127 resultados para Control of movement
To control introduced exotic species that have predominantly genetic, but environmentally reversible, sex determination (e.g. many species of fish), Gutierrez and Teem recently modeled the use of carriers of Trojan Y chromosomes--individuals who are phenotypically sex reversed from their genotype. Repeated introduction of YY females into wild populations should produce extreme male-biased sex ratios and eventual elimination of XX females, thus leading to population extinction. Analogous dynamics are expected in systems in which sex determination is influenced by one or a few major genes on autosomes.
How do cells sense their own size and shape? And how does this information regulate progression of the cell cycle? Our group, in parallel to that of Paul Nurse, have recently demonstrated that fission yeast cells use a novel geometry-sensing mechanism to couple cell length perception with entry into mitosis. These rod-shaped cells measure their own length by using a medially-placed sensor, Cdr2, that reads a protein gradient emanating from cell tips, Pom1, to control entry into mitosis. Budding yeast cells use a similar molecular sensor to delay entry into mitosis in response to defects in bud morphogenesis. Metazoan cells also modulate cell proliferation in response to their own shape by sensing tension. Here I discuss the recent results obtained for the fission yeast system and compare them to the strategies used by these other organisms to perceive their own morphology.
Phytochromes phyB and phyA mediate a remarkable developmental switch whereby, early upon seed imbibition, canopy light prevents phyB-dependent germination, whereas later on, it stimulates phyA-dependent germination. Using a seed coat bedding assay where the growth of dissected embryos is monitored under the influence of dissected endosperm, allowing combinatorial use of mutant embryos and endosperm, we show that canopy light specifically inactivates phyB activity in the endosperm to override phyA-dependent signaling in the embryo. This interference involves abscisic acid (ABA) release from the endosperm and distinct spatial activities of phytochrome signaling components. Under the canopy, endospermic ABA opposes phyA signaling through the transcription factor (TF) ABI5, which shares with the TF PIF1 several target genes that negatively regulate germination in the embryo. ABI5 enhances the expression of phytochrome signaling genes PIF1, SOMNUS, GAI, and RGA, but also of ABA and gibberellic acid (GA) metabolic genes. Over time, weaker ABA-dependent responses eventually enable phyA-dependent germination, a distinct type of germination driven solely by embryonic growth.
Considerable progress has been made in identifying the targets of plant microRNAs, many of which regulate the stability or translation of mRNAs that encode transcription factors involved in development. In most cases, it is unknown, however, which immediate transcriptional targets mediate downstream effects of the microRNA-regulated transcription factors. We identified a new process controlled by the miR319-regulated clade of TCP (TEOSINTE BRANCHED/CYCLOIDEA/PCF) transcription factor genes. In contrast to other miRNA targets, several of which modulate hormone responses, TCPs control biosynthesis of the hormone jasmonic acid. Furthermore, we demonstrate a previously unrecognized effect of TCPs on leaf senescence, a process in which jasmonic acid has been proposed to be a critical regulator. We propose that miR319-controlled TCP transcription factors coordinate two sequential processes in leaf development: leaf growth, which they negatively regulate, and leaf senescence, which they positively regulate.
Following infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major, C57BL/6 mice develop a small lesion that heals spontaneously. Resistance to infection is associated with the development of CD4(+) Th1 cells producing gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which synergize in activating macrophages to their microbicidal state. We show here that C57BL/6 mice lacking both TNF and Fas ligand (FasL) (gld TNF(-/-) mice) infected with L. major neither resolved their lesions nor controlled Leishmania replication despite the development of a strong Th1 response. Comparable inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activities were detected in lesions of TNF(-/-), gld TNF(-/-), and gld mice, but only gld and gld TNF(-/-) mice failed to control parasite replication. Parasite numbers were high in gld mice and even more elevated in gld TNF(-/-) mice, suggesting that, in addition to iNOS, the Fas/FasL pathway is required for successful control of parasite replication and that TNF contributes only a small part to this process. Furthermore, FasL was shown to synergize with IFN-gamma for the induction of leishmanicidal activity within macrophages infected with L. major in vitro. Interestingly, TNF(-/-) mice maintained large lesion size throughout infection, despite being able to largely control parasite numbers. Thus, IFN-gamma, FasL, and iNOS appear to be essential for the complete control of parasite replication, while the contribution of TNF is more important in controlling inflammation at the site of parasite inoculation.
In hair follicles, dermal papilla (DP) and dermal sheath (DS) cells exhibit striking levels of plasticity, as each can regenerate both cell types. Here, we show that thrombin induces a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt pathway-dependent acquisition of DS-like properties by DP cells in vitro, involving increased proliferation rate, acquisition of ;myofibroblastic' contractile properties and a decreased capacity to sustain growth and survival of keratinocytes. The thrombin inhibitor protease nexin 1 [PN-1, also known as SERPINE2) regulates all those effects in vitro. Accordingly, the PI3K-Akt pathway is constitutively activated and expression of myofibroblastic marker smooth-muscle actin is enhanced in vivo in hair follicle dermal cells from PN-1(-/-) mice. Furthermore, physiological PN-1 disappearance and upregulation of the thrombin receptor PAR-1 (also known as F2R) during follicular regression in wild-type mice also correlate with such changes in DP cell characteristics. Our results indicate that control of thrombin signaling interferes with hair follicle dermal cells plasticity to regulate their function.
Contribution of the gap junction proteins Connexin40 and Connexin43 to the control of blood pressure
Summary Cells in tissues and organs coordinate their activities by communicating with each other through intercellular channels named gap junctions. These channels are conduits between the cytoplasmic compartments of adjacent cells, allowing the exchange of small molecules which may be crucial for hormone secretion. Renin is normally secreted in a regulated manner by specific cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus located within the renal cortex. Gap junctional communication may be requisite to maintain an accurate functioning in coordination of renin-producing cells, more especially as renin is of paramount importance for the control of blood pressure. Connexin43 (Cx43) and Cx40 form gap junctions that link in vivo the cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Cx43 links the endothelial cells, whereas gap junctions made of Cx40 connect the endothelial cells, the renin secreting cells, as well as the endothelial cells of to the renin-secreting cells of the afferent arteriole. The observation that loss of Cx40 results in chronic hypertension associated with altered vasomotion and signal conduction along arterioles, has lead us to suggest that connexins may contribute to control blood pressure by participating to the integration of various mechanical, osmotic and electrochemical stimuli involved in the control of renin secretion and by mediating the adaptive changes of the vascular wall induced by elevated blood pressure and mechanical stress. We therefore postulated that the absence of Cx40 could have deleterious effects on the coordinated functioning of the renin-containing cells, hence accounting for hypertension. In the first part of my thesis, we reported that Cx40-deficient mice (Cx40) are hypertensive due to increased plasma renin levels and numbers of renin-producing cells. Besides, we demonstrated that prostaglandins and nitric oxide, which are possible mediators in the regulation of renin secretion by the macula densa, exert a critical role in the mechanisms controlling blood pressure ín Cx40 knockout hypertensive mice. In view of previous studies that stated avessel-specifc increase in the expression of Cx43 during renin-dependent hypertension, we hypothesized that Cx43 channels are particularly well-matched to integrate the response of cells constituting the vascular wall to hypertensive conditions. Using transgenic mice in which Cx43 was replaced by Cx32, we revealed that the replacement of Cx43 by Cx32 is associated with decreased expression and secretion of renin and prevent the renin-dependent hypertension which is normally induced in the 2K1C model. To gain insights into the regulation of connexins in two separate tissues exposed to the same fluid pressure, the second part of my thesis work was dedicated to the study of the impact of chronic hypertension and related hypertrophy on the expression of the cardiovascular connexins (Cx40, Cx37, Cx43 and Cx45) in mouse aorta and heart. Our results documented that the expression of connexins is differentially regulated in mouse aorta. according to the models of hypertension. Thus, blood pressure induces mechanical forces that differentially alter the expression of vascular connexins in order to respond to an adaptation of the aortic wall observed under pathological conditions. Altogether these data provide the first evidences that intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions is required for a proper renin secretion from the juxtaglomerular apparatus in order to control blood pressure.
