186 resultados para Autosomal-dominant Transmission


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The known genetic mutation causing Huntington's disease (HD) makes this disease an important model to study links between gene and brain function. An autosomal dominant family history and the availability of a sensitive and specific genetic test allow pre-clinical diagnosis many years before the onset of any typical clinical signs. This review summarizes recent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based findings in HD with a focus on the requirements if imaging is to be used in treatment trials. Despite its monogenetic cause, HD presents with a range of clinical manifestations, not explained by variation in the number of CAG repeats in the affected population. Neuroimaging studies have revealed a complex pattern of structural and functional changes affecting widespread cortical and subcortical regions far beyond the confines of the striatal degeneration that characterizes this disorder. Besides striatal dysfunction, functional imaging studies have reported a variable pattern of increased and decreased activation in cortical regions in both pre-clinical and clinically manifest HD-gene mutation carriers. Beyond regional brain activation changes, evidence from functional and diffusion-weighted MRI further suggests disrupted connectivity between corticocortical and corticostriatal areas. However, substantial inconsistencies with respect to structural and functional changes have been reported in a number of studies. Possible explanations include methodological factors and differences in study samples. There may also be biological explanations but these are poorly characterized and understood at present. Additional insights into this phenotypic variability derived from study of mouse models are presented to explore this phenomenon.


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BACKGROUND: NR2E3 (PNR) is an orphan nuclear receptor essential for proper photoreceptor determination and differentiation. In humans, mutations in NR2E3 have been associated with the recessively inherited enhanced short wavelength sensitive (S-) cone syndrome (ESCS) and, more recently, with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). NR2E3 acts as a suppressor of the cone generation program in late mitotic retinal progenitor cells. In adult rod photoreceptors, NR2E3 represses cone-specific gene expression and acts in concert with the transcription factors CRX and NRL to activate rod-specific genes. NR2E3 and CRX have been shown to physically interact in vitro through their respective DNA-binding domains (DBD). The DBD also contributes to homo- and heterodimerization of nuclear receptors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We analyzed NR2E3 homodimerization and NR2E3/CRX complex formation in an in vivo situation by Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET(2)). NR2E3 wild-type protein formed homodimers in transiently transfected HEK293T cells. NR2E3 homodimerization was impaired in presence of disease-causing mutations in the DBD, except for the p.R76Q and p.R104W mutant proteins. Strikingly, the adRP-linked p.G56R mutant protein interacted with CRX with a similar efficiency to that of NR2E3 wild-type and p.R311Q proteins. In contrast, all other NR2E3 DBD-mutant proteins did not interact with CRX. The p.G56R mutant protein was also more effective in abolishing the potentiation of rhodospin gene transactivation by the NR2E3 wild-type protein. In addition, the p.G56R mutant enhanced the transrepression of the M- and S-opsin promoter, while all other NR2E3 DBD-mutants did not. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest different disease mechanisms in adRP- and ESCS-patients carrying NR2E3 mutations. Titration of CRX by the p.G56R mutant protein acting as a repressor in trans may account for the severe clinical phenotype in adRP patients.


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The identification of genetic causes for Mendelian disorders has been based on the collection of multi-incident families, linkage analysis, and sequencing of genes in candidate intervals. This study describes the application of next-generation sequencing technologies to a Swiss kindred presenting with autosomal-dominant, late-onset Parkinson disease (PD). The family has tremor-predominant dopa-responsive parkinsonism with a mean onset of 50.6 ± 7.3 years. Exome analysis suggests that an aspartic-acid-to-asparagine mutation within vacuolar protein sorting 35 (VPS35 c.1858G>A; p.Asp620Asn) is the genetic determinant of disease. VPS35 is a central component of the retromer cargo-recognition complex, is critical for endosome-trans-golgi trafficking and membrane-protein recycling, and is evolutionarily highly conserved. VPS35 c.1858G>A was found in all affected members of the Swiss kindred and in three more families and one patient with sporadic PD, but it was not observed in 3,309 controls. Further sequencing of familial affected probands revealed only one other missense variant, VPS35 c.946C>T; (p.Pro316Ser), in a pedigree with one unaffected and two affected carriers, and thus the pathogenicity of this mutation remains uncertain. Retromer-mediated sorting and transport is best characterized for acid hydrolase receptors. However, the complex has many types of cargo and is involved in a diverse array of biologic pathways from developmental Wnt signaling to lysosome biogenesis. Our study implicates disruption of VPS35 and retromer-mediated trans-membrane protein sorting, rescue, and recycling in the neurodegenerative process leading to PD.


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We sought to explore the genotype-phenotype of Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS) patients in Saudi Arabia. We have also assessed the plausible effect of consanguinity into the pathology of JLNS. Six families with at least one JLNS-affected member attended our clinic between 2011 and 2013. Retrospective and prospective clinical data were collected and genetic investigation was performed. Pathogenic mutations in the KCNQ1 gene were detected in all JLNS patients. The homozygous mutations detected were Leu273Phe, Asp202Asn, Ile567Thr, and c.1486_1487delCT and compound heterozygous mutations were c.820_ 830del and c.1251+1G>T. All living JLNS patients except one had a QTc of >500 ms and a history of recurrent syncope. β-Blockers abolished the cardiac-related events in all patients except two siblings with homozygous Ile567Thr mutation. Four of the six mutations were originally reported in autosomal dominant long QT syndrome (LQTS) patients. Eighty percent of the heterozygote mutation carriers showed prolongation of QTc, but majority of these reported no symptoms attributable to arrhythmias. Mutations detected in this study will be advantageous in tribe and region-specific cascade screening of LQTS in Saudi Arabia.


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Autosomal dominant familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia (FDH)is characterized by modified human serum albumin (HSA) inducing asubstantially higher affinity for thyroxine (T4). Histidin or prolinsubstitution on residue R218 produces localized conformationalchanges of HSA creating additional room for T4 binding, leadingto 14-20 fold normal total T4 (TT4) levels. Affected individuals areconsidered euthyroid. Our patient is an 18 months-old swiss girl bornto a mother known for the rare R218P mutation in the HSA gene.She presented with severe failure to thrive (height -2.92 SD, weight-3.6 SD), habitual hip dislocation without anatomical anomaly, latefontanelle closing and protruding ears. Psychomotor development isslightly retarded. Thyroid function testing confirmed extremely high TT4(1446.0 nmol/l) levels, which are similar to her brother's values (1534.4nmol/l and 1757.6 nmol/l respectively). Free T4 seems slightly elevated(26 pmol/l), probably due to methodological reasons. TSH (0.92 mU/l),free T3 (4.4 pmol/l) and thyroxin binding globulin (32 mg/l) are withinthe normal range. Her two half-brothers, affected by the samemutation, are now 18.7 (P1) and 16.6 (P2) years old and wereoriginally described by S. Pannain et al. in 2000. Both werecharacterized by growth retardation (-2.1 and -2.2 SD) before the ageof 4 years. P1 has reached a normal adult height (-0.4 SD) and P2has caught up to normal growth (-0.68 SD) with moderate bonematuration delay. Pubertal development and anterior pituitary functionare adequate. Primary growth and developmental retardation in thefirst years of life with adequate catch-up seem to be a distinctcharacteristic in FDH with R218P mutation. Hip dislocation is typicallyseen in other situations associated to thyroid disorders, like Downsyndrome. These findings might be explained by altered early thyroidhormone utilization in children with FDH.


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OBJECTIVE: To report a novel phenotype of autosomal dominant atypical congenital cataract associated with variable expression of microcornea, microphthalmia, and iris coloboma linked to chromosome 2. Molecular analysis of this phenotype may improve our understanding of anterior segment development. DESIGN: Observational case study, genome linkage analysis, and gene mutation screening. PARTICIPANTS: Three families, 1 Egyptian and 2 Belgians, with a total of 31 affected were studied. METHODS: Twenty-one affected subjects and 9 first-degree relatives underwent complete ophthalmic examination. In the Egyptian family, exclusion of PAX6, CRYAA, and MAF genes was demonstrated by haplotype analysis using microsatellite markers on chromosomes 11, 16, and 21. Genome-wide linkage analysis was then performed using 385 microsatellite markers on this family. In the 2 Belgian families, the PAX6 gene was screened for mutations by direct sequencing of all exons. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Phenotype description, genome-wide linkage of the phenotype, linkage to the PAX6, CRYAA, and MAF genes, and mutation detection in the PAX6 gene. RESULTS: Affected members of the 3 families had bilateral congenital cataracts inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. A novel form of hexagonal nuclear cataract with cortical riders was expressed. Among affected subjects with available data, 95% had microcornea, 39% had microphthalmia, and 38% had iris coloboma. Seventy-five percent of the colobomata were atypical, showing a nasal superior location in 56%. A positive lod score of 4.86 was obtained at theta = 0 for D2S2309 on chromosome 2, a 4.9-Mb common haplotype flanked by D2S2309 and D2S2358 was obtained in the Egyptian family, and linkage to the PAX6, CRYAA, or MAF gene was excluded. In the 2 Belgian families, sequencing of the junctions and all coding exons of PAX6 did not reveal any molecular change. CONCLUSIONS: We describe a novel phenotype that includes the combination of a novel form of congenital hexagonal cataract, with variably expressed microcornea, microphthalmia, and atypical iris coloboma, not caused by PAX6 and mapping to chromosome 2. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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Abstract: Myotonic dystrophy (DM1), also known as Steinert disease, is an inherited autosomal dominant disease. It is characterized by myotonia, muscular weakness and atrophy, but DM1 may have manifestations in other organs such as eyes, heart, gonads, gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, as well as brain. In 1992, it was demonstrated that this complex disease results from the expansion of CTG repeats in the 3' untranslated region of the DM protein kinase (DMPK) gene on chromosome 19. The size of the inherited expansion is critically linked to the severity of the disease and the age of onset. Although several electrophysiological and histological studies have been carried out to verify the possible involvement of peripheral nerve abnormality with DM1, the results have not been univocal. Therefