112 resultados para Intraradicular retention


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This article focuses on work disability and sick leave and their cost; it also discusses the value of vocational rehabilitation programmes in rheumatic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, hip and knee osteoarthritis. It acknowledges the importance of work not only for the worker who has one of these diseases but also for the public purse. Much can be done to improve the health of the persons and reduce their disability and its impact in the workplace which will have an important effect on their and their family's quality of life. It is important that neither rehabilitation nor vocational rehabilitation are regarded as bolt-on activities after drug treatment but are seen as an integral part of effective management. Publications dealing with return to work are relatively common in rheumatoid arthritis, less common in ankylosing spondylitis and relatively rare in osteoarthritis. Vocational rehabilitation programmes should aim to facilitate job retention or, failing that, to improve the ability to return to work. The process must be started with in the health arena and it has to be recognised that slow or poor practice in the health service can jeopardise the patient's work potential


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Aldosterone promotes electrogenic sodium reabsorption through the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). Here, we investigated the importance of ENaC and its positive regulator channel-activating protease 1 (CAP1/Prss8) in colon. Mice lacking the αENaC subunit in colonic superficial cells (Scnn1a(KO)) were viable, without fetal or perinatal lethality. Control mice fed a regular or low-salt diet had a significantly higher amiloride-sensitive rectal potential difference (∆PDamil) than control mice fed a high-salt diet. In Scnn1a(KO) mice, however, this salt restriction-induced increase in ∆PDamil did not occur, and the circadian rhythm of ∆PDamil was blunted. Plasma and urinary sodium and potassium did not change with regular or high-salt diets or potassium loading in control or Scnn1a(KO) mice. However, Scnn1a(KO) mice fed a low-salt diet lost significant amounts of sodium in their feces and exhibited high plasma aldosterone and increased urinary sodium retention. Mice lacking the CAP1/Prss8 in colonic superficial cells (Prss8(KO)) were viable, without fetal or perinatal lethality. Compared with controls, Prss8(KO) mice fed regular or low-salt diets exhibited significantly reduced ∆PDamil in the afternoon, but the circadian rhythm was maintained. Prss8(KO) mice fed a low-salt diet also exhibited sodium loss through feces and higher plasma aldosterone levels. Thus, we identified CAP1/Prss8 as an in vivo regulator of ENaC in colon. We conclude that, under salt restriction, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the kidney compensated for the absence of ENaC in colonic surface epithelium, leading to colon-specific pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 with mineralocorticoid resistance without evidence of impaired potassium balance.


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BACKGROUND: Tumour control of vitreous seeds remains challenging owing to their resistance to radiation and systemic chemotherapy. OBJECTIVE: To describe the short-term efficacy of intravitreal melphalan for vitreous disease in retinoblastoma using a new injection technique and dose. METHODS: This study is a retrospective non-comparative review of 23 consecutive heavily pretreated patients (23 eyes) with active vitreous seeding and eligible for intravitreous chemotherapy (IViC). They received a total of 122 intravitreal injections of melphalan (20-30 μg) given every 7-10 days. The ocular status was objectively monitored under anaesthesia with fundus photography. RESULTS: All patients are alive without evidence of extraocular spread (95% CI 82.19% to 100%). Concomitant treatments, including other chemotherapeutic modalities, were used until complete sterilisation of the retinal seeding source and subretinal seeds. Globe retention was achieved in 87% (20/23) of cases. All retained eyes were in complete remission after a median follow-up period of 22 months (range 9-31 months). The Kaplan-Meier estimate of ocular survival rates at 2 years was 84.14% (95% CI 62.48% to 95.28%). A localised peripheral salt-and-pepper retinopathy was noted in 10 eyes (43%) at the site of injection. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the first clinically documented case series of patients with retinoblastoma treated with IViC. Despite a possible confounding effect of concomitant chemotherapy prescription using other routes of administration in four of the successfully treated eyes (20%), IViC achieved an unprecedented success rate of tumour control in the presence of vitreous seeding. Of note, none of the treated eyes required external beam irradiation to control the vitreous seeding. Further studies are required to assess IViC retinal toxicity and to better delineate its role in the management of retinoblastoma.


