141 resultados para Intertidal habitats


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Aim  The imperfect detection of species may lead to erroneous conclusions about species-environment relationships. Accuracy in species detection usually requires temporal replication at sampling sites, a time-consuming and costly monitoring scheme. Here, we applied a lower-cost alternative based on a double-sampling approach to incorporate the reliability of species detection into regression-based species distribution modelling.Location  Doñana National Park (south-western Spain).Methods  Using species-specific monthly detection probabilities, we estimated the detection reliability as the probability of having detected the species given the species-specific survey time. Such reliability estimates were used to account explicitly for data uncertainty by weighting each absence. We illustrated how this novel framework can be used to evaluate four competing hypotheses as to what constitutes primary environmental control of amphibian distribution: breeding habitat, aestivating habitat, spatial distribution of surrounding habitats and/or major ecosystems zonation. The study was conducted on six pond-breeding amphibian species during a 4-year period.Results  Non-detections should not be considered equivalent to real absences, as their reliability varied considerably. The occurrence of Hyla meridionalis and Triturus pygmaeus was related to a particular major ecosystem of the study area, where suitable habitat for these species seemed to be widely available. Characteristics of the breeding habitat (area and hydroperiod) were of high importance for the occurrence of Pelobates cultripes and Pleurodeles waltl. Terrestrial characteristics were the most important predictors of the occurrence of Discoglossus galganoi and Lissotriton boscai, along with spatial distribution of breeding habitats for the last species.Main conclusions  We did not find a single best supported hypothesis valid for all species, which stresses the importance of multiscale and multifactor approaches. More importantly, this study shows that estimating the reliability of non-detection records, an exercise that had been previously seen as a naïve goal in species distribution modelling, is feasible and could be promoted in future studies, at least in comparable systems.


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Long-chain alkanes are a major component of crude oil and therefore potentially good indicators of hydrocarbon spills. Here we present a set of new bacterial bioreporters and assays that allow to detect long-chain alkanes. These reporters are based on the regulatory protein AlkS and the alkB1 promoter from Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2, a widespread alkane degrader in marine habitats. Escherichia coli cells with the reporter construct reacted strongly to octane in short-term (6 h) aqueous suspension assays but very slightly only to tetradecane, in line with what is expected from its low water solubility. In contrast, long-term assays (up to 5 days) with A. borkumensis bioreporters showed strong induction with tetradecane and crude oil. Gel-immobilized A. borkumensis reporter cells were used to demonstrate tetradecane and crude oil bioavailability at a distance from a source. Alcanivorax borkumensis bioreporters induced fivefold more rapid and more strongly when allowed physical contact with the oil phase in standing flask assays, suggesting a major contribution of adhered cells to the overall reporter signal. Using the flask assays we further demonstrated the effect of oleophilic nutrients and biosurfactants on oil availability and degradation by A. borkumensis. The fluorescence signal from flask assays could easily be captured with a normal digital camera, making such tests feasible to be carried out on, e.g. marine oil responder vessels in case of oil accidents.


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Although the adder (Vipera berus) has a large distribution area, this species is particularly threatened in Western Europe due to high habitat fragmentation and human persecution. We developed 13 new microsatellite markers in order to evaluate population structure and genetic diversity in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains, where the species is limited to only a few scattered populations. We found that V. berus exhibits a considerable genetic differentiation among populations (global F-ST = 0.269), even if these are not geographically isolated. Moreover, the genetic diversity within populations in the Jura Mountains and in the less perturbed Swiss Alps is significantly lower than in other French populations, possibly due to post-glacial recolonisation processes. Finally, in order to minimize losses of genetic diversities within isolated populations, suggestions for the conservation of this species in fragmented habitats are proposed.


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AimSmall body size in Madagascar's dwarf and mouse lemurs (Cheirogaleidae) is generally viewed as primitive. We investigated the evolution of body size in this family and in its sister-taxon, the Lepilemuridae, from phylogenetic, ontogenetic and adaptive perspectives. LocationMadagascar. MethodsWe used a phylogenetic method to reconstruct the evolution of body size in lemurs, and allometric regression models of gestation periods and static and growth allometries in Cheirogaleidae and Lepilemuridae to test the hypothesis that dwarfing occurred as a result of truncated ontogeny (progenesis). We also examined adaptive hypotheses relating body size to environmental variability, life history, seasonality of reproduction, hypothermy (use of torpor), and a diet rich in plant exudates. ResultsOur results indicated that cheirogaleids experienced at least four independent events of body size reduction from an ancestor as large as living Lepilemuridae, by means of progenesis. Our interpretation is supported by the paedomorphic appearance and parallel ontogenetic trajectories of the dwarf taxa, as well as their very short gestation periods and increased fecundity. Lepilemur species that occupy more predictable environments are significantly larger than those occupying unpredictable habitats. Main conclusionsCheirogaleidae appear to be paedomorphic dwarfs, a consequence of progenesis, probably as an adaptation to high environmental unpredictability. Although the capacity to use hypothermy is related to small body size, this advantage is unlikely to have driven dwarfing in cheirogaleids. We propose that gummmivory/exudativory co-evolved with body size reduction in this clade, probably from a folivorous ancestor. Their small size is derived, and their suitability as models for the ancestral primate' is therefore dubious.


