84 resultados para FECAL INCONTINENCE
Background: The State of Vaud has launched the first population-based, organized, colorectal cancer screening program in Switzerland for the population aged 50 to 69. Each primary care physician (PCP) has been invited to participate in an interactive session preparing them to enroll patients in the screening program. We aimed at testing the impact of an interactive seminar for PCPs on their intention to discuss the options of no screening, screening with the fecal-immunological test (FIT) and colonoscopy. We measured attitude, intentions and knowledge through questionnaires filled by PCPs before and after a 2.5 hour-long interactive seminar. The main outcome was the proportion of physicians foreseeing to offer coloscopy vs FIT on an equal basis. Physicians estimated the proportion of their patients prescribed a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) vs coloscopy over the months before the seminar and after the interactive seminar. We used a clinical vignette to test for knowledge about screening indications. The interactive seminar included powerpoint presentations with quizzes and clickers, an 8-minute video presenting a shared decision making (SDM) consultation around CRC screening and distribution of educational materials such as a SDM decision aid and background epidemiological information.
BACKGROUND: Despite universal health care coverage, disparities in colorectal cancer (CRC) screening by income in Switzerland have been reported. However, it is not known if these disparities have changed over time. This study examines the association between socioeconomic position and CRC screening in Switzerland between 2007 and 2012. METHODS: Data from the 2007 (n = 5,946) and 2012 (n = 7,224) population-based Swiss Health Interview Survey data (SHIS) were used to evaluate the association between monthly household income, education, and employment with CRC screening, defined as endoscopy in the past 10 years or fecal occult blood test (FOBT) in the past 2 years. Multivariable Poisson regression was used to estimate prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) adjusting for demographics, health status, and health utilization. RESULTS: CRC screening increased from 18.9% in 2007 to 22.2% in 2012 (padjusted: = 0.036). During the corresponding time period, endoscopy increased (8.2% vs. 15.0%, padjusted:<0.001) and FOBT decreased (13.0% vs. 9.8%, padjusted:0.002). CRC screening prevalence was greater in the highest income (>$6,000) vs. lowest income (≤$2,000) group in 2007 (24.5% vs. 10.5%, PR:1.37, 95%CI: 0.96-1.96) and in 2012 (28.6% vs. 16.0%, PR:1.45, 95%CI: 1.09-1.92); this disparity did not significantly change over time. CONCLUSIONS: While CRC screening prevalence in Switzerland increased from 2007 to 2012, CRC screening coverage remains low and disparities in CRC screening by income persisted over time. These findings highlight the need for increased access to CRC screening as well as enhanced awareness of the benefits of CRC screening in the Swiss population, particularly among low-income residents.
OBJECTIVE: Participation, an indicator of screening programme acceptance and effectiveness, varies widely in clinical trials and population-based colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programmes. We aimed to assess whether CRC screening participation rates can be compared across organized guaiac fecal occult blood test (G-FOBT)/fecal immunochemical test (FIT)-based programmes, and what factors influence these rates. METHODS: Programme representatives from countries participating in the International Cancer Screening Network were surveyed to describe their G-FOBT/FIT-based CRC screening programmes, how screening participation is defined and measured, and to provide participation data for their most recent completed screening round. RESULTS: Information was obtained from 15 programmes in 12 countries. Programmes varied in size, reach, maturity, target age groups, exclusions, type of test kit, method of providing test kits and use, and frequency of reminders. Coverage by invitation ranged from 30-100%, coverage by the screening programme from 7-67.7%, overall uptake/participation rate from 7-67.7%, and first invitation participation from 7-64.3%. Participation rates generally increased with age and were higher among women than men and for subsequent compared with first invitation participation. CONCLUSION: Comparisons among CRC screening programmes should be made cautiously, given differences in organization, target populations, and interpretation of indicators. More meaningful comparisons are possible if rates are calculated across a uniform age range, by gender, and separately for people invited for the first time vs. previously.
