143 resultados para Glutamate and selenocompounds


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AbstractPPARP is a nuclear receptor responding in vivo to several free fatty acids, and implicated in cell metabolism, differentiation and survival. PPARp is ubiquitously expressed but shows high expression in the developing and adult brain. PPARp is expressed in different cell types such as neurons and astrocytes, where it might play a role in metabolism. To study this nuclear receptor the laboratory engineered a PPARP -/- mouse model. The aim of my PhD was to dissect the role of PPARP in astrocytes.Experiments in primary culture revealed that cortical astrocytes from PPARP -/- mouse have an impaired energetic metabolism. Unstimulated PPARP -/- astrocytes exhibit a 30% diminution in glucose uptake, correlating to a 30% decrease in lactate release and intracellular glucose. After acute stimulation by D- aspartate mimicking glutamate exposure, both WT and -/- astrocytes up-regulate their metabolism to respond to the increasing energy needed (ATP) for glutamate uptake. According to the Astrocyte Neuron Lactate Shuttle Hypothesis (ANLSH), the ratio between glucose uptake/ lactate release is 1. However, stimulated PPARp -/- astrocytes display a higher increase in lactate release than glucose uptake which remains lower than in WT. The extra glucose equivalents could come from the degradation of intra cellular glycogen stores, which indeed decrease in PPARP -/- cells upon stimulation. Lower glucose metabolism correlates with a decreased acute glutamate uptake in PPARP -/- astrocytes. Reciprocally, we also observed an increase of glutamate uptake and ATP production after treatment of WT astrocytes with a PPARp agonist. Glutamate transporter protein expression is not affected. However, their trafficking and localization might be altered as PPARp -/- astrocytes have higher cholesterol levels, which may also affect proper transporter structure in the membrane.Metabolism, transporter localization and cholesterol levels are respectively linked to cell mobility, cell cytoskeleton and cellular membrane composition. All three functions are important in astrocytes to in vivo acquire star shaped morphology, in a process known as stellation. PPARP -/- astrocytes showed an impaired acquired stellation in presence of neurons or chemical stimuli, as well as more actin stress fibers and cell adhesion structures. While non stellation of astrocytes is mainly an in vitro phenomenon, it reveals PPARp -/- primary astrocytes inability to respond to different exterior stimuli. These morphological phenotypes correlate with a slower migration in cell culture wound healing assays.This thesis work demonstrates that PPARp is implicated in cortical astrocyte glucose metabolism. PPARp absence leads to an unusual intracellular glycogen use. Added to the effect on acute glutamate uptake and astrocyte migration, PPARp could be an interesting target for neuroprotection therapies.RésuméPPARP est un récepteur nucléaire qui a pour ligands naturels certains acides gras libres. Il est impliqué dans le métabolisme, la différentiation et la survie des cellules. PPARP est ubiquitaire, et a une expression élevée dans le cerveau en développement ainsi qu'adulte. PPARp est exprimé dans différents types cellulaires tels que les neurones et les astrocytes, où il régule potentiellement leurs métabolismes. Pour étudier ce récepteur nucléaire, le laboratoire a créé un modèle de souris PPARp -/-. L'objectif de ma thèse est de comprendre le rôle de PPARp dans les astrocytes.Les expériences montrent un défaut du métabolisme énergétique dans les astrocytes corticaux primaires tirés de souris PPARp -/-. Sans stimulation, l'entrée du glucose dans les astrocytes PPARP -/- est diminuée de 30% ce qui correspond à une diminution de 30% du relargage du lactate. Après stimulation par du D-Aspartate qui mime une exposition au glutamate, les astrocytes WT et -/- augmentent leur métabolisme en réponse à la demande accrue en énergie (ATP) due à l'entrée du glutamate. D'après l'Astrocyte Neuron Lactate Shuttle Hypothesis (ANLSH), le ratio entre le glucose entrant et le lactate sortant est de 1. Cependant le relargage du lactate dans les astrocytes PPARP-/- est plus élevé que l'entrée du glucose. L'apport supplémentaire de glucose transformé en lactate pourrait provenir de la dégradation des stocks de glycogène intracellulaire, qui sont partiellement diminués après stimulation dans les cellules PPARP -/-. Un métabolisme plus faible du glucose corrèle avec une réduction de l'import du glutamate dans les astrocytes PPARp -/-. Réciproquement, nous observons une augmentation de l'import du glutamate et de la production d'ATP après traitement avec l'agoniste pour PPARp. Bien que l'expression des transporteurs de glutamate ne soit pas affectée, nous ne pouvons pas exclure que leur localisation et leur structure soient altérées du fait du niveau élevé de cholestérol dans les astrocytes PPARp -/-.Le métabolisme, la localisation des transporteurs et le niveau de cholestérol sont tous liés au cytosquelette, à la mobilité, et à la composition des membranes cellulaires. Toutes ces fonctions sont importantes pour les astrocytes pour acquérir leur morphologie in vivo. Les astrocytes PPARP -/- présentent un défaut de stellation, aussi bien en présence de neurones que de stimuli chimiques, ainsi qu'un plus grand nombre de fibres de stress (actine) et de structures d'adhésion cellulaire. Bien que les astrocytes non stellaires soient principalement observés in vitro, le défaut de stellation des astrocytes primaires PPARp -/- indique une incapacité à répondre aux différents stimuli extérieurs. Ces phénotypes morphologiques corrèlent avec une migration plus lente en cas de lésion de la culture.Ce travail de thèse a permis de démontrer l'implication de PPARP dans le métabolisme du glucose des astrocytes corticaux. L'absence de ce récepteur nucléaire amène à l'utilisation du glucose intracellulaire, auquel s'ajoutent les effets sur l'import du glutamate et la migration des astrocytes. PPARp aurait des effets neuroprotecteurs, et de ce fait pourrait être utilisé à des fins thérapeutiques.


