203 resultados para HIGH-DOSE EPINEPHRINE
High-dose dobutamine magnetic resonance stress testing has been shown to be superior to dobutamine stress echocardiography for diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD). We determined the feasibility of quantitative myocardial tagging during low- and high-dose dobutamine stress and tested the ability of global systolic and diastolic quantitative parameters to identify patients with significant CAD. Twenty-five patients suspected of having significant CAD were examined with a standard high-dose dobutamine/atropine stress magnetic resonance protocol (1.5-T scanner, Philips). All patients underwent invasive coronary angiography as the standard of reference for the presence (n = 13) or absence (n = 12) of significant CAD. During low-dose dobutamine stress, systolic (circumferential shortening, systolic rotation, and systolic rotation velocity) and diastolic (velocity of circumferential lengthening and diastolic rotation velocity) parameters changed significantly in patients without CAD (all P < 0.05 vs. rest) but not in patients with CAD. Identification of patients without and with CAD during low-dose stress was possible using the diastolic parameter of "time to peak untwist." At high-dose stress, none of the global systolic or diastolic parameters showed the potential to identify the presence of significant CAD. With myocardial tagging, a quantitative analysis of systolic and diastolic function was feasible during low- and high-dose dobutamine stress. In our study, the diastolic parameter of time to peak untwist as assessed during low-dose dobutamine stress was the most promising global parameter for identification of patients with significant CAD. Thus quantitative myocardial tagging may become a tool that reduces the need for high-dose dobutamine stress.
Growing empirical evidence indicates that invertebrates become more resistant to a pathogen following initial exposure to a nonlethal dose; yet the generality, mechanisms, and adaptive value of such immune priming are still under debate. Because life-history theory predicts that immune priming and large investment in immunity should be more frequent in long-lived species, we here tested for immune priming and pathogen resistance in ant queens, which have extraordinarily long life span. We exposed virgin and mated queens of Lasius niger and Formica selysi to a low dose of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana, before challenging them with a high dose of the same pathogen. We found evidence for immune priming in naturally mated queens of L. niger. In contrast, we found no sign of priming in virgin queens of L. niger, nor in virgin or experimentally mated queens of F. selysi, which indicates that immune priming in ant queens varies according to mating status and mating conditions or species. In both ant species, mated queens showed higher pathogen resistance than virgin queens, which suggests that mating triggers an up-regulation of the immune system. Overall, mated ant queens combine high reproductive output, very long life span, and elevated investment in immune defense. Hence, ant queens are able to invest heavily in both reproduction and maintenance, which can be explained by the fact that mature queens will be protected and nourished by their worker offspring.
Ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease, is believed to result from a breakdown of dominant tolerance mechanisms that normally control intestinal immunity. Although CD4+ T lymphocyte subpopulations and expression of MHC class II molecules have been shown to play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease, the nature of the responsible mechanisms remains unclear. In this paper we describe a novel mouse model for inflammatory bowel disease, radiation-induced colitis, that occurs with complete penetrance 6-8 wk postinduction. A combination of high dose gamma-irradiation and lack of MHC class II expression on cells of hemopoietic origin results in development of colitis in C57BL/6 mice. Because of its versatility (due to susceptibility of mice of the widely genetically manipulated C57BL/6 background), high reproducibility, and 100% penetrance, radiation-induced colitis will be a useful mouse model for colitis and a significant tool to study dominant immunological tolerance mechanisms. Moreover, our data imply that tolerization to enteric Ags requires MHC class II mediated presentation by APC of hemopoietic origin.
