213 resultados para Extraintestinal manifestations
OBJECTIVES: Manifestations of external ventricular drain (EVD) - associated infections overlap with those of the underlying neurosurgical conditions. We analyzed characteristics of EVD-associated infections. METHODS: We included patients aged ≥18 years with EVD-associated infections from 1997 to 2008, using modified CDC criteria for nosocomial infections. Hospital charts were reviewed retrospectively and the in-hospital outcome was evaluated. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients with EVD-associated infections were included (median age, 52 years, range 20-74 years). The median EVD-indwelling time was 7 days (range, 1-39 days) and EVD-associated infection occurred 6 days after insertion (range, 1-17 days). In 23% of patients, meningitis occurred 1-10 days after EVD removal. Fever >38 °C was present in 79% of patients, but Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores were reduced in only 29%, and headache, vomiting and/or neck stiffness were present in only 31%. The median cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leukocyte count was higher at onset of EVD-associated infection than at EVD insertion (175 × 10(6)/l versus 46 × 10(6)/l, p = 0.021), but other CSF parameters did not differ significantly. The most commonly implicated organisms were coagulase-negative staphylococci (63%) and Propionibacterium acnes (15%). CONCLUSIONS: Fever and increased CSF leukocytes should raise the suspicion of EVD-associated infection, which may occur up to 10 days after removal of EVD.
Disease characteristics. Perry syndrome is characterized by parkinsonism, hypoventilation, depression, and weight loss. The mean age at onset is 48 years; the mean disease duration is five years. Parkinsonism and psychiatric changes (depression, apathy, character changes, and withdrawal) tend to occur early; severe weight loss and hypoventilation manifest later. Diagnosis/testing. The diagnosis is based on clinical findings and molecular genetic testing of DCTN1, the only gene known to be associated with Perry syndrome. Management. Treatment of manifestations: Dopaminergic therapy (particularly levodopa/carbidopa) should be considered in all individuals with significant parkinsonism. Although response to levodopa is often poor, some individuals may have long-term benefit. Noninvasive or invasive ventilation support may improve quality of life and prolong life expectancy. Those patients with psychiatric manifestations may benefit from antidepressants and psychiatric care. Weight loss is managed with appropriate dietary changes. Surveillance: routine evaluation of weight and calorie intake, respiratory function (particularly at night or during sleep), strength; and mood. Agents/circumstances to avoid: Central respiratory depressants (e.g., benzodiazepines, alcohol). Genetic counseling. Perry syndrome is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. The proportion of cases attributed to de novo mutations is unknown. Each child of an individual with Perry syndrome has a 50% chance of inheriting the mutation. No laboratories offering molecular genetic testing for prenatal diagnosis are listed in the GeneTests Laboratory Directory; however, prenatal testing may be available through laboratories offering custom prenatal testing for families in which the disease-causing mutation has been identified.
L'auteur analyse dans une perspective narratologique trois films de Joseph L. Mankiewicz réalisés entre 1949 et 1954 (A Letter to Three Wives, All about Eve et The Barefoot Contessa), afin d'observer les particularités qui résultent du recours à un ou plusieurs narrateurs (ou narratrices) s'exprimant en voix over. L'accent est mis sur les implications de l'organisation énonciative complexe de ces productions cinématographiques en termes de relation du film au spectateur et de représentation des rapports de genre. Ces études de cas permettent de nuancer certains acquis issus du champ des théories de l'énonciation. Dans ces films où les voix over sont proférées par des acteurs qui incarnent par ailleurs un personnage visualisé, certaines interactions sont observables - interprétées notamment comme des relations de pouvoir - entre le statut des narrateurs et le niveau diégétique. La matérialité sonore est prise en compte dans le cas particulier de Letter to Three Wives, où la voix se transforme en bruit. Cet « effet spécial » est l'occasion de discuter un modèle « impersonnel » de l'énonciation filmique qui intègre, tout en tenant compte de la dimension technologique de l'enregistrement sonore, le pouvoir fondamentalement humanisant des manifestations vocales.
