195 resultados para Gene function


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The role of small, hydrophobic peptides that are associated with ion pumps or channels is still poorly understood. By using the Xenopus oocyte as an expression system, we have characterized the structural and functional properties of the gamma peptide which co-purifies with Na,K-ATPase. Immuno-radiolabeling of epitope-tagged gamma subunits in intact oocytes and protease protection assays show that the gamma peptide is a type I membrane protein lacking a signal sequence and exposing the N-terminus to the extracytoplasmic side. Co-expression of the rat or Xenopus gamma subunit with various proteins in the oocyte reveals that it specifically associates only with isozymes of Na,K-ATPase. The gamma peptide does not influence the formation and cell surface expression of functional Na,K-ATPase alpha-beta complexes. On the other hand, the gamma peptide itself needs association with Na,K-ATPase in order to be stably expressed in the oocyte and to be transported efficiently to the plasma membrane. Gamma subunits do not associate with individual alpha or beta subunits but only interact with assembled, transport-competent alpha-beta complexes. Finally, electrophysiological measurements indicate that the gamma peptide modulates the K+ activation of Na,K pumps. These data document for the first time the membrane topology, the specificity of association and a potential functional role for the gamma subunit of Na,K-ATPase.


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Transcription factors of the NF-kappaB/Rel family are important mediators of extracellular signals. Their implication in positive selection of thymocytes is suggested by a defective thymic development in transgenic mice that over-express IkappaB in thymocytes. These mice exhibit an accumulation of an unusually prominent population of TCRhigh/CD4/CD8 double positive cells in the thymus and a dramatic reduction of CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the periphery. The present study addresses the role of NF-kappaB in survival and differentiation processes of maturing thymocytes using IkappaB/bcl-2 and IkappaB/HY double-transgenic mice. Neither the introduction of the anti-apoptosis gene bcl-2 nor the positively selecting background in female HY transgenic mice resulted in a rescue of the maturational defects observed in the thymus of IkappaB transgenic mice. Thus, rather than promoting survival the main role of NF-kappaB/Rel proteins during positive selection of thymocytes appears to be the mediation of differentiation signals.


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Hes1, a major target gene in Notch signaling, regulates the fate and differentiation of various cell types in many developmental systems. To gain a novel insight into the role of Hes1 in corneal tissue, we performed gain-of-function and loss-of-function studies. We show that corneal development was severely disturbed in Hes1-null mice. Hes1-null corneas manifested abnormal junctional specialization, cell differentiation, and less cell proliferation ability. Worthy of note, Hes1 is expressed mainly in the corneal epithelial stem/progenitor cells and is not detected in the differentiated corneal epithelial cells. Expression of Hes1 is closely linked with corneal epithelial stem/progenitor cell proliferation activity in vivo. Moreover, forced Hes1 expression inhibits the differentiation of corneal epithelial stem/progenitor cells and maintains these cells' undifferentiated state. Our data provide the first evidence that Hes1 regulates corneal development and the homeostatic function of corneal epithelial stem/progenitor cells.


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Gene expression-based prediction of genomic copy number aberrations in the chromosomal region 12q13 to 12q15 that is flanked by MDM2 and CDK4 identified Wnt inhibitory factor 1 (WIF1) as a candidate tumor suppressor gene in glioblastoma. WIF1 encodes a secreted Wnt antagonist and was strongly downregulated in most glioblastomas as compared with normal brain, implying deregulation of Wnt signaling, which is associated with cancer. WIF1 silencing was mediated by deletion (7/69, 10%) or epigenetic silencing by promoter hypermethylation (29/110, 26%). Co-amplification of MDM2 and CDK4 that is present in 10% of glioblastomas was associated in most cases with deletion of the whole genomic region enclosed, including the WIF1 locus. This interesting pathogenetic constellation targets the RB and p53 tumor suppressor pathways in tandem, while simultaneously activating oncogenic Wnt signaling. Ectopic expression of WIF1 in glioblastoma cell lines revealed a dose-dependent decrease of Wnt pathway activity. Furthermore, WIF1 expression inhibited cell proliferation in vitro, reduced anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, and completely abolished tumorigenicity in vivo. Interestingly, WIF1 overexpression in glioblastoma cells induced a senescence-like phenotype that was dose dependent. These results provide evidence that WIF1 has tumor suppressing properties. Downregulation of WIF1 in 75% of glioblastomas indicates frequent involvement of aberrant Wnt signaling and, hence, may render glioblastomas sensitive to inhibitors of Wnt signaling, potentially by diverting the tumor cells into a senescence-like state.


