124 resultados para Older consumers


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The thermogenic response to a 100 g oral glucose load was studied by indirect calorimetry in 13 older persons (age range, 38-68 years) and compared with that of 16 young matched controls of similar body weight (age range, 19-30 years). The glucose-induced thermogenesis measured over 180 min and expressed as a per cent of the energy content of the glucose load was found to be reduced in the older subjects, i.e., 5.8 +/- 0.3 per cent vs 8.6 +/- 0.7 per cent, P less than 0.002). This was also accompanied by a significant decrease in the glucose oxidation rate when averaged over the same three-hour period following the glucose load, i.e., 153 mg/min vs 213 mg/min in the control subjects (P less than 0.001) despite a similar time course of glycemia. This study suggests that the thermogenic response to an oral glucose load is blunted in older people, and this may represent an additional factor that contributes to the decreased energy requirement with age and therefore to the increased propensity to obesity if energy intake is not adjusted.


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BACKGROUND: Health risks associated with subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults are unclear. Our objective was to compare the functional mobility of people aged 70 to 79 years by thyroid function categorized by thyrotropin (TSH) level as euthyroid (>or=0.4 to <4.5 mIU/L), mild subclinical hypothyroid (>or=4.5 to <7.0 mIU/L), or moderate subclinical hypothyroid (>or=7.0 to <or=20.0 mIU/L with a normal free thyroxine level) cross-sectionally and over 2 years. METHODS: A total of 2290 community-dwelling residents participating in the year 2 clinic visit (July 1998-June 1999) of the Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study, who had measured TSH level, had the capacity to walk 20 m unaided, and were not taking thyroid medication or had TSH levels consistent with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Main outcome measures included self-reported and performance-based measures of mobility (usual and rapid gait speed and endurance walking ability) assessed at study baseline (year 2) and 2 years later. RESULTS: In age- and sex-adjusted analyses, the mild subclinical hypothyroid group (vs the euthyroid group) demonstrated better mobility (faster mean usual and rapid gait speed [1.20 vs 1.15 m/s and 1.65 vs 1.56 m/s, respectively; P < .001] and had a higher percentage of those with good cardiorespiratory fitness and reported walking ease [39.2% vs 28.0% and 44.7% vs 36.5%, respectively; P < .001]). After 2 years, persons with mild subclinical hypothyroidism experienced a similar decline as the euthyroid group but maintained their mobility advantage. Persons with moderate subclinical hypothyroidism had similar mobility and mobility decline as the euthyroid group. CONCLUSION: Generally, well-functioning 70- to 79-year-old individuals with subclinical hypothyroidism do not demonstrate increased risk of mobility problems, and those with mild elevations in TSH level show a slight functional advantage.


