165 resultados para Natural Killer T Cells


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TLR4 (Toll-like receptor 4) is essential for sensing the endotoxin of Gram-negative bacteria. Mutations or deletion of the TLR4 gene in humans or mice have been associated with altered predisposition to or outcome of Gram-negative sepsis. In the present work, we studied the expression and regulation of the Tlr4 gene of mouse. In vivo, TLR4 levels were higher in macrophages compared with B, T or natural killer cells. High basal TLR4 promoter activity was observed in RAW 264.7, J774 and P388D1 macrophages transfected with a TLR4 promoter reporter vector. Analysis of truncated and mutated promoter constructs identified several positive [two Ets (E twenty-six) and one AP-1 (activator protein-1) sites] and negative (a GATA-like site and an octamer site) regulatory elements within 350 bp upstream of the transcriptional start site. The myeloid and B-cell-specific transcription factor PU.1 bound to the proximal Ets site. In contrast, none among PU.1, Ets-1, Ets-2 and Elk-1, but possibly one member of the ESE (epithelium-specific Ets) subfamily of Ets transcription factors, bound to the distal Ets site, which was indispensable for Tlr4 gene transcription. Endotoxin did not affect macrophage TLR4 promoter activity, but it decreased TLR4 steady-state mRNA levels by increasing the turnover of TLR4 transcripts. TLR4 expression was modestly altered by other pro- and anti-inflammatory stimuli, except for PMA plus ionomycin which strongly increased promoter activity and TLR4 mRNA levels. The mouse and human TLR4 genes were highly conserved. Yet, notable differences exist with respect to the elements implicated in gene regulation, which may account for species differences in terms of tissue expression and modulation by microbial and inflammatory stimuli.


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T-cell responses are regulated by activating and inhibiting signals. CD28 and its homologue, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4), are the primary regulatory molecules that enhance or inhibit T-cell activation, respectively. Recently it has been shown that inhibitory natural killer (NK) cell receptors (NKRs) are expressed on subsets of T cells. It has been proposed that these receptors may also play an important role in regulating T-cell responses. However, the extent to which the NKRs modulate peripheral T-cell homeostasis and activation in vivo remains unclear. In this report we show that NK cell inhibitory receptor Ly49A engagement on T cells dramatically limits T-cell activation and the resultant lymphoproliferative disorder that occurs in CTLA-4-deficient mice. Prevention of activation and expansion of the potentially autoreactive CTLA-4(-/-) T cells by the Ly49A-mediated inhibitory signal demonstrates that NKR expression can play an important regulatory role in T-cell homeostasis in vivo. These results demonstrate the importance of inhibitory signals in T-cell homeostasis and suggest the common biochemical basis of inhibitory signaling pathways in T lymphocytes.


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A family of homologous serine esterases designated granzyme A-H and the pore-forming protein perforin are present in cytoplasmic granules of mature peripheral cytolytic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. In vivo, the majority of cytotoxic T cells containing these granule-associated proteins are of the CD4-CD8+ phenotype. It is generally assumed that these cells are derived from immature CD4-CD8- thymocytes. However, the precise intrathymic differentiation steps leading to functionally mature cytotoxic T cells are unclear. Thus we decided to analyze the expression of genes in the thymus which are preferentially expressed in mature cytotoxic cells, i.e. granzyme A, granzyme B, and perforin. In situ hybridization on tissue sections revealed the expression of genes coding for granzyme A and granzyme B in the thymus. No evidence was found, however, for thymocytes expressing the perforin gene. Granzyme A and granzyme B mRNA positive cells in the thymus are almost exclusively CD4-CD8- thymocytes, particularly of the CD3- IL2R- phenotype.