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Micas are commonly used in Ar-40/Ar-39 thermochronological studies of variably deformed rocks yet the physical basis by which deformation may affect radiogenic argon retention in mica is poorly constrained. This study examines the relationship between deformation and deformation-induced microstructures on radiogenic argon retention in muscovite, A combination of furnace step-heating and high-spatial resolution in situ UV-laser ablation Ar-40/Ar-39 analyses are reported for deformed muscovites sampled from a granitic pegmatite vein within the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe, western Swiss Alps (Penninic domain, Brianconnais unit). The pegmatite forms part of the Variscan (similar to 350 Ma) Alpine basement and exhibits a prominent Alpine S-C fabric including numerous mica `fish' that developed under greenschist facies metamorphic conditions, during the dominant Tertiary Alpine tectonic phase of nappe emplacement. Furnace step-heating of milligram quantities of separated muscovite grains yields an Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectrum with two distinct staircase segments but without any statistical plateau, consistent with a previous study from the same area. A single (3 X 5 mm) muscovite porphyroclast (fish) was investigated by in situ UV-laser ablation. A histogram plot of 170 individual Ar-40/Ar-39 UV-laser ablation ages exhibit a range from 115 to 387 Ma with modes at approximately 340 and 260 Ma. A variogram statistical treatment of the (40)Ad/Ar-39 results reveals ages correlated with two directions; a highly correlated direction at 310 degrees and a lesser correlation at 0 degrees relative to the sense of shearing. Using the highly correlated direction a statistically generated (Kriging method) age contour map of the Ar-40/Ar-39 data reveals a series of elongated contours subparallel to the C-surfaces which where formed during Tertiary nappe emplacement. Similar data distributions and slightly younger apparent ages are recognized in a smaller mica fish. The observed intragrain age variations are interpreted to reflect the partial loss of radiogenic argon during Alpine (similar to 35 Ma) greenschist facies metamorphism. One-dirnensional diffusion modelling results are consistent with the idea that the zones of youngest apparent age represent incipient shear band development within the mica porphyroclasts, thus providing a network of fast diffusion pathways. During Alpine greenschist facies metamorphism the incipient shear bands enhanced the intragrain loss of radiogenic argon. The structurally controlled intragrain age variations observed in this investigation imply that deformation has a direct control on the effective length scale for argon diffusion, which is consistent with the heterogeneous nature of deformation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electron microscopy was used to monitor the fate of reconstituted nucleosome cores during in vitro transcription of long linear and supercoiled multinucleosomic templates by the prokaryotic T7 RNA polymerase and the eukaryotic RNA polymerase II. Transcription by T7 RNA polymerase disrupted the nucleosomal configuration in the transcribed region, while nucleosomes were preserved upstream of the transcription initiation site and in front of the polymerase. Nucleosome disruption was independent of the topology of the template, linear or supercoiled, and of the presence or absence of nucleosome positioning sequences in the transcribed region. In contrast, the nucleosomal configuration was preserved during transcription from the vitellogenin B1 promoter with RNA polymerase II in a rat liver total nuclear extract. However, the persistence of nucleosomes on the template was not RNA polymerase II-specific, but was dependent on another activity present in the nuclear extract. This was demonstrated by addition of the extract to the T7 RNA polymerase transcription reaction, which resulted in retention of the nucleosomal configuration. This nuclear activity, also found in HeLa cell nuclei, is heat sensitive and could not be substituted by nucleoplasmin, chromatin assembly factor (CAF-I) or a combination thereof. Altogether, these results identify a novel nuclear activity, called herein transcription-dependent chromatin stabilizing activity I or TCSA-I, which may be involved in a nucleosome transfer mechanism during transcription.