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Introduction : bien que la prévalence des syndromes démentiels soit élevée chez les personnes âgées hospitalisées et qu'une proportion non négligeable échappe au diagnostic, la littérature ne fournit que peu de données chez les patients admis en milieu de réadaptation post-aigu. L'objectif principal de ce travail était de déterminer la prévalence des démences, ainsi que la proportion de démences non diagnostiquées dans une population admise dans un centre de réadaptation gériatrique. Ensuite, nous nous sommes intéressés à identifier les caractéristiques des patients associées à une démence non-détectée. Méthode : nous avons utilisé les données de tous les patients âgés de 70 ans et plus admis durant 3 ans dans l'unité de réadaptation du service de gériatrie et réadaptation gériatrique, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vtudois, en excluant les patients décédés pendant l'hospitalisation. Lors de l'admission, des données sociodémographiques, médicales, ainsi que des données concernant le status fonctionnel et mental sont récoltées systématiquement. Par ailleurs, les dossiers des patients ont été examinés pour en extraire les informations quant aux performances cognitive (mini-Mental State Exam, MMSE) et au diagnostic de sortie. Résultats : un diagnostic de démence figurait dans la lettre de sortie de 425 des 1764 patients (24.1%), plus de la moitié présentant une démence de type Alzheimer. Pour 301 de ces 425 patients (70.8%), la démence avait été diagnostiquée durant le séjour de réadaptation. La proportion de démences non-détectées auparavant était plus élevée chez les patients provenant des services de chirurgie/orthopédie que de médecine interne (74.8% vs 65.8%, p=.42). Les patients non diagnostiqués comme déments étaient plus âgés, vivaient plus souvent seuls et avaient de meilleures performances fonctionnelles et cognitives que ceux chez qui le diagnostic avait été posé auparavant. Notamment, un tiers d'entre eux avait un score normal au MMSE. Une analyse multi-variée a mis en évidence deux facteurs prédisposant à la non-détection : l'âge (Odds Ratio (OR) : 2.4 pour le groupe d'âge 85 ans et plus par rapport aux plus jeunes, 96%CI : 1.5-4.0, p=.001) et le score au MMSE (OR : 5.9 lors d'un MMSE normal à l'admission, 96%CI : 2.7-12.7, p<.001) Conclusion et perspectives : cette étude montre qu'environ un quart des patients admis en réadaptation gériatrique souffre de démence, et que cette pathologie n'est pas reconnue chez les trois-quarts d'entre eux. Ces résultats soulignent la nécessité d'un dépistage systématique des troubles cognitifs chez les patients âgés. En effet, en l'absence de détection, ces patients ne peuvent bénéficier d'une prise en charge approprié, incluant non seulement des mesures médicales et pharmacologiques, mais surtout l'information du patient et des proches, dans le but de maintenir une qualité de vie acceptable du patient ainsi que de prévenir l'épuisement des proches et des.soignants. Cette étude incite aussi à être attentif aux signes évocateurs de troubles cognitifs lors de l'interprétation du test MMSE, car un score dans les limites de la norme ne permet pas d'exclure une démence.


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In order to distinguish dysfunctional gait; clinicians require a measure of reference gait parameters for each population. This study provided normative values for widely used parameters in more than 1400 able-bodied adults over the age of 65. We also measured the foot clearance parameters (i.e., height of the foot above ground during swing phase) that are crucial to understand the complex relationship between gait and falls as well as obstacle negotiation strategies. We used a shoe-worn inertial sensor on each foot and previously validated algorithms to extract the gait parameters during 20 m walking trials in a corridor at a self-selected pace. We investigated the difference of the gait parameters between male and female participants by considering the effect of age and height factors. Besides; we examined the inter-relation of the clearance parameters with the gait speed. The sample size and breadth of gait parameters provided in this study offer a unique reference resource for the researchers.


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This research was conducted in the context of the project IRIS 8A Health and Society (2002-2008) and financially supported by the University of Lausanne. It was aomed at developping a model based on the elder people's experience and allowed us to develop a "Portrait evaluation" of fear of falling using their examples and words. It is a very simple evaluation, which can be used by professionals, but by the elder people themselves. The "Portrait evaluation" and the user's guide are on free access, but we would very much approciate to know whether other people or scientists have used it and collect their comments. (contact: Chantal.Piot-Ziegler@unil.ch)The purpose of this study is to create a model grounded in the elderly people's experience allowing the development of an original instrument to evaluate FOF.In a previous study, 58 semi-structured interviews were conducted with community-dwelling elderly people. The qualitative thematic analysis showed that fear of falling was defined through the functional, social and psychological long-term consequences of falls (Piot-Ziegler et al., 2007).In order to reveal patterns in the expression of fear of falling, an original qualitative thematic pattern analysis (QUAlitative Pattern Analysis - QUAPA) is developed and applied on these interviews.The results of this analysis show an internal coherence across the three dimensions (functional, social and psychological). Four different patterns are found, corresponding to four degrees of fear of falling. They are formalized in a fear of falling intensity model.This model leads to a portrait-evaluation for fallers and non-fallers. The evaluation must be confronted to large samples of elderly people, living in different environments. It presents an original alternative to the concept of self-efficacy to evaluate fear of falling in older people.The model of FOF presented in this article is grounded on elderly people's experience. It gives an experiential description of the three dimensions constitutive of FOF and of their evolution as fear increases, and defines an evaluation tool using situations and wordings based on the elderly people's discourse.


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Antiresorptive agents such as bisphosphonates induce a rapid increase of BMD during the 1st year of treatment and a partial maintenance of bone architecture. Trabecular Bone Score (TBS), a new grey-level texture measurement that can be extracted from the DXA image, correlates with 3D parameters of bone micro-architecture. Aim: To evaluate the longitudinal effect of antiresorptive agents on spine BMD and on site-matched spine microarchitecture as assessed by TBS. Methods: From the BMD database for Province of Manitoba, Canada, we selected women age >50 with paired baseline and follow up spine DXA examinations who had not received any prior HRT or other antiresorptive drug.Women were divided in two subgroups: (1) those not receiving any HRT or antiresorptive drug during follow up (=non-users) and (2) those receiving non-HRT antiresorptive drug during follow up (=users) with high adherence (medication possession ratio >75%) from a provincial pharmacy database system. Lumbar spine TBS was derived by the Bone Disease Unit, University of Lausanne, for each spine DXA examination using anonymized files (blinded from clinical parameters and outcomes). Effects of antiresorptive treatment for users and non-users on TBS and BMD at baseline and during mean 3.7 years follow-up were compared. Results were expressed % change per year. Results: 1150 non-users and 534 users met the inclusion criteria. At baseline, users and non-users had a mean age and BMI of [62.2±7.9 vs 66.1±8.0 years] and [26.3±4.7 vs 24.7±4.0 kg/m²] respectively. Antiresorptive drugs received by users were bisphosphonates (86%), raloxifene (10%) and calcitonin (4%). Significant differences in BMD change and TBS change were seen between users and nonusers during follow-up (p<0.0001). Significant decreases in mean BMD and TBS (−0.36± 0.05% per year; −0.31±0.06% per year) were seen for non-users compared with baseline (p<0.001). A significant increase in mean BMD was seen for users compared with baseline (+1.86±0.0% per year, p<0.0018). TBS of users also increased compared with baseline (+0.20±0.08% per year, p<0.001), but more slowly than BMD. Conclusion: We observed a significant increase in spine BMD and a positive maintenance of bone micro-architecture from TBS with antiresorptive treatment, whereas the treatment naïve group lost both density and micro-architecture. TBS seems to be responsive to treatment and could be suitable for monitoring micro-architecture. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ECTS 2011. Disclosure of interest: M.-A. Krieg: None declared, A. Goertzen: None declared, W. Leslie: None declared, D. Hans Consulting fees from Medimaps.


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OBJECTIVE: Acute mountain sickness is a frequent and debilitating complication of high-altitude exposure, but there is little information on the prevalence and time course of acute mountain sickness in children and adolescents after rapid ascent by mechanical transportation to 3500 m, an altitude at which major tourist destinations are located throughout the world. METHODS: We performed serial assessments of acute mountain sickness (Lake Louise scores) in 48 healthy nonacclimatized children and adolescents (mean +/- SD age: 13.7 +/- 0.3 years; 20 girls and 28 boys), with no previous high-altitude experience, 6, 18, and 42 hours after arrival at the Jungfraujoch high-altitude research station (3450 m), which was reached through a 2.5-hour train ascent. RESULTS: We found that the overall prevalence of acute mountain sickness during the first 3 days at high altitude was 37.5%. Rates were similar for the 2 genders and decreased progressively during the stay (25% at 6 hours, 21% at 18 hours, and 8% at 42 hours). None of the subjects needed to be evacuated to lower altitude. Five subjects needed symptomatic treatment and responded well. CONCLUSION: After rapid ascent to high altitude, the prevalence of acute mountain sickness in children and adolescents was relatively low; the clinical manifestations were benign and resolved rapidly. These findings suggest that, for the majority of healthy nonacclimatized children and adolescents, travel to 3500 m is safe and pharmacologic prophylaxis for acute mountain sickness is not needed.