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Résumé Le gène c-myc est un des oncogènes les plus fréquemment mutés dans les tumeurs humaines. Même si plus de 70 % des cancers humains montrent une dérégulation de c-Myc, les connaissances sur son rôle physiologique pendant le développement, et dans la souris adulte restent très peu connus. Récemment, notre laboratoire a pu montrer que c-Myc contrôle l'équilibre entre le renouvellement et la différenciation des cellules souches hématopoïetiques (CSH) dans la souris adulte. Ceci est probablement dû à lacapacité de c-Myc de contrôler l'entrée et la sortie des CSH de leur niche de la moelle osseuse, en régulant plusieurs molécules d'adhésion, parmi lesquelles la cadhérine-N (Wilson et al., 2004; Wilson and Trumpp, 2006). Des études utilisant un mutant d'inactivation ont demontré que la protéine c-Myc est essentielle pour le développement au delà du jour embryonnaire E9.5. Les embryons c-Myc déficients sont plus petits que la normale et possèdent de nombreux défauts; en particulier ils ne peuvent établir un système hématopoietique embryonnaire primitif (Trumpp et al., 2001). Nous avons récemment découvert que le développement du placenta dépend de la présence de cMyc. Ceci permet de proposer que certains, sinon tous, les défauts embryonnaires puorraient dériver indirectement d'un défaut nutritionnel causé par la défaillance du placenta. Afin de répondre à cette question de manière génétique, nous avons utilisé l'allele conditionel c-mycflox (Trumpp et al., 2001) en combinaison avec l'allele Sox2-Cre (Hayashi et al., 2002). Celui-ci détermine l'expression de la récombinase Cre spécifiquement dans les cellules de l'épiblaste à partir de E6.5, tandis qu'il n'y a pas, ou seulement très peu, d'activité de la récombinase Cre dans les tissus extraembryonnaires.Alnsi, cette stratégie nous permet de générer des embryons sans c-Myc qui se développent en présence d'un compartment extraembryonnaire ou c-Myc est exprimé normalement (Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2) Ces embryons, Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2 se développent et grandissent normalement tout en formant un système vasculaire normal, mais meurent à E11.5 à cause d'un sévère manque de cellules hématopoïetiques. De façon très intéressante, la seule population qui semble être présente en nombre à peu près normal dans ces embryons est celle des précurseurs et des cellules souches. Les cellules qui forment cette population prolifèrent normalement mais ne peuvent pas former des colonies in vitro, ce qui montre que ces cellules ont perdu leur activité de cellules souches. Cependant, lorsque nous avons analysé ces cellules plus en détail en éxaminant l'expression des molécules d'intégrine nous avons découvert que l'integrine ß est sur-éxprimée à la surface des cellules c-Myc déficientes. Ceci pourrait indiquer un mécanisme par lequel c-Myc régule des molécules d'adhésion sur les cellules du sang. En conséquence, en absence de c-Myc, l'adhésion et la migration des cellules du sang de l'AGM (Aorte-Gonade-Mésonéphros) vers le foie de l'embryon, à travers le système vasculaire, est compromise. En outre, nous avons pu montrer que les hépatocytes du foie, qui constitue le site principal de formation des cellules hématopoïetiques pendant le développement, est sévèrement atteint dans des Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2 embryons. Ceci n'est pas du à un défaut propre aux cellules hépatiques qui ont perdu c-Myc, mais résulte plutôt de l'absence de cellules hématopoietïques qui normalement colonisent le foie à ce stade du développement. Ces résultats représentent la première preuve directe que le développement des hépatoblastes est dépendant de signaux provenant des cellules du sang. Summary The myc gene is one of the most frequently mutated oncogenes in human tumors. It is found to be mis-regulated in over 70% of all human cancers. However, our knowledge about its physiological role in mammalian development and adulthood remains limited. Recent work in our laboratory showed that c-Myc controls the balance between hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal and differentiation in the adult mouse. This is likely due to the capacity of c-Myc to control entry and exit of HSCs from the bone marrow niche by regulating a number of cell adhesion molecules including N-cadherin (Wilson et al., 2004; Wilson and Trumpp 2006). During development knockout studies showed that c-Myc is required for embryonic development beyond embryonic day (E) 9.5. c-Myc deficient embryos are severely reduced in size and show multiple defects including the failure to establish a primitive hematopoietic system (Trumpp et al., 2001). Importantly, we recentry uncovered that placental development also seems to depend on normal c-Myc function, raising the possibility that some if not all of the embryonic defects observed could be mediated indirectly by a nutrition defect caused by placental failure. To address this possibility genetically, we took advantage of the conditional c-mycflox allele (Trumpp et al., 2001) in combination with the Sox2-Cre allele (Hayashi et al., 2002), in which Cre expression is specifically targeted to all epiblast cells by E6.5, while there is little or no Cre activity inextra-embryonic lineages. Thus, this strategy allows the generation of c-Myc deficient embryos, which develop within a normal c-Myc expressing extra-embryonic compartment (Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2) Such Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2 embryos develop and grow appropriately and form a normal vascular system but die at E11.5 due to a severe lack of blood cells. Interestingly, the only hematopoietic population that seems to be present in almost normal numbers in the embryo is the stem/progenitor cell population. Cells within this populatíon proliferate normal but can not give rise to hematopoietic colonies in vitro showing that functional hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) activity is lost. However, when we analyzed these phenotypic HSCs in more detail and examined integrin expression in mutant stem/progenitor cells, we observed that ß1-integrin is upregulated. This may point to a potential mechanism whereby c-Myc regulates adhesíon molecules on hematopoietic cells and thereby disturbs adhesion and migration from the AGM (aorta-gonads-mesonephros) through the vascular system to the liver. Furthermore, we uncovered that the fetal liver, the main site of hematopoietic expansion at that stage, is severely affected in Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2 embryos and that this is not due to a cell intrinsic defect of c-Myc deficient hepatocytes but rather due to the lack of hematopoietic cells that normally colonize the fetal liver at that stage of development. This provides first direct evidence that hepatoblast development depends on signals derived from blood cells.