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Several evidences suggest that astrocytes release small transmitter molecules, peptides, and protein factors via regulated exocytosis, implying that they function as specialized neurosecretory cells. However, very little is known about the molecular and functional properties of regulated secretion in astrocytes in the adult brain. Establishing these properties is central to the understanding of the communication mode(s) of these cells and their role(s) in the control of synaptic functions and of cerebral blood flow. In this study, we have set-up a high-resolution confocal microscopy approach to distinguish protein expression in astrocytic structures and neighboring synaptic terminals in adult brain tissue. This approach was applied to investigate the expression pattern of core SNARE proteins for vesicle fusion in the dentate gyrus and CA1 regions of the mouse hippocampus. Our comparative analysis shows that astrocytes abundantly express, in their cell body and main processes, all three protein partners necessary to form an operational SNARE complex but not in the same isoforms expressed in neighbouring synaptic terminals. Thus, SNAP25 and VAMP2 are absent from astrocytic processes and typically concentrated in terminals, while SNAP23 and VAMP3 have the opposite expression pattern. Syntaxin 1 is present in both synaptic terminals and astrocytes. These data support the view that astrocytes in the adult hippocampus can communicate via regulated exocytosis and also indicates that astrocytic exocytosis may differ in its properties from action potential-dependent exocytosis at neuronal synapses, as it relies on a distinctive set of SNARE proteins.


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Résumé françaisLa majorité des organismes vivants sont soumis à l'alternance du jour et de la nuit, conséquence de la rotation de la terre autour de son axe. Ils ont développé un système interne de mesure du temps, appelé horloge circadienne, leur permettant de s'adapter et de synchroniser leur comportement et leur physiologie aux cycles de lumière. Cette dernière est considérée comme étant le signal majeur entraînant l'horloge interne et. par conséquent, les rythmes journaliers d'éveil et de sommeil. Outre sa régulation circadienne, le sommeil est contrôlé par un processus homéostatique qui détermine son besoin. La contribution de ces deux processus dans le fonctionnement cellulaire du cerveau n'a pas encore été investiguée. La mesure de l'amplitude ainsi que de la prévalence des ondes delta de l'EEG (activité delta) constitue un index très fiable du besoin de sommeil. Il a été démontré que cette activité est génétiquement déterminée et associée à un locus de trait quantitatif situé sur le chromosome 13 de la souris.Grâce à des expériences de privation de sommeil et d'analyses de transcriptome du cerveau dans trois souches de souris présentant diverses réponses à la privation de sommeil, nous avons trouvé que Homerla, localisé dans la région d'intérêt du chromosome 13, est le meilleur marqueur du besoin de sommeil. Homerla est impliqué dans la récupération de l'hyperactivité neuronale induite par le glutamate, grâce à son effet tampon sur le calcium intracellulaire. Une fonction fondamentale du sommeil pourrait donc être de protéger le cerveau et de lui permettre de récupérer après une hyperactivité neuronale imposée par une veille prolongée.De plus, nous avons montré que 2032 transcrits sont exprimés rythmiqueraent dans le cerveau de la souris, parmi lesquels seulement 391 le restent après que les animaux aient été privés de sommeil à différents moments au cours des 24 heures. Cette observation montre clairement que la plupart des changements rythmiques au niveau du transcriptome dépendent du sommeil et non de l'horloge circadienne et souligne ainsi l'importance du sommeil dans la physiologie des mammifères.La plupart des expériences concernant les rythmes circadiens ont été réalisées sur des individus isolés en négligeant l'effet du contexte social sur les comportements circadiens. Les espèces sociales, telles que les fourmis, se caractérisent par une division du travail où une répartition des tâches s'effectue entre ses membres. De plus, certaines d'entre elles doivent être pratiquées en continu comme les soins au couvain tandis que d'autres requièrent une activité rythmique comme le fourragement. Ainsi la fourmi est un excellent modèle pour l'étude de 1 influence du contexte social sur les rythmes circadiens.A ces fins, nous avons décidé d'étudier les rythmes circadiens chez une espèce de fourmi Camponotus fellah et de caractériser au niveau moléculaire son horloge circadienne. Nous avons ainsi développé un système vidéo permettant de suivre l'activité locomotrice de tous les individus d'une colonie. Nos résultats montrent que, bien que la plupart des fourmis soient arythmiques à l'intérieur de la colonie, elles développent d'amples rythmes d'activité en isolation. De plus, ces rythmes disparaissent presque aussitôt que la fourmi est réintroduite dans la colonie. Cette rythmicité observée en isolation semble être générée par l'horloge circadienne car elle persiste en condition constante (obscurité totale). Nous avons ensuite regardé si cette apparente arythmie observée dans la colonie résultait d'un effet masquant des interactions sociales sur les rythmes circadiens d'activité. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'horloge interne est fonctionnelle dans la colonie mais que l'expression de ses rythmes au niveau comportemental est inhibée par les interactions sociales. Les analyses moléculaires du statut de l'horloge dans différents contextes sociaux sont actuellement en cours. Le contexte social semble donc un déterminant majeur du comportement circadien chez la fourmi.AbstractAlmost all living organisms on earth are subjected to the alternance of day and night re-sulting from the rotation of the earth around its axis. They have evolved with an internal timing system, termed the circadian clock, enabling them to adapt and synchronize their behavior and physiology to the daily changes in light and related environmental parame¬ters. Light is thought to be the major cue entraining the circadian clock and consequently the rhythms of rest/activity. In addition to its circadian dependent timing, sleep is reg¬ulated by a homeostatic process that determines its need. The contribution of these two processes in the cellular functioning of the brain has not yet been considered. A highly reliable index of the homeostatic process of sleep is the measure of the amplitude and prevalence of the EEG delta waves (delta activity). It has been shown that sleep need, measured by delta activity, is genetically determined and associated with a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) located on the mouse chromosome 13. By using sleep deprivation and brain transcriptome profiling in three inbred mouse strains showing different responses to sleep loss, we found that Homerla, localized within this QTL region is the best transcrip¬tional marker of sleep need. Interestingly Homerla is primarily involved in the recovery from glutamate-induced neuronal hyperactivity by its buffering effect on intracellular cal¬cium. A fundamental function of sleep may therefore reside in the protection and recovery of the brain from a neuronal hyperactivity imposed by prolonged wakefulness.Moreover, time course gene expression experiments showed that 2032 brain tran¬scripts present a rhythmic variation, but only 391 of those remain rhythmic when mice are sleep deprived at four time points around the clock. This finding clearly suggests that most changes in gene transcription over the day are sleep-wake dependent rather than clock dependent and underlines the importance of sleep in mammalian physiology.In the second part of this PhD, I was interested in the social influence on circadian behavior. Most experiments done in the circadian field have been performed on isolated individuals and have therefore ignored the effect of the social context on circadian behav-ior. Eusocial insect species such as ants are characterized by a division of labor: colony tasks are distributed among individuals, some of them requiring continuous activity such as nursing or rhythmic ones such as foraging. Thus ants represent a suitable model to study the influence of the social context on the circadian clock and its output rhythms.The aim of this part was to address the effect of social context on circadian rhythms in the ant species Camponotus fellah and to characterize its circadian clock at the molecu¬lar level. We therefore developed a video tracking system to follow the locomotor activity of all individuals in a colony. Our results show that most ants are arrhythmic within the colony, but develop, when subjected to social isolation, strong rhythms of activity that intriguingly disappear when individuals are reintroduced into the colony. The rhythmicity observed in isolated ants seems to be driven by the circadian clock as it persists under constant conditions (complete darkness). We then tested whether the apparent arrhyth- micity in the colony stemmed from a masking effect of social interactions on circadian rhythms. Indeed, we found that circadian clocks of ants in the colony are functional but their expression at the behavioral level is inhibited by social interactions. The molecular assessment of the circadian clock functional state in the different social context is still under investigation. Our results suggest that social context is a major determinant of circadian behavior in ants.