The increase in seafood production, especially in mariculture worldwide, has brought out the need of continued monitoring of shellfish production areas in order to ensure safety to human consumption. The purpose of this research was to evaluate pathogenic protozoa, viruses and bacteria contamination in oysters before and after UV depuration procedure, in brackish waters at all stages of cultivation and treatment steps and to enumerate microbiological indicators of fecal contamination from production site up to depuration site in an oyster cooperative located at the Southeastern estuarine area of Brazil. Oysters and brackish water were collected monthly from September 2009 to November 2010. Four sampling sites were selected for enteropathogens analysis: site 1- oyster growth, site 2- catchment water (before UV depuration procedure), site 3 - filtration stage of water treatment (only for protozoa analysis) and site 4- oyster's depuration tank. Three microbiological indicators ! were examined at sites 1, 2 and 4. The following pathogenic microorganisms were searched: Giardia cysts, Cryptosporidium oocysts, Human Adenovirus (HAdV), Hepatitis A virus (HAV), Human Norovirus (HnoV) (genogroups I and II), JC strain Polyomavirus (JCPyV) and Salmonella sp. Analysis consisted of molecular detection (qPCR) for viruses (oysters and water samples); immunomagnetic separation followed by direct immunofluorescence assay for Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts and also molecular detection (PCR) for the latter (oysters and water samples); commercial kit (Reveal-Neogee (R)) for Salmonella analysis (oysters). Giardia was the most prevalent pathogen in all sites where it was detected: 36.3%, 18.1%, 36.3% and 27.2% of water from sites 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively; 36.3% of oysters from site 1 and 54.5% of depurated oysters were harboring Giardia cysts. The huge majority of contaminated samples were classified as Giardia duodenalis. HAdv was detected in water and o! ysters from growth site and HnoV GI in two batches of oysters ! (site 1) in huge concentrations (2.11 x 10(13), 3.10 x 10(12) gc/g). In depuration tank site, Salmonella sp., HAV (4.84 x 10(3)) and HnoV GII (7.97 x 10(14)) were detected once in different batches of oysters. Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts were present in 9.0% of water samples from site four. These results reflect the contamination of oysters even when UV depuration procedures are employed in this shellfish treatment plant. Moreover, the molecular comprehension of the sources of contamination is necessary to develop an efficient management strategy allied to shellfish treatment improvement to prevent foodborne illnesses. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Le programme cantonal vaudois de dépistage du cancer colorectal vise à faciliter ce dépistage pour la population de 50 à 69 ans. Les deux modalités retenues sont la recherche immunologique de sang dans les selles (FIT) et la coloscopie. La décision de réaliser un test de dépistage et la modalité de dépistage s'appuient sur une consultation individuelle avec un médecin de famille. L'assurance de base prend en charge le remboursement. Le programme vaudois permet l'exemption de la franchise pour la consultation médicale d'information et les deux modalités de dépistage, ainsi que pour la coloscopie de confirmation en cas de test FIT positif. La quote-part de 10 % reste à charge des participants. Des outils de communication ont été développés pour faciliter un entretien de décision partagée dans le cadre d'une consultation médicale. The colorectal cancer screening program of the canton of Vaud aims to facilitate screening for this cancer for the population aged 50 to 69 years old. The two screening modalities offered are fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) and colonoscopy. The decision to undergo screening and the screening modality is based on an individual medical encounter with a primary care physician. Both screening modalities are reimbursed through basic health coverage in Switzerland. The participation to the screening program allows the exemption of the deductible for the medical encounter and the chosen screening modality. A copay of 10% is maintained for all costs. Communication tools were developed on the basis of recommendations in the literature to facilitate shared decision-making in a medical encounter.
