97 resultados para Information Bases
NOTE METHODOLOGIQUE Avant d'entamer notre travail d'analyse, nous tenons à souligner d'emblée un certain nombre de remarques sur les obstacles affrontés et aux difficultés que nous avons rencontrées durant cette recherche. Plusieurs observations s'imposent quant aux concepts utilités, aux sources et travaux consultés et à la manière d'aborder la thématique nationale et nationaliste albanaise. Sachant que notre objectif a été de rompre avec le discours dominant sur le thème de l'identité nationale albanaise et de celui des travaux qui sont l'oeuvre, dans la plupart des cas, d'observateurs et d'acteurs à la fois, il fallait utiliser avec beaucoup de précaution les termes désignant aujourd'hui des groupes ethniques ou alors des entités territoriales contemporaines telles que le Kosovo ou la Macédoine. Pour la clarté de l'analyse, il était nécessaire d'utiliser certains concepts tels que l'ethnie, populations albanophones, albanaises ou proto-albanaises, toutefois, nous n'avons pas retenu le même sens que celui des acteurs. Lorsqu'on évoque ces populations, ce n'est pas le sens ethnique contemporain que nous retenons, mais celui qui pouvait prévaloir dans les contextes historiques auxquels nous nous sommes référés. Quant aux lieux et entités politiques d'aujourd'hui, nous avons choisi de recourir aux concepts tels qu'espace ou aire culturelle albanophone pour éviter de projeter dans le passé des catégories contemporaines comme le fait volontiers l'iconographie nationaliste. Enfin, par un souci d'impartialité, nous avons utilisé l'appellation des villes et des noms des figures historiques selon les contextes historiques abordés et avons précisé, entre parenthèses, l'appellation dans d'autres langues aussi. Concernant les sources et les travaux utilisés, comme nous venons de l'évoquer, la plupart d'eux sont émaillés par des considérations d'ordre idéologique et prennent clairement position soit en faveur de la position albanaise, soit de celle serbe, macédonienne ou autre. En fait, dans l'entreprise nationaliste, la définition d'un problème est un enjeu de luttes dans le temps et dans l'espace. Afin d'éviter de s'enliser dans le piège d'une lecture unilatérale des événements historiques, nous avons systématiquement utilisé des sources directes, croisé les sources d'information, sélectionné les publications utilisées selon leur rigueur scientifique et les références utilisées dans l'élaboration de leur argumentation. L'établissement d'une chronologie fiable a été une tâche difficile. En fait, comme nous l'avons rappelé dans notre introduction, peu d'ouvrages traitent de la question identitaire albanaise. En ce qui concerne la littérature albanaise, celle-ci est abondante, cependant, nous avons exclusivement utilisé des travaux universitaires qui ont le souci de la clarté et de l'objectivité et qui abordent la question albanaise sur la base des sources variées consultées (basées sur les archives officielles albanaise, serbe et internationale). Toutefois, nous avons d'une part relevé que certains travaux historiques utilisés ont été produits en Albanie durant la période du régime totalitaire d'Enver Hoxha. L'influence de ce régime dans la lecture de l'histoire ressort implicitement dans le choix des thèmes et des faits socio-historiques relatés par les auteurs. D'autre part, la littérature albanaise du Kosovo et de Macédoine et l'approche qu'elle effectue de la question nationale albanaise varie selon les contextes politiques. Ainsi, par exemple, les publications des années 1980 sur la Ligue de Prizren sont riches et fiables et poursuivent des objectifs autres que ceux visant à légitimer les revendications politiques albanaises. Quant aux travaux des auteurs serbes et macédoniens sur la question nationale albanaise, force est de constater qu'ils sont sous une forte influence nationaliste sur cette question. En fait, les travaux de Dimitrije Tucović, d'Aleksandar Matkovski et la publication dirigée par Nebojša Popov font exception à toute une production qui ne prend pas uniquement partie dans son jugement, mais qui a une attitude pour le moins problématique à l'égard des Albanais du Kosovo et de Macédoine. Compte tenu de ces constatations et de ces difficultés et afin de nous protéger des éventuelles approximations, nous avons systématiquement vérifié les faits socio-historiques relatés par la littérature historique occidentale qui portait sur Byzance, sur l'Empire ottoman ou alors sur la période plus contemporaine. Tout au long de notre recherche, nous avons privilégié certaines références des chercheurs (triés sur la base de leur connaissance de la question et des sources consultées) sur la région des Balkans pour l'établissement de notre chronologie (notamment ceux de Tahir Abdyli, de Skender Anamali, d'Ivo Banac, de Sadulla Brestovci, de Georges Castellan, d'Alain Ducellier, d'Ali Hadri, de Branko Horvat, de Kristo Frashëri, de Hivzi Islami, de Kristaq Prifti, de Noel Malcolm, d'Aleksandar Matkovski, de Pajazit Nushi, de Stefanaq Pollo, de Selami Pulaha, de Halim Purellku, de Skënder Rizaj, de Limon Rushiti, de Michel Roux, de Zija Shkodra, de Stavro Skendi de Dimitrije Tucović et de Miranda Vickers). Ces travaux nous ont été d'une grande utilité, même si les thématiques abordées étaient parfois complémentaires à notre objectif de recherche.