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Despite the widespread use of Cannabis as recreational drug or as medicine, little is known about its toxicity. The accumulation, metabolism and toxicity of THC were analyzed 10 days after a single treatment, and after repeated exposures during 10 days. Mixed-cell aggregate cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were used as in vitro model, as well as aggregates enriched either in neurons or in glial cells. It was found that THC accumulated preferentially in neurons, and that glia-neuron interactions decreased THC accumulation. The quantification of 11-OH-THC and of THC-COOH showed that brain aggregates were capable of THC metabolism. No cell-type difference was found for the metabolite 11-OH-THC, whereas the THC-COOH content was higher in mixed-cell cultures. No cell death was found at THC concentrations of 2 microM in single treatment and of 1 microM and 2 microM in repeated treatments. Neurons, and particularly GABAergic neurons, were most sensitive to THC. Only the GABAergic marker was affected after the single treatment, whereas the GABAergic, cholinergic and astrocytic markers were decreased after the repeated treatments. JWH 015, a CB2 receptor agonist, showed effects similar to THC, whereas ACEA, a CB1 receptor agonist, had no effect. The expression of the cytokine IL-6 was upregulated 48 h after the single treatment with 5 microM of THC or JWH 015, whereas the expression of TNF-alpha remained unchanged. These results suggest that the adverse effects of THC were related either to THC accumulation or to cannabinoid receptor activation and associated with IL-6 upregulation.


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Dendritic growth is essential for the establishment of a functional nervous system. Among extrinsic signals that control dendritic development, substantial evidence indicates that BDNF regulates dendritic morphology. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms by which BDNF controls dendritic growth. In this study, we show that the MAPK signaling pathway and the transcription factor cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) mediate the effects of BDNF on dendritic length and complexity. However, phosphorylation of CREB alone is not sufficient for the stimulation of dendritic growth by BDNF. Thus, using a mutant form of CREB unable to bind CREB-regulated transcription coactivator (CRTC1), we demonstrate that this effect also requires a functional interaction between CREB and CRTC1. Moreover, inhibition of CRTC1 expression by shRNA-mediated knockdown abolished BDNF-induced dendritic growth of cortical neurons. Interestingly, we found that nuclear translocation of CRTC1 results from activation of NMDA receptors by glutamate, a process that is essential for the effects of BDNF on dendritic development. Together, these data identify a previously unrecognized mechanism by which CREB and the coactivator CRTC1 mediate the effects of BDNF on dendritic growth.


