536 resultados para Mobilier, patriciat, noblesse, luxe, Berne, Vaud
Rapport Baspo
Geography as a school subject is specifically thought for and by the schools. The contents of the school subject, nowadays, do not reflect the concerns and the evolution of the discipline as such. Nevertheless, official curricula set school objectives that address issues affecting the world and people's lives. These issues are coherent with the ones addressed by geography as a social science, that is to say the study of how people and their environment interact and how societies are interconnected through space. On an every day basis, Geography as a school subject is most of the time reduced to accumulating knowledge outside any given context. This knowledge may even be partially untrue or old and the related activities focus on low cognitive tensions. These practices do not contribute to the learners' understanding of the world because it does not allow them to build a geographical competence, which they. will need as future citizens in order to make responsible choices when they are confronted to questions related to how the locations of human and physical features are influenced by each other and how they interact across space. The central part of the text relies on the ideas and the processes discussed in the publications, which constitute the published file; it is divided into two parts. The first part (chapter 4) presents a didactic approach, which gives meaningful insights into Geography as a school subject and shows a brief account of the theoretical background that supports it. This socio-constructivist approach relies on the main following features: a priming stage (élément déclencheur), which presents geographical knowledge as an issue to be explored, discussed or solved; the issue is given to learners;. the planning of the teaching-learning sequence in small units launched by the main issue in the priming stage ; the interconnections of geographical knowledge with integrative concepts ; the synthetic stage or reporting stage where final concepts and knowledge are put together in order to be learned. Such an approach allows learners to re-invest the knowledge they have built themselves. This knowledge is organised by geographical integrative concepts, which represent true thinking operative tools and with which key issues in the geographical thinking are associated. The second part of the text (chapter 5) displays the didactic principles that governed the conception of the new initial training course for the future upper secondary school teachers at the HEP Vaud. The ambition of this course is to prepare future teachers to plan and realize the teaching of geography that provides pupils with the tools to understand better how people and their environment interact and how societies are interconnected through space. One of the tools for the teachers is the conceptual framework, whose most salient interest is to be relevant at every stage of the preparation and planning of the teaching, including the necessary epistemological reflection that should always be present. The synthesis of the text starts with a short account of the first evaluation of the new course. Various reflections on the future concerns and issues, that the didactics and methodology of Geography will be confronted with, constitute the synthesis.
The association between prenatal care and infant health has been shown in many studies. Therefore, accurate information on prenatal care is required to assess the organization of preventive measures aiming at a reducing in neonatal mortality any morbidity. We retrospectively collected data on 854 pregnancies. According to a classification scheme developed by Kessner, 61.6% of women had access to adequate prenatal care. Overall, the proportion of adequate prenatal care was lower among multiparas, and in this subgroup we found a lower rate for women with base line insurance. In the primiparas subgroup we found a lower rate of adequate prenatal care for foreigners, women under 20 years or unmarried mothers, and for women without professional activity during pregnancy, besides preterm birth was more frequent amongst women in the group of prenatal care qualified as intermediate or inadequate. The frequency of pregnancy visits and the Kessner index are discussed in a literature review. The association between socio-economic indicators and prenatal care was unexpected considering the overall wealth of Switzerland. With a 6.8% infant mortality registered in 1989, this country can be considered to have one of the lowest rates in the world. These findings nevertheless suggest the way to possible additional gains by interventions targeted to specific socio-economic groups.