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THESIS SUMMARY : Metastasis is a multistep process involving tumour cell-autonomous features, the host tissue stroma of the primary tumour, the blood or lymphatic system as well as a receptive target organ. Most studies on factors influencing metastasis have concentrated on the characteristics of the disseminating tumour cell and on early steps of metastasis including invasion and angiogenesis. Although these steps are necessary for tumour cells to disseminate, it is the challenges encountered in the later steps of metastasis -survival while in the circulation and engraftment and outgrowth in the target organ -that account for the inefficiency of circulating tumour cells in establishing secondary lesions. Full understanding of the metastatic process therefore requires elucidation of the mechanisms that regulate these late steps, and in particular that determine what makes any given tissue permissive for metastatic tumour growth. To address this issue, we assessed the mechanisms whereby a physiological situation -pregnancy -can alter host permissiveness toward metastasis. We show that pregnant NOD/SCID mice -injected intravenously with tumour cells -develop more metastases than their non-pregnant counterparts irrespective of the tumour cell type. There was no direct effect of pregnancy-related circulating factors on tumour cell proliferation, and subcutaneous tumour growth does not vary between pregnant and nonpregnant animals. However, decreased elimination of tumour cells from the lung microvasculature was observed in pregnant mice, prompting us to assess whether pregnancy-related adaptations in innate immunity could account for this differential clearing. We found that natural killer (NK) cell fractions are decreased in blood and spleen of pregnant mice and that NK cell cytotoxicity is impaired, as reported previously. The use of NK-deficient mice or tumour cell lines resistant to NK killing abrogates the difference in metastasis load between pregnant and virgin mice. CD11 b+ Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) have previously been shown to accumulate in tumour-bearing mice and to down-modulate NK activity. Accordingly, we show an increase in MDSC in pregnant mouse blood, spleen, lungs and liver. Depletion of MDSC prior to tumour cell injection decreased metastasis load in pregnant NOD/SCID mice but had no effect on virgin mice. Similarly, adoptive transfer of MDSC extracted from pregnant mice into virgin mice lead to increased metastasis take. In parallel, we investigated whether the lung and liver microenvironments are modified during pregnancy thereby providing a more "permissive soil" for the establishment of metastases. A comparative analysis of microarray data of pregnant mouse lungs and liver with "premetastatic niche" gene expression profiles of these organs shows that similar mechanisms could mediate an increase in lung and liver metastasis in pregnant mice and in mice harbouring an aggressive primary tumour. Several commonly up-regulated genes point towards the recruitment of myeloid cells, consistent with the accumulation of MDSC observed in pregnant mice. MDSC have never been evoked in the context of pregnancy before. Although the role of MDSC in pregnancy requires further investigation we suggest that MDSC accumulation constitutes an important and hitherto unrecognised common denominator of maternal immune tolerance and cancer immune escape. RESUME DE THESE : La métastatisation est un processus en plusieurs étapes qui implique des compétences particulières chez les cellules tumorales, le stroma de la tumeur primaire, les vaisseaux sanguins ou lymphatiques ainsi qu'un organe cible' réceptif. Jusqu'alors, la recherche s'est principalement intéressée aux facteurs qui influencent les étapes précoces de la métastatisation donc aux caractéristiques de la cellule métastatique, et aux processus tels que l'invasion et l'angiogenèse, tandis que peu d'études traitent des étapes tardives tel que la survie dans la circulation sanguine et l'établissement d'une lésion dans l'organe cible. En particulier, l'élucidation des facteurs qui déterminent la permissivité d'un tissu à la greffe de cellules disséminantes est indispensable à la compréhension de ce processus complexe qu'est la métastatisation. Nous proposons ici un modèle de souris récapitulant les étapes tardives de la métastatisation dans un contexte d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide, et nous évaluons les mécanismes impliqués. Les souris gestantes développent plus de métastases après l'injection intraveineuse de cellules tumorales, indépendamment du type de tumeur d'origine. Les taux élevés d'hormones et de facteurs de croissance chez la souris gravide n'inflúencent pas la prolifération des cellules tumorales et fa croissance de tumeurs sous-cutanées n'est pas non plus accélérée par la gestation. En revanche, une fois injectées, les cellules tumorales sont éliminées ` moins rapidement des vaisseaux pulmonaires chez la souris gravide que chez les contrôles. Cette observation est compatible avec un effet de la gestation sur l'immunité innée et nous avons mis en évidence une diminution des proportions de cellules NK (natural killer) dans le sang et la rate en particulier, ainsi qu'une cytotoxicité moindre envers des cellules tumorales. En utilisant des souris déficientes en cellules NK ou en injectant des cellules résistantes à l'attaqué par des cellules NK, la différence entre souris gestantes et non-gestantes disparaît. Il a été démontré chez des souris porteuses de tumeurs, que l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives de la lignée myélo-monocytaire (ou MDSC pour myeloid-derived suppressor tells) pouvait être responsable d'une inhibition de l'activité de cellules NK. Des nombres augmentés de ces cellules, caractérisées par les marqueurs de surface CD11b et Gr-1, ont été trouvés dans le sang, la rate, les poumons et le foie de souris gravides. Leur rôle dans la métastatisation est démontré par le fait que leur dépletion diminue le nombre de lésions secondaires chez la souris gestante, tandis que leur transfert dans des souris non-gestantes augmente le taux de métastases. L'utilisation de puces à ADN sur les foies et poumons de souris gravides a permis de mettre en évidence des différences d'expression génique proches de celles observées dans l'établissement de niches pré-métastatiques. Ceci suggère que des mécanismes similaires pourraient être responsables d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide et chez la souris porteuse d'une tumeur primaire agressive, telle que, en particulier, l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives dans les organes cibles. C'est la première fois que l'accumulation de MDSC est évoquée chez la souris gravide et nous proposons ici que celles-ci jouent un rôle dans la tolérance immunitaire envers le foetus et sont responsables de l'échappement de cellules tumorales injectées à la surveillance immunitaire par des cellules NK.


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CD1d is a major histocompatibility complex class 1-like molecule that regulates the function and development of natural killer T (NKT) cells. Previously, we identified a critical role for the CD1d-NKT cell arm of innate immunity in promoting the development of UVB-induced p53 mutations, immune suppression, and skin tumors. Sunburn, an acute inflammatory response to UVB-induced cutaneous tissue injury, represents a clinical marker for non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) risk. However, the innate immune mechanisms controlling sunburn development are not considered relevant in NMSC etiology, and remain poorly investigated. Here we found that CD1d knockout (CD1d(-/-)) mice resist UVB-induced cutaneous tissue injury and inflammation compared with wild-type (WT) mice. This resistance was coupled with a faster epithelial tissue healing response. In contrast, the skins of UVB-irradiated invariant NKT cell-knockout (Jα18(-/-)) and NKT cell-deficient (TCRα(-/-)) mice, which express CD1d but are deficient in CD1d-dependent NKT cells, exhibited as much cutaneous tissue injury and inflammation as WT mice. In the absence of NKT cells, CD1d-deficient keratinocytes, dendritic cells, and macrophages exhibited diminished basal and stress-induced levels of pro-inflammatory mediators. Thus, our findings identify an essential role for CD1d in promoting UVB-induced cutaneous tissue injury and inflammation. They also suggest sunburn and NMSC etiologies are immunologically linked.