A 28-month-old boy was referred for acute onset of abnormal head movements. History revealed an insidious progressive regression in behaviour and communication over several months. Head and shoulder 'spasms' with alteration of consciousness and on one occasion ictal laughter were seen. The electroencephalograph (EEG) showed repeated bursts of brief generalized polyspikes and spike-wave during the 'spasms', followed by flattening, a special pattern which never recurred after treatment. Review of family videos showed a single 'minor' identical seizure 6 months previously. Magnetic resonance imaging was normal. Clonazepam brought immediate cessation of seizures, normalization of the EEG and a parallel spectacular improvement in communication, mood and language. Follow-up over the next 10 months showed a new regression unaccompained by recognized seizures, although numerous seizures were discovered during the videotaped neuropsychological examination, when stereotyped subtle brief paroxysmal changes in posture and behaviour could be studied in slow motion and compared with the 'prototypical' initial ones. The EEG showed predominant rare left-sided fronto-temporal discharges. Clonazepam was changed to carbamazepin with marked improvement in behaviour, language and cognition which has been sustained up to the last control at 51 months. Videotaped home observations allowed the documentation of striking qualitative and quantitative variations in social interaction and play of autistic type in relation to the epileptic activity. We conclude that this child has a special characteristic epileptic syndrome with subtle motor and vegetative symptomatology associated with an insidious catastrophic 'autistic-like' regression which could be overlooked. The methods used to document such fluctuating epileptic behavioural manifestations are discussed.
Brittle cornea syndrome (BCS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by extreme corneal thinning and fragility. Corneal rupture can therefore occur either spontaneously or following minimal trauma in affected patients. Two genes, ZNF469 and PRDM5, have now been identified, in which causative pathogenic mutations collectively account for the condition in nearly all patients with BCS ascertained to date. Therefore, effective molecular diagnosis is now available for affected patients, and those at risk of being heterozygous carriers for BCS. We have previously identified mutations in ZNF469 in 14 families (in addition to 6 reported by others in the literature), and in PRDM5 in 8 families (with 1 further family now published by others). Clinical features include extreme corneal thinning with rupture, high myopia, blue sclerae, deafness of mixed aetiology with hypercompliant tympanic membranes, and variable skeletal manifestations. Corneal rupture may be the presenting feature of BCS, and it is possible that this may be incorrectly attributed to non-accidental injury. Mainstays of management include the prevention of ocular rupture by provision of protective polycarbonate spectacles, careful monitoring of visual and auditory function, and assessment for skeletal complications such as developmental dysplasia of the hip. Effective management depends upon appropriate identification of affected individuals, which may be challenging given the phenotypic overlap of BCS with other connective tissue disorders.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) What are the relations between sociology and the different religions - Christianity with its various branches, Judaism, Islam, Oriental religions, sects and New Religious Movements ? That is the question which this work, - conceived on the occasion of the XXVth Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion/Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religions (SISR) - wishes to clarify. The book retraces the varied and troubled history of these relations and also reveals how in opening up its research to other religions besides the Christan, sociology is forced to redefine the very object of its field of study. What is the religious? This question, which until recently was considered impertinent, informs this book throughout. If confronts the necessity of rethinking theories and methodological appoaches which, constructed in the context of 19th and early 20th century Western Europe, prove to be rather inadequate for encompassing contemporary religious phenomena and religious manifestations in other contexts. To these new theoretical and methodological demands is added, for the sociologist, a deontological imperative, which takes on all the more importance today as the religious provokes passionate social debate.