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La présente thèse se propose d'étudier les fortifications connues dans le territoire d'Erétrie (île d'Eubée, Grèce), essentiellement aux époques classique et hellénistique (Ve-IIe siècles av. J.-C.). La plupart de ces constructions (forteresses de grand appareil, habitats fortifiés, enceintes de pierres sèches et tours) sont connues depuis le 19e siècle, mais ce travail constitue la première étude archéologique et historique d'ensemble qui leur est consacrée exclusivement. Bien que décrites depuis longtemps, les fortifications des campagnes grecques ont surtout été étudiées d'un point de vue architectural et historique. Cette approche a privilégié une interprétation militaire et stratégique, reliant les fortifications au sein de réseaux défensifs conçus à grande échelle et destinés à bloquer les accès et les frontières du territoire. Notre perspective est différente, puisqu'elle s'efforce de replacer chaque fortification dans la géographie antique en étudiant son interaction avec les plaines et les reliefs, les frontières, l'habitat, les voies de communication, les terres cultivables et la répartition de la population. Pour ce faire, nous avons établi une carte archéologique de l'Erétriade, conduit des prospections extensives autour des fortifications, ainsi que dans de nombreuses régions du territoire. Cette méthode permet d'aborder l'étude des fortifications rurales en adoptant des angles d'analyse différents : le premier, macro-géographique, met ainsi en valeur des caractéristiques générales, telles que la relation entre les fortifications et la capitale d'une part, les fortifications et les terres cultivables de l'autre ; au plan régional, ou micro-géographique, elle analyse la répartition des fortifications au sein de chaque district de l'Erétriade, voire des vallées ou des cantons, mettant en évidence le rôle local des ouvrages fortifiés. Au terme de cette recherche, il est apparu qu'une approche purement stratégique ou militaire ne permettait pas d'expliquer la répartition géographique des fortifications, puisque ces dernières se trouvent pour la plupart à l'intérieur du territoire et non à ses frontières. Elles ne sont pas non plus disposées de manière à pouvoir exercer une surveillance étroite sur les routes pénétrant dans la chôra ; aussi leur fonctionnement au sein d'un «réseau défensif frontalier ne peut pas être démontré. Dans l'Erétriade, la colonne vertébrale de la sécurité publique est formée par les habitats fortifiés, dèmes et kômai, complétée par l'existence de deux forteresses militaires ayant accueilli des garnisons. Placés toujours à bonne distance de la ville, puis à intervalles plus ou moins réguliers au sein du territoire, les habitats fortifiés jouent sur le plan régional le rôle de la ville : en cas d'invasion ou de danger, la population du dème ou des dèmes environnants pouvait y trouver refuge, mettant ainsi à l'abri récoltes, biens et animaux. L'apparition des fortifications territoriales correspond à l'extension maximale de l'occupation humaine, agricole et économique du territoire. Les communautés rurales qui en avaient la possibilité se dotèrent alors de fortifications, souvent sommaires, pour faire face à des menaces variées, mais surtout pour assurer leur propre sécurité et protéger un équilibre autarcique fragile. Il ne faut donc pas nécessairement attribuer la construction de fortifications à un événement historique précis, interprétation abusive courante dans l'étude des fortifications, en Grèce comme ailleurs. La fortification des habitats ruraux s'est réalisée de manière progressive, en réponse aux sentiments d'insécurité d'une population rurale toujours plus nombreuse. Faute de références littéraires et d'inscriptions, en particulier de décrets honorifiques, les forteresses et les habitats fortifiés de l'Erétriade constituent les derniers témoins de l'insécurité publique et des violences auxquelles fut confronté le territoire d'Erétrie aux époques classique et hellénistique.