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Gene-on-gene regulations are key components of every living organism. Dynamical abstract models of genetic regulatory networks help explain the genome's evolvability and robustness. These properties can be attributed to the structural topology of the graph formed by genes, as vertices, and regulatory interactions, as edges. Moreover, the actual gene interaction of each gene is believed to play a key role in the stability of the structure. With advances in biology, some effort was deployed to develop update functions in Boolean models that include recent knowledge. We combine real-life gene interaction networks with novel update functions in a Boolean model. We use two sub-networks of biological organisms, the yeast cell-cycle and the mouse embryonic stem cell, as topological support for our system. On these structures, we substitute the original random update functions by a novel threshold-based dynamic function in which the promoting and repressing effect of each interaction is considered. We use a third real-life regulatory network, along with its inferred Boolean update functions to validate the proposed update function. Results of this validation hint to increased biological plausibility of the threshold-based function. To investigate the dynamical behavior of this new model, we visualized the phase transition between order and chaos into the critical regime using Derrida plots. We complement the qualitative nature of Derrida plots with an alternative measure, the criticality distance, that also allows to discriminate between regimes in a quantitative way. Simulation on both real-life genetic regulatory networks show that there exists a set of parameters that allows the systems to operate in the critical region. This new model includes experimentally derived biological information and recent discoveries, which makes it potentially useful to guide experimental research. The update function confers additional realism to the model, while reducing the complexity and solution space, thus making it easier to investigate.