betaTC-tet cells are conditionally immortalized pancreatic beta cells which can confer long-term correction of hyperglycemia when transplanted in syngeneic streptozocin diabetic mice. The use of these cells for control of type I diabetes in humans will require their encapsulation and transplantation in non-native sites where relative hypoxia and cytokines may threaten their survival. In this study we genetically engineered betaTC-tet cells with the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 using new lentiviral vectors and showed that it protected this cell line against apoptosis induced by hypoxia, staurosporine and a mixture of cytokines (IL-1beta, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha). We further demonstrated that Bcl-2 expression permitted growth at higher cell density and with shorter doubling time. Expression of Bcl-2, however, did not inter- fere either with the intrinsic mechanism of growth arrest present in the betaTC-tet cells or with their normal glucose dose-dependent insulin secretory activity. Furthermore, Bcl-2 expressing betaTC-tet cells retained their capacity to secrete insulin under mild hypoxia. Finally, transplantation of these cells under the kidney capsule of streptozocin diabetic C3H mice corrected hyperglycemia for several months. These results demonstrate that the murine betaTC-tet cell line can be genetically modified to improve its resistance against different stress-induced apoptosis while preserving its normal physiological function. These modified cells represent an improved source for cell transplantation therapy of type I diabetes.
BACKGROUND: Expression of heterologous genes in mammalian cells or organisms for therapeutic or experimental purposes often requires tight control of transgene expression. Specifically, the following criteria should be met: no background gene activity in the off-state, high gene expression in the on-state, regulated expression over an extended period, and multiple switching between on- and off-states. METHODS: Here, we describe a genetic switch system for controlled transgene transcription using chimeric repressor and activator proteins functioning in a novel regulatory network. In the off-state, the target transgene is actively silenced by a chimeric protein consisting of multimerized eukaryotic transcriptional repression domains fused to the DNA-binding tetracycline repressor. In the on-state, the inducer drug doxycycline affects both the derepression of the target gene promoter and activation by the GAL4-VP16 transactivator, which in turn is under the control of an autoregulatory feedback loop. RESULTS: The hallmark of this new system is the efficient transgene silencing in the off-state, as demonstrated by the tightly controlled expression of the highly cytotoxic diphtheria toxin A gene. Addition of the inducer drug allows robust activation of transgene expression. In stably transfected cells, this control is still observed after months of repeated cycling between the repressed and activated states of the target genes. CONCLUSIONS: This system permits tight long-term regulation when stably introduced into cell lines. The underlying principles of this network system should have general applications in biotechnology and gene therapy.
Introduction : La sécrétion d'insuline est régulée par le glucose et également pardes hormones peptidiques libérées par le tractus digestif, comme la neurotensine(NT). La NT est un neuropeptide, sécrété notamment par les cellules N dela paroi de l'estomac, qui exerce des fonctions régulatrices complexes dans lesystème digestif. Notre laboratoire a récemment démontré que les cellulesendocrines du pancréas (les îlots de Langherans) expriment les trois récepteursconnus de la NT. Nous avons montré que la NT module la survie de la cellulebêta pancréatique (Coppola et al. 2008). Cette fonction met en jeu deux desrécepteurs de la NT, le NTSR2 et le NTSR3 qui forment, après stimulation parla NT, un complexe protéique régulateur de la survie des cellules (Béraud-Dufour et al. 2009) et également de la sécrétion d'insuline (Béraud-Dufour et al.2010).Matériels et méthodes : La caractérisation pharmacologique de l'effet NT sur lasécrétion d'insuline a été faite à l'aide de ligands spécifiques (agonistes ou antagonistes),dans des expériences d'imagerie calciques et d'exocytose. Nous avonsmesuré l'acivation des PKC par imagerie en temps réel. Afin de déterminer lerôle de la NT dans la physiologie générale nous avons utilisé des modèles in vitro(lignées de cellules INS-1E) et in vivo (souris invalidées NTSR1 et NTSR2).Résultats : Nous avons montré que les récepteurs NTSR2 et NTSR3 interviennentdans la modulation de la sécrétion d'insuline en fonction des conditionsphysiologiques : 1) la NT stimule la sécrétion dans des conditions basales deglucose. 