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BACKGROUND: We assessed expectations to improve cardiovascular disease risk factors (CVD-RF) in participants to a health promotion program. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Blood pressure (BP), blood glucose (BG), blood total cholesterol (TC), body mass index (BMI), and self-reported smoking were assessed in 1,598 volunteers from the general public (men: 40%; mean age: 56.7 +/- 12.7 years) participating in a mobile health promotion program in the Vaud canton, Switzerland. Participants were asked about their expectation to have their CVD-RF improved at a next visit scheduled 2-3 years later. RESULTS: Expectation for improved control was found in 90% of participants with elevated BP, 91% with elevated BG, 45% with elevated TC, 44% who were overweight, and 35% who were smoking. Expectation for TC improvement was reported more often by men, persons with high level of TC, and persons who had consulted a doctor in the past 12 months. Expectations to lose weight and to quit smoking were found more often in younger persons than the older ones. CONCLUSION: Volunteers from the general population participating in a health promotion program expected improved control more often for hypertension and dysglycemia than for dyslipidemia, overweight and smoking.


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Pancreatic beta-cell function and mass are markedly adaptive to compensate for the changes in insulin requirement observed during several situations such as pregnancy, obesity, glucocorticoids excess, or administration. This requires a beta-cell compensation which is achieved through a gain of beta-cell mass and function. Elucidating the physiological mechanisms that promote functional beta-cell mass expansion and that protect cells against death, is a key therapeutic target for diabetes. In this respect, several recent studies have emphasized the instrumental role of microRNAs in the control of beta-cell function. MicroRNAs are negative regulators of gene expression, and are pivotal for the control of beta-cell proliferation, function, and survival. On the one hand, changes in specific microRNA levels have been associated with beta-cell compensation and are triggered by hormones or bioactive peptides that promote beta-cell survival and function. Conversely, modifications in the expression of other specific microRNAs contribute to beta-cell dysfunction and death elicited by diabetogenic factors including, cytokines, chronic hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, and oxidized LDL. This review underlines the importance of targeting the microRNA network for future innovative therapies aiming at preventing the beta-cell decline in diabetes.


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Objectives: Streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetes is currently the most commonly used animalmodel for islet transplantation.However, STZtreatment and the ensuing hyperglycemia were both shown to affect the immune response, including an apparent induction of lymphopenia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the respective effect of STZ and hyperglycemia on the immune system in STZ induced diabetic C57BL/6 mice. Methods: Phenotypes and levels of T and B cells were analyzed by flow cytometry in blood and spleen over time. The effect of hyperglycemia was further characterized by insulin replacement, islet transplantation and by using Rip (rat insulin promoter) DTR (dipheteria tocin receptor) transgenic mice. Results: STZ but not hyperglycemia was toxic for splenocytes in vitro, whereas hyperglycemia correlated with diabetes associated blood and spleen lymphopenia in vivo. Moreover, independently of hyperglycemia, STZ lead to a relative increase of T regulatory cells which retained their suppressive capacity in vitro. Conclusion: These data suggest thatSTZand the ensuing acute hyperglycemia have major direct and indirect effects on immune homeostasis. Thus, high caution needs to be exercised in the interpretation of the results of tolerance induction and/or immunosuppressive protocols in STZ-induced diabetes and islet transplantation models.


