87 resultados para Horizontal Balance
Flow structures above vegetation canopies have received much attention within terrestrial and aquatic literature. This research has led to a good process understanding of mean and turbulent canopy flow structure. However, much of this research has focused on rigid or semi-rigid vegetation with relatively simple morphology. Aquatic macrophytes differ from this form, exhibiting more complex morphologies, predominantly horizontal posture in the flow and a different force balance. While some recent studies have investigated such canopies, there is still the need to examine the relevance and applicability of general canopy layer theory to these types of vegetation. Here, we report on a range of numerical experiments, using both semi-rigid and highly flexible canopies. The results for the semi-rigid canopies support existing canopy layer theory. However, for the highly flexible vegetation, the flow pattern is much more complex and suggests that a new canopy model may be required.
Horizontal transfer of exosomal microRNAs transduce apoptotic signals between pancreatic beta-cells.
BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disorder characterized by dysfunction of insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells. MicroRNAs are important regulators of beta-cell activities. These non-coding RNAs have recently been discovered to exert their effects not only inside the cell producing them but, upon exosome-mediated transfer, also in other recipient cells. This novel communication mode remains unexplored in pancreatic beta-cells. In the present study, the microRNA content of exosomes released by beta-cells in physiological and physiopathological conditions was analyzed and the biological impact of their transfer to recipient cells investigated. RESULTS: Exosomes were isolated from the culture media of MIN6B1 and INS-1 derived 832/13 beta-cell lines and from mice, rat or human islets. Global profiling revealed that the microRNAs released in MIN6B1 exosomes do not simply reflect the content of the cells of origin. Indeed, while a subset of microRNAs was preferentially released in exosomes others were selectively retained in the cells. Moreover, exposure of MIN6B1 cells to inflammatory cytokines changed the release of several microRNAs. The dynamics of microRNA secretion and their potential transfer to recipient cells were next investigated. As a proof-of-concept, we demonstrate that if cel-miR-238, a C. Elegans microRNA not present in mammalian cells, is expressed in MIN6B1 cells a fraction of it is released in exosomes and is transferred to recipient beta-cells. Furthermore, incubation of untreated MIN6B1 or mice islet cells in the presence of microRNA-containing exosomes isolated from the culture media of cytokine-treated MIN6B1 cells triggers apoptosis of recipient cells. In contrast, exosomes originating from cells not exposed to cytokines have no impact on cell survival. Apoptosis induced by exosomes produced by cytokine-treated cells was prevented by down-regulation of the microRNA-mediating silencing protein Ago2 in recipient cells, suggesting that the effect is mediated by the non-coding RNAs. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our results suggest that beta-cells secrete microRNAs that can be transferred to neighboring beta-cells. Exposure of donor cells to pathophysiological conditions commonly associated with diabetes modifies the release of microRNAs and affects survival of recipient beta-cells. Our results support the concept that exosomal microRNAs transfer constitutes a novel cell-to-cell communication mechanism regulating the activity of pancreatic beta-cells.
In the past decade, there has been renewed interest in immune/inflammatory changes and their associated oxidative/nitrosative consequences as key pathophysiological mechanisms in schizophrenia and related disorders. Both brain cell components (microglia, astrocytes, and neurons) and peripheral immune cells have been implicated in inflammation and the resulting oxidative/nitrosative stress (O&NS) in schizophrenia. Furthermore, down-regulation of endogenous antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms has been identified in biological samples from patients, although the degree and progression of the inflammatory process and the nature of its self-regulatory mechanisms vary from early onset to full-blown disease. This review focuses on the interactions between inflammation and O&NS, their damaging consequences for brain cells in schizophrenia, the possible origins of inflammation and increased O&NS in the disorder, and current pharmacological strategies to deal with these processes (mainly treatments with anti-inflammatory or antioxidant drugs as add-ons to antipsychotics).