Protein S (PS) is an important natural anticoagulant with potentially multiple biologic functions. To investigate further the role of PS in vivo, we generated Pros(+/-) heterozygous mice. In the null (-) allele, the Pros exons 3 to 7 have been excised through conditional gene targeting. Pros(+/-) mice did not present any signs of spontaneous thrombosis and had reduced PS plasma levels and activated protein C cofactor activity in plasma coagulation and thrombin generation assays. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor cofactor activity of PS could not be demonstrated. Heterozygous Pros(+/-) mice exhibited a notable thrombotic phenotype in vivo when challenged in a tissue factor-induced thromboembolism model. No viable Pros(-/-) mice were obtained through mating of Pros(+/-) parents. Most E17.5 Pros(-/-) embryos were found dead with severe intracranial hemorrhages and most likely presented consumptive coagulopathy, as demonstrated by intravascular and interstitial fibrin deposition and an increased number of megakaryocytes in the liver, suggesting peripheral thrombocytopenia. A few E17.5 Pros(-/-) embryos had less severe phenotype, indicating that life-threatening manifestations might occur between E17.5 and the full term. Thus, similar to human phenotypes, mild heterozygous PS deficiency in mice was associated with a thrombotic phenotype, whereas total homozygous deficiency in PS was incompatible with life.
BACKGROUND: Adequate pain assessment is critical for evaluating the efficacy of analgesic treatment in clinical practice and during the development of new therapies. Yet the currently used scores of global pain intensity fail to reflect the diversity of pain manifestations and the complexity of underlying biological mechanisms. We have developed a tool for a standardized assessment of pain-related symptoms and signs that differentiates pain phenotypes independent of etiology. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Using a structured interview (16 questions) and a standardized bedside examination (23 tests), we prospectively assessed symptoms and signs in 130 patients with peripheral neuropathic pain caused by diabetic polyneuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, or radicular low back pain (LBP), and in 57 patients with non-neuropathic (axial) LBP. A hierarchical cluster analysis revealed distinct association patterns of symptoms and signs (pain subtypes) that characterized six subgroups of patients with neuropathic pain and two subgroups of patients with non-neuropathic pain. Using a classification tree analysis, we identified the most discriminatory assessment items for the identification of pain subtypes. We combined these six interview questions and ten physical tests in a pain assessment tool that we named Standardized Evaluation of Pain (StEP). We validated StEP for the distinction between radicular and axial LBP in an independent group of 137 patients. StEP identified patients with radicular pain with high sensitivity (92%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 83%-97%) and specificity (97%; 95% CI 89%-100%). The diagnostic accuracy of StEP exceeded that of a dedicated screening tool for neuropathic pain and spinal magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, we were able to reproduce subtypes of radicular and axial LBP, underscoring the utility of StEP for discerning distinct constellations of symptoms and signs. CONCLUSIONS: We present a novel method of identifying pain subtypes that we believe reflect underlying pain mechanisms. We demonstrate that this new approach to pain assessment helps separate radicular from axial back pain. Beyond diagnostic utility, a standardized differentiation of pain subtypes that is independent of disease etiology may offer a unique opportunity to improve targeted analgesic treatment.
BACKGROUND: Clinical manifestations of giant cell arteritis (GCA) are variable. Whether signs and symptoms present in an explosive fashion or insidiously, once manifest the course is usually progressive unless treatment is initiated. METHODS: A retrospective review of patients with GCA seen in an outpatient neuro-ophthalmology clinic. RESULTS: We report four patients with biopsy-proven GCA who experienced spontaneous remission. Clinical manifestations consisted of headache and diplopia in two patients, constitutional symptoms in one patient and facial pain in another. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of this aspect of the disease in order to avoid a delay in diagnosis and treatment.
Södgren's syndrome treatment has essentially been based on symptomatic approach and has been of limited efficacy. Novel biological therapies targeting B cells, a key player in the pathophysiology of the syndrome, have recently been tested in controlled clinical trials and raise the hope of improving glandular and extraglandular manifestations of Söigren's syndrome.