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ABSTRACTIn contrast to animals, plants cannot move from their place of birth and, therefore, need to adapt to their particular habitat in order to survive. Thus, plant development is remarkably plastic, making plants an ideal system for the isolation of genes that account for intraspecific natural variation and possibly environmental adaptation. However, to date, this approach mostly identified null alleles and missed mutations with subtle effects. For instance, BREVIS RADIX (BRX) has been isolated as a key regulator of root growth through a naturally occurring loss-of-function allele in the Arabidopsis thaliana accession Uk-1 and is the founding member of a highly-conserved plant-specific gene family.In this work, we show that a strong selective pressure is acting on the BRX gene family and dates back before the monocot-dicot divergence. However, functional diversification is observed mainly in dicotyledon BRX family genes and is correlated with acceleration in the evolutionary rates in the N-terminal regions. Population genetic data revealed that BRX is highly conserved across Arabidopsis accessions and presents signatures of adaptation. Interestingly, a seven amino acid deletion polymorphism in BRX sequence was found in a few accessions, which seems to be responsible for their enhanced primary root growth. Nevertheless, BRX might not only be active in the root, as suggested by its expression in the shoot. Indeed, leaves and cotyledons of brx mutants are significantly smaller than wild- type. This phenotype is a direct consequence of the absence of BRX function in the shoot rather than an indirect effect of an altered root system growth. Interestingly, cotyledons of brx plants reflect the same physiological defects as the root. Moreover, phenotypes in BRX gain-of-function plants, such as epinastic leaves and increased epidermal cell size, could be associated with an increase in leaf brassinosteroid content.Collectively, these results indicate that BRX contributes to local adaptation by ubiquitously regulating plant growth, probably through the modulation of brassinosteroid biosynthesis.RÉSUMÉContrairement à la plupart des animaux, les plantes ne peuvent se mouvoir et doivent ainsi s'adapter à leur environnement pour survivre. Pour cette raison, elles représentent un système idéal pour l'identification de gènes contribuant à la variation naturelle intra- spécifique, ainsi qu'à l'adaptation. Cependant, cette approche a, jusqu'à présent, surtout permis d'isoler des allèles nuls et non des mutations conférant des effets plus subtiles. C'est le cas du gène Β REVIS RADIX (BRX), un régulateur clé de la croissance racinaire, qui a été identifié grâce à un allèle non-fonctionnel présent dans l'accession naturelle d'Arabidopsis thaliana Uk-1. BRX et ses homologues des plantes mono- et dicotylédones forment une famille très conservée et spécifique aux plantes.Dans ce travail, nous démontrons que la famille de gènes BRX est soumise à une forte pression de sélection qui remonte avant la divergence entre mono- et dicotylédones. Cependant, une diversification fonctionnelle a été observée chez les gènes des dicotylédones et corrèle avec une accélération de la vitesse d'évolution dans leur région N- terminale. Une analyse génétique de différentes accessions naturelles d'Arabidopsis a révélé que BRX est hautement conservé et présente des signatures d'adaptation. Remarquablement, un polymorphisme de délétion de sept acides aminés a été détecté dans quelques accessions et a pour conséquence une plus forte croissance de la racine primaire. Néanmoins, il semble que le rôle de BRX ne se limite pas qu'à la racine, comme indiqué par son expression dans les parties aériennes de la plante. En effet, les mutants brx présentent des cotylédons et des feuilles significativement plus petits que le type sauvage, une conséquence directe de l'absence d'activité de BRX dans ces organes. Nous avons aussi noté que les cotylédons des mutants brx, à l'instar des racines, ont une perception altérée de l'auxine et peuvent être complémentés par l'application exogène de brassinostéroïdes. De plus, dans des plantes présentant un gain de fonction BRX, les feuilles sont épinastiques et les cellules de leur épiderme plus grandes. Ces phénotypes sont accompagnés d'une augmentation de la concentration de brassinostéroïdes dans les feuilles. Conjointement, ces résultats démontrent que BRX contribue à une adaptation locale de la plante par la régulation générale de sa croissance, probablement en modulant la biosynthèse des brassinostéroïdes.


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Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1), like many monooxygenases, can produce reactive oxygen species during its catalytic cycle. Apart from the well-characterized xenobiotic-elicited induction, the regulatory mechanisms involved in the control of the steady-state activity of CYP1A1 have not been elucidated. We show here that reactive oxygen species generated from the activity of CYP1A1 limit the levels of induced CYP1A1 mRNAs. The mechanism involves the repression of the CYP1A1 gene promoter activity in a negative-feedback autoregulatory loop. Indeed, increasing the CYP1A1 activity by transfecting CYP1A1 expression vectors into hepatoma cells elicited an oxidative stress and led to the repression of a reporter gene driven by the CYP1A1 gene promoter. This negative autoregulation is abolished by ellipticine (an inhibitor of CYP1A1) and by catalase (which catalyzes H(2)O(2) catabolism), thus implying that H(2)O(2) is an intermediate. Down-regulation is also abolished by the mutation of the proximal nuclear factor I (NFI) site in the promoter. The transactivating domain of NFI/CTF was found to act in synergy with the arylhydrocarbon receptor pathway during the induction of CYP1A1 by 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-p-dibenzodioxin. Using an NFI/CTF-Gal4 fusion, we show that NFI/CTF transactivating function is decreased by a high activity of CYP1A1. This regulation is also abolished by catalase or ellipticine. Consistently, the transactivating function of NFI/CTF is repressed in cells treated with H(2)O(2), a novel finding indicating that the transactivating domain of a transcription factor can be targeted by oxidative stress. In conclusion, an autoregulatory loop leads to the fine tuning of the CYP1A1 gene expression through the down-regulation of NFI activity by CYP1A1-based H(2)O(2) production. This mechanism allows a limitation of the potentially toxic CYP1A1 activity within the cell.