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Context: Subclinical thyroid dysfunction is common in older people. However, its clinical importance is uncertain. Objective: Our objective was to determine the extent to which subclinical hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism influence the risk of heart failure and cardiovascular diseases in older people. Setting and Design: The Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER) is an prospective cohort study. Patients: Patients included men and women aged 70-82 yr (n = 5316) with known cardiovascular risk factors or previous cardiovascular disease. Main Outcome Measures: Incidence rate of heart failure hospitalization, atrial fibrillation, and cardiovascular events and mortality according to baseline thyroid status were evaluated. Euthyroid participants (TSH =0.45-4.5 mIU/liter) were compared with those with subclinical hyperthyroidism (TSH <0.45 mIU/liter) and those with subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH ≥4.5 mIU/liter, both with normal free T(4)). Results: Subclinical hyperthyroidism was present in 71 participants and subclinical hypothyroidism in 199 participants. Over 3.2 yr follow-up, the rate of heart failure was higher for subclinical hyperthyroidism compared with euthyroidism [age- and sex-adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 2.93, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.37-6.24, P = 0.005; multivariate-adjusted HR = 3.27, 95% CI = 1.52-7.02, P = 0.002). Subclinical hypothyroidism (only at threshold >10 mIU/liter) was associated with heart failure (age- and sex-adjusted HR = 3.01, 95% CI = 1.12-8.11, P = 0.029; multivariate HR = 2.28, 95% CI = 0.84-6.23). There were no strong evidence of an association between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and cardiovascular events or mortality, except in those with TSH below 0.1 or over 10 mIU/liter and not taking pravastatin. Conclusion: Older people at high cardiovascular risk with low or very high TSH along with normal free T(4) appear at increased risk of incident heart failure.


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Trust is essential to foster and preserve a long-term relationship between primary care physicians and their patients suffering from chronic diseases. However, this relation remains insufficient to successfully manage more complex situations, such as those of older patients with multiple diseases and disability. For the primary care physician, a significant limitation is the time required to plan and coordinate interventions supplied by different health and social care providers. This article describes a structured approach to support primary care physicians in this difficult task and help them to identify vulnerable older patients requiring to mobilize and coordinate health and social care resources. Current and future resources available to family physicians to complete this challenging task are further described.


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Objectives: To determine the prevalence of dementia and the proportion of undiagnosed dementia in elderly patients admitted to postacute care, and to identify patients' characteristics associated with undiagnosed dementia. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Academic postacute rehabilitation facility in Lausanne, Switzerland. Participants: Patients (N = 1764) aged 70 years and older. Measurements: Data on socio-demographic, medical, functional, and affective status were collected upon admission. Data on cognitive performance (Mini-Mental State Exam [MMSE]), and cognition-related discharge diagnoses were abstracted through a structured review of discharge summaries. Results: Overall, 24.1% (425/1764) patients had a diagnosis of dementia, most frequently secondary to Alzheimer's disease (260/425, 61.2%). Among dementia cases, 70.8% (301/425) were newly diagnosed during postacute stay. This proportion was lower among patients referred from internal medicine than from orthopedic/surgery services (65.8% versus 74.8%, P = .042). Compared to patients with already diagnosed dementia, those newly diagnosed were older, lived alone more frequently, and had better functional status and MMSE score at admission (all P < .05). In multivariate analysis, previously undetected dementia remained associated with older age (OR = 2.4 for age 85 years and older, 95% CI 1.5-4.0, P = .001) and normal MMSE at admission (OR = 5.9, 95% CI 2.7-12.7, P < .001). Conclusion: Dementia was present in almost a fourth of elderly patients referred to postacute care, but was diagnosed in less than a third before admission. Oldest old patients appear especially at risk for underrecognition. These results emphasize the high diagnostic yield of systematic cognitive assessment in the postacute care setting to improve these patients' management and quality of life.