Introduction : Le syndrome de Brugada, décrit en 1992 par Pedro et Josep Brugada, est un syndrome cardiaque caractérisé par un sus-décalage particulier du segment ST associé à un bloc de branche droit atypique au niveau des dérivations ECG V1 à V3. Les altérations ECG du syndrome de Brugada sont classifiées en 3 types dont seul le type 1 est diagnostique. Les mécanismes physiopathologiques exacts de ce syndrome sont pour le moment encore controversés. Plusieurs hypothèses sont proposées dans la littérature dont deux principales retiennent l'attention : 1) le modèle du trouble de repolarisation stipule des potentiels d'action réduits en durée et en amplitude liés à un changement de répartition de canaux potassiques 2) le modèle du trouble de dépolarisation spécifie un retard de conduction se traduisant par une dépolarisation retardée. Dans le STEMI, un sus-décalage ST ressemblant à celui du syndrome de Brugada est expliqué par deux théories : 1) le courant de lésion diastolique suggère une élévation du potentiel diastolique transformé artificiellement en sus-décalage ST par les filtres utilisés dans tous les appareils ECG.¦Objectif : Recréer les manifestations ECG du syndrome de Brugada en appliquant les modifications du potentiel d'action des cardiomyocytes rapportées dans la littérature.¦Méthode : Pour ce travail, nous avons utilisé "ECGsim", un simulateur informatique réaliste d'ECG disponible gratuitement sur www.ecgsim.org. Ce programme est basé sur une reconstruction de l'ECG de surface à l'aide de 1500 noeuds représentant chacun les potentiels d'action des ventricules droit et gauche, épicardiques et endocardiques. L'ECG simulé peut être donc vu comme l'intégration de l'ensemble de ces potentiels d'action en tenant compte des propriétés de conductivité des tissus s'interposant entre les électrodes de surface et le coeur. Dans ce programme, nous avons définit trois zones, de taille différente, comprenant la chambre de chasse du ventricule droit. Pour chaque zone, nous avons reproduit les modifications des potentiels d'action citées dans les modèles du trouble de repolarisation et de dépolarisation et des théories de courant de lésion systolique et diastolique. Nous avons utilisé, en plus des douze dérivations habituelles, une électrode positionnée en V2IC3 (i.e. 3ème espace intercostal) sur le thorax virtuel du programme ECGsim.¦Résultats : Pour des raisons techniques, le modèle du trouble de repolarisation n'a pas pu être entièrement réalisée dans ce travail. Le modèle du trouble de dépolarisation ne reproduit pas d'altération de type Brugada mais un bloc de branche droit plus ou moins complet. Le courant de lésion diastolique permet d'obtenir un sus-décalage ST en augmentant le potentiel diastolique épicardique des cardiomyocytes de la chambre de chasse du ventricule droit. Une inversion de l'onde T apparaît lorsque la durée du potentiel d'action est prolongée. L'amplitude du sus-décalage ST dépend de la valeur du potentiel diastolique, de la taille de la lésion et de sa localisation épicardique ou transmurale. Le courant de lésion systolique n'entraîne pas de sus-décalage ST mais accentue l'amplitude de l'onde T.¦Discussion et conclusion : Dans ce travail, l'élévation du potentiel diastolique avec un prolongement de la durée du potentiel d'action est la combinaison qui reproduit le mieux les altérations ECG du Brugada. Une persistance de cellules de type nodal au niveau de la chambre de chasse du ventricule droit pourrait être une explication à ces modifications particulières du potentiel d'action. Le risque d'arythmie dans la Brugada pourrait également être expliqué par une automaticité anormale des cellules de type nodal. Ainsi, des altérations des mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans le maintien du potentiel diastolique pourraient être présentes dans le syndrome de Brugada, ce qui, à notre connaissance, n'a jamais été rapporté dans la littérature.