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Fasting is associated with significant changes in nutrient metabolism, many of which are governed by transcription factors that regulate the expression of rate-limiting enzymes. One factor that plays an important role in the metabolic response to fasting is the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha). To gain more insight into the role of PPARalpha during fasting, and into the regulation of metabolism during fasting in general, a search for unknown PPARalpha target genes was performed. Using subtractive hybridization (SABRE) comparing liver mRNA from wild-type and PPARalpha null mice, we isolated a novel PPARalpha target gene, encoding the secreted protein FIAF (for fasting induced adipose factor), that belongs to the family of fibrinogen/angiopoietin-like proteins. FIAF is predominantly expressed in adipose tissue and is strongly up-regulated by fasting in white adipose tissue and liver. Moreover, FIAF mRNA is decreased in white adipose tissue of PPARgamma +/- mice. FIAF protein can be detected in various tissues and in blood plasma, suggesting that FIAF has an endocrine function. Its plasma abundance is increased by fasting and decreased by chronic high fat feeding. The data suggest that FIAF represents a novel endocrine signal involved in the regulation of metabolism, especially under fasting conditions.


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Through analysis of mice with spatially and temporally restricted inactivation of Lpin1, we characterized its cell autonomous function in both white (WAT) and brown (BAT) adipocyte development and maintenance. We observed that the lipin 1 inactivation in adipocytes of aP2(Cre/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice resulted in lipodystrophy and the presence of adipocytes with multilocular lipid droplets. We further showed that time-specific loss of lipin 1 in mature adipocytes in aP2(Cre-ERT2/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice led to their replacement by newly formed Lpin1-positive adipocytes, thus establishing a role for lipin 1 in mature adipocyte maintenance. Importantly, we observed that the presence of newly formed Lpin1-positive adipocytes in aP2(Cre-ERT2/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice protected these animals against WAT inflammation and hepatic steatosis induced by a high-fat diet. Loss of lipin 1 also affected BAT development and function, as revealed by histological changes, defects in the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα), PGC-1α, and UCP1, and functionally by altered cold sensitivity. Finally, our data indicate that phosphatidic acid, which accumulates in WAT of animals lacking lipin 1 function, specifically inhibits differentiation of preadipocytes. Together, these observations firmly demonstrate a cell autonomous role of lipin 1 in WAT and BAT biology and indicate its potential as a therapeutical target for the treatment of obesity.


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In specific cell types like keratinocytes, Notch signaling plays an important pro-differentiation and tumor suppressing function, with down-modulation of the Notch1 gene being associated with cancer development. Besides being controlled by p53, little else is known on regulation of Notch1 gene expression in this context. We report here that transcription of this gene is driven by a TATA-less "sharp peak" promoter and that the minimal functional region of this promoter, which extends from the -342 bp position to the initiation codon, is differentially active in normal versus cancer cells. This GC rich region lacks p53 binding sites, but binds Klf4 and Sp3. This finding is likely to be of biological significance, as Klf4 and, to a lesser extent, Sp3 are up-regulated in a number of cancer cells where Notch1 expression is down-modulated, and Klf4 over-expression in normal cells is sufficient to down-modulate Notch1 gene transcription. The combined knock-down of Klf4 and Sp3 was necessary for the reverse effect of increasing Notch1 transcription, consistent with the two factors exerting an overlapping repressor function through their binding to the Notch1 promoter.


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Jalili syndrome denotes a recessively inherited combination of an eye disease (cone-rod dystrophy) and a dental disorder (amelogenesis imperfecta), which is caused by mutations in the CNNM4 gene. Whereas the ophthalmic consequences of these mutations have been studied comprehensively, the dental phenotype has obtained less attention. A defective transport of magnesium ions by the photoreceptors of the retina is assumed to account for the progressive visual impairment. Since magnesium is also incorporated in the mineral of dental hard tissues, we hypothesized that magnesium concentrations in defective enamel resulting from mutations in CNNM4 would be abnormal, if a similar deficiency of magnesium transport also accounted for the amelogenesis imperfecta. Thus, a detailed analysis of the dental hard tissues was performed in two boys of Kosovan origin affected by Jalili syndrome. Retinal dystrophy of the patients was diagnosed by a comprehensive eye examination and full-field electroretinography. A mutational analysis revealed a c.1312 dupC homozygous mutation in CNNM4, a genetic defect which had already been identified in other Kosovan families and putatively results in loss-of-function of the protein. The evaluation of six primary teeth using light and scanning electron microscopy as well as energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed that dental enamel was thin and deficient in mineral, suggesting a hypoplastic/hypomineralized type of amelogenesis imperfecta. The reduced mineral density of enamel was accompanied by decreased amounts of calcium, but significantly elevated levels of magnesium. In dentin, however, a similar mineral deficiency was associated with reduced magnesium and normal calcium levels. It is concluded that the c.1312 dupC mutation of CNNM4 results in mineralization defects of both enamel and dentin, which are associated with significantly abnormal magnesium concentrations. Thus, we could not disprove the hypothesis that a disrupted magnesium transport is involved in the development of the dental abnormalities observed in Jalili syndrome.


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Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a genetic disorder characterized by oculocutaneous albinism, bleeding tendency and susceptibility to pulmonary fibrosis. No curative therapy is available. Genetic correction directed to the lungs, bone marrow and/or gastro-intestinal tract might provide alternative forms of treatment for the diseases multi-systemic complications. We demonstrate that lentiviral-mediated gene transfer corrects the expression and function of the HPS1 gene in patient dermal melanocytes, which opens the way to development of gene therapy for HPS.