Résumé Si l'impact de l'informatique ne fait généralement pas de doute, il est souvent plus problématique d'en mesurer sa valeur. Les Directeurs des Systèmes d'Information (DSI) expliquent l'absence de schéma directeur et de vision à moyen et long terme de l'entreprise, par un manque de temps et de ressources mais aussi par un défaut d'implication des directions générales et des directions financières. L'incapacité de mesurer précisément la valeur du système d'information engendre une logique de gestion par les coûts, néfaste à l'action de la DSI. Alors qu'une mesure de la valeur économique de l'informatique offrirait aux directions générales la matière leur permettant d'évaluer réellement la maturité et la contribution de leur système d'information. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer à la fois l'alignement de l'informatique avec la stratégie de l'entreprise, la qualité du pilotage (mesure de performance) des systèmes d'information, et enfin, l'organisation et le positionnement de la fonction informatique dans l'entreprise. La mesure de ces trois éléments clés de la gouvernance informatique a été réalisée par l'intermédiaire de deux vagues d'enquêtes successives menées en 2000/2001 (DSI) et 2002/2003 (DSI et DG) en Europe francophone (Suisse Romande, France, Belgique et Luxembourg). Abstract The impact of Information Technology (IT) is today a clear evidence to company stakeholders. However, measuring the value generated by IT is a real challenge. Chief Information Officers (CIO) explain the absence of solid IT Business Plans and clear mid/long term visions by a lack of time and resources but also by a lack of involvement of business senior management (e.g. CEO and CFO). Thus, being not able to measure the economic value of IT, the CIO will have to face the hard reality of permanent cost pressures and cost reductions to justify IT spending and investments. On the other side, being able to measure the value of IT would help CIO and senior business management to assess the maturity and the contribution of the Information System and therefore facilitate the decision making process. The objective of this thesis is to assess the alignment of IT with the business strategy, to assess the quality of measurement of the Information System and last but not least to assess the positioning of the IT organisation within the company. The assessment of these three key elements of the IT Governance was established with two surveys (first wave in 2000/2001 for CIO, second wave in 2002/2003 for CIO and CEO) in Europe (French speaking countries namely Switzerland, France, Belgium and Luxembourg).
Background Multiple logistic regression is precluded from many practical applications in ecology that aim to predict the geographic distributions of species because it requires absence data, which are rarely available or are unreliable. In order to use multiple logistic regression, many studies have simulated "pseudo-absences" through a number of strategies, but it is unknown how the choice of strategy influences models and their geographic predictions of species. In this paper we evaluate the effect of several prevailing pseudo-absence strategies on the predictions of the geographic distribution of a virtual species whose "true" distribution and relationship to three environmental predictors was predefined. We evaluated the effect of using a) real absences b) pseudo-absences selected randomly from the background and c) two-step approaches: pseudo-absences selected from low suitability areas predicted by either Ecological Niche Factor Analysis: (ENFA) or BIOCLIM. We compared how the choice of pseudo-absence strategy affected model fit, predictive power, and information-theoretic model selection results. Results Models built with true absences had the best predictive power, best discriminatory power, and the "true" model (the one that contained the correct predictors) was supported by the data according to AIC, as expected. Models based on random pseudo-absences had among the lowest fit, but yielded the second highest AUC value (0.97), and the "true" model was also supported by the data. Models based on two-step approaches had intermediate fit, the lowest predictive power, and the "true" model was not supported by the data. Conclusion If ecologists wish to build parsimonious GLM models that will allow them to make robust predictions, a reasonable approach is to use a large number of randomly selected pseudo-absences, and perform model selection based on an information theoretic approach. However, the resulting models can be expected to have limited fit.
Since 2008, Intelligence units of six states of the western part of Switzerland have been sharing a common database for the analysis of high volume crimes. On a daily basis, events reported to the police are analysed, filtered and classified to detect crime repetitions and interpret the crime environment. Several forensic outcomes are integrated in the system such as matches of traces with persons, and links between scenes detected by the comparison of forensic case data. Systematic procedures have been settled to integrate links assumed mainly through DNA profiles, shoemarks patterns and images. A statistical outlook on a retrospective dataset of series from 2009 to 2011 of the database informs for instance on the number of repetition detected or confirmed and increased by forensic case data. Time needed to obtain forensic intelligence in regard with the type of marks treated, is seen as a critical issue. Furthermore, the underlying integration process of forensic intelligence into the crime intelligence database raised several difficulties in regards of the acquisition of data and the models used in the forensic databases. Solutions found and adopted operational procedures are described and discussed. This process form the basis to many other researches aimed at developing forensic intelligence models.