Fabry disease is caused by a deficiency of a-galactosidase A which leads to the progressive intra-lysosomal accumulation of ceramide trihexoside (CTH), also known as globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), in different cell types and body fluids. The clinical manifestations are multisystemic and predominantly affect the heart, kidney and central nervous system. The role of CTH in the pathophysiological process of Fabry disease is not established, and the link between the degree of accumulation and disease manifestations is not systematic. The use of CTH as a diagnostic tool has been proposed for several decades. The recent introduction of a specific treatment for Fabry disease in the form of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) has led to the need for a biological marker, in place of a clinical sign, for evaluating the efficacy of treatment and also as a tool for following the long term effects of treatment. The ideal biomarker must adhere to strict criteria, and there should be a correlation between the degree of clinical efficacy of treatment and a change in its concentration. This review of the literature assesses the utility of CTH as a diagnostic tool and as a marker of the efficacy of ERT in patients with Fabry disease. Several techniques have been developed for measuring CTH; the principles and the sensitivity thresholds of these methods and the units used to express the results should be taken into consideration when interpreting data. The use of CTH measurement in Fabry disease should be re-evaluated in light of recent published data.
Etiologic research in psychiatry relies on an objectivist epistemology positing that human cognition is specified by the "reality" of the outer world, which consists of a totality of mind-independent objects. Truth is considered as some sort of correspondence relation between words and external objects, and mind as a mirror of nature. In our view, this epistemology considerably impedes etiologic research. Objectivist epistemology has been recently confronting a growing critique from diverse scientific fields. Alternative models in neurosciences (neuronal selection), artificial intelligence (connectionism), and developmental psychology (developmental biodynamics) converge in viewing living organisms as self-organizing systems. In this perspective, the organism is not specified by the outer world, but enacts its environment by selecting relevant domains of significance that constitute its world. The distinction between mind and body or organism and environment is a matter of observational perspective. These models from empirical sciences are compatible with fundamental tenets of philosophical phenomenology and hermeneutics. They imply consequences for research in psychopathology: symptoms cannot be viewed as disconnected manifestations of discrete localized brain dysfunctions. Psychopathology should therefore focus on how the person's self-coherence is maintained and on the understanding and empirical investigation of the systemic laws that govern neurodevelopment and the organization of human cognition.
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are clinically and genetically heterogeneous inherited disorders characterized by impaired neuromuscular transmission. Mutations in the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) collagenlike tail subunit gene (ColQ) cause recessive forms of synaptic CMS with end plate AChE deficiency. We report the time course of clinical manifestations in 15 COLQ-mutated patients followed from 1987 to 2010. All patients suffered from a muscle weakness with onset at birth or in childhood. Ocular and bulbar signs were found in 60% of the patients and delayed pupillary light response in 20% of our patients. EMG study demonstrated a decrement on repetitive nerve stimulation and repetitive compound muscle action potential in all patients. Clinical symptoms strongly fluctuated daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly. Severe relapses were characterized by a general motor weakness associated with pain which resolved spontaneously after a few months whereas the relapses with these symptoms and bulbar signs could last up to several years. Genetic analyses identified 16 different mutations including 9 novel ones. There was no genotype-phenotype correlation. Our study confirms the predominance of oculobulbar signs and the frequency of respiratory distress in COLQrelated CMS. At the end of the follow up of 23 years, interesting findings were (i) the spontaneous reversibility of severe relapses, some of them lasting for up to 5 years (ii) the good prognosis of COLQ-related CMS, since at the end of the follow-up 80% of patients were ambulant and 87% of patients had no respiratory trouble (iii) the efficacy of Ephedrine and, to a lesser extend, of 3-4 DAP. The triggering factors of relapses were esterase inhibitors, effort, puberty, pregnancy and delivery highlighting the importance of hormonal factors in CMS. In conclusion, patients diagnosed with unknown congenital myopathy should undergo an electrophysiological study of neuromuscular junction to identify ColQ-related CMS.