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PURPOSE: To compare the renal hemodynamic and tubular effects of celecoxib, a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) to those of naproxen, a nonselective inhibitor of cyclooxygenases in salt-depleted subjects. METHODS AND SUBJECTS: Forty subjects were randomized into four parallel groups to receive 200 mg celecoxib twice a day, 400 mg celecoxib twice a day, 500 mg naproxen twice a day, or a placebo for 7 days according to a double-blind study design. Blood pressure, renal hemodynamics, and urinary water and electrolyte excretion were measured before and for 3 hours after drug intake on days 1 and 7. RESULTS: Celecoxib had no effect on systemic blood pressure, but short-term transient decreases in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate were found with the highest dose of 400 mg on day 1. On the first day, both celecoxib and naproxen decreased urine output (P < .05) and sodium, lithium, and potassium excretion (P < .01). On day 7, similar effects on water and sodium excretion were observed. During repeated administration, a significant sodium retention occurred during the first 3 days. CONCLUSION: In salt-depleted subjects, selective inhibition of COX-2 causes sodium and potassium retention. This suggests that an increased selectivity for COX-2 does not spare the kidney, at least during salt depletion.


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GLUT8 is a glucose transporter isoform expressed at high levels in testis; at intermediate levels in the brain, including the hippocampus; and at lower levels in the heart and several other tissues. GLUT8 is located in an intracellular compartment and does not appear to translocate to the cell surface, except in blastocysts, where insulin has been reported to induce its surface expression. Here, we generated mice with inactivation of the glut8 gene. We showed that expression of GLUT8 was not required for normal embryonic development and that glut8-/- mice had normal postnatal development, glucose homeostasis, and response to mild stress. Adult glut8-/- mice showed increased proliferation of hippocampal cells but no defect in memory acquisition and retention. Absence of GLUT8 from the heart did not alter heart size and morphology but led to an increase in P-wave duration, which was not associated with abnormal Nav1.5 Na+ channel or connexin expression. Thus, absence of GLUT8 expression in the mouse caused complex but mild physiological alterations.