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Ly49A is an inhibitory receptor, which counteracts natural killer (NK) cell activation on the engagement with H-2D(d) (D(d)) MHC class I molecules (MHC-I) on target cells. In addition to binding D(d) on apposed membranes, Ly49A interacts with D(d) ligand expressed in the plane of the NK cells' membrane. Indeed, multivalent, soluble MHC-I ligand binds inefficiently to Ly49A unless the NK cells' D(d) complexes are destroyed. However, it is not known whether masked Ly49A remains constitutively associated with cis D(d) also during target cell interaction. Alternatively, it is possible that Ly49A has to be unmasked to significantly interact with its ligand on target cells. These two scenarios suggest distinct roles of Ly49A/D(d) cis interaction for NK cell function. Here, we show that Ly49A contributes to target cell adhesion and efficiently accumulates at synapses with D(d)-expressing target cells when NK cells themselves lack D(d). When NK cells express D(d), Ly49A no longer contributes to adhesion, and ligand-driven recruitment to the cellular contact site is strongly reduced. The destruction of D(d) complexes on NK cells, which unmasks Ly49A, is necessary and sufficient to restore Ly49A adhesive function and recruitment to the synapse. Thus, cis D(d) continuously sequesters a considerable fraction of Ly49A receptors, preventing efficient Ly49A recruitment to the synapse with D(d)+ target cells. The reduced number of Ly49A receptors that can functionally interact with D(d) on target cells explains the modest inhibitory capacity of Ly49A in D(d) NK cells. This property renders Ly49A NK cells more sensitive to react to diseased host cells.


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ABSTRACT Asthma is a complex inflammatory syndrome caused by environmental factors in predisposed individuals (atopics). Its severity correlates with the presence of activated T lymphocytes and eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Induction of tolerance via the nasal route results in reduced recruitment of eosinophils into BALF upon challenge, inhibition of TH2 pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and T cell hyporesponsiveness. Recently, CD4+CD25+ natural regulatory T cells (Treg) were proposed as key players in controlling the development of asthma and allergic disease. The objective of the present study is to investigate the role of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in the mechanisms leading to tolerance in an established model of asthma. In this goal we depleted CD4+CD25+ T cells at different times during asthma and tolerance induction protocol in mice and looked at efficiency of tolerization (intranasal application of high dose of allergen) in the absence of natural Tregs. First, ovalbumin-sensitized mice were depleted of CD25+ T cells by intraperitoneal injection of anti-CD25 mAb (PC61) either for along-term (repeated injections of anti-CD25 from day 31 until the end of the protocol) or a short-term period (single injection of anti-CD25 before or after tolerance induction). We demonstrated that the long-term depletion of CD4+CD25+ T cells severely hampered tolerance induction (marked enhancement in eosinophil recruitment into BALF and a vigorous antigen specific T cell response to OVA upon allergen challenge) whereas transient depletions were not sufficient to do so. We then characterized T cell subsets by flow cytometry and observed that a large part of CD4+CD25+ T cells express Foxp3, an established marker of regulatory T cells. We also tested in-vitro suppressor activity of CD4+CD25+ T cells from tolerized mice by cell proliferation assay in coculture and observed a strong suppressive activity. Our data suggest that CD4+CD25+ T cells with regulatory properties play a crucial role in the induction of tolerance via the nasal route. The relationship between CD25+ natural Treg and inducible IL-10+ TRl-type Treg will have to be defined. RESUME L'asthme est un syndrome inflammatoire complexe provoqué par des facteurs environnementaux chez des individus génétiquement prédisposés (atopiques). Sa sévérité corrèle avec la présence des lymphocytes T activés et d'éosinophiles dans le lavage bronchoalvéolaire (BAL). L'induction de la tolérance par la voie nasale résulte en une diminution du recrutement des eosinophils dans le BAL, une inhibition de la sécrétion de cytokines pro-inflammatoires de type TH2 et de l'hypo-réponse des cellules T à l'allergène. Récemment, les cellules régulatrices «naturelles » de type CD4+CD25+ T (Tregs) ont été proposées comme acteurs essentiels dans le développement de l'asthme et de l'allergie. L'objectif de cette étude est d'étudier le rôle des cellules régulatrices CD4+CD25+ T dans les mécanismes menant à la tolérance dans un modèle établi d'asthme. Dans ce but nous avons déplété les cellules de CD4+CD25+ T à différents temps au cours du protocole d'induction d'asthme et de tolérance et nous avons regardé l'efficacité de l'induction de tolérance (application intranasale d'une dose importante d'allergène) en l'absence de Tregs. Dans un premier temps des souris sensibilisées à l'ovalbumine (OVA) ont été déplétées en cellules CD25+ T par l'injection intrapéritonéale d'anti-CD25 mAb (PC61) pour une longue période (injections répétées d'anti-CD25 du jour 31 jusqu'à la fin du protocole) ou pour une courte période (injection unique d'anti-CD25 avant ou après l'induction de tolérance). Nous avons démontré que la déplétion à long t erme des cellules de CD4+CD25+ T a empêché l'induction de tolérance (recrutement accru d'éosinophiles dans le BAL et une réponse vigoureuse des cellules T spécifiques de l'antigène après exposition à l'allergène) tandis des déplétions à court-terme n'ont pas cet effet. Nous avons ensuite caractérisé des sous-populations de cellules T par cytométrie de flux. Nous avons observé que la majorité des cellules CD4+CD25+ T expriment Foxp3, un marqueur établi des cellules régulatrices. Nous avons également examiné in vitro l'activité régulatrice des cellules T CD4+CD25+ issues de souris tolérisées. La prolifération de cellules T en coculture a démontré une forte activité suppressive des cellules CD4+CD25+. Nos données suggèrent que des cellules T CD4+CD25+ ayant des propriétés régulatrices jouent un rôle crucial dans l'induction de la tolérance par la voie nasale. Le rapport entre les cellules régulatrices naturelles CD4+CD25+ et les cellules régulatrices inductible de type TR1 I1-10+ devra être défini. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC L'asthme est une maladie inflammatoire des bronches, caractérisée par des crises de dyspnée (gêne respiratoire) témoignant d'une activation brutale des muscles bronchoconstricteurs, auxquelles s'associent un oedème et une hypersécrétion des muqueuses des voies aériennes ainsi qu'une importante production d'anticorps de l'allergie (IgE). Chez la plupart des enfants atteints et chez près de la moitié des adultes concernés par l'asthme, c'est une allergie à des substances présentes dans l'air environnant (acariens, pollens ou poils d'animaux) qui est à l'origine de la maladie. . Le traitement actuel de l'asthme repose d'une part sur le soulagement des symptômes grâce à des produits à base de stéroïdes ou des bronchodilatateurs. D'autre part, l'immunothérapie spécifique (aussi appelée désensibilisation) permet d'améliorer l'asthme et de «reprogrammer» le système immunitaire. C'est à ce jour, le seul moyen connu de faire régresser une allergie. Cependant l'immunothérapie prend beaucoup de temps (3 à 5 ans) et ne marche pas à tous les coups ni pour tous les antigènes. Il est donc important de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués lors d'un tel traitement afin d'en améliorer l'efficacité. Af n de pouvoir investiguer en détail ces mécanismes des modèles d'immunothérapie ont été mis au point chez la souris. Notre étude se base sur un modèle d'asthme allergique chez la souris. Des souris sont rendues allergiques à l'ovalbumine (OVA) et présentent alors les caractéristiques majeures de l'asthme humain (recrutement de cellules inflammatoires dans les poumons, augmentation de la production d'IgE et de la résistance des bronches aux flux respiratoires). Ces souris asthmatiques une fois traitées par l'application nasale d'OVA (forme d'immunothérapie muqueuse) ne développent plus de réaction allergique lors d'une ré-exposition à l'allergène. Notre hypothèse est que cette «guérison» (tolérance) est liée à l'action de cellules (lymphocytes T CD4) dites «régulatrices» et caractérisées par le marqueur CD25. Pour le démontrer, nous avons éliminé ces cellules «régulatrices» CD25 de nos souris asthmatiques grâce à un anticorps monoclonal spécifique. Nous n'avons dès lors plus été en mesure d'induire une tolérance à l'allergène. Ceci suggère donc un rôle clé des cellules «régulatrices» T CD4+CD25+ dans la réussite de l'immunothérapie nasale dans notre modèle. Nos résultats n'excluent pas la participation d'autres cellules telles que les lymphocytes producteurs d'IL-10 (lymphocytes régulateurs induits). Le rôle respectif de ces sous-populations régulatrices devra être examiné dans les études à venir. Une meilleure maîtrise des mécanismes de régulation pourrait s'avérer cruciale pour améliorer les thérapies de l'asthme.