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Abstract: Light is a very important environmental cue for plants. In addition to the energy for photosynthesis, it also provides information that is essential for many processes including seed germination, seedlings development, neighbours detection or transition from the vegetative to the reproductive state. Plants evolved different photoreceptors, among which the phytochromes (PHY), which are red/far-red photoreceptors. This family is composed of 5 members in Arabidopsis thaliana, among which phyB plays the major role for detection of red light. Phytochromes are also able to reset the phase of the circadian clock, which is composed of a complicated network of genes able to produce rhythms of about 24 hours, even in constant conditions. SRR1 (Sensitivity to Red light Reduced) is a gene that was shown to act in the phyB pathway as well as in the circadian clock. It was proposed to play a role in the maintenance of rhythms of the core oscillator because of the circadian phenotype of the srr1 mutant in constant light and in constant darkness. In the present study, we present data confirming the role of SRR1 in the core oscillator. Moreover, we show that SRR1 levels are not limiting for circadian rhythms nor for light perception. We show that the protein levels, the sub-cellular localisation or the complex in which SRR1 is found are not regulated in a circadian manner. Orthologues of SRR1 exist in numerous eukaryotes, forming a new gene family. None of the members of this family have been described. Here, we present data suggesting that the mouse orthologue of SRR1 may not be required for oscillation of the circadian clock of mouse cells in culture. The yeast gene (called BER1 for Benomyl REsistant) was studied to understand the biochemical function of this gene family. Based on synthetic genetic screens, a role of Ber1 was inferred in microtubules dynamics, N-terminal acetylation of protein and proteasome biogenesis. The effect of Ber1 on microtubules was confirmed by the observation that the ber1Δ mutant is more resistant to microtubule-depolymerising drugs and microscopic examination of microtubules in ber 1 Δ mutants. Complementation assays of ber1 Δ mutants and srrl mutants failed to reveal any obvious functional conservation of the mouse, yeast and Arabidopsis orthologues. In conclusion, the SRR1 family might encode genes that either plays different roles in different organisms, or have similar biochemical function but are involved in diverse pathway. Résumé: La lumière est un des facteurs abiotiques les plus important pour les plantes. En plus de l'énergie fournie pour la photosynthèse, elle fourni également de l'information nécessaire pour différents processus comme la germination, le développement des jeunes plantules, la détection de plantes avoisinantes ou encore la transition entre le développement végétatif et reproductif. Plusieurs types de photorécepteurs sont apparus chez les plantes au cours de l'évolution, notamment les phytochromes (PHI, qui perçoivent la lumière rouge et rouge lointaine. Cette famille est composé de 5 membres chez Arabidopsis thaliana, parmi lesquels phyB est le principal récepteur pour la lumière rouge. Les phytochromes sont aussi utiles pour la synchronisation entre les cycles jour-nuit dus à la rotation de la terre et l'horloge circadienne. Cette dernière est composée d'un réseau compliqué qui permet la production de rythmes capables de perdurer même en conditions constantes. SRRI (Sensitivity to Red light Reduced) est un gène qui agit dans la voie de signalisation de phyB ainsi que dans l'horloge circadienne. Il a été proposé que SRRI joue un rôle dans la maintenance des rythmes de l'oscillateur principal à cause des phénotypes circadiens du mutant srrl observés en lumière et en obscurité continue. Dans ce travail, nous présentons des données confirmant le rôle de SRR1 dans l'oscillateur principal. Nous montrons que les niveaux d'expression de SRRI ne sont pas limitants pour les rythmes circadiens ou la perception de la lumière. Enfin, nous montrons que le niveau d'accumulation de la protéine, sa localisation subcellulaire ou encore la taille du complexe dans lequel SRRl est trouvé ne sont pas régulés de façon circadiennes. Des orthologues de SRRI existent chez de nombreux eucaryotes, formant une nouvelle famille de gènes. Aucun des membres de cette famille n'a été étudié avant ce travail. Nous présentons des données suggérant que l'orthologue de la souris n'est peut-être pas requis pour les oscillations de l'horloge circadienne de cellules de souris en culture. Le gène de la levure (appelé SERI pour Benomyl REsistant) a été étudié afin de mieux comprendre la fonction biochimique de cette famille de gène. Une analyse par crible synthétique léthal a révélé un rôle de Ber1 dans la dynamique des microtubules, l'acétylation des protéines en N-terminal et la biogenèse du protéasome. L'effet de Ber1 sur les microtubules a été confirmé par l'observation du mutant ber1 en présence de drogue capable de dépolymériser les microtubules. Celui-ci est plus résistant à ces drogues que le type sauvage. Des expériences de complémentation n'ont pas montré de conservation de la fonction entre SRRI et ses homologues de souris ou de levure. En conclusion, la famille SRRI code pour des gènes qui pourraient avoir soit des rôles différents selon les organismes, soit la même fonction biochimique mais qui serait utile pour des voies de signalisation différentes.


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The rate-limiting step of dietary calcium absorption in the intestine requires the brush border calcium entry channel TRPV6. The TRPV6 gene was completely sequenced in 170 renal calcium stone patients. The frequency of an ancestral TRPV6 haplotype consisting of three non-synonymous polymorphisms (C157R, M378V, M681T) was significantly higher (P = 0.039) in calcium stone formers (8.4%; derived = 502, ancestral = 46) compared to non-stone-forming individuals (5.4%; derived = 645, ancestral = 37). Mineral metabolism was investigated on four different calcium regimens: (i) free-choice diet, (ii) low calcium diet, (iii) fasting and (iv) after a 1 g oral calcium load. When patients homozygous for the derived haplotype were compared with heterozygous patients, no differences were found with respect to the plasma concentrations of 1,25-vitamin D, PTH and calcium, and the urinary excretion of calcium. In one stone-forming patient, the ancestral haplotype was found to be homozygous. This patient had absorptive hypercalciuria. We therefore expressed the ancestral protein (157R+378V+681T) in Xenopus oocytes and found a significantly enhanced calcium permeability when tested by a (45)Ca(2+) uptake assay (7.11 +/- 1.93 versus 3.61 +/- 1.01 pmol/min/oocyte for ancestral versus derived haplotype, P < 0.01). These results suggest that the ancestral gain-of-function haplotype in TRPV6 plays a role in calcium stone formation in certain forms of absorptive hypercalciuria.