"Live High-Train Low" (LHTL) training can alter oxidative status of athletes. This study compared prooxidant/antioxidant balance responses following two LHTL protocols of the same duration and at the same living altitude of 2250 m in either normobaric (NH) or hypobaric (HH) hypoxia. Twenty-four well-trained triathletes underwent the following two 18-day LHTL protocols in a cross-over and randomized manner: Living altitude (PIO2 = 111.9 ± 0.6 vs. 111.6 ± 0.6 mmHg in NH and HH, respectively); training "natural" altitude (~1000-1100 m) and training loads were precisely matched between both LHTL protocols. Plasma levels of oxidative stress [advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) and nitrotyrosine] and antioxidant markers [ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase], NO metabolism end-products (NOx) and uric acid (UA) were determined before (Pre) and after (Post) the LHTL. Cumulative hypoxic exposure was lower during the NH (229 ± 6 hrs.) compared to the HH (310 ± 4 hrs.; P<0.01) protocol. Following the LHTL, the concentration of AOPP decreased (-27%; P<0.01) and nitrotyrosine increased (+67%; P<0.05) in HH only. FRAP was decreased (-27%; P<0.05) after the NH while was SOD and UA were only increased following the HH (SOD: +54%; P<0.01 and UA: +15%; P<0.01). Catalase activity was increased in the NH only (+20%; P<0.05). These data suggest that 18-days of LHTL performed in either NH or HH differentially affect oxidative status of athletes. Higher oxidative stress levels following the HH LHTL might be explained by the higher overall hypoxic dose and different physiological responses between the NH and HH.
Among existing fungal pathogens, Candida glabrata is outstanding in its capacity to rapidly develop resistance to currently used antifungal agents. Resistance to the class of azoles, which are still widely used agents, varies in proportion (from 5 to 20%) depending on geographical area. Moreover, resistance to the class of echinocandins, which was introduced in the late 1990s, is rising in several institutions. The recent emergence of isolates with acquired resistance to both classes of agents is a major concern since alternative therapeutic options are scarce. Although considered less pathogenic than C. albicans, C. glabrata has still evolved specific virulence traits enabling its survival and propagation in colonized and infected hosts. Development of drug resistance is usually associated with fitness costs, and this notion is documented across several microbial species. Interestingly, azole resistance in C. glabrata has revealed the opposite. Experimental models of infection showed enhanced virulence of azole-resistant isolates. Moreover, azole resistance could be associated with specific changes in adherence properties to epithelial cells or innate immunity cells (macrophages), both of which contribute to virulence changes. Here we will summarize the current knowledge on C. glabrata drug resistance and also discuss the consequences of drug resistance acquisition on the balance between C. glabrata and its hosts.
Horizontal gene transfer is central to microbial evolution, because it enables genetic regions to spread horizontally through diverse communities. However, how gene transfer exerts such a strong effect is not understood. Here we develop an eco-evolutionary model and show how genetic transfer, even when rare, can transform the evolution and ecology of microbes. We recapitulate existing models, which suggest that asexual reproduction will overpower horizontal transfer and greatly limit its effects. We then show that allowing immigration completely changes these predictions. With migration, the rates and impacts of horizontal transfer are greatly increased, and transfer is most frequent for loci under positive natural selection. Our analysis explains how ecologically important loci can sweep through competing strains and species. In this way, microbial genomes can evolve to become ecologically diverse where different genomic regions encode for partially overlapping, but distinct, ecologies. Under these conditions ecological species do not exist, because genes, not species, inhabit niches.
ABSTRACT: A workshop was held at the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases with a focus on the impact of sleep and circadian disruption on energy balance and diabetes. The workshop identified a number of key principles for research in this area and a number of specific opportunities. Studies in this area would be facilitated by active collaboration between investigators in sleep/circadian research and investigators in metabolism/diabetes. There is a need to translate the elegant findings from basic research into improving the metabolic health of the American public. There is also a need for investigators studying the impact of sleep/circadian disruption in humans to move beyond measurements of insulin and glucose and conduct more in-depth phenotyping. There is also a need for the assessments of sleep and circadian rhythms as well as assessments for sleep-disordered breathing to be incorporated into all ongoing cohort studies related to diabetes risk. Studies in humans need to complement the elegant short-term laboratory-based human studies of simulated short sleep and shift work etc. with studies in subjects in the general population with these disorders. It is conceivable that chronic adaptations occur, and if so, the mechanisms by which they occur needs to be identified and understood. Particular areas of opportunity that are ready for translation are studies to address whether CPAP treatment of patients with pre-diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) prevents or delays the onset of diabetes and whether temporal restricted feeding has the same impact on obesity rates in humans as it does in mice.