Background: EATL is a rare subtype of peripheral T-cell lymphomas characterized by primarily intestinal localization and a frequent association with celiac disease. The prognosis is considered to be poor with conventional chemotherapy. Limited data is available on the efficacy of ASCT in this lymphoma subtype. Primary objective: was to study the outcome of ASCT as a consolidation or salvage strategy for EATL. The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). Eligible patients were > 18 years who had received ASCT between 2000-2010 for EATL that was confirmed by review of written histopathology reports, and had sufficient information on disease history and follow-up available. The search strategy used the EBMT database to identify patients potentially fulfilling the eligibility criteria. An additional questionnaire was sent to individual transplant centres to confirm histological diagnosis (histopathology report or pathology review) as well as updated follow-up data. Patients and transplant characteristics were compared between groups using X2 test or Fisher's exact test for categorical variables and t-test or Mann-Whiney U-test for continuous variables. OS and PFS were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimate and compared by the log-rank test. Estimates for non-relapse mortality (NRM) and relapse or progression were calculated using cumulative incidence rates to accommodate competing risk and compared to Gray's test. Results: Altogether 138 patients were identified. Updated follow-up data was received from 74 patients (54 %) and histology report from 54 patients (39 %). In ten patients the diagnosis of EATL could not be adequately verified. Thus the final analysis included 44. There were 24 males and 20 females with a median age of 56 (35-72) years at the time of transplant. Twenty-five patients (57 %) had a history of celiac disease. Disease stage was I in nine patients (21 %), II in 14 patients (33 %) and IV in 19 patients (45 %). Twenty-four patients (55 %) were in the first CR or PR at the time of transplant. BEAM was used as a high-dose regimen in 36 patients (82 %) and all patients received peripheral blood grafts. The median follow-up for survivors was 46 (2-108) months from ASCT. Three patients died early from transplant-related reasons translating into a 2-year non-relapse mortality of 7 %. Relapse incidence at 4 years after ASCT was 39 %, with no events occurring beyond 2.5 years after ASCT. PFS and OS were 54 % and 59 % at four years, respectively. There was a trend for better OS in patients transplanted in the first CR or PR compared to more advanced disease status (70 % vs. 43 %, p=0.053). Of note, patients with a history of celiac disease had superior PFS (70 % vs. 35 %, p=0.02) and OS (70 % vs. 45 %, p=0.052) whilst age, gender, disease stage, B-symptoms at diagnosis or high-dose regimen were not associated with OS or PFS. Conclusions: This study shows for the first time in a larger patient sample that ASCT is feasible in selected patients with EATL and can yield durable disease control in a significant proportion of the patients. Patients transplanted in first CR or PR appear to do better than those transplanted later. ASCT should be considered in EATL patients responding to initial therapy.
The treatment of delusional depression is a major challenge in psychopharmacology. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) overdrive may contribute, via increased dopaminergic activity, to the pathophysiology of the disorder. Trimipramine appears to be an interesting potential candidate, since it is an atypical antidepressant that is known to inhibit HPA activity. In a four-week open trial we investigated its effects in 15 inpatients with delusional depression. The dosage was increased within 7 days up to 300 - 400 mg/d and was then maintained for three weeks. Psychometric assessments and safety monitoring were conducted weekly. Assessment of the HPA activity was achieved by a combined dexamethasone suppression/corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation (Dex/CRH) test before and after four weeks of treatment. Therapeutic response was defined as a decrease in the HAMD-score of at least 50 %. Eight out of 13 completers were rated as responders. Therapeutic response was associated with L, D-trimipramine concentrations higher than 160 ng/ml. Intent-to-treat analysis showed significant improvement in psychometric variables. Despite the high dosage, the substance was generally well tolerated, with the exception of one patient who suffered from a hypotensive reaction. Mean +/- SD concentration of L-trimipramine and D-trimipramine were 138 +/- 61 ng/ml and 119 +/- 50 ng/ml at a final dose of 346 +/- 50 mg/d. The ACTH and cortisol area under the curve in the Dex/CRH tests decreased significantly, reflecting a decrease of activity in the HPA system. We suggest that the clinical use of high-dose trimipramine in delusional depression seems to be a promising treatment strategy.
Purpose: To study with a non invasive method any potential radiological change on the superior cerebellar artery (SCA) in patients treated radiosurgically for classic trigeminal neuralgia (CTN).Materials and methods: A retrospective measure of maximal dose received by SCA was performed analyzing the treatment planning in 55 consecutive patients treated by Gamma Knife radiosurgery for an CTN, then, a prospective study was designed using high resolution MR, with T2 SPIR, T1 without and with gadolinium enhancement, Proton density, 3D TONE and MIP reconstructions. Inclusion criteria were: patients followed at our institution, follow-up of one year or more, dose received by the SCA of 15 Gy or more and voluntary patient participation in the study. Patients with repeated Gamma Knife radiosurgery for failure or recurrence were excluded. The end points were: SCA occlusion, stenosis or infarction in the territory supplied by SCA.Results: Sixteen patients were studied, with a mean follow-up of 25.2 months (12-42 months). The mean maximal dose received by the SCA was 57.5 Gy. (15-87 Gy). Among these 16 patients studied, neither obstruction of the SCA nor infarction was demonstrated. In one patient a suspicion of asymptomatic SCA stenosis was visualized distant to the irradiation field.Conclusions: SCA can receive a high dose of irradiation during radiosurgical treatment for CTN. This study does not confirm any vascular damage to the SCA after radiosurgery for CTN. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Given the significant impact the use of glucocorticoids can have on fracture risk independent of bone density, their use has been incorporated as one of the clinical risk factors for calculating the 10-year fracture risk in the World Health Organization's Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX(®)). Like the other clinical risk factors, the use of glucocorticoids is included as a dichotomous variable with use of steroids defined as past or present exposure of 3 months or more of use of a daily dose of 5 mg or more of prednisolone or equivalent. The purpose of this report is to give clinicians guidance on adjustments which should be made to the 10-year risk based on the dose, duration of use and mode of delivery of glucocorticoids preparations. A subcommittee of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry and International Osteoporosis Foundation joint Position Development Conference presented its findings to an expert panel and the following recommendations were selected. 1) There is a dose relationship between glucocorticoid use of greater than 3 months and fracture risk. The average dose exposure captured within FRAX(®) is likely to be a prednisone dose of 2.5-7.5 mg/day or its equivalent. Fracture probability is under-estimated when prednisone dose is greater than 7.5 mg/day and is over-estimated when the prednisone dose is less than 2.5 mg/day. 2) Frequent intermittent use of higher doses of glucocorticoids increases fracture risk. Because of the variability in dose and dosing schedule, quantification of this risk is not possible. 3) High dose inhaled glucocorticoids may be a risk factor for fracture. FRAX(®) may underestimate fracture probability in users of high dose inhaled glucocorticoids. 4) Appropriate glucocorticoid replacement in individuals with adrenal insufficiency has not been found to increase fracture risk. In such patients, use of glucocorticoids should not be included in FRAX(®) calculations.
A prospective randomised study was performed on 25 children aged 1.4 to 15.8 years with severe head injury (Glasgow Coma Scale less than or equal to 7) to determine the clinical effectiveness and the impact on endogenous cortisol production of high-dose steroid therapy. Thirteen patients (group 1) received dexamethasone 1 mg/kg/day during the first 3 days and 12 (group 2) not. All patients were treated with a standardized regimen. Urinary free cortisol was measured by radioimmunoassay, and the clinical data were recorded at hourly intervals. Outcome was assessed 6 months later using the Glasgow Outcome Scale. We found a higher frequency of bacterial pneumonias in the dexamethasone-treated patients (7/13 versus 2/12). Group 1 showed a suppression of endogenous cortisol production from day 1 to day 6. In group 2, mean free cortisol was up to 5-fold higher than under basal conditions. The results in group 2 showed that the endogenous steroid production reacts adequately to the stress of severe head injury. It probably is sufficient to elicit maximum glucocorticoid effects. There was no other statistically significant difference in the clinical and laboratory data between the two groups. We conclude that dexamethasone in high doses suppresses endogenous cortisol production up to 6 days and may increase the risk of bacterial infection without affecting the outcome or the clinical and laboratory data.
Purpose: To analyse prospectively the long-term results of Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) in patients with trigeminal neuralgia secondary to megadolichobasilar artery (MBA). Methods: Between December 1992 and November 2010, 33 consecutive patients presenting with ITN secondary to MBA were operated by GKS and followed prospectively in Timone University Hospital. The follow up is at least of 1 year in 29 patients. The median age was 74.90 years (range 51 to 90). The GKS typically was performed using MR and CT imaging guidance and a single 4 mm isocenter. The median of the prescription dose (at the 100%) was 90 Gy (range 80 to 90). The target was placed on the cisternal portion of the Vth nerve. Clinical and dosimetric parameters were analyzed. GKS was the first surgical procedure in 23 patients (79.31%). Results: The median follow- up period was 46.12 months (range 12.95 to 157.93). All the 29 patients (100%) were initially pain free in a median time of 13.5 days (range 0 to 240). The probability of remaining pain free at 0.5, 1, 2 years was 93.1%, 79.3% and 75.7% respectively, reaching at this time the flat part of the curve. Seven patients (24.13%) experienced a recurrence with a median delay of 10.75 months (range 3.77 to 12.62). The actuarial rate of recurrence was not higher than in our population with essential TN although atypical pain was associated with a much higher risk of recurrence (HR= 6.92, p= 0.0117). The hypoesthesia actuarial rates at 0.5 years was 4.3% and at 1 year reach 13% and remains stable till 12 years with a median delay of onset of 7 (5, 12) months. Female patients had a statistically much lower probability of developing a facial numbness (p of 0.03). No patient reported a bothersome hypoesthesia. Conclusion: Retrogaserian, high dose GKS, turned out to be very safe with only 13.04% hypoesthesia, which was never disabling (0%), while achieving high quality pain control. The majority of the patients demonstrated a prolonged effect of radiosurgery in absence of any trigeminal nerve disturbance.
