99 resultados para Cultural visual
When subjects studied at school are close to societal discourses and to the students' social identities, when they have high emotional resonance, is it possible to enable the students to distance themselves from their emotions and personal experience, and to conceptualise them? Examining the relation between emotion and learning through the lens of socio-cultural psychology, the aim of our study was to shed light on "secondarisation" processes, that is, processes that transform personal experience and emotions into conceptualised forms of thinking. We analysed 85 video-recorded lessons in education for cultural diversity involving 12 teachers (of primary and secondary schools). Having identified episodes in which emotions were put into words or personal experience was reported, we analysed the use of pronouns (taken as indicators of secondarisation processes) and found a recurrent pattern: "the unicity-genericity routine". We illustrate the functioning of this routine with various excerpts taken from lessons in education for diversity taught in the classes of two teachers in primary school. The results show that the interplay between unicity and genericity works as a discursive resource for the development of secondarisation processes.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have indicated that efficient feature search (FS) and inefficient conjunction search (CS) activate partially distinct frontoparietal cortical networks. However, it remains a matter of debate whether the differences in these networks reflect differences in the early processing during FS and CS. In addition, the relationship between the differences in the networks and spatial shifts of attention also remains unknown. We examined these issues by applying a spatio-temporal analysis method to high-resolution visual event-related potentials (ERPs) and investigated how spatio-temporal activation patterns differ for FS and CS tasks. Within the first 450 msec after stimulus onset, scalp potential distributions (ERP maps) revealed 7 different electric field configurations for each search task. Configuration changes occurred simultaneously in the two tasks, suggesting that contributing processes were not significantly delayed in one task compared to the other. Despite this high spatial and temporal correlation, two ERP maps (120-190 and 250-300 msec) differed between the FS and CS. Lateralized distributions were observed only in the ERP map at 250-300 msec for the FS. This distribution corresponds to that previously described as the N2pc component (a negativity in the time range of the N2 complex over posterior electrodes of the hemisphere contralateral to the target hemifield), which has been associated with the focusing of attention onto potential target items in the search display. Thus, our results indicate that the cortical networks involved in feature and conjunction searching partially differ as early as 120 msec after stimulus onset and that the differences between the networks employed during the early stages of FS and CS are not necessarily caused by spatial attention shifts.
Purpose: Crosslinking of corneal collagen with riboflavin and ultraviolet-A irradiation (CXL) induces crosslinks within and between collagen fibers. CXL increases corneal biomechanical and biochemical stability and is currently used clinically to treat keratectasia. CXL also significantly reduces the stromal swelling capacity. We investigated whether a modified CXL treatment protocol would be beneficial in early Fuchs' dystrophy with various degrees of corneal edema and diurnal variations in visual acuity. Methods: CXL was performed as published previously with the following modification: in cases where the stroma was thicker than 450 µm after abrasion and 30 minutes of instillation of isoosmolar riboflavin solution, glycerol 70% solution was applied every 5 seconds for two minutes, and central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured using ultrasound pachymetry. Glycerol 70% solution was administered repeatedly until the target corneal thickness of 370-430 µm was reached. During irradiation, CCT was monitored by ultrasound pachymetry every five minutes and glycerol 70% solution was applied, if necessary. Results: Three eyes in two patients were treated using the modified CXL protocol. Representative case: a 50-year-old woman with Fuchs' dystrophy and a history of 3 years of diurnal visual fluctuations was referred to us in March 2008. Preoperative best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) was 20/50. We performed modified CXL in the left eye. At one month after CXL, Scheimpflug analysis of CCT showed a reduction of more than 100 µm, and the Corneal Thickness Spatial Profile (CTSP) and Percentage of Increase in Thickness (PIT) showed a regularization of the "flattening" typical for Fuchs' dystrophy. Accordingly, diurnal analysis of corneal thickness showed a distinct postoperative reduction in CCT at all time points measured. At one month after CXL, the patient reported a reduction of diurnal visual fluctuations and we measured an increase in BSCVA to 20/32. The patient showed stable topographical and visual acuity at the three months follow-up. Conclusions: We saw a distinct reduction in CCT, an improvement of the corneal thickness spatial profile (CTSP) and an increase in BSCVA at one month after treatment, which remained stable at the three months follow-up. Patients with early Fuchs' dystrophy and disturbing diurnal visual fluctuations represent a novel application for CXL. Although CXL may not prevent the outcome of the dystrophy, it may increase the patients' visual comfort until keratoplasty becomes necessary.