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Résumé large public Le glucose est une source d'énergie essentielle pour notre organisme, indispensable pour le bon fonctionnement des cellules de notre corps. Les cellules β du pancréas sont chargées de réguler l'utilisation du glucose et de maintenir la glycémie (taux de glucose dans le sang) à un niveau constant. Lorsque la glycémie augmente, ces dernières sécrètent l'insuline, une hormone favorisant l'absorption, l'utilisation et le stockage du glucose. Une sécrétion insuffisante d'insuline provoque une élévation anormale du taux de glucose dans le sang (hyperglycémie) et peut mener au développement du diabète sucré. L'insuline est sécrétée dans le sang par un mécanisme particulier appelé exocytose. Une meilleure compréhension de ce mécanisme est nécessaire dans l'espoir de trouver des nouvelles thérapies pour traiter les 170 millions de personnes atteintes de diabète sucré à travers le monde. L'implication de diverses protéines, comme les SNAREs ou Rabs a déjà été démontrée. Cependant leurs mécanismes d'action restent, à ce jour, peu compris. De plus, l'adaptation de la machinerie d'exocytose à des conditions physiopathologiques, comme l'hyperglycémie, est encore à élucider. Le but de mon travail de thèse a été de clarifier le rôle de deux protéines, Noc2 et Tomosyn, dans l'exocytose ; puis de déterminer les effets d'une exposition prolongée à un taux élevé de glucose sur l'ensemble des protéines de la machinerie d'exocytose. Noc2 est un partenaire potentiel de deux Rabs connues pour leur implication dans les dernières étapes de l'exocytose, Rab3 et Rab27. Grâce à l'étude de différents mutants de Noc2, j'ai montré que l'interaction avec Rab27 permet à la protéine de s'associer avec les organelles de la cellule β contenant l'insuline. De plus, en diminuant sélectivement l'expression de Noc2, j'ai déterminé l'importance de cette protéine pour le bon fonctionnement du processus d'exocytose et le relâchement de l'insuline. Quant à Tomosyn, une protéine interagissant avec les protéines SNAREs, j'ai démontré son importance dans la sécrétion d'insuline en diminuant de manière sélective son expression dans les cellules β. Ensuite, grâce à une combinaison d'approches moléculaires et de microscopie, j'ai mis en évidence le rôle de Tomosyn dans les dernières étapes de l'exocytose. Enfin, puisque la sécrétion d'insuline est diminuée lors d'une hyperglycémie prolongée, j'ai analysé l'adaptation de la machinerie d'exocytose à ces conditions. Ceci m'a permis de découvrir que l'expression de quatre protéines essentielles pour le processus d'exocytose, Noc2, Rab3, Rab27 et Granuphilin, est fortement diminuée lors d'une hyperglycémie chronique. L'ensemble de ces données met en évidence l'importance de Noc2 et Tomosyn dans la sécrétion d'insuline. L'inhibition, par un taux élevé de glucose, de l'expression de Noc2 et d'autres protéines indispensables pour l'exocytose suggère que ce phénomène pourrait contribuer au développement du diabète sucré. Résumé L'exocytose d'insuline, en réponse au glucose circulant dans le sang, est la fonction principale de la cellule β. Celle-ci permet de stabiliser le taux de glucose sanguin (glycémie). Le diabète de type 2 est caractérisé par une glycémie élevée due, principalement, à un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline en réponse au glucose. La compréhension des mécanismes qui contrôlent l'exocytose d'insuline est essentielle pour clarifier les causes du diabète sucré. Plusieurs composants impliqués dans ce processus ont été identifiés. Ceux-ci incluent les SNAREs Syntaxin-1, VAMP2 et SNAP25 et les GTPases Rab3 et Rab27 qui jouent un rôle dans les dernières étapes de l'exocytose. Pendant mon travail de thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle de Noc2, un des partenaires de Rab3 et Rab27, dans l'exocytose d'insuline. Nous avons déterminé que Noc2 s'associe aux granules de sécrétion d'insuline grâce à son interaction avec Rab27. La diminution de l'expression de Noc2 dans la lignée cellulaire β INS-1E, par ARN interférence, influence négativement la sécrétion d'insuline stimulée par différents sécrétagogues et prouve que cette protéine Noc2 est essentielle pour l'exocytose d'insuline. L'interaction avec Munc13, une protéine impliquée dans l'arrimage des vésicules, suggère que Noc2 participe au recrutement des granules d'insuline à la membrane plasmique. Ensuite, j'ai analysé l'adaptation de la machinerie d'exocytose à des concentrations supraphysiologiques de glucose. Le niveau d'expression de Rab3 et Rab27 et de leurs effecteurs Granuphilin/S1p4 et Noc2 est fortement diminué par une exposition prolongée des cellules β à haut glucose. L'effet observé est en relation avec l'induction de l'expression de ICER, un facteur de transcription surexprimé dans des conditions d'hyperglycémie