We examined in vivo the influence of cytochrome P4503A4 (CYP3A4) activity, measured by the 30 min plasma 1'OH-midazolam/midazolam ratio after oral administration of 7.5 mg midazolam, on the methadone steady-state trough plasma concentrations in a group of 32 patients in methadone maintenance treatment. Patients were grouped as receiving 'low' (up to 99 mg/day, n = 10), 'high' (100-199 mg/day, n = 11) and 'very high' (> or = 200 mg/day, n = 11) doses of methadone, and the CYP3A4 metabolic activity was compared between the three groups. (S)-methadone and (R,S)-methadone, but not (R)-methadone, concentrations to dose ratios significantly correlated with the midazolam ratios (r(2) = -0.17, P = 0.018; r(2) = -0.14, P = 0.032; r(2) = -0.10, P = 0.083, respectively), with a 76% higher CYP3A4 activity in the very high-dose group as compared with the low-dose group. Significant differences in the CYP3A4 activity were calculated between the three groups (P = 0.0036), and group-to-group comparisons, using the Bonferroni correction, showed a significant difference between the low-dose and the very high-dose group (P = 0.0039), between the high-dose and the very high-dose group (P = 0.0064), but not between the low-dose and the high-dose group (P = 0.070). The higher CYP3A4 activity measured in patients receiving very high methadone doses could contribute to the need for higher doses in some patients, due to an increased metabolic clearance. This, however, must be confirmed by a prospective study.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of patients with primary spinal myxopapillary ependymoma (MPE). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data from a series of 85 (35 females, 50 males) patients with spinal MPE were collected in this retrospective multicenter study. Thirty-eight (45%) underwent surgery only and 47 (55%) received postoperative radiotherapy (RT). Median administered radiation dose was 50.4 Gy (range, 22.2-59.4). Median follow-up of the surviving patients was 60.0 months (range, 0.2-316.6). RESULTS: The 5-year progression-free survival (PFS) was 50.4% and 74.8% for surgery only and surgery with postoperative low- (<50.4 Gy) or high-dose (>or=50.4 Gy) RT, respectively. Treatment failure was observed in 24 (28%) patients. Fifteen patients presented treatment failure at the primary site only, whereas 2 and 1 patients presented with brain and distant spinal failure only. Three and 2 patients with local failure presented with concomitant spinal distant seeding and brain failure, respectively. One patient failed simultaneously in the brain and spine. Age greater than 36 years (p = 0.01), absence of neurologic symptoms at diagnosis (p = 0.01), tumor size >or=25 mm (p = 0.04), and postoperative high-dose RT (p = 0.05) were variables predictive of improved PFS on univariate analysis. In multivariate analysis, only postoperative high-dose RT was independent predictors of PFS (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: The observed pattern of failure was mainly local, but one fifth of the patients presented with a concomitant spinal or brain component. Postoperative high-dose RT appears to significantly reduce the rate of tumor progression.
Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is a conformal radiotherapy that produces concave and irregular target volume dose distributions. IMRT has a potential to reduce the volume of healthy tissue irradiated to a high dose, but this often at the price of an increased volume of normal tissue irradiated to a low dose. Clinical benefits of IMRT are expected to be most pronounced at the body sites where sensitive normal tissues surround or are located next to a target with a complex 3D shape. The irradiation doses needed for tumor control are often markedly higher than the tolerance of the radiation sensitive structures such as the spinal cord, the optic nerves, the eyes, or the salivary glands in the treatment of head and neck cancer. Parotid gland salivary flow is markedly reduced following a cumulative dose of 30 50 Gy given with conventional fractionation and xerostomia may be prevented in most patients using a conformal parotid-sparing radiotherapy technique. However, in cohort studies where IMRT was compared with conventional and conformal radiotherapy techniques in the treatment of laryngeal or oropharyngeal carcinoma, the dosimetric advantage of IMRT translated into a reduction of late salivary toxicity with no apparent adverse impact on the tumor control. IMRT might reduce the radiation dose to the major salivary glands and the risk of permanent xerostomia without compromizing the likelihood for cure. Alternatively, IMRT might allow the target dose escalation at a given level of normal tissue damage. We describe here the clinical results on postirradiation salivary gland function in head and neck cancer patients treated with IMRT, and the technical aspects of IMRT applied. The results suggest that the major salivary gland function can be maintained with IMRT without a need to compromise the clinical target volume dose, or the locoregional control.
