228 resultados para Document imaging system


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We advocate the use of a novel compressed sensing technique for accelerating the magnetic resonance image acquisition process, coined spread spectrum MR imaging or simply s2MRI. The method resides in pre-modulating the signal of interest by a linear chirp, resulting from the application of quadratic phase profiles, before random k-space under-sampling with uniform average density. The effectiveness of the procedure is theoretically underpinned by the optimization of the coherence between the sparsity and sensing bases. The application of the technique for single coil acquisitions is thoroughly studied by means of numerical simulations as well as phantom and in vivo experiments on a 7T scanner. The corresponding results suggest a favorable comparison with state-of-the-art variable density k-space under-sampling approaches.


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In populations of various ant species, many queens reproduce in the same nest (polygyny), and colony boundaries appear to be absent with individuals able to move fi eely between nests (unicoloniality). Such societies depart strongly from a simple family structure and pose a potential challenge to kin selection theory, because high queen number coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests should result in levels of relatedness among nestmates close to zero. This study investigated the breeding system and genetic structure of a highly polygynous and largely unicolonial population of the wood ant Formica paralugubris. A microsatellite analysis revealed that nestmate workers, reproductive queens and reproductive males (the queens' mates) are all equally related to each other, with relatedness estimates centring around 0.14. This suggests that most of the queens and males reproducing in the study population had mated within or close to their natal nest, and that the queens did not disperse far after mating. We developed a theoretical model to investigate how the breeding system affects the relatedness structure of polygynous colonies. By combining the model and our empirical data, it was estimated that about 99.8% of the reproducing queens and males originated from within the nest, or from a nearby nest. This high rate of local mating and the rarity of long-distance dispersal maintain significant relatedness among nestmates, and contrast with the common view that unicoloniality is coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests.


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While adaptive adjustment of sex ratio in the function of colony kin structure and food availability commonly occurs in social Hymenoptera, long-term studies have revealed substantial unexplained between-year variation in sex ratio at the population level. In order to identify factors that contribute to increased between-year variation in population sex ratio, we conducted a comparative analysis across 47 Hymenoptera species differing in their breeding system. We found that between-year variation in population sex ratio steadily increased as one moved from solitary species, to primitively eusocial species, to single-queen eusocial species, to multiple-queen eusocial species. Specifically, between-year variation in population sex ratio was low (6.6% of total possible variation) in solitary species, which is consistent with the view that in solitary species, sex ratio can vary only in response to fluctuations in ecological factors such as food availability. In contrast, we found significantly higher (19.5%) between-year variation in population sex ratio in multiple-queen eusocial species, which supports the view that in these species, sex ratio can also fluctuate in response to temporal changes in social factors such as queen number and queen-worker control over sex ratio, as well as factors influencing caste determination. The simultaneous adjustment of sex ratio in response to temporal fluctuations in ecological and social factors seems to preclude the existence of a single sex ratio optimum. The absence of such an optimum may reflect an additional cost associated with the evolution of complex breeding systems in Hymenoptera societies.


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An efficient high-resolution (HR) three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection system for small-scale targets in lacustrine settings was developed. In Lake Geneva, near the city of Lausanne, Switzerland, the offshore extension of a complex fault zone well mapped on land was chosen for testing our system. A preliminary two-dimensional seismic survey indicated structures that include a thin (<40 m) layer of subhorizontal Quaternary sediments that unconformably overlie south-east-dipping Tertiary Molasse beds and a major fault zone (Paudeze Fault Zone) that separates Plateau and Subalpine Molasse (SM) units. A 3D survey was conducted over this test site using a newly developed three-streamer system. It provided high-quality data with a penetration to depths of 300 m below the water bottom of non-aliased signal for dips up to 30degrees and with a maximum vertical resolution of 1.1 m. The data were subjected to a conventional 3D processing sequence that included post-stack time migration. Tests with 3D pre-stack depth migration showed that such techniques can be applied to HR seismic surveys. Delineation of several horizons and fault surfaces reveals the potential for small-scale geologic and tectonic interpretation in three dimensions. Five major seismic facies and their detailed 3D geometries can be distinguished. Three fault surfaces and the top of a molasse surface were mapped in 3D. Analysis of the geometry of these surfaces and their relative orientation suggests that pre-existing structures within the Plateau Molasse (PM) unit influenced later faulting between the Plateau and SM. In particular, a change in strike of the PM bed dip may indicate a fold formed by a regional stress regime, the orientation of which was different from the one responsible for the creation of the Paudeze Fault Zone. This structure might have later influenced the local stress regime and caused the curved shape of the Paudeze Fault in our surveyed area.


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The aim of this document is to provide general information about mIBG scintigraphy in cancer patients. The guidelines describe the mIBG scintigraphy protocol currently used in clinical routine, but do not include all existing procedures for neuroendocrine tumours. The guidelines should therefore not be taken as exclusive of other nuclear medicine modalities that can be used to obtain comparable results. It is important to remember that the resources and facilities available for patient care may vary from one country to another and from one medical institution to another. The present guidelines have been prepared for nuclear medicine physicians and intend to offer assistance in optimizing the diagnostic information that can currently be obtained from mIBG scintigraphy. The corresponding guidelines of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) and the Dosimetry, Therapy and Paediatric Committee of the EANM have been taken into consideration, and partially integrated into this text. The same has been done with the most relevant literature on this topic, and the final result has been discussed within a group of distinguished experts.


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Since the initial description of astrocytes by neuroanatomists of the nineteenth century, a critical metabolic role for these cells has been suggested in the central nervous system. Nonetheless, it took several technological and conceptual advances over many years before we could start to understand how they fulfill such a role. One of the important and early recognized metabolic function of astrocytes concerns the reuptake and recycling of the neurotransmitter glutamate. But the description of this initial property will be followed by several others including an implication in the supply of energetic substrates to neurons. Indeed, despite the fact that like most eukaryotic non-proliferative cells, astrocytes rely on oxidative metabolism for energy production, they exhibit a prominent aerobic glycolysis capacity. Moreover, this unusual metabolic feature was found to be modulated by glutamatergic activity constituting the initial step of the neurometabolic coupling mechanism. Several approaches, including biochemical measurements in cultured cells, genetic screening, dynamic cell imaging, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mathematical modeling, have provided further insights into the intrinsic characteristics giving rise to these key features of astrocytes. This review will provide an account of the different results obtained over several decades that contributed to unravel the complex metabolic nature of astrocytes that make this cell type unique.


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It was long thought that most of brain creatine was of peripheral origin. However, recentworks have demonstrated that creatine crosses blood-brain barrier only with poor efficiency, and thatCNS must ensure parts of its creatine needs by its own creatine synthesis pathway, thank to the brainexpression of AGAT and GAMT (creatine synthesis) and SLC6A8 (creatine transporter). This newunderstanding of creatine metabolism and transport in CNS allows a better comprehension of creatinedeficiency syndromes, which are due to deficiencies in AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 and mainly affectthe brain of patients who show severe neurodevelopmental delay and present neurological symptomsin early infancy.


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PURPOSE: F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and MRI are used for detecting liver metastases from uveal melanoma. The introduction of new treatment options in clinical trials might benefit from early response assessment. Here, we determine the value of FDG-PET/CT with respect to MRI at diagnosis and its potential for monitoring therapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten patients with biopsy-proven liver metastases of uveal melanoma enrolled in a randomized phase III trial (NCT00110123) underwent both FDG-PET coupled with unenhanced CT and gadolinium-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid-enhanced liver MRI within 4 weeks. FDG-PET and MRI were evaluated blindly and then compared using the ratio of lesion to normal liver parenchyma PET-derived standardized uptake value (SUV). The influence of lesion size and response to chemotherapy were studied. RESULTS: Overall, 108 liver lesions were seen: 34 (31%) on both modalities (1-18 lesions/patient), four (4%) by PET/CT only, and 70 (65%) by MRI only. SUV correlated with MRI lesion size (r=0.81, P<0.0001). PET/CT detected 26 of 33 (79%) MRI lesions of more than or equal to 1.2 cm, whereas it detected only eight of 71 (11%) lesions of less than 1.2 cm (P<0.0001). MRI lesions without PET correspondence were small (0.6±0.2 vs. 2.1±1.1 cm, P<0.0001). During follow-up (six patients, 30 lesions), the ratio lesion-to-normal-liver SUV diminished in size-stable lesions (1.90±0.64-1.46±0.50, P<0.0001), whereas it increased in enlarging lesions (1.56±0.40-1.99±0.56, P=0.032). CONCLUSION: MRI outweighs PET/CT for detecting small liver metastases. However, PET/CT detected at least one liver metastasis per patient and changes in FDG uptake not related to size change, suggesting a role in assessing early therapy response.


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Postmortem imaging, including postmortem computed tomography angiography, has become an integral tool in forensic investigation in recent years. A relatively new technique, multiphase postmortem computed tomography angiography, allows detailed visualization of the vascular system and makes it possible to evaluate the dynamic perfusion of aortic branches, including the coronary arteries. Here, we report a case of aortic dissection involving the ascending aorta (type A) with coronary and carotid malperfusion. This case illustrates the complementary use of many of the diagnostic tools that are now available in forensic practice, from imaging to conventional autopsy to pathologic techniques such as immunohistochemistry.


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Tumor Endothelial Marker-1 (TEM1/CD248) is a tumor vascular marker with high therapeutic and diagnostic potentials. Immuno-imaging with TEM1-specific antibodies can help to detect cancerous lesions, monitor tumor responses, and select patients that are most likely to benefit from TEM1-targeted therapies. In particular, near infrared(NIR) optical imaging with biomarker-specific antibodies can provide real-time, tomographic information without exposing the subjects to radioactivity. To maximize the theranostic potential of TEM1, we developed a panel of all human, multivalent Fc-fusion proteins based on a previously identified single chain antibody (scFv78) that recognizes both human and mouse TEM1. By characterizing avidity, stability, and pharmacokinectics, we identified one fusion protein, 78Fc, with desirable characteristics for immuno-imaging applications. The biodistribution of radiolabeled 78Fc showed that this antibody had minimal binding to normal organs, which have low expression of TEM1. Next, we developed a 78Fc-based tracer and tested its performance in different TEM1-expressing mouse models. The NIR imaging and tomography results suggest that the 78Fc-NIR tracer performs well in distinguishing mouse- or human-TEM1 expressing tumor grafts from normal organs and control grafts in vivo. From these results we conclude that further development and optimization of 78Fc as a TEM1-targeted imaging agent for use in clinical settings is warranted.


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Papez circuit is one of the major pathways of the limbic system, and it is involved in the control of memory and emotion. Structural and functional alterations have been reported in psychiatric, neurodegenerative, and epileptic diseases. Despite the clinical interest, however, in-vivo imaging of the entire circuit remains a technological challenge. We used magnetic resonance diffusion spectrum imaging to comprehensively picture the Papez circuit in healthy humans: (i) the hippocampus-mammillary body pathway, (ii) the connections between the lateral subiculum and the cingulate cortex, and (iii) the mammillo-thalamic tract. The diagnostic and therapeutic implications of these results are discussed in the context of recent findings reporting the involvement of the Papez circuit in neurological and psychiatric diseases.