et également dans des modèles génétiques de diabète de type 2. La surexpression de ICER dans des cellules INS-1E diminue l'expression de Rab3, Rab27, Granuphilin/Slp4 et Noc2 et par conséquent l'exocytose d'insuline. Ainsi, l'induction de ICER, après une exposition prolongée à haut glucose, régule négativement l'expression de protéines essentielles pour l'exocytose et altère la sécrétion d'insuline. Ce mécanisme pourrait contribuer au dysfonctionnement de l'exocytose d'insuline dans le diabète de type 2. Dans la dernière partie de ma thèse, j'ai investigué le rôle de la protéine Tomosyn-1 dans la formation du complexe SNARE. Cette protéine a une forte affinité pour Syntaxin-1 et contient un domaine SNARE. Tomosyn-1 est concentrée dans les régions cellulaires enrichies en granules de sécrétion. La diminution sélective de l'expression de Tomosyn-1 induit une réduction de l'exocytose stimulée par différents sécrétagogues. Cet effet est dû à un défaut de fusion des granules avec la membrane plasmique. Ceci nous indique que Tomosyn-1 intervient dans une phase importante de la préparation des vésicules à la fusion, qui est nécessaire à l'exocytose. Abstract: Insulin exocytosis from pancreatic β-cells plays a central role in blood glucose homeostasis. Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disorder characterized by secretory dysfunctions in pancreatic β-cells and release of amounts of insulin that are inappropriate to maintain blood glucose concentration within normal physiological ranges. To define the causes of β-cell failure a basic understanding of the molecular mechanisms that control insulin exocytosis is essential. Some of the molecular components involved in this process have been identified, including the SNARE proteins VAMP2, Syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 and the two GTPases, Rab3 and Rab27, that regulate the final steps of insulin secretion. I first investigated the role of Noc2, a potential Rab3 and Rab27 partner, in insulin secretion. I found that Noc2 associates with Rab27 and is recruited by this GTPase on insulin- containing granules. Silencing of the Noc2 gene by RNA interference led to a strong impairment in the capacity of the β-cell line INS-1E to respond to secretagogues, indicating that appropriate levels of the protein are essential for insulin exocytosis. I also showed that Noc2 interacts with Munc13, a protein that controls vesicle priming, suggesting a possible involvement of Noc2 in the recruitment of secretory granules at the plasma membrane. In the second part of my thesis, I investigated the adaptation of the molecular machinery of exocytosis to physiopathological conditions. I found that the expression of Rab3, Rab27 and of their effectors Granuphilin/Slp4 and Noc2 is dramatically decreased by chronic exposure of β-ce1ls to supraphysiological glucose levels. The observed glucotoxic effect is a consequence of the induction of ICER, a transcriptional repressor that is increased by prolonged hyperglycemia and in genetic models of type 2 diabetes. Overexpression of ICER reduced Granuphilin, Noc2, Rab3 and Rab27 levels and inhibited exocytosis. These results suggest that the presence of inappropriate levels of ICER diminishes the expression of a group of proteins essential for exocytosis and contributes to defective insulin release in type 2 diabetes. In the last part of my thesis, I focused my attention on the role of Tomosyn-1, a Syntaxin-1 binding protein possessing a SNARE-like motif, in the control of SNARE complex assembly. I found that Tomosyn-1 is concentrated in cellular compartments enriched in insulin-containing secretory granules. Silencing of Tomosyn-1 did not affect the number of secretory granules docked at the plasma membrane but decreased their release probability, resulting in a reduction in stimulus-induced insulin exocytosis. These findings suggest that Tomosyn-1 is involved in a post-docking event that prepares secretory granules for fusion and is necessary to sustain exocytosis in response to insulin secretagogues.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Hyperglycemia after stroke is associated with larger infarct volume and poorer functional outcome. In an animal stroke model, the association between serum glucose and infarct volume is described by a U-shaped curve with a nadir ≈7 mmol/L. However, a similar curve in human studies was never reported. The objective of the present study is to investigate the association between serum glucose levels and functional outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: We analyzed 1446 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke. Serum glucose was measured on admission at the emergency department together with multiple other metabolic, clinical, and radiological parameters. National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score was recorded at 24 hours, and Rankin score was recorded at 3 and 12 months. The association between serum glucose and favorable outcome (Rankin score ≤2) was explored in univariate and multivariate analysis. The model was further analyzed in a robust regression model based on fractional polynomial (-2-2) functions. RESULTS: Serum glucose is independently correlated with functional outcome at 12 months (OR, 1.15; P=0.01). Other predictors of outcome include admission NIHSS score (OR, 1.18; P<0001), age (OR, 1.06; P<0.001), prestroke Rankin score (OR, 20.8; P=0.004), and leukoaraiosis (OR, 2.21; P=0.016). Using these factors in multiple logistic regression analysis, the area under the receiver-operator characteristic curve is 0.869. The association between serum glucose and Rankin score at 12 months is described by a J-shaped curve with a nadir of 5 mmol/L. Glucose values between 3.7 and 7.3 mmol/L are associated with favorable outcome. A similar curve was generated for the association of glucose and 24-hour NIHSS score, for which glucose values between 4.0 and 7.2 mmol/L are associated with a NIHSS score <7. Discussion-Both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are dangerous in acute ischemic stroke as shown by a J-shaped association between serum glucose and 24-hour and 12-month outcome. Initial serum glucose values between 3.7 and 7.3 mmol/L are associated with favorable outcome.


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Summary Prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide at alarming rates, probably secondarily to that of obesity. As type 2 diabetes is characterized by blood hyperglycemia, controlling glucose entry into tissues from the bloodstream is key to maintain glycemia within acceptable ranges. In this context, several glucose transporter isoforms have been cloned recently and some of them have appeared to play important regulatory roles. Better characterizing two of them (GLUT8 and GLUT9) was the purpose of my work. The first part of my work was focused on GLUT8, which is mainly expressed in the brain and is able to transport glucose with high affinity. GLUT8 is retained intracellularly at basal state depending on an N-terminal dileucine motif, thus implying that cell surface expression may be induced by extracellular triggers. In this regard, I was interested in better defining GLUT8 subcellular localization at basal state and in finding signals promoting its translocation, using an adenoviral vector expressing a myc epitope-tagged version of the transporter, thus allowing expression and detection of cell-surface GLUT8 in primary hippocampal neurons and PC 12 cells. This tool enabled me to found out that GLUT8 resides in a unique compartment different from lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, endosomes and the Golgi. In addition, absence of GLUT8 translocation following pharmacological activation of several signalling pathways suggests that GLUT8 does not ever translocate to the cell surface, but would rather fulfill its role in its unique intracellular compartment. The second part of my work was focused on GLUT9, which -contrarily to GLUT8 - is unable to transport glucose, but retains the ability to bind glucose-derived cross-linker molecules, thereby suggesting that it may be a glucose sensor rather than a true glucose transporter. The aim of the project was thus to define if GLUT9 triggers intracellular signals when activated. Therefore, adenoviral vectors expressing GLUTS were used to infect both ßpancreatic and liver-derived cell lines, as GLUTS is endogenously expressed in the liver. Comparison of gene expression between cells infected with the GLUTS-expressing adenovirus and cells infected with a GFP-expressing control adenovirus ended up in the identification of the transcription factor HNF4α as being upregulated in aGLUT9-dependent manner. Résumé La prévalence du diabète de type 2 augmente de façon alarmante dans le monde entier, probablement secondairement à celle de l'obésité. Le diabète de type 2 étant caractérisé par une glycémie sanguine élevée, l'entrée du glucose dans les tissus depuis la circulation sanguine constitue un point de contrôle important pour maintenir la glycémie à des valeurs acceptables. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs isoformes de transporteurs au glucose ont été clonées récemment et certaines d'entre elles sont apparues comme jouant d'importants rôles régulateurs. Mieux caractériser deux d'entre elles (GLUT8 et GLUT9) était le but de mon travail. La première partie de mon travail a été centrée sur GLUT8, qui est exprimé principalement dans le cerveau et qui peut transporter le glucose avec une haute affinité. GLUT8 est retenu intracellulairement à l'état basal de façon dépendante d'un motif dileucine N-terminal, ce qui implique que son expression à la surface cellulaire pourrait être induite par des stimuli extracellulaires. Dans cette optique, je me suis intéressé à mieux définir la localisation subcellulaire de GLUT8 à l'état basal et à trouver des signaux activant sa translocation, en utilisant comme outil un vecteur adénoviral exprimant une version marquée (tag myc) du transporteur, me permettant ainsi d'exprimer et de détecter GLUT8 à la surface cellulaire dans des neurones hippocampiques primaires et des cellules PC12. Cet outil m'a permis de montrer que GLUT8 réside dans un compartiment unique différent des lysosomes, du réticulum endoplasmique, des endosomes, ainsi que du Golgi. De plus, l'absence de translocation de GLUT8 à la suite de l'activation pharmacologique de plusieurs voies de signalisation suggère que GLUT8 ne transloque jamais à la membrane plasmique, mais jouerait plutôt un rôle au sein même de son compartiment intracellulaire unique. La seconde partie de mon travail a été centrée sur GLUT9, lequel -contrairement à GLUT8 -est incapable de transporter le glucose, mais conserve la capacité de se lier à des molécules dérivées du glucose, suggérant que ce pourrait être un senseur de glucose plutôt qu'un vrai transporteur. Le but du projet a donc été de définir si GLUT9 active des signaux intracellulaires quand il est lui-même activé. Pour ce faire, des vecteurs adénoviraux exprimant GLUT9 ont été utilisés pour infecter des lignées cellulaires dérivées de cellules ßpancréatiques et d'hépatocytes, GLUT9 étant exprimé de façon endogène dans le foie. La comparaison de l'expression des gènes entre des cellules infectées avec l'adénovirus exprimant GLUT9 et un adénovirus contrôle exprimant la GFP a permis d'identifier le facteur de transcription HNF4α comme étant régulé de façon GLUT9-dépendante. Résumé tout public Il existe deux types bien distincts de diabète. Le diabète de type 1 constitue environ 10 des cas de diabète et se déclare généralement à l'enfance. Il est caractérisé par une incapacité du pancréas à sécréter une hormone, l'insuline, qui régule la concentration sanguine du glucose (glycémie). Il en résulte une hyperglycémie sévère qui, si le patient n'est pas traité à l'insuline, conduit à de graves dommages à divers organes, ce qui peut mener à la cécité, à la perte des membres inférieurs, ainsi qu'à l'insuffisance rénale. Le diabète de type 2 se déclare plus tard dans la vie. Il n'est pas causé par une déficience en insuline, mais plutôt par une incapacité de l'insuline à agir sur ses tissus cibles. Le nombre de cas de diabète de type 2 augmente de façon dramatique, probablement à la suite de l'augmentation des cas d'obésité, le surpoids chronique étant le principal facteur de risque de diabète. Chez l'individu sain, le glucose sanguin est transporté dans différents organes (foie, muscles, tissu adipeux,...) où il est utilisé comme source d'énergie. Chez le patient diabétique, le captage de glucose est altéré, expliquant ainsi l'hyperglycémie. Il est ainsi crucial d'étudier les mécanismes permettant ce captage. Ainsi, des protéines permettant l'entrée de glucose dans la cellule depuis le milieu extracellulaire ont été découvertes depuis une vingtaine d'années. La plupart d'entre elles appartiennent à une sous-famille de protéines nommée GLUT (pour "GLUcose Transporters") dont cinq membres ont été caractérisés et nommés selon l'ordre de leur découverte (GLUT1-5). Néanmoins, la suppression de ces protéines chez la souris par des techniques moléculaires n'affecte pas totalement le captage de glucose, suggérant ainsi que des transporteurs de glucose encore inconnus pourraient exister. De telles protéines ont été isolées ces dernières années et nommées selon l'ordre de leur découverte (GLUT6-14). Durant mon travail de thèse, je me suis intéressé à deux d'entre elles, GLUT8 et GLUT9, qui ont été découvertes précédemment dans le laboratoire. GLUT8 est exprimé principalement dans le cerveau. La protéine n'est pas exprimée à la surface de la cellule, mais est retenue à l'intérieur. Des mécanismes complexes doivent donc exister pour déplacer le transporteur à la surface cellulaire, afin qu'il puisse permettre l'entrée du glucose dans la cellule. Mon travail a consisté d'une part à définir où se trouve le transporteur à l'intérieur de la cellule, et d'autre part à comprendre les mécanismes capables de déplacer GLUT8 vers la surface cellulaire, en utilisant des neurones exprimant une version marquée du transporteur, permettant ainsi sa détection par des méthodes biochimiques. Cela m'a permis de montrer que GLUT8 est localisé dans une partie de la cellule encore non décrite à ce jour et qu'il n'est jamais déplacé à la surface cellulaire, ce qui suggère que le transporteur doit jouer un rôle à l'intérieur de la cellule et non à sa surface. GLUT9 est exprimé dans le foie et dans les reins. Il ressemble beaucoup à GLUT8, mais