OBJECTIVE: There is currently no guideline regarding the management of neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) refractory to intra-detrusor botulinum toxin injections. The primary objective of the present study was to find a consensus definition of failure of botulinum toxin intra-detrusor injections for NDO. The secondary objective was to report current trends in the managment of NDO refractory to botulinum toxin. METHODS: A survey was created, based on data drawn from current literature, and sent via e-mail to all the experts form the Group for research in neurourology in french language (GENULF) and from the comittee of neurourology of the French urological association (AFU). The experts who did not answer to the first e-mail were contacted again twice. Main results from the survey are presented and expressed as numbers and proportions. RESULTS: Out of the 42 experts contacted, 21 responded to the survey. Nineteen participants considered that the definition of failure should be a combination of clinical and urodynamics criteria. Among the urodynamics criteria, the persistence of a maximum detrusor pressure>40cm H2O was the most supported by the experts (18/21, 85%). According to the vast majority of participants (19/21, 90.5%), the impact of injections on urinary incontinence should be included in the definition of failure. Regarding the management, most experts considered that the first line treatment in case of failure of a first intra-detrusor injection of Botox(®) 200 U should be a repeat injection of Botox(®) at a higher dosage (300 U) (15/20, 75%), regardless of the presence or not of urodynamics risk factors of upper tract damage (16/20, 80%). CONCLUSION: This work has provided a first overview of the definition of failure of intra-detrusor injections of botulinum toxin in the management of NDO. For 90.5% of the experts involved, the definition of failure should be clinical and urodynamic and most participants (75%) considered that, in case of failure of a first injection of Botox(®) 200 U, repeat injection of Botox(®) 300 U should be the first line treatment. Level of proof 4.
La complexité des mécanismes de contrôle neurologique du système vésicosphinctérien fait que toute pathologie concernant le cerveau, la moelle épinière ou les nerfs périphériques peut avoir des répercussions sur la continence urinaire et indirectement sur la fonction rénale. Actuellement, l'auto-sondage intermittent (ASI) est le traitement recommandé pour les personnes qui présentent des dysfonctionnements de l'appareil urétro-vésical entrainant une vidange incomplète de la vessie ou une incontinence urinaire. Toutefois, cette procédure implique un engagement, des connaissances et une participation des personnes concernées pouvant s'avérer lourds au quotidien. De ce fait, les infirmières ont un rôle primordial à jouer dans l'éducation thérapeutique et le suivi de ces personnes. Le but de cette étude descriptive corrélationnelle est d'évaluer d'une part, les relations entre le sentiment d'auto-efficacité et la capacité d'auto-soin, et d'autre part, les relations entre ces deux variables et les variables sociodémographiques et de santé des personnes pratiquant l'ASI. La théorie des auto-soins d'Orem a été retenue comme cadre de référence. Le recrutement des participants a eu lieu en Suisse romande, auprès de deux institutions de soins et d'une association de patients. L'échantillon de convenance est composé de 77 personnes pratiquant ou ayant arrêté l'ASI. Les données de l'étude ont été recueillies à l'aide d'un questionnaire de données sociodémographiques et de santé, et de deux instruments de mesure validés en français. Les trois instruments étaient auto-administrés. Les résultats montrent qu'il existe une relation entre le sentiment d'autoefficacité et la capacité d'auto-soin des personnes qui pratiquent l'ASI à domicile, r = 0,299, p = 0,0084, IC 95% [0,080, 0,490]. Le sentiment d'auto-efficacité est quant à lui associé au niveau de formation, à la durée des troubles urinaires et à l'utilisation de protection pour l'incontinence. En ce qui concerne la capacité d'auto-soin, elle est associée à l'âge des personnes qui pratiquent l'ASI. En conclusion, les résultats de cette étude nous aident à mieux comprendre quelques enjeux pouvant influencer l'utilisation des ASI à domicile. Leur intégration dans la pratique clinique devrait permettre le développement de nouvelles interventions en éducation thérapeutique et ouvrir des perspectives pour de futures recherches dans ce domaine. Cette étude représente une des premières réalisées en Suisse sur l'utilisation de l'ASI avec des patients atteints de lésion médullaire et de sclérose en plaques. Dans ce contexte, il s'avère indispensable de poursuivre nos explorations.