different fields has become a challenge. Information is dispersed over numerous specialized databases and is presented in many different formats. Rapid access to experiment-based information about well-characterized proteins helps predict the function of uncharacterized proteins identified by large-scale sequencing. In this context, universal knowledgebases play essential roles in providing access to data from complementary types of experiments and serving as hubs with cross-references to many specialized databases. This review outlines how the value of experimental data is optimized by combining high-quality protein sequences with complementary experimental results, including information derived from protein 3D-structures, using as an example the UniProt knowledgebase (UniProtKB) and the tools and links provided on its website ( http://www.uniprot.org/ ). It also evokes precautions that are necessary for successful predictions and extrapolations.


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For radiotherapy treatment planning of retinoblastoma inchildhood, Computed Tomography (CT) represents thestandard method for tumor volume delineation, despitesome inherent limitations. CT scan is very useful inproviding information on physical density for dosecalculation and morphological volumetric information butpresents a low sensitivity in assessing the tumorviability. On the other hand, 3D ultrasound (US) allows ahigh accurate definition of the tumor volume thanks toits high spatial resolution but it is not currentlyintegrated in the treatment planning but used only fordiagnosis and follow-up. Our ultimate goal is anautomatic segmentation of gross tumor volume (GTV) in the3D US, the segmentation of the organs at risk (OAR) inthe CT and the registration of both. In this paper, wepresent some preliminary results in this direction. Wepresent 3D active contour-based segmentation of the eyeball and the lens in CT images; the presented approachincorporates the prior knowledge of the anatomy by usinga 3D geometrical eye model. The automated segmentationresults are validated by comparing with manualsegmentations. Then, for the fusion of 3D CT and USimages, we present two approaches: (i) landmark-basedtransformation, and (ii) object-based transformation thatmakes use of eye ball contour information on CT and USimages.