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Enjeu : L'incidence d'insuffisance rénale terminale augmente d'environ 5-6% par année dans nos régions. L'une des causes majeures d'insuffisance rénale est la néphropathie diabétique qui représente selon les pays entre 25 et 40% des néphropathies terminales. La progression de la néphropathie diabétique peut être ralentie de manière efficace par un bon contrôle du diabète et de l'hypertension artérielle et par le blocage du système rénine-angiotensine. Néanmoins, malgré l'application stricte de ces thérapies préventives, la néphropathie de bons nombres de patients diabétiques continue de progresser. Il est donc important de développer de nouvelles stratégies permettant de préserver la fonction rénale des patients diabétiques soit en améliorant le contrôle de la pression artérielle soit en diminuant la protéinurie. Contexte : Il existe un certain nombre d'évidences expérimentales que le blocage des récepteurs de l'endothéline pourrait avoir un effet positif sur le devenir de la néphropathie diabétique en diminuant de manière efficace la protéinurie même chez des animaux déjà traités efficacement avec un bloqueur du système rénine-angiotensine. Dans des études de phase 2 impliquant l'avosentan, un antagoniste des récepteurs de l'endothéline actuellement en cours de développement pour le traitement de la néphropathie diabétique, on a pu démontrer que cet antagoniste, prescrit à des doses oscillant entre 5 et 50 mg par jour per os, diminue la protéinurie d'environ 20-40% chez des patients déjà traités avec un IEC ou un antagoniste de l'angiotensine. Toutefois, une grande étude de phase III conduite avec ce médicament chez des patients diabétiques a du être interrompue précocement en raison de l'apparition d'oedèmes et d'une surcharge hydrosodée conduisant dans certains cas à une décompensation cardiaque aiguë. La rétention hydrosodée est un effet secondaire connu des antagonistes de l'endothéline déjà sur le marché. Toutefois, pour l'avosentan, on ne savait pas si des doses plus faibles du médicament avaient aussi un effet négative sur la balance hydrosodée. En outre, les mécanismes rénaux responsables de la rétention hydrosodée sont encore mal connus chez l'homme. C'est pourquoi, nous avons organisé et réalisé cette étude de pharmacologie clinique chez le volontaire sain posant 2 questions : 1) des doses faibles d'avosentan produisent-elles aussi une rétention hydrosodée chez l'homme ? et 2) quels sont les mécanismes rénaux pouvant expliquer la rétention hydrosodée ? Cette thèse est donc une étude clinique de phase I testant chez 23 volontaires sains les effets rénaux de différentes doses d'avosentan ou d'un placebo pour établir la courbe dose-réponse des effets rénaux de ce médicament. L'idée était également de définir quelle dose est sure et bien tolérée pour être utilisée dans une nouvelle étude de phase II. L'avosentan a été administré par voie orale une fois par jour pendant 8 jours à des doses de 0.5, 1.5, 5 et 50 mg. Les effets rénaux hémodynamiques et tubulaires ont été étudiés chez chaque sujet lors de la première administration (jour 1) et après une semaine de traitement (jour 8). Le médicament a induit une prise de poids dose-dépendante déjà présente à 5 mg et maximale à 50 mg (+ 0.8 kg au jour 8). Nous n'avons pas mesuré d'impact de l'avosentan sur l'hémodynamique rénale ni sur les électrolytes plasmatiques. En revanche, nous avons constaté une diminution dose-dépendante de la fraction d'excrétion de sodium (jusqu'à -8.7% avec avosentan 50 mg). Cette diminution était en rapport avec une augmentation dose-dépendante de la réabsorption proximale de sodium. Nous avons également constaté une baisse de la pression artérielle aux doses élevées et une hémodilution marquée par une baisse de l'hématocrite suggérant une rétention hydrique à la plus haute dose. Nos résultats suggèrent donc que l'avosentan induit une rétention sodée rénale dose-dépendante expliquée avant tout par une rétention du sodium au niveau du tubule proximal. Cet effet n'est pas observé à des doses plus basses que 5 mg chez le volontaire sain, suggérant que ce médicament devrait être évalué pour son activité réno-protectrice à des doses inférieures ou égales à 5 mg par jour. La raison pour laquelle les hautes doses produisent plus de rétention sodée est peut être liée à une perte de sélectivité pour les sous-types (A et B) de récepteurs à l'endothéline lorsque l'on administre des doses plus élevées que 5 mg. Perspectives : Les résultats de ce travail de thèse ont donc permis de caractériser les propriétés rénales d'un nouvel antagoniste des récepteurs de l'endothéline chez l'homme. Ces résultats ont aussi permis de guider le développement futur de ce médicament vers des doses plus faibles avec l'espoir de garder les effets bénéfiques sur la protéinurie tout en améliorant le profil de tolérance du médicament par l'utilisation de doses plus faibles. ANGLAIS The endothelin receptor antagonist avosentan may cause fluid overload at doses of 25 and 50 mg, but the actual mechanisms of this effect are unclear. We conducted a placebo-controlled study in 23 healthy subjects to assess the renal effects of avosentan and the dose dependency of these effects. Oral avosentan was administered once daily for 8 days at doses of 0.5, 1.5, 5, and 50 mg. The drug induced a dose-dependent median increase in body weight, most pronounced at 50 mg (0.8 kg on day 8). Avosentan did not affect renal hemodynamics or plasma electrolytes. A dose-dependent median reduction in the fractional renal excretion of sodium was found (up to 8.7% at avosentan 50 mg); this reduction was paralleled by a dose-related increase in proximal sodium reabsorption. It is suggested that avosentan dose-dependently induces sodium retention by the kidney, mainly through proximal tubular effects. The potential clinical benefits of avosentan should therefore be investigated at doses of ≤ 5 mg.


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A recent comparative randomized double-blind study has suggested the utility of a carbamazepine/mianserin combination as a treatment for opiate withdrawal. The aim of the present study was to explore the feasibility and efficiency of this combination under naturalistic conditions. Five hundred and fifty mostly polysubstance abusing patients treated with a standardized scheme combining carbamazepine and mianserin were assessed with regard to deviations to the protocol, used co-medications and retention in treatment.Three hundred and sixty three patients (66.0%) received the carbamazepine/mianserin combination as specified by the standardized protocol. In 350 patients (63.7%) the whole 10 days was completed. The most frequently used p.r.n. medications were for anxiety (47.5%) and insomnia (54.5%).The treatment of opiate withdrawal with a carbamazepine/mianserin combination scheme in an inpatient setting seems to be feasible and applicable with few adaptations to most patients, and may represent an interesting treatment option for multidrug users.