Time-lapse geophysical data acquired during transient hydrological experiments are being increasingly employed to estimate subsurface hydraulic properties at the field scale. In particular, crosshole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data, collected while water infiltrates into the subsurface either by natural or artificial means, have been demonstrated in a number of studies to contain valuable information concerning the hydraulic properties of the unsaturated zone. Previous work in this domain has considered a variety of infiltration conditions and different amounts of time-lapse GPR data in the estimation procedure. However, the particular benefits and drawbacks of these different strategies as well as the impact of a variety of key and common assumptions remain unclear. Using a Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo stochastic inversion methodology, we examine in this paper the information content of time-lapse zero-offset-profile (ZOP) GPR traveltime data, collected under three different infiltration conditions, for the estimation of van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters in a layered subsurface medium. Specifically, we systematically analyze synthetic and field GPR data acquired under natural loading and two rates of forced infiltration, and we consider the value of incorporating different amounts of time-lapse measurements into the estimation procedure. Our results confirm that, for all infiltration scenarios considered, the ZOP GPR traveltime data contain important information about subsurface hydraulic properties as a function of depth, with forced infiltration offering the greatest potential for VGM parameter refinement because of the higher stressing of the hydrological system. Considering greater amounts of time-lapse data in the inversion procedure is also found to help refine VGM parameter estimates. Quite importantly, however, inconsistencies observed in the field results point to the strong possibility that posterior uncertainties are being influenced by model structural errors, which in turn underlines the fundamental importance of a systematic analysis of such errors in future related studies.
[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Structure (introduction, hiérarchie). 3. Processus (généralités, flux de clientèle, flux d'activité, flux de ressources, aspects temporels, aspects comptables). 4. Descripteurs (qualification, quantification). 5. Indicateurs (définitions, productivité, pertinence, adéquation, efficacité, effectivité, efficience, standards). 6. Bibliographie.
Food intake increases to a varying extent during pregnancy to provide extra energy for the growing fetus. Measuring the respiratory quotient (RQ) during the course of pregnancy (by quantifying O2 consumption and CO2 production with indirect calorimetry) could be potentially useful since it gives an insight into the evolution of the proportion of carbohydrate vs. fat oxidized during pregnancy and thus allows recommendations on macronutrients for achieving a balanced (or slightly positive) substrate intake. A systematic search of the literature for papers reporting RQ changes during normal pregnancy identified 10 papers reporting original research. The existing evidence supports an increased RQ of varying magnitude in the third trimester of pregnancy, while the discrepant results reported for the first and second trimesters (i.e. no increase in RQ), explained by limited statistical power (small sample size) or fragmentary data, preclude safe conclusions about the evolution of RQ during early pregnancy. From a clinical point of view, measuring RQ during pregnancy requires not only sophisticated and costly indirect calorimeters but appears of limited value outside pure research projects, because of several confounding variables: (1) spontaneous changes in food intake and food composition during the course of pregnancy (which influence RQ); (2) inter-individual differences in weight gain and composition of tissue growth; (3) technical factors, notwithstanding the relatively small contribution of fetal metabolism per se (RQ close to 1.0) to overall metabolism of the pregnant mother.
BACKGROUND: The Internet is increasingly used as a source of information for mental health issues. The burden of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) may lead persons with diagnosed or undiagnosed OCD, and their relatives, to search for good quality information on the Web. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Web-based information on English-language sites dealing with OCD and to compare the quality of websites found through a general and a medically specialized search engine. METHODS: Keywords related to OCD were entered into Google and OmniMedicalSearch. Websites were assessed on the basis of accountability, interactivity, readability, and content quality. The "Health on the Net" (HON) quality label and the Brief DISCERN scale score were used as possible content quality indicators. Of the 235 links identified, 53 websites were analyzed. RESULTS: The content quality of the OCD websites examined was relatively good. The use of a specialized search engine did not offer an advantage in finding websites with better content quality. A score ≥16 on the Brief DISCERN scale is associated with better content quality. CONCLUSION: This study shows the acceptability of the content quality of OCD websites. There is no advantage in searching for information with a specialized search engine rather than a general one. Practical implications: The Internet offers a number of high quality OCD websites. It remains critical, however, to have a provider-patient talk about the information found on the Web.
Classical treatments of problems of sequential mate choice assume that the distribution of the quality of potential mates is known a priori. This assumption, made for analytical purposes, may seem unrealistic, opposing empirical data as well as evolutionary arguments. Using stochastic dynamic programming, we develop a model that includes the possibility for searching individuals to learn about the distribution and in particular to update mean and variance during the search. In a constant environment, a priori knowledge of the parameter values brings strong benefits in both time needed to make a decision and average value of mate obtained. Knowing the variance yields more benefits than knowing the mean, and benefits increase with variance. However, the costs of learning become progressively lower as more time is available for choice. When parameter values differ between demes and/or searching periods, a strategy relying on fixed a priori information might lead to erroneous decisions, which confers advantages on the learning strategy. However, time for choice plays an important role as well: if a decision must be made rapidly, a fixed strategy may do better even when the fixed image does not coincide with the local parameter values. These results help in delineating the ecological-behavior context in which learning strategies may spread.