ne transporte pas le glucose, ce qui suggère que ce pourrait être un récepteur au glucose plutôt qu'un transporteur à proprement parler. Le but de mon travail a été de tester cette hypothèse, en comparant des cellules du foie exprimant GLUT9 avec d'autres n'exprimant pas la protéine. Par des méthodes d'analyses moléculaires, j'ai pu montrer que la présence de GLUT9 dans les cellules du foie augmente l'expression de HNF4α, une protéine connue pour réguler la sécrétion d'insuline dans le pancréas ainsi que la production de glucose dans le foie. Des expériences complémentaires seront nécessaires afin de mieux comprendre par quels mécanismes GLUT9 influence l'expression de HNF4α dans le foie, ainsi que de définir l'importance de GLUT9 dans la régulation de la glycémie chez l'animal entier.


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Diabetes is a recognized risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and heart failure. Diabetic cardiovascular dysfunction also underscores the development of diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Despite the broad availability of antidiabetic therapy, glycemic control still remains a major challenge in the management of diabetic patients. Hyperglycemia triggers formation of advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs), activates protein kinase C, enhances polyol pathway, glucose autoxidation, which coupled with elevated levels of free fatty acids, and leptin have been implicated in increased generation of superoxide anion by mitochondria, NADPH oxidases and xanthine oxidoreductase in diabetic vasculature and myocardium. Superoxide anion interacts with nitric oxide forming the potent toxin peroxynitrite via diffusion limited reaction, which in concert with other oxidants triggers activation of stress kinases, endoplasmic reticulum stress, mitochondrial and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1-dependent cell death, dysregulates autophagy/mitophagy, inactivates key proteins involved in myocardial calcium handling/contractility and antioxidant defense, activates matrix metalloproteinases and redox-dependent pro-inflammatory transcription factors (e.g. nuclear factor kappaB) promoting inflammation, AGEs formation, eventually culminating in myocardial dysfunction, remodeling and heart failure. Understanding the complex interplay of oxidative/nitrosative stress with pro-inflammatory, metabolic and cell death pathways is critical to devise novel targeted therapies for diabetic cardiomyopathy, which will be overviewed in this brief synopsis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Autophagy and protein quality control in cardiometabolic diseases.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Intensive insulin therapy titrated to restore and maintain blood glucose between 80 and 110 mg/dl (4.4-6.1 mmol/l) was found to improve survival of critically ill patients in one pioneering proof-of-concept study performed in a surgical intensive care unit. The external validity of these findings was investigated. RECENT FINDINGS: Six independent prospective randomized controlled trials, involving 9877 patients in total, were unable to confirm the survival benefit reported in the pioneering trial. Several hypotheses were proposed to explain this discrepancy, including the case-mix, the features of the usual care, the quality of glucose control and the risks associated with hypoglycemia. SUMMARY: Before a better understanding and delineation of the conditions associated with and improved outcome by tight glycemic control, the choice of an intermediate glycemic target appears as a safe and effective solution.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The Lausanne Stroke Registry includes, from 1979, all patients admitted to the department of Neurology of the Lausanne University Hospital with the diagnosis of first clinical stroke. Using the Lausanne Stroke Registry, we aimed to determine trends in risk factors, causes, localization and inhospital mortality over 25 years in hospitalized stroke patients. METHODS: We assessed temporal trends in stroke patients characteristics through the following consecutive periods: 1979-1987, 1988-1995 and 1996-2003. Age-adjusted cardiovascular risk factors, etiologies, stroke localizations and mortality were compared between the three periods. RESULTS: Overall, 5,759 patients were included. Age was significantly different among the analyzed periods (p < 0.001), showing an increment in older patients throughout time. After adjustment for age, hypercholesterolemia increased (p < 0.001), as opposed to cigarette smoking (p < 0.001), hypertension (p < 0.001) and diabetes and hyperglycemia (p < 0.001). In patients with ischemic strokes, there were significant changes in the distribution of causes with an increase in cardioembolic strokes (p < 0.001), and in the localization of strokes with an increase in entire middle cerebral artery (MCA) and posterior circulation strokes together with a decrease in superficial middle cerebral artery stroke (p < 0.001). In patients with hemorrhagic strokes, the thalamic localizations increased, whereas the proportion of striatocapsular hemorrhage decreased (p = 0.022). Except in the older patient group, the mortality rate decreased. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows major trends in the characteristics of stroke patients admitted to a department of neurology over a 25-year time span, which may result from referral biases, development of acute stroke management and possibly from the evolution of cerebrovascular risk factors.


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While the morphological and electrophysiological changes underlying diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) are relatively well described, the involved molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigated whether phenotypic changes associated with early DPN are correlated with transcriptional alterations in the neuronal (dorsal root ganglia [DRG]) or the glial (endoneurium) compartments of the peripheral nerve. We used Ins2(Akita/+) mice to study transcriptional changes underlying the onset of DPN in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). Weight, blood glucose and motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) were measured in Ins2(Akita/+) and control mice during the first three months of life in order to determine the onset of DPN. Based on this phenotypic characterization, we performed gene expression profiling using sciatic nerve endoneurium and DRG isolated from pre-symptomatic and early symptomatic Ins2(Akita/+) mice and sex-matched littermate controls. Our phenotypic analysis of Ins2(Akita/+) mice revealed that DPN, as measured by reduced MNCV, is detectable in affected animals already one week after the onset of hyperglycemia. Surprisingly, the onset of DPN was not associated with any major persistent changes in gene expression profiles in either sciatic nerve endoneurium or DRG. Our data thus demonstrated that the transcriptional programs in both endoneurial and neuronal compartments of the peripheral nerve are relatively resistant to the onset of hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia suggesting that either minor transcriptional alterations or changes on the proteomic level are responsible for the functional deficits associated with the onset of DPN in type 1 DM.


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BACKGROUND: The mean age of acute dengue has undergone a shift towards older ages. This fact points towards the relevance of assessing the influence of age-related comorbidities, such as diabetes, on the clinical presentation of dengue episodes. Identification of factors associated with a severe presentation is of high relevance, because timely treatment is the most important intervention to avert complications and death. This review summarizes and evaluates the published evidence on the association between diabetes and the risk of a severe clinical presentation of dengue. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: A systematic literature review was conducted using the MEDLINE database to access any relevant association between dengue and diabetes. Five case-control studies (4 hospital-based, 1 population-based) compared the prevalence of diabetes (self-reported or abstracted from medical records) of persons with dengue (acute or past; controls) and patients with severe clinical manifestations. All except one study were conducted before 2009 and all studies collected information towards WHO 1997 classification system. The reported odds ratios were formally summarized by random-effects meta-analyses. A diagnosis of diabetes was associated with an increased risk for a severe clinical presentation of dengue (OR 1.75; 95% CI: 1.08-2.84, p = 0.022). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Large prospective studies that systematically and objectively obtain relevant signs and symptoms of dengue fever episodes as well as of hyperglycemia in the past, and at the time of dengue diagnosis, are needed to properly address the effect of diabetes on the clinical presentation of an acute dengue fever episode. The currently available epidemiological evidence is very limited and only suggestive. The increasing global prevalence of both dengue and diabetes justifies further studies. At this point, confirmation of dengue infection as early as possible in diabetes patients with fever if living in dengue endemic regions seems justified. The presence of this co-morbidity may warrant closer observation for glycemic control and adapted fluid management to diminish the risk for a severe clinical presentation of dengue.