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A macromorphological study is made on taxa of the genusOrnithogalum subg.Heliocharmos in North Africa, Spain, and France. The results obtained are consistent with data from cytogenetics, reproductive biology and strategies of reproduction. They allow the retention of two species:O. algeriense and O. umbellatum. A biogeographical and phylogenetic interpretation of the subgenus is proposed for the western Mediterranean. Theoretical views on phenetics are discussed.


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Intratumoural (i.t.) injection of radio-iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd), a thymidine (dThd) analogue, is envisaged for targeted Auger electron- or beta-radiation therapy of glioblastoma. Here, biodistribution of [(125)I]IdUrd was evaluated 5 hr after i.t. injection in subcutaneous human glioblastoma xenografts LN229 after different intravenous (i.v.) pretreatments with fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd). FdUrd is known to block de novo dThd synthesis, thus favouring DNA incorporation of radio-IdUrd. Results showed that pretreatment with 2 mg/kg FdUrd i.v. in 2 fractions 0.5 hr and 1 hr before injection of radio-IdUrd resulted in a mean tumour uptake of 19.8% of injected dose (% ID), representing 65.3% ID/g for tumours of approx. 0.35 g. Tumour uptake of radio-IdUrd in non-pretreated mice was only 4.1% ID. Very low uptake was observed in normal nondividing and dividing tissues with a maximum concentration of 2.9% ID/g measured in spleen. Pretreatment with a higher dose of FdUrd of 10 mg/kg prolonged the increased tumour uptake of radio-IdUrd up to 5 hr. A competition experiment was performed in FdUrd pretreated mice using i.t. co-injection of excess dThd that resulted in very low tumour retention of [(125)I]IdUrd. DNA isolation experiments showed that in the mean &gt;95% of tumour (125)I activity was incorporated in DNA. In conclusion, these results show that close to 20% ID of radio-IdUrd injected i.t. was incorporated in tumour DNA after i.v. pretreatment with clinically relevant doses of FdUrd and that this approach may be further exploited for diffusion and therapy studies with Auger electron- and/or beta-radiation-emitting radio-IdUrd.


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To evaluate the regulation of connexin expression by fluid pressure, we have studied the effects of elevated transmural urine pressure on Connexin43 (Cx43) and Cx26. We chose to focus on these two proteins out of the five connexins (Cx26, 43, 40, 37, and 45) which we found by RT-PCR to be expressed in the rat bladder, since in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence showed that Cx43 is the predominant connexin expressed by smooth muscle cells (SMC), whereas Cx26 is abundantly expressed only in the latter cell type. To evaluate whether these connexins are affected by changes in transmural urine pressure, we used a rat model of bladder outlet obstruction, in which a ligature is placed around the urethra. Under conditions of increased fluid pressure due to urine retention, we observed that the expression of both Cx43 and Cx26 increased at both transcript and protein levels, reaching a maximum 7-9 h after the ligature. Further analysis revealed that these changes were accounted for by a fourfold increase in Cx43 mRNA of SMC but not urothelial cell and by a fivefold increase in Cx26 mRNA of urothelium. Scrape-loading of propidium iodide showed that the latter change was paralleled by a twofold increase in coupling between urothelial cells. The data show that Cx43 and Cx26 are differentially regulated during bladder outlet obstruction and contribute to the response of the bladder wall to increased voiding pressure, possibly to control its elasticity.


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Background: Prosthetic joint infections (PJI) lead to significant long-term morbidity with high cost of healthcare. We evaluated characteristics of infections and the infection and functional outcome of knee PJI over a 10-year period. Methods: All patients hospitalized at our institution from 1/2000 through 12/2009 with knee PJI (defined as growth of the same microorganism in ≥2 tissue or synovial fluid cultures, visible purulence, sinus tract or acute inflammation on tissue histopathology) were included. Patients, their relatives and/or treating physicians were contacted to determine the outcome. Results: During the study period, 61 patients with knee PJI were identified. The median age at the time of diagnosis of infection was 73 y (range, 53-94 y); 52% were men. Median hospital stay was 37 d (range, 1-145 d). Most reasons for primary arthroplasty was osteoarthritis (n = 48), trauma (n = 9) and rheumatoid arthritis (n = 4). 23 primary surgeries (40%) were performed at CHUV, 34 (60%) elsewhere. After surgery, 8 PJI were early (<3 months), 16 delayed (3-24 months) and 33 late (>24 months). PJI were treated with (i) open or arthroscopic debridement with prosthesis retention in 26 (46%), (ii) one-stage exchange in 1, (iii) two-stage exchange in 22 (39%) and (iv) prosthesis removal in 8 (14%). Isolated pathogens were S. aureus (13), coagulase-negative staphylococci (10), streptococci (5), enterococci (3), gram-negative rods (3) and anaerobes (3). Patients were followed for a median of 3.1 years, 2 patients died (unrelated to PJI). The outcome of infection was favorable in 50 patients (88%), whereas the functional outcome was favorable in 33 patients (58%). Conclusions: With the current treatment concept, the high cure rate of infection (88%) is associated with a less favorable functional outcome o 58%. Earlier surgical intervention and more rapid and improved diagnosis of infection may improve the functional outcome of PJI.


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Intestinal glucose absorption is mediated by SGLT1 whereas GLUT2 is considered to provide basolateral exit. Recently, it was proposed that GLUT2 can be recruited into the apical membrane after a high luminal glucose bolus allowing bulk absorption of glucose by facilitated diffusion. Moreover, SGLT1 and GLUT2 are suggested to play an important role in intestinal glucose sensing and incretin secretion. In mice that lack either SGLT1 or GLUT2 we re-assessed the role of these transporters in intestinal glucose uptake after radiotracer glucose gavage and performed Western blot analysis for transporter abundance in apical membrane fractions in a comparative approach. Moreover, we examined the contribution of these transporters to glucose-induced changes in plasma GIP, GLP-1 and insulin levels. In mice lacking SGLT1, tissue retention of tracer glucose was drastically reduced throughout the entire small intestine whereas GLUT2-deficient animals exhibited higher tracer contents in tissue samples than wild type animals. Deletion of SGLT1 resulted also in reduced blood glucose elevations and abolished GIP and GLP-1 secretion in response to glucose. In mice lacking GLUT2, glucose-induced insulin but not incretin secretion was impaired. Western blot analysis revealed unchanged protein levels of SGLT1 after glucose gavage. GLUT2 detected in apical membrane fractions mainly resulted from contamination with basolateral membranes but did not change in density after glucose administration. SGLT1 is unequivocally the prime intestinal glucose transporter even at high luminal glucose concentrations. Moreover, SGLT1 mediates glucose-induced incretin secretion. Our studies do not provide evidence for GLUT2 playing any role in either apical glucose influx or incretin secretion.


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In the NE part of the Aiguilles Rouges Massif near Martigny, at the eastern contact of the Variscan Vallorcine granite to adjacent gneisses, a series of pitchblende (UO2)-veins occur. This paper determines the level of enrichment and mobility of uranium in soils situated in the vicinity of such a UO2-vein 7 km west of Martigny. Within an area of 50 x 100 m, situated on a relatively steep slope and characterized by a strong gramma-ray anomaly, six soil profiles including their plant cover and a reference soil profile outside the influence of the UO2-vein have been examined. The soil shows pH-values between 4 and 5 and is colluvial. The applied analytical methods for the metal contents include extraction methods, common for soil studies, and bulk analysis performed with X-ray fluorescence and ICP-MS. Uranium contents found in the uppermost 20 cm of the soil profiles vary from 2,500 ppm close to the vein to 15 ppm at the lowermost point of the study area. The reference soil has around 3 ppm uranium. At greater depth (20 to 40 cm) the U-content decreases to about half of the surface values, indicating a vertical transport of uranium within the soil profile. No systematic dependance of uranium-contents to grain size (amount of clay) nor to the amount of organic matter has been found. However, the good correlation between uranium and free iron oxide concentration suggests adsorption of uranium on iron oxy-hydroxides. The ashes of grass and mosses contain up to 90 ppm U, the blueberry and redwood only up to 3 ppm. Our observations suggest that at the surface the uranium is transported by downhill creep (solifluxion) of uranium-rich rock fragments. Liberated by oxidation of the uppermost fragments in a given soil column, the uranium migrates vertically until the conditions are favourable to adsorption onto Fe-oxy-hydroxides. However, as high U-contents of local surface water show, this adsorption does not lead to a significant retention of the uranium.