2) elle inhibe la sécrétion dans des situations d'hyperglycémie. La NTmobilise plusieurs activités protéines kinases C (PKC) nécessaires à son rôlephysiologique (Béraud-Dufour et al. 2010).Par ailleurs, sur les modèles murins l'étude du métabolisme de souris transgéniquesinvalidées pour les gènes des NTSR1 et NTSR2 a permis de mettre en évidencel'implication de la NT dans la régulation de l'homéostasie du glucose. Invivo, nous avons observé que l'injection intra péritonéale de NT diminue la glycémieet que cet effet nécessite la présence du NTSR1. Nous avons observé quel'invalidation du gène du NTSR1 affecte la réponse des souris lors des tests detolérance au glucose et à l'insulineConclusion : Les résultats obtenus dans cette étude prouvent que le bon fonctionnementdu système neurotensinergique est nécessaire au maintien d'uneglycémie stable. La dérégulation de ce système pourrait être l'un des facteursimpliqué dans la survenue et/ou l'aggravation d'un diabète de type 2.
Brown adipocytes oxidize fatty acids to produce heat in response to cold or to excessive energy intake; stimulation of brown fat development and function may thus counteract obesity. Brown adipogenesis requires activation of the transcription factor C/EBPβ and recruitment of the zinc finger protein Prdm16, but upstream inducers of these proteins are incompletely defined. Here, we show that genetic inactivation of Plac8, a gene encoding an evolutionarily conserved protein, induces cold intolerance, and late-onset obesity, as well as abnormal morphology and impaired function of brown adipocytes. Using brown preadipocyte lines we show that Plac8 is required for brown fat differentiation, that its overexpression induces C/EBPβ and Prdm16, and that upon induction of differentiation Plac8 associates with C/EBPβ and binds to the C/EBPβ promoter to induce its transcription. Thus, Plac8 is a critical upstream regulator of brown fat differentiation and function that acts, at least in part, by inducing C/EBPβ expression.
OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the quantitative antibiogram as an epidemiological tool for the prospective typing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and comparison with ribotyping. METHODS: The method is based on the multivariate analysis of inhibition zone diameters of antibiotics in disk diffusion tests. Five antibiotics were used (erythromycin, clindamycin, cotrimoxazole, gentamicin, and ciprofloxacin). Ribotyping was performed using seven restriction enzymes (EcoRV, HindIII, KpnI, PstI, EcoRI, SfuI, and BamHI). SETTING: 1,000-bed tertiary university medical center. RESULTS: During a 1-year period, 31 patients were found to be infected or colonized with MRSA. Cluster analysis of antibiogram data showed nine distinct antibiotypes. Four antibiotypes were isolated from multiple patients (2, 4, 7, and 13, respectively). Five additional antibiotypes were isolated from the remaining five patients. When analyzed with respect to the epidemiological data, the method was found to be equivalent to ribotyping. Among 206 staff members who were screened, six were carriers of MRSA. Both typing methods identified concordant of MRSA types in staff members and in the patients under their care. CONCLUSIONS: The quantitative antibiogram was found to be equivalent to ribotyping as an epidemiological tool for typing of MRSA in our setting. Thus, this simple, rapid, and readily available method appears to be suitable for the prospective surveillance and control of MRSA for hospitals that do not have molecular typing facilities and in which MRSA isolates are not uniformly resistant or susceptible to the antibiotics tested.
Short- and long-term effect of oxytocin on Na+ transport and Na-K-ATPase biosynthesis in the toad bladder, and the potential interaction of this hormone with aldosterone have been studied, leading to the following observations. An early Na+ transport response (oxytocin, 50 mU/ml) peaked at 10-15 min of hormone addition. At maximal stimulation a three- to fourfold increase in Na+ transport was observed, a sustained Na+ transport response (about two-fold control base line) was observed as long as the hormone was present in the medium and for up to 20 h of incubation. Pretreatment for 30 min with actinomycin D (2 micrograms/ml) did not inhibit the early response, but significantly impaired the sustained response, suggesting that de novo protein synthesis was required. The simultaneous addition of the two hormones led within 60 min to a marked potentiation of the action on Na+ transport. This synergism could be mimicked by exogenous cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Oxytocin alone (18 h exposure, 50 mU/ml) increased the relative rate of synthesis of both alpha and beta subunits of Na-K-ATPase (1.9- and 1.6-fold, respectively; P less than 0.05), whereas aldosterone (80 nM) increased the relative rate of synthesis of the same subunits (2.6- and 2.2-fold, respectively; P less than 0.02). Finally, in contrast to what was observed at the physiological level, the interaction of oxytocin and aldosterone did not lead to a similar potentiation at the biochemical level, i.e., induction of Na-K-ATPase biosynthesis (2.7- and 2.9-fold, for alpha and beta subunits, respectively; P less than 0.025).
Chromosome replication in Caulobacter crescentus is tightly regulated to ensure that initiation occurs at the right time and only once during the cell cycle. The timing of replication initiation is controlled by both CtrA and DnaA. CtrA binds to and silences the origin. Upon the clearance of CtrA from the cell, the DnaA protein accumulates and allows loading of the replisome at the origin. Here, we identify an additional layer of replication initiation control that is mediated by the HdaA protein. In Escherichia coli, the Hda protein inactivates DnaA after replication initiation. We show that the Caulobacter HdaA homologue is necessary to restrict the initiation of DNA replication to only once per cell cycle and that it dynamically colocalizes with the replisome throughout the cell cycle. Moreover, the transcription of hdaA is directly activated by DnaA, providing a robust feedback regulatory mechanism that adjusts the levels of HdaA to inactivate DnaA.
Introduction & Objectives: Surgery remains the treatment of choice for localized renal cell neoplasia. While radical nephrectomy was long considered as gold standard, partial nephrectomy (PN) has widened its indications over the past twodecades and has shown oncological results equivalent to radical nephrectomy for small tumors. Moreover, it is considered superior to radical nephrectomy in terms of non-cancer related mortality. The role of negative surgical margin has been widely debated. Intraoperative frozen section analysis has been shown to be unreliable, expensive, time-consuming and not well correlated to final pathology. The goal of the present study was to assess the correlation of intraoperative exvivo ultrasonographic (US) evaluation of resection margin to definitive pathology in patients undergoing PN.Materials & Methods: An observational study was carried out in ours 2 institutions from February 2008 to October 2010. Patients undergoing PN for T1-T2 renal tumors were included. Ex vivo US evaluation was performed. Considering availability of US engine, not all consecutive eligible patients were included. PN was undertaken either by open surgery or laparoscopic access in a standardized technique. The "minimal healthy tissue margin" technique was applied. Once resected, the specimen was kept in a saline solution and US determination of tumor margins was performed. Sequential images were captured in order to evaluate the whole capsule.Results: Twenty-two patients (9 women, age 63±11 years[46-78]) were included in the present analysis. Open or laparoscopic PN was performed in 19 and 3 patients, respectively. Intraoperative ex-vivo US showed negative surgical margin in all cases except one, needing a complementary renal parenchyma resection. US duration ranged from 1 to 4 minutes, with a median time of 1 minute. Definitive histological analysis confirmed the presence of 3 angiomyolipoma, 15 clear cell carcinoma (11 pT1a,3 pT1b,1 pT2), 3 chromophobe carcinoma (1 pT1a,1 pT1b,1 pT2) and 1 pT1a type II papillary tumor. Mean tumor size was 3,4±2.1 cm [0,6-7,2]. Final pathology revealed R0 margins in all cases.Conclusions: Intraoperative ex-vivo US evaluation of resection margin in patients undergoing PN is feasible, time-efficient, well correlated to definitive pathological examination, and should be evaluated in further prospective trials.