BACKGROUND: An objective measurement of surgical procedures outcomes is inherent to professional practices quality control; this especially applies in orthopaedics to joint replacement outcomes. A self-administered questionnaire offers an attractive alternative to surgeon's judgement but is infrequently used in France for these purposes. The British questionnaire, the 12-item Oxford Hip Score (OHS) was selected for this study because of its ease of use. HYPOTHESIS: The objective of this study was to validate the French translation of the self-assessment 12-item Oxford Hip Score and compare its results with those of the reference functional scores: the Harris Hip Score (HHS) and the Postel-Merle d'Aubigné (PMA) score. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Based on a clinical series of 242 patients who were candidates for total hip arthroplasty, the French translation of this questionnaire was validated. Its coherence was also validated by comparing the preoperative data with the data obtained from the two other reference clinical scores. RESULTS: The translation was validated using the forward-backward translation procedure from French to English, with correction of all differences or mistranslations after systematized comparison with the original questionnaire in English. The mean overall OHS score was 43.8 points (range, 22-60 points) with similarly good distribution of the overall value of the three scores compared. The correlation was excellent between the OHS and the HHS, but an identical correlation between the OHS and the PMA was only obtained for the association of the pain and function parameters, after excluding the mobility criterion, relatively over-represented in the PMA score. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Subjective questionnaires that contribute a personal appreciation of the results of arthroplasty by the patient can easily be applied on a large scale. This study made a translated and validated version of an internationally recognized, reliable self-assessment score available to French orthopaedic surgeons. The results obtained encourage us to use this questionnaire as a complement to the classical evaluation scores and methods.
Current models of brain organization include multisensory interactions at early processing stages and within low-level, including primary, cortices. Embracing this model with regard to auditory-visual (AV) interactions in humans remains problematic. Controversy surrounds the application of an additive model to the analysis of event-related potentials (ERPs), and conventional ERP analysis methods have yielded discordant latencies of effects and permitted limited neurophysiologic interpretability. While hemodynamic imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation studies provide general support for the above model, the precise timing, superadditive/subadditive directionality, topographic stability, and sources remain unresolved. We recorded ERPs in humans to attended, but task-irrelevant stimuli that did not require an overt motor response, thereby circumventing paradigmatic caveats. We applied novel ERP signal analysis methods to provide details concerning the likely bases of AV interactions. First, nonlinear interactions occur at 60-95 ms after stimulus and are the consequence of topographic, rather than pure strength, modulations in the ERP. AV stimuli engage distinct configurations of intracranial generators, rather than simply modulating the amplitude of unisensory responses. Second, source estimations (and statistical analyses thereof) identified primary visual, primary auditory, and posterior superior temporal regions as mediating these effects. Finally, scalar values of current densities in all of these regions exhibited functionally coupled, subadditive nonlinear effects, a pattern increasingly consistent with the mounting evidence in nonhuman primates. In these ways, we demonstrate how neurophysiologic bases of multisensory interactions can be noninvasively identified in humans, allowing for a synthesis across imaging methods on the one hand and species on the other.
Cultural variation in a population is affected by the rate of occurrence of cultural innovations, whether such innovations are preferred or eschewed, how they are transmitted between individuals in the population, and the size of the population. An innovation, such as a modification in an attribute of a handaxe, may be lost or may become a property of all handaxes, which we call "fixation of the innovation." Alternatively, several innovations may attain appreciable frequencies, in which case properties of the frequency distribution-for example, of handaxe measurements-is important. Here we apply the Moran model from the stochastic theory of population genetics to study the evolution of cultural innovations. We obtain the probability that an initially rare innovation becomes fixed, and the expected time this takes. When variation in cultural traits is due to recurrent innovation, copy error, and sampling from generation to generation, we describe properties of this variation, such as the level of heterogeneity expected in the population. For all of these, we determine the effect of the mode of social transmission: conformist, where there is a tendency for each naïve newborn to copy the most popular variant; pro-novelty bias, where the newborn prefers a specific variant if it exists among those it samples; one-to-many transmission, where the variant one individual carries is copied by all newborns while that individual remains alive. We compare our findings with those predicted by prevailing theories for rates of cultural change and the distribution of cultural variation.
The distribution of parvalbumin (PV), calretinin (CR), and calbindin (CB) immunoreactive neurons was studied with the help of an image analysis system (Vidas/Zeiss) in the primary visual area 17 and associative area 18 (Brodmann) of Alzheimer and control brains. In neither of these areas was there a significant difference between Alzheimer and control groups in the mean number of PV, CR, or CB immunoreactive neuronal profiles, counted in a cortical column going from pia to white matter. Significant differences in the mean densities (numbers per square millimeter of cortex) of PV, CR, and CB immunoreactive neuronal profiles were not observed either between groups or areas, but only between superficial, middle, and deep layers within areas 17 and 18. The optical density of the immunoreactive neuropil was also similar in Alzheimer and controls, correlating with the numerical density of immunoreactive profiles in superficial, middle, and deep layers. The frequency distribution of neuronal areas indicated significant differences between PV, CR, and CB immunoreactive neuronal profiles in both areas 17 and 18, with more large PV than CR and CB positive profiles. There were also significantly more small and less large PV and CR immunoreactive neuronal profiles in Alzheimer than in controls. Our data show that, although the brain pathology is moderate to severe, there is no prominent decrease of PV, CR and CB positive neurons in the visual cortex of Alzheimer brains, but only selective changes in neuronal perikarya.