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Diseased host cells are eliminated more effectively when natural killer cells grow up in the presence of classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. The nonclassical MHC class I molecule H2-M3 can exert an analogous effect.


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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules are of crucial importance for the immune system to recognize and defend the body against external attacks. Foreign antigens are presented by specialized cells, called antigen presenting cells, to T lymphocytes in the context of MHC molecules, thereby inducing T cell activation. In addition, MHC molecules are essential for Natural Killer (NK) cell biology, playing a role in NK cell education and activation. Recently, the NOD-like receptor (NLR) family member NLRC5 (NLR caspase recruitment domain containing protein 5) was found to act as transcriptional regulator of MHC class I, in particular in T and NK cells. Its role in MHC class I expression is however minor in dendritic cells (DCs). This raised the question of whether inflammatory conditions, which augment the levels of NLRC5 in DCs, could increase its contribution to MHC class I expression. Our work shows that MHC class I transcript and intracellular levels depend on NLRC5, while its role in MHC class I surface expression is instead negligible. We describe however a general salvage mechanism that enables cells with low intracellular MHC class I levels to nevertheless maintain relatively high MHC class I on the cell surface. In addition, we lack a thorough understanding of NLRC5 target gene specificity and mechanism of action. Our work delineates the unique consensus sequence in MHC class I promoters required for NLRC5 recruitment and pinpoints conserved features conferring its specificity. Furthermore, through genome-wide analyses, we confirm that NLRC5 regulates classical MHC class I genes and identify novel target genes all encoding non-classical MHC class I molecules exerting an array of functions in immunity and tolerance. We finally asked why a dedicated factor co-regulates MHC class I expression specifically in T and NK lymphocytes. We show that deregulated NLRC5 expression affects the education of NK cells and alters the crosstalk between T and NK cells, leading to NK cell-mediated killing of T lymphocytes. Altogether this thesis work brings insights into molecular and physiological aspects of NLRC5 function, which might help understand certain aspects of immune responses and disorders. -- Les molécules du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH) sont essentielles au système immunitaire pour l'initiation de la réponse immunitaire. En effet, l'activation des lymphocytes T nécessite la reconnaissance d'un antigène étranger présenté par les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes sur une molécule du CMH. Les molécules du CMH ont également un rôle fondamental pour la fonction des cellules Natural Killer (NK) puisqu'elles sont nécessaires à leur processus d'éducation et d'activation. Récemment, NLRC5 (NLR caspase recruitment domain containing protein 5), un membre de la famille des récepteurs de type NOD (NLRs), a été décrit comme un facteur de transactivation de l'expression des gènes du CMH de classe I. A l'état basai, cette fonction transcriptionnelle est essentielle dans les lymphocytes T et NK, alors que ce rôle reste mineur pour l'expression des molécules du CMH de classe I dans les cellules dendritiques (DCs). Dans des conditions inflammatoires, l'expression de NLRC5 augmente dans les DCs. Notre travail démontre que, dans ces conditions, les transcrits et les niveaux intracellulaires des molécules du CMH de classe I augmentent aussi d'une façon dépendante de NLRC5. A contrario, le rôle de NLRC5 sur les niveaux de molécules de surface reste minoritaire. Cette observation nous a conduits à l'identification d'un mécanisme général de compensation qui permet aux cellules de maintenir des niveaux relativement élevés de molécules de CMH de class I à leur surface malgré de faibles niveaux intracellulaires. De plus, il semblait nécessaire de s'orienter vers une approche plus globale afin de déterminer l'étendue de la fonction transcriptionnelle de NLRC5. Par une approche du génome entier, nous avons pu décrire une séquence consensus conservée présente dans les promoteurs des gènes du CMH de classe I, sur laquelle NLRC5 est spécifiquement recruté. Nous avons pu également identifier de nouveaux gènes cibles codant pour des molécules de CMH de classe I non classiques impliqués dans l'immunité et la tolérance. Finalement, nous nous sommes demandé quel est l'intérêt d'avoir un facteur transcriptionnel, en l'occurrence NLRC5, qui orchestre l'expression du CMH de classe I dans les lymphocytes T et NK. Nous montrons que la dérégulation de l'expression de NLRC5 affecte l'éducation des cellules NK et conduit à la mort cellulaire des lymphocytes T médiée par les cellules NK. Dans l'ensemble ce travail de thèse contribue à la caractérisation du rôle de NLRC5, tant au niveau moléculaire que physiologique, ce qui présente un intérêt dans le cadre de la compréhension de certains aspects physiopathologique de la réponse immunitaire.


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We report two unrelated patients with a multisystem disease involving liver, eye, immune system, connective tissue, and bone, caused by biallelic mutations in the neuroblastoma amplified sequence (NBAS) gene. Both presented as infants with recurrent episodes triggered by fever with vomiting, dehydration, and elevated transaminases. They had frequent infections, hypogammaglobulinemia, reduced natural killer cells, and the Pelger-Huët anomaly of their granulocytes. Their facial features were similar with a pointed chin and proptosis; loose skin and reduced subcutaneous fat gave them a progeroid appearance. Skeletal features included short stature, slender bones, epiphyseal dysplasia with multiple phalangeal pseudo-epiphyses, and small C1-C2 vertebrae causing cervical instability and myelopathy. Retinal dystrophy and optic atrophy were present in one patient. NBAS is a component of the synthaxin-18 complex and is involved in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay control. Putative loss-of-function mutations in NBAS are already known to cause disease in humans. A specific founder mutation has been associated with short stature, optic nerve atrophy and Pelger-Huët anomaly of granulocytes (SOPH) in the Siberian Yakut population. A more recent report associates NBAS mutations with recurrent acute liver failure in infancy in a group of patients of European descent. Our observations indicate that the phenotypic spectrum of NBAS deficiency is wider than previously known and includes skeletal, hepatic, metabolic, and immunologic aspects. Early recognition of the skeletal phenotype is important for preventive management of cervical instability. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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BackgroundRecently, regulatory T (Treg) cells have gained interest in the fields of immunopathology, transplantation and oncoimmunology. Here, we investigated the microRNA expression profile of human natural CD8+CD25+ Treg cells and the impact of microRNAs on molecules associated with immune regulation.MethodsWe purified human natural CD8+ Treg cells and assessed the expression of FOXP3 and CTLA-4 by flow cytometry. We have also tested the ex vivo suppressive capacity of these cells in mixed leukocyte reactions. Using TaqMan low-density arrays and microRNA qPCR for validation, we could identify a microRNA `signature¿ for CD8+CD25+FOXP3+CTLA-4+ natural Treg cells. We used the `TargetScan¿ and `miRBase¿ bioinformatics programs to identify potential target sites for these microRNAs in the 3¿-UTR of important Treg cell-associated genes.ResultsThe human CD8+CD25+ natural Treg cell microRNA signature includes 10 differentially expressed microRNAs. We demonstrated an impact of this signature on Treg cell biology by showing specific regulation of FOXP3, CTLA-4 and GARP gene expression by microRNA using site-directed mutagenesis and a dual-luciferase reporter assay. Furthermore, we used microRNA transduction experiments to demonstrate that these microRNAs impacted their target genes in human primary Treg cells ex vivo.ConclusionsWe are examining the biological relevance of this `signature¿ by studying its impact on other important Treg cell-associated genes. These efforts could result in a better understanding of the regulation of Treg cell function and might reveal new targets for immunotherapy in immune disorders and cancer.