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Brain injury is frequently observed after sepsis and may be primarily related to the direct effects of the septic insult on the brain (e.g., brain edema, ischemia, seizures) or to secondary/indirect injuries (e.g., hypotension, hypoxemia, hypocapnia, hyperglycemia). Management of brain injury in septic patients is first focused to exclude structural intracranial complications (e.g., ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke) and possible confounders (e.g., electrolyte alterations or metabolic disorders, such as dysglycemia). Sepsis-associated brain dysfunction is frequently a heterogeneous syndrome. Despite increasing understanding of main pathophysiologic determinants, therapy is essentially limited to protect the brain against further cerebral damage, by way of "simple" therapeutic manipulations of cerebral perfusion and oxygenation and by avoiding over-sedation. Non-invasive monitoring of cerebral perfusion and oxygenation with transcranial Doppler (TCD) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is feasible in septic patients. Electroencephalography (EEG) allows detection of sepsis-related seizures and holds promise also as sedation monitoring. Brain CT-scan detects intra-cerebral structural lesions, while magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides important insights into primary mechanisms of sepsis-related direct brain injury, (e.g., cytotoxic vs. vasogenic edema) and the development of posterior reversible encephalopathy. Together with EEG and evoked potentials (EP), MRI is also important for coma prognostication. Emerging clinical evidence suggests monitoring of the brain in septic patients can be implemented in the ICU. The objective of this review was to summarize recent clinical data about the role of brain monitoring - including TCD, NIRS, EEG, EP, CT, and MRI - in patients with sepsis and to illustrate its potential utility for the diagnosis, management and prognostication.


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INTRODUCTION: Hyperglycemia is a metabolic alteration in major burn patients associated with complications. The study aimed at evaluating the safety of general ICU glucose control protocols applied in major burns receiving prolonged ICU treatment. METHODS: 15year retrospective analysis of consecutive, adult burn patients admitted to a single specialized centre. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: death or length of stay <10 days, age <16years. VARIABLES: demographic variables, burned surface (TBSA), severity scores, infections, ICU stay, outcome. Metabolic variables: total energy, carbohydrate and insulin delivery/24h, arterial blood glucose and CRP values. Analysis of 4 periods: 1, before protocol; 2, tight doctor driven; 3, tight nurse driven; 4, moderate nurse driven. RESULTS: 229 patients, aged 45±20 years (mean±SD), burned 32±20% TBSA were analyzed. SAPSII was 35±13. TBSA, Ryan and ABSI remained stable. Inhalation injury increased. A total of 28,690 blood glucose samples were analyzed: the median value remained unchanged with a narrower distribution over time. After the protocol initiation, the normoglycemic values increased from 34.7% to 65.9%, with a reduction of hypoglycaemic events (no extreme hypoglycemia in period 4). Severe hyperglycemia persisted throughout with a decrease in period 4 (9.25% in period 4). Energy and glucose deliveries decreased in periods 3 and 4 (p<0.0001). Infectious complications increased during the last 2 periods (p=0.01). CONCLUSION: A standardized ICU glucose control protocol improved the glycemic control in adult burn patients, reducing glucose variability. Moderate glycemic control in burns was safe specifically related to hypoglycemia, reducing the incidence of hypoglycaemic events compared to the period before. Hyperglycemia persisted at a lower level.