ABSTRACT (FRENCH)Ce travail de thèse basé sur le système visuel chez les sujets sains et chez les patients schizophrènes, s'articule autour de trois articles scientifiques publiés ou en cours de publication. Ces articles traitent des sujets suivants : le premier article présente une nouvelle méthode de traitement des composantes physiques des stimuli (luminance et fréquence spatiale). Le second article montre, à l'aide d'analyses de données EEG, un déficit de la voie magnocellulaire dans le traitement visuel des illusions chez les patients schizophrènes. Ceci est démontré par l'absence de modulation de la composante PI chez les patients schizophrènes contrairement aux sujets sains. Cette absence est induite par des stimuli de type illusion Kanizsa de différentes excentricités. Finalement, le troisième article, également à l'aide de méthodes de neuroimagerie électrique (EEG), montre que le traitement des contours illusoires se trouve dans le complexe latéro-occipital (LOC), à l'aide d'illusion « misaligned gratings ». De plus il révèle que les activités démontrées précédemment dans les aires visuelles primaires sont dues à des inférences « top- down ».Afin de permettre la compréhension de ces trois articles, l'introduction de ce manuscrit présente les concepts essentiels. De plus des méthodes d'analyses de temps-fréquence sont présentées. L'introduction est divisée en quatre parties : la première présente le système visuel depuis les cellules retino-corticales aux deux voix du traitement de l'information en passant par les régions composant le système visuel. La deuxième partie présente la schizophrénie par son diagnostic, ces déficits de bas niveau de traitement des stimuli visuel et ces déficits cognitifs. La troisième partie présente le traitement des contours illusoires et les trois modèles utilisés dans le dernier article. Finalement, les méthodes de traitement des données EEG seront explicitées, y compris les méthodes de temps-fréquences.Les résultats des trois articles sont présentés dans le chapitre éponyme (du même nom). De plus ce chapitre comprendra les résultats obtenus à l'aide des méthodes de temps-fréquenceFinalement, la discussion sera orientée selon trois axes : les méthodes de temps-fréquence ainsi qu'une proposition de traitement de ces données par une méthode statistique indépendante de la référence. La discussion du premier article en montrera la qualité du traitement de ces stimuli. La discussion des deux articles neurophysiologiques, proposera de nouvelles d'expériences afin d'affiner les résultats actuels sur les déficits des schizophrènes. Ceci pourrait permettre d'établir un marqueur biologique fiable de la schizophrénie.ABSTRACT (ENGLISH)This thesis focuses on the visual system in healthy subjects and schizophrenic patients. To address this research, advanced methods of analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) data were used and developed. This manuscript is comprised of three scientific articles. The first article showed a novel method to control the physical features of visual stimuli (luminance and spatial frequencies). The second article showed, using electrical neuroimaging of EEG, a deficit in spatial processing associated with the dorsal pathway in chronic schizophrenic patients. This deficit was elicited by an absent modulation of the PI component in terms of response strength and topography as well as source estimations. This deficit was orthogonal to the preserved ability to process Kanizsa-type illusory contours. Finally, the third article resolved ongoing debates concerning the neural mechanism mediating illusory contour sensitivity by using electrical neuroimaging to show that the first differentiation of illusory contour presence vs. absence is localized within the lateral occipital complex. This effect was subsequent to modulations due to the orientation of misaligned grating stimuli. Collectively, these results support a model where effects in V1/V2 are mediated by "top-down" modulation from the LOC.To understand these three articles, the Introduction of this thesis presents the major concepts used in these articles. Additionally, a section is devoted to time-frequency analysis methods not presented in the articles themselves. The introduction is divided in four parts. The first part presents three aspects of the visual system: cellular, regional, and its functional interactions. The second part presents an overview of schizophrenia and its sensoiy-cognitive deficits. The third part presents an overview of illusory contour processing and the three models examined in the third article. Finally, advanced analysis methods for EEG are presented, including time- frequency methodology.The Introduction is followed by a synopsis of the main results in the articles as well as those obtained from the time-frequency analyses.Finally, the Discussion chapter is divided along three axes. The first axis discusses the time frequency analysis and proposes a novel statistical approach that is independent of the reference. The second axis contextualizes the first article and discusses the quality of the stimulus control and direction for further improvements. Finally, both neurophysiologic articles are contextualized by proposing future experiments and hypotheses that may serve to improve our understanding of schizophrenia on the one hand and visual functions more generally.