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The cytotoxic T-cell and natural killer (NK)-cell lymphomas and related disorders are important but relatively rare lymphoid neoplasms that frequently are a challenge for practicing pathologists. This selective review, based on a meeting of the International Lymphoma Study Group, briefly reviews T-cell and NK-cell development and addresses questions related to the importance of precise cell lineage (αβ-type T cell, γδ T cell, or NK cell), the implications of Epstein-Barr virus infection, the significance of anatomic location including nodal disease, and the question of further categorization of enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphomas. Finally, developments subsequent to the 2008 World Health Organization Classification, including the recognition of indolent NK-cell and T-cell disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are presented.


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The presence of intralesional natural regulatory T cells, characterized by the expression of Foxp3 mRNA, was analyzed in patients with localized leishmaniasis due to Leishmania guyanensis infection that was unresponsive to treatment with pentamidine isethionate. Foxp3 mRNA levels were associated with unresponsiveness to treatment among patients with a lesion duration of 1 month, but this association was not observed among patients with a lesion duration of <1 month. In conclusion, high intralesional expression of Foxp3 might be an indicator of poor response to treatment, depending on the duration of lesions.


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BACKGROUND: It has been proposed that the innate immune system plays a central role in driving the autoimmune T-cell cascade leading to psoriasis; however, there is no direct evidence for this. OBSERVATIONS: We observed aggravation and spreading of a psoriatic plaque when treated topically with the toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 agonist imiquimod. The exacerbation of psoriasis was accompanied by a massive induction of lesional type I interferon activity, detected by MxA expression after imiquimod therapy. Since imiquimod induces large amounts of type I interferon production from TLR7-expressing plasmacytoid dendritic cell precursors (PDCs), the natural interferon-producing cells of the peripheral blood, we asked whether PDCs are present in psoriatic skin. We identified high numbers of PDCs in psoriatic skin lesions (up to 16% of the total dermal infiltrate) based on their coexpression of BDCA2 and CD123. By contrast, PDCs were present at very low levels in atopic dermatitis and not detected in normal human skin. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that psoriasis can be driven by the innate immune system through TLR ligation. Furthermore, our finding that large numbers of PDCs infiltrate psoriatic skin suggests a role of lesional PDCs as type I interferon-producing targets for the TLR7 agonist imiquimod.


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We have designed and validated a novel generic platform for production of tetravalent IgG1-like chimeric bispecific Abs. The VH-CH1-hinge domains of mAb2 are fused through a peptidic linker to the N terminus of mAb1 H chain, and paired mutations at the CH1-CL interface mAb1 are introduced that force the correct pairing of the two different free L chains. Two different sets of these CH1-CL interface mutations, called CR3 and MUT4, were designed and tested, and prototypic bispecific Abs directed against CD5 and HLA-DR were produced (CD5xDR). Two different hinge sequences between mAb1 and mAb2 were also tested in the CD5xDR-CR3 or -MUT4 background, leading to bispecific Ab (BsAbs) with a more rigid or flexible structure. All four Abs produced bound with good specificity and affinity to CD5 and HLA-DR present either on the same target or on different cells. Indeed, the BsAbs were able to efficiently redirect killing of HLA-DR(+) leukemic cells by human CD5(+) cytokine-induced killer T cells. Finally, all BsAbs had a functional Fc, as shown by their capacity to activate human complement and NK cells and to mediate phagocytosis. CD5xDR-CR3 was chosen as the best format because it had overall the highest functional activity and was very stable in vitro in both neutral buffer and in serum. In vivo, CD5xDR-CR3 was shown to have significant therapeutic activity in a xenograft model of human leukemia.