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Astrocytes actively participate in synaptic integration by releasing transmitter (glutamate) via a calcium-regulated, exocytosis-like process. Here we show that this process follows activation of the receptor CXCR4 by the chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1). An extraordinary feature of the ensuing signaling cascade is the rapid extracellular release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha). Autocrine/paracrine TNFalpha-dependent signaling leading to prostaglandin (PG) formation not only controls glutamate release and astrocyte communication, but also causes their derangement when activated microglia cooperate to dramatically enhance release of the cytokine in response to CXCR4 stimulation. We demonstrate that altered glial communication has direct neuropathological consequences and that agents interfering with CXCR4-dependent astrocyte-microglia signaling prevent neuronal apoptosis induced by the HIV-1 coat glycoprotein, gp120IIIB. Our results identify a new pathway for glia-glia and glia-neuron communication that is relevant to both normal brain function and neurodegenerative diseases.


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Allergy is an immunological disorder of the upper airways, lung, skin, and the gut with a growing prevalence over the last decades in Western countries. Atopy, the genetic predisposition for allergy, is strongly dependent on familial inheritance and environmental factors. These observations call for predictive markers of progression from atopy to allergy, a prerequisite to any active intervention in neonates and children (prophylactic interventions/primary prevention) or in adults (immunomodulatory interventions/secondary prevention). In an attempt to identify early biomarkers of the "atopic march" using minimally invasive sampling, CD4+ T cells from 20 adult volunteers (10 healthy and 10 with respiratory allergies) were isolated and quantitatively analyzed and their proteomes were compared in and out of pollen season (± antigen exposure). The proteome study based on high-resolution 2D gel electrophoresis revealed three candidate protein markers that distinguish the CD4+ T cell proteomes of normal from allergic individuals when sampled out of pollen season, namely Talin 1, Nipsnap homologue 3A, and Glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory protein. Three proteins were found differentially expressed between the CD4+ T cell proteomes of normal and allergic subjects when sampled during pollen season: carbonyl reductase, glutathione S-transferase ω 1, and 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase. The results were partly validated by Western blotting.


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In order to study peptide growth factor action in a three-dimensional cellular environment, aggregating cell cultures prepared from 15-day fetal rat telencephalon were grown in a chemically defined medium and treated during an early developmental stage with either bovine fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF homodimers AA and BB). A single dose (5-50 ng/ml) of either growth factor given to the cultures on day 3 greatly enhanced the developmental increase of the two glia-specific enzyme activities, 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNP) and glutamine synthetase (GS), whereas it had relatively little effect on total protein and DNA content. Distinct patterns of dose-dependency were found for CNP and GS stimulation. At low concentrations of bFGF (0.5-5 ng/ml) and at all PDGF concentrations applied, the oligodendroglial marker enzyme CNP was the most affected. A relatively small but significant mitogenic effect was observed after treatment with PDGF, particularly at higher concentrations or after repetitive stimulation. The two PDGF homodimers AA and BB were similar in their biological effects and potency. The present results show that under histotypic conditions both growth factors, bFGF and PDGF, promote the maturation rather than the proliferation of immature oligodendrocytes and astrocytes.


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In the brain, glutamate is an extracellular transmitter that mediates cell-to-cell communication. Prior to synaptic release it is pumped into vesicles by vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs). To inactivate glutamate receptor responses after release, glutamate is taken up into glial cells or neurons by excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs). In the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, glutamate is proposed to act as an intracellular messenger, regulating insulin secretion from β-cells, but the mechanisms involved are unknown. By immunogold cytochemistry we show that insulin containing secretory granules express VGLUT3. Despite the fact that they have a VGLUT, the levels of glutamate in these granules are low, indicating the presence of a protein that can transport glutamate out of the granules. Surprisingly, in β-cells the glutamate transporter EAAT2 is located, not in the plasma membrane as it is in brain cells, but exclusively in insulin-containing secretory granules, together with VGLUT3. In EAAT2 knock out mice, the content of glutamate in secretory granules is higher than in wild type mice. These data imply a glutamate cycle in which glutamate is carried into the granules by VGLUT3 and carried out by EAAT2. Perturbing this cycle by knocking down EAAT2 expression with a small interfering RNA, or by over-expressing EAAT2 or a VGLUT in insulin granules, significantly reduced the rate of granule exocytosis. Simulations of granule energetics suggest that VGLUT3 and EAAT2 may regulate the pH and membrane potential of the granules and thereby regulate insulin secretion. These data suggest that insulin secretion from β-cells is modulated by the flux of glutamate through the secretory granules.