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Aim. To predict the fate of alpine interactions involving specialized species, using a monophagous beetle and its host-plant as a case study. Location. The Alps. Methods. We investigated genetic structuring of the herbivorous beetle Oreina gloriosa and its specific host-plant Peucedanum ostruthium. We used genome fingerprinting (in the insect and the plant) and sequence data (in the insect) to compare the distribution of the main gene pools in the two associated species and to estimate divergence time in the insect, a proxy for the temporal origin of the interaction. We quantified the similarity in spatial genetic structures by performing a Procrustes analysis, a tool from the shape theory. Finally, we simulated recolonization of an empty space analogous to the deglaciated Alps just after ice retreat by two lineages from two species showing unbalanced dependence, to examine how timing of the recolonization process, as well as dispersal capacities of associated species, could explain the observed pattern. Results. Contrasting with expectations based on their asymmetrical dependence, patterns in the beetle and plant were congruent at a large scale. Exceptions occurred at a regional scale in areas of admixture, matching known suture zones in Alpine plants. Simulations using a lattice-based model suggested these empirical patterns arose during or soon after recolonization, long after the estimated origin of the interaction c. 0.5 million years ago. Main conclusions. Species-specific interactions are scarce in alpine habitats because glacial cycles have limited opportunities for coevolution. Their fate, however, remains uncertain under climate change. Here we show that whereas most dispersal routes are paralleled at large scale, regional incongruence implies that the destinies of the species might differ under changing climate. This may be a consequence of the host-dependence of the beetle that locally limits the establishment of dispersing insects.


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The loss of biodiversity has become a matter of urgent concern and a better understanding of local drivers is crucial for conservation. Although environmental heterogeneity is recognized as an important determinant of biodiversity, this has rarely been tested using field data at management scale. We propose and provide evidence for the simple hypothesis that local species diversity is related to spatial environmental heterogeneity. Species partition the environment into habitats. Biodiversity is therefore expected to be influenced by two aspects of spatial heterogeneity: 1) the variability of environmental conditions, which will affect the number of types of habitat, and 2) the spatial configuration of habitats, which will affect the rates of ecological processes, such as dispersal or competition. Earlier, simulation experiments predicted that both aspects of heterogeneity will influence plant species richness at a particular site. For the first time, these predictions were tested for plant communities using field data, which we collected in a wooded pasture in the Swiss Jura mountains using a four-level hierarchical sampling design. Richness generally increased with increasing environmental variability and "roughness" (i.e. decreasing spatial aggregation). Effects occurred at all scales, but the nature of the effect changed with scale, suggesting a change in the underlying mechanisms, which will need to be taken into account if scaling up to larger landscapes. Although we found significant effects of environmental heterogeneity, other factors such as history could also be important determinants. If a relationship between environmental heterogeneity and species richness can be shown to be general, recently available high-resolution environmental data can be used to complement the assessment of patterns of local richness and improve the prediction of the effects of land use change based on mean site conditions or land use history.


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C(4) photosynthesis is an adaptive trait conferring an advantage in warm and open habitats. It originated multiple times and is currently reported in 18 plant families. It has been recently shown that phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), a key enzyme of the C(4) pathway, evolved through numerous independent but convergent genetic changes in grasses (Poaceae). To compare the genetics of multiple C(4) origins on a broader scale, we reconstructed the evolutionary history of the C(4) pathway in sedges (Cyperaceae), the second most species-rich C(4) family. A sedge phylogeny based on two plastome genes (rbcL and ndhF) has previously identified six fully C(4) clades. Here, a relaxed molecular clock was used to calibrate this tree and showed that the first C(4) acquisition occurred in this family between 19.6 and 10.1 Ma. According to analyses of PEPC-encoding genes (ppc), at least five distinct C(4) origins are present in sedges. Two C(4) Eleocharis species, which were unrelated in the plastid phylogeny, acquired their C(4)-specific PEPC genes from a single source, probably through reticulate evolution or a horizontal transfer event. Acquisitions of C(4) PEPC in sedges have been driven by positive selection on at least 16 codons (3.5% of the studied gene segment). These sites underwent parallel genetic changes across the five sedge C(4) origins. Five of these sites underwent identical changes also in grass and eudicot C(4) lineages, indicating that genetic convergence is most important within families but that identical genetic changes occurred even among distantly related taxa. These lines of evidence give new insights into the constraints that govern molecular evolution.