PURPOSE: To assess the agreement and repeatability of horizontal white-to-white (WTW) and horizontal sulcus-to-sulcus (STS) diameter measurements and use these data in combination with available literature to correct for interdevice bias in preoperative implantable collamer lens (ICL) size selection. DESIGN: Interinstrument reliability and bias assessment study. METHODS: A total of 107 eyes from 56 patients assessed for ICL implantation at our institution were included in the study. This was a consecutive series of all patients with suitable available data. The agreement and bias between WTW (measured with the Pentacam and BioGraph devices) and STS (measured with the HiScan device) were estimated. RESULTS: The mean spherical equivalent was -8.93 ± 5.69 diopters. The BioGraph measures of WTW were wider than those taken with the Pentacam (bias = 0.26 mm, P < .01), and both horizontal WTW measures were wider than the horizontal STS measures (bias >0.91 mm, P < .01). The repeatability (Sr) of STS measured with the HiScan was 0.39 mm, which was significantly reduced (Sr = 0.15 mm) when the average of 2 measures was used. Agreement between the horizontal WTW measures and horizontal STS estimates when bias was accounted for was г = 0.54 with the Pentacam and г = 0.64 with the BioGraph. CONCLUSIONS: Large interdevice bias was observed for WTW and STS measures. STS measures demonstrated poor repeatability, but the average of repeated measures significantly improved repeatability. In order to conform to the US Food and Drug Administration's accepted guidelines for ICL sizing, clinicians should be aware of and account for the inconsistencies between devices.
Dispersal, i.e. individual movement between breeding sites, is a key process for metapopulation dynamics and gene flow. Its success can be modulated by phenotypic differences between dispersing and philopatric individuals, or dispersal syndromes. However, the environmental (external) and physiological (internal) constraints underlying such syndromes remain poorly known. This project aimed at clarifying the impact of environmental variation and oxidative constraints, linked to the reactive oxygen species produced during respiration, on phenotypes associated to dispersal in a passerine bird, the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis. Energetic demand was experimentally (i) increased through a wing load manipulation or (ii) relieved through food supplementation. The oxidative balance of breeding flycatchers was influenced by complex interactions of dispersal status and extrinsic factors (breeding density, year, experimental treatments). Interestingly, antioxidant capacity was influenced both by permanent individual differences and by food availability, whereas measures of pro-oxidants were highly variables within individuals. Environmental variation and energetic constraints also modulated the differences in reproduction associated with dispersal: dispersing and philopatric birds differ in their management of the oxidative balance when it is competing with reproductive investment. This thesis highlights that reaction norms, rather than fixed differences, often shape traits associated to dispersal. ----- Le déplacement d'un individu entre sites de reproduction, ou dispersion, est un processus clé pour la dynamique des métapopulations et les flux de gènes. Son succès peut être modulé par des différences de phénotype, ou syndromes de dispersion. Cependant, les contraintes environnementales et physiologiques qui sous-tendent ces syndromes restent mal connues. Ce projet vise à clarifier l'impact des variations environnementales et des contraintes oxydatives (liées aux espèces réactives de l'oxygène produites durant la respiration) sur les phénotypes associés à la dispersion chez un passereau, le gobemouche à collier Ficedula albicollis. La demande énergétique a été expérimentalement (i) augmentée en manipulant la surface alaire ou (ii) diminuée par une supplémentation en nourriture. L'équilibre oxydo-réducteur des gobemouches en reproduction est influencé par des interactions complexes entre statut de dispersion et facteurs extrinsèques (densité de couples reproducteurs, année, traitement expérimental). La capacité antioxydante dépend principalement de différences permanentes entre individus, alors que les pro-oxydants présentent de grandes variations intra-individu. Environnement et contraintes énergétiques modulent aussi les différences de reproduction liées à la dispersion : les oiseaux dispersants et philopatriques diffèrent dans leur gestion de l'équilibre oxydo-réducteur lorsqu'il est en compétition avec l'investissement reproducteur. Ce travail souligne que les traits associés à la dispersion sont souvent déterminés par des normes de réaction à l'environnement et non des différences fixées entre individus.