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Objective: Converging evidence speak in favor of an abnormal susceptibility to oxidative stress in schizophrenia. A decreased level of glutathione (GSH), the principal non-protein antioxidant and redox regulator, was observed both in cerebrospinal-fluid and prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia patients (Do et al., 2000). Results: Schizophrenia patients have an abnormal GSH synthesis most likely of genetic origin: Two independent case-control studies showed a significant association between schizophrenia and a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the GSH key synthesizing enzyme glutamate-cysteine-ligase (GCL) catalytic subunit (GCLC) gene. The most common TNR genotype 7/7 was more frequent in controls, whereas the rarest TNR genotype 8/8 was three times more frequent in patients. The disease-associated genotypes correlated with a decrease in GCLC protein expression, GCL activity and GSH content. Such a redox dysregulation during development could underlie the structural and functional anomalies in connectivity: In experimental models, GSH deficit induced anomalies similar to those observed in patients. (a) morphology: In animal models with GSH deficit during the development we observed in prefrontal cortex a decreased dendritic spines density in pyramidal cells and an abnormal development of parvalbumine (but not of calretinine) immunoreactive GABA interneurones in anterior cingulate cortex. (b) physiology: GSH depletion in hippocampal slices induces NMDA receptors hypofunction and an impairment of long term potentiation. In addition, GSH deficit affected the modulation of dopamine on NMDA-induced Ca 2+ response in cultured cortical neurons. While dopamine enhanced NMDA responses in control neurons, it depressed NMDA responses in GSH-depleted neurons. Antagonist of D2-, but not D1-receptors, prevented this depression, a mechanism contributing to the efficacy of antipsychotics. The redox sensitive ryanodine receptors and L-type calcium channels underlie these observations. (c) cognition: Developing rats with low [GSH] and high dopamine lead deficit in olfactory integration and in object recognition which appears earlier in males that females, in analogy to the delay of the psychosis onset between man and woman. Conclusion: These clinical and experimental evidence, combined with the favorable outcome of a clinical trial with N-Acetyl Cysteine, a GSH precursor, on both the negative symptoms (Berk et al., submitted) and the mismatch negativity in an auditory oddball paradigm supported the proposal that a GSH synthesis impairment of genetic origin represent, among other factors, one major risk factor in schizophrenia.


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The enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is important for recycling the chief excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate, during neurotransmission. Human GDH exists in housekeeping and brain-specific isotypes encoded by the genes GLUD1 and GLUD2, respectively. Here we show that GLUD2 originated by retroposition from GLUD1 in the hominoid ancestor less than 23 million years ago. The amino acid changes responsible for the unique brain-specific properties of the enzyme derived from GLUD2 occurred during a period of positive selection after the duplication event.


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Abstract Significance: Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) are classified as two distinct diseases. However, accumulating evidence shows that both disorders share genetic, pathological, and epidemiological characteristics. Based on genetic and functional findings, redox dysregulation due to an imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidant defense mechanisms has been proposed as a risk factor contributing to their pathophysiology. Recent Advances: Altered antioxidant systems and signs of increased oxidative stress are observed in peripheral tissues and brains of SZ and BD patients, including abnormal prefrontal levels of glutathione (GSH), the major cellular redox regulator and antioxidant. Here we review experimental data from rodent models demonstrating that permanent as well as transient GSH deficit results in behavioral, morphological, electrophysiological, and neurochemical alterations analogous to pathologies observed in patients. Mice with GSH deficit display increased stress reactivity, altered social behavior, impaired prepulse inhibition, and exaggerated locomotor responses to psychostimulant injection. These behavioral changes are accompanied by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor hypofunction, elevated glutamate levels, impairment of parvalbumin GABA interneurons, abnormal neuronal synchronization, altered dopamine neurotransmission, and deficient myelination. Critical Issues: Treatment with the GSH precursor and antioxidant N-acetylcysteine normalizes some of those deficits in mice, but also improves SZ and BD symptoms when given as adjunct to antipsychotic medication. Future Directions: These data demonstrate the usefulness of GSH-deficient rodent models to identify the mechanisms by which a redox imbalance could contribute to the development of SZ and BD pathophysiologies, and to develop novel therapeutic approaches based on antioxidant and redox regulator compounds. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 18, 1428-1443.