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Little is known about the ecology of soil inoculants used for pathogen biocontrol, biofertilization and bioremediation under field conditions. We investigated the persistence and the physiological states of soil-inoculated Pseudomonas protegens (previously Pseudomonas fluorescens) CHA0 (108 CFU g−1 surface soil) in different soil microbial habitats in a planted ley (Medicago sativa L.) and an uncovered field plot. At 72 days, colony counts of the inoculant were low in surface soil (uncovered plot) and earthworm guts (ley plot), whereas soil above the plow pan (uncovered plot), and the rhizosphere and worm burrows present until 1.2 m depth (ley plot) were survival hot spots (105-106 CFU g−1 soil). Interestingly, strain CHA0 was also detected in the subsoil of both plots, at 102-105 CFU g−1 soil between 1.8 and 2 m depth. However, non-cultured CHA0 cells were also evidenced based on immunofluorescence microscopy. Kogure's direct viable counts of nutrient-responsive cells showed that many more CHA0 cells were in a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) or a non-responsive (dormant) state than in a culturable state, and the proportion of cells in those non-cultured states depended on soil microbial habitat. At the most, cells in a VBNC state amounted to 34% (above the plow pan) and those in a dormant state to 89% (in bulk soil between 0.6 and 2 m) of all CHA0 cells. The results indicate that field-released Pseudomonas inoculants may persist at high cell numbers, even in deeper soil layers, and display a combination of different physiological states whose prevalence fluctuates according to soil microbial habitats.


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We investigated the ecogeographic characteristics of 118 Swiss plant species listed as those deserving highest conservation priority in a national conservation guide and classified them into the seven Rabinowitz' rarity types, taking geographic distribution, habitat rarity and local population size into account. Our analysis revealed that species with high conservation priority in Switzerland mostly have a very restricted geographic distribution in Switzerland and generally occur in rare habitats, but do not necessarily constitute small populations and are generally not endemics on a global scale. Moreover, species that are geographically very restricted on a regional scale are not generally restricted on a global scale. By analysing relationships between rarity and IUCN extinction risks for Switzerland, we demonstrated that species with the highest risk of extinction are those with the most restricted geographic distribution; whereas species with lower risk of extinction (but still high conservation priority) include many regional endemics. Habitat rarity and local population size appeared to be of minor importance for the assessment of extinction risk in Switzerland, but the total number of fulfilled rarity criteria still correlated positively with the severity of extinction risk. Our classification is the first preliminary assessment of the relative importance of each rarity type among endangered plant species of the Swiss flora and our results underline the need to distinguish between a regional and a global responsibility for the conservation of rare and endangered species.


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1. Identifying those areas suitable for recolonization by threatened species is essential to support efficient conservation policies. Habitat suitability models (HSM) predict species' potential distributions, but the quality of their predictions should be carefully assessed when the species-environment equilibrium assumption is violated.2. We studied the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra, whose numbers are recovering in southern Italy. To produce widely applicable results, we chose standard HSM procedures and looked for the models' capacities in predicting the suitability of a recolonization area. We used two fieldwork datasets: presence-only data, used in the Ecological Niche Factor Analyses (ENFA), and presence-absence data, used in a Generalized Linear Model (GLM). In addition to cross-validation, we independently evaluated the models with data from a recolonization event, providing presences on a previously unoccupied river.3. Three of the models successfully predicted the suitability of the recolonization area, but the GLM built with data before the recolonization disagreed with these predictions, missing the recolonized river's suitability and badly describing the otter's niche. Our results highlighted three points of relevance to modelling practices: (1) absences may prevent the models from correctly identifying areas suitable for a species spread; (2) the selection of variables may lead to randomness in the predictions; and (3) the Area Under Curve (AUC), a commonly used validation index, was not well suited to the evaluation of model quality, whereas the Boyce Index (CBI), based on presence data only, better highlighted the models' fit to the recolonization observations.4. For species with unstable spatial distributions, presence-only models may work better than presence-absence methods in making reliable predictions of suitable areas for expansion. An iterative modelling process, using new occurrences from each step of the species spread, may also help in progressively reducing errors.5. Synthesis and applications. Conservation plans depend on reliable models of the species' suitable habitats. In non-equilibrium situations, such as the case for threatened or invasive species, models could be affected negatively by the inclusion of absence data when predicting the areas of potential expansion. Presence-only methods will here provide a better basis for productive conservation management practices.