Involvement of the central or peripheral nervous system, frequently present in systemic inflammatory immune disorders, has to be considered a severe threat and requires aggressive immunosuppressive treatment to achieve rapid remission. This is usually obtained with high-dose systemic corticosteroids combined with cyclophosphamide. Once remission is obtained, immunosuppressive agents with a more favorable safety profile are needed to exert a corticosteroid-sparing effect and minimize adverse events. New therapeutic approaches are currently developed to treat autoimmune diseases, mostly linked to the definition of new indications for biological agents such as TNF-alpha antagonists and rituximab.
Hirsutism, acne, alopecia, and oligo-amenorrhea are clinical expressions of hyperandrogenism, one of the most frequent endocrine disorders in women of reproductive age. Women referred to our endocrine clinics for skin symptoms of hyperandrogenism underwent a laboratory workup to evaluate hormone measurements and received antiandrogen therapy. We retrospectively analyzed the outcome of 228 consecutive patients investigated over 6 years.Patients with hirsutism had higher levels of androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and salivary testosterone; lower levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG); and a higher prevalence of oligo-amenorrhea than patients with alopecia, while patients with acne showed intermediate values. Hirsutism score correlated positively with androstenedione, DHEAS, and salivary testosterone, and correlated negatively with SHBG; salivary testosterone showed the highest correlation coefficient. Total testosterone was not significantly different among patients with hirsutism, alopecia, or acne, and did not significantly correlate with hirsutism score. Hirsutism and oligo-amenorrhea were the most sensitive symptoms of hyperandrogenism, and no androgenic parameter alone allowed us to identify all cases of hyperandrogenism.Patients of central European origin sought consultation with milder hirsutism scores than patients of southern European origin. There was, however, no difference in the clinical-biological correlation between these groups, arguing against differences in skin sensitivity to androgens.Polycystic ovary syndrome, defined as hyperandrogenism (hirsutism or elevated androgens) and oligo-amenorrhea, was diagnosed in 63 patients (27.6%), an underestimate compared with other reports that include systematic ovarian ultrasound studies. Neither pelvic ultrasound, used in a limited number of cases, nor the luteinizing hormone/follicle-stimulating hormone ratio helped to distinguish patients with polycystic ovary syndrome from the other diagnostic groups. These included hyperandrogenism (hirsutism or elevated androgens) and eumenorrhea (101 patients; 44.3%); normal androgens (acne or alopecia and eumenorrhea) (51 patients; 22.4%); isolated low SHBG (7 patients; 3.1%); nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (4 patients; 1.8% of total, 4.9% of patients undergoing cosyntropin stimulation tests); and ovarian tumor (2 patients; 0.9%).Ethinylestradiol and high-dose cyproterone acetate treatment lowered the hirsutism score to 53.5% of baseline at 1 year, and was also effective in treating acne and alopecia. The clinical benefit is ascribed to the peripheral antiandrogenic effect of cyproterone acetate as well as the hormone-suppressive effect of this combination. Salivary testosterone showed the most marked proportional decrease of all the androgens under treatment. Cost-effectiveness and tolerance of ethinylestradiol and high-dose cyproterone acetate compared well with other antiandrogenic drug therapies for hirsutism. The less potent therapy with spironolactone only, a peripheral antiandrogen without hormone-suppressive effect, was effective in treating isolated alopecia in patients with normal androgens.
Recent observations demonstrated that fluconazole plus cyclosporine (Cy) synergistically killed Candida albicans in vitro. This combination was tested in rats with C. albicans experimental endocarditis. The MICs of fluconazole and Cy for the test organism were 0.25 and >10 mg/liter, respectively. Rats were treated for 5 days with either Cy, amphotericin B, fluconazole, or fluconazole-Cy. Although used at high doses, the peak concentrations of fluconazole in the serum of rats (up to 4.5 mg/liter) were compatible with high-dose fluconazole therapy in humans. On the other hand, Cy concentrations in serum (up to 4.5 mg/liter) were greater than recommended therapeutic levels. Untreated rats demonstrated massive pseudohyphal growth in both the vegetations and the kidneys. However, only the kidneys displayed concomitant polymorphonuclear infiltration. The therapeutic results reflected this dissociation. In the vegetations, only the fungicidal fluconazole-Cy combination significantly decreased fungal densities compared to all groups, including amphotericin B (P < 0.0001). In the kidneys, all regimens except the Cy regimen were effective, but fluconazole-Cy remained superior to amphotericin B and fluconazole alone in sterilizing the organs (P < 0.0001). While the mechanism responsible for the fluconazole-Cy interaction is hypothetical, this observation opens new perspectives for fungicidal combinations between azoles and other drugs.