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Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) are ligand-gated ion channels that mediate chemical communication between neurons at synapses. A variant iGluR subfamily, the Ionotropic Receptors (IRs), was recently proposed to detect environmental volatile chemicals in olfactory cilia. Here, we elucidate how these peripheral chemosensors have evolved mechanistically from their iGluR ancestors. Using a Drosophila model, we demonstrate that IRs act in combinations of up to three subunits, comprising individual odor-specific receptors and one or two broadly expressed coreceptors. Heteromeric IR complex formation is necessary and sufficient for trafficking to cilia and mediating odor-evoked electrophysiological responses in vivo and in vitro. IRs display heterogeneous ion conduction specificities related to their variable pore sequences, and divergent ligand-binding domains function in odor recognition and cilia localization. Our results provide insights into the conserved and distinct architecture of these olfactory and synaptic ion channels and offer perspectives into the use of IRs as genetically encoded chemical sensors. VIDEO ABSTRACT:


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Study Objectives: "Gentle handling" has become a method of choice for 4-6 h sleep deprivation in mice, with repeated brief handling applied before sleep deprivation to induce habituation. To verify whether mice do indeed habituate was assess how 6 days of repeated brief handling impact on resting behavior, on stress, and on the subunit content of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) at hippocampal synapases, which is altered by sleep loss. We discuss whether repeated handling biases the outcome of subsequent sleep deprivation.Design: Adult C5BL/6J mice, maintained on a 12 h-12 h light-dark cycle, were left undistrubed for 3 days, then handled during 3 min daily for 6 days in the middle of the light phase. Mice were continuously monitored for their resting time serum conticosterona levels and synaptic NMDAR subunit composition were quantified.Results: Handling caused a similar to 25% reduction of resting time throughtout all handling days, After six, but not after one day of handling, mice had elevated serum corticosterone levels. Six-day handling augmented the presence of the NR2A subunit of NMDARs at hippocampal synapses.Conclusion: Repeated handling induces behavoir and neurochemical alterations that are absent in undisturbed animals. The presistently reduced resting time and the delayed increase in conticosterone levels indicate that mice do not habituate to handling over a 1-week period. Handling-induced modifications bias effects of gentle handling-induced sleep deprivation on sleep homeostasis, stress, glutamate receptor composition and signaling. A standardization of sleep deprivation procedures involving gengle handling will be important for unequivocally specifying how acute sleep loss affects brain function.


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Astrocytes are responsible for the majority of the clearance of extracellular glutamate released during neuronal activity. dl-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate (TBOA) is extensively used as inhibitor of glutamate transport activity, but suffers from relatively low affinity for the transporter. Here, we characterized the effects of (2S, 3S)-3-[3-[4-(trifluoromethyl)benzoylamino]benzyloxy]aspartate (TFB-TBOA), a recently developed inhibitor of the glutamate transporter on mouse cortical astrocytes in primary culture. The glial Na(+)-glutamate transport system is very efficient and its activation by glutamate causes rapid intracellular Na(+) concentration (Na(+)(i)) changes that enable real time monitoring of transporter activity. Na(+)(i) was monitored by fluorescence microscopy in single astrocytes using the fluorescent Na(+)-sensitive probe sodium-binding benzofuran isophtalate. When applied alone, TFB-TBOA, at a concentration of 1 muM, caused small alterations of Na(+)(i). TFB-TBOA inhibited the Na(+)(i) response evoked by 200 muM glutamate in a concentration-dependent manner with IC(50) value of 43+/-9 nM, as measured on the amplitude of the Na(+)(i) response. The maximum inhibition of glutamate-evoked Na(+)(i) increase by TFB-TBOA was >80%, but was only partly reversible. The residual response persisted in the presence of the AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist CNQX. TFB-TBOA also efficiently inhibited Na(+)(i) elevations caused by the application of d-aspartate, a transporter substrate that does not activate non-NMDA ionotropic receptors. TFB-TBOA was found not to influence the membrane properties of cultured cortical neurons recorded in whole-cell patch clamp. Thus, TFB-TBOA, with its high potency and its apparent lack of neuronal effects, appears to be one of the most useful pharmacological tools available so far for studying glial glutamate transporters.