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La faune amphibienne du bassin de l'Aubonne et de ses affluents entre Ballens et Allaman a été recensée durant deux campagnes de terrain en 2000 et 2001. Douze espèces d'amphibiens ont été observées sur 63 sites répartis sur près de 130 km2. Plus des deux tiers des espèces amphibiennes de Suisse sont représentées dans le secteur 1Laboratoire de Biologie de la Conservation, Institut d'Ecologie, Bâtiment de Biologie CH-1015 Dorigny E-mail: Jerome.Pellet@ie-zea.unil.ch CODEN: BSVAA6 © Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles Droits de reproduction réservés 42 J. Pellet, S. Dubey et S. Hoehn étudié. Des cartes illustrent la distribution de chaque espèce. Une régression logistique appliquée à chaque espèce tente de mettre en évidence une relation entre les données de présence et 23 paramètres d'habitats mesurés dans 48 sites. Dans 5 cas, un ou deux paramètres d'habitat peuvent être mis en relation avec la répartition de l'amphibien en question. Ainsi, le crapaud commun est positivement corrélé avec la proportion de végétation érigée recouvrant les plans d'eau et négativement corrélé avec l'altitude. Le crapaud calamite est lui fortement lié aux paysages rudéraux et gravières, tandis que la répartition des grenouilles rousses et rieuses est limitée par l'altitude. La rainette verte semble éviter les plans d'eau où la conductivité est trop élevée. Indication dans un paysage rural d'une charge en nitrates, la conductivité d'un plan d'eau peut être considérée comme une mesure indirecte de sa pollution organique. Un suivi du secteur prospecté permettra de connaître l'évolution des populations de chaque espèce présente.


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Formica pratensis (Hyménoptères Formicidae) figure sur la liste rouge des espèces menacées de Suisse. Cette espèce de fourmis des bois colonise les milieux herbacés ouverts comme les prés et prairies sèches peu exploitées, les talus bien exposés. Face à la raréfaction de ces habitats liée à l'intensification de l'agriculture, elle colonise de plus en plus souvent les talus herbeux en bordure de routes. Afin de mieux comprendre la situation actuelle de l'espèce et ses besoins en milieux naturels, nous avons mené une étude à large échelle dans le cnaton de Vaud (Suisse). F.pratensis se rencontre sur l'ensemble du territoire, principalement en dessous de 800 m, mais elle ne semble plus aussi fréquente qu'autrefois. F.pratensis recherche surtout des stations en pente bien exposées au soleil et avec une végétation assez ouverte. De tels milieux se faisant de plus en plus rares dans le paysage agricole moderne, les talus de route apparaissent souvent comme une alternative (ou milieu de subsitution) pour F.pratensis. les importantes perturbations (pollution, fauche répétitive, pauvreté du milieu) ne permettent toutefois pas aux sociétés de fourmis de se développer pleinement et la survie de l'espèce passe par la sauvegarde d'autres milieux ouverts exploités extensivement. Grâce aux données collectées, un suivi comparatif des populations pourra être effectuée dans les années à venir


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Eighty eight specimens of the West African Pigmy Otter shrew Micropotamogale lamottei were collected in Western Ivory Coast between 1971 and 1976. Most of the animals had been drowned accidentally bow-nets; four were live-trapped by the author. The Pigmy Otter shrew lives not only in swampy areas, as supposed by other authors, but also in small rivers and forest streams. The species is well adapted to its aquatic environment; it feeds mainly on fresh water crab and fish, swims well, is able to remain submerged for 10 to 15 minutes when alarmed, and grooms itself carefully and regularly. A survey carried out locally shows that the species is relatively common in the mountainous region surrounding Danané and Man, and further west in similar habitats of Liberia and Guinea. Its distribution in the Ivory Coast extends no more than 50 km around Danané-Man core-area. It is thought that living Potamogalinae stem from an early adaptative radiation of the Tenrecidae in continental Africa. Later on, the terrestrial forms were probably eliminated by competing Soricidae and Erinaceidae, their aquatic way of life enabling the Potamogalinae to survive until now.


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(1) The common shrew Sorex araneus and Millet's shrew S. coronatus are sibling species.They are morphologically and genetically very similar but do not hybridize. Their parapatric distribution throughout south-western Europe, with a few narrow zones of distributional overlap, suggests that they are in competitive parapatry. (2) Two of these contact zones were studied; there was evidence of coexistence over periods of 2 years as well as habitat segregation. In both zones, the species segregated on litter thickness and humidity variables. (3) A simple analysis of spatial distribution showed that habitats visible in the field corresponded to the habitats selected by the species. Habitat selection was found throughout the annual life-cycle of the shrews. (4) In one contact zone, a removal experiment was performed to test whether habitat segregation is induced by interspecific interactions. The experiment showed that the species select habitats differentially when both are present and abandon habitat selection when their competitor is removed. (5) These results confirm the role of resource partitioning in promoting narrow rangesof distributional overlap between such parapatric species and qualitatively support the prediction of habitat selection theory that, in a two-species system, coexistence may be achieved by differential habitat selection to avoid competition. The results also support the view that the common shrew and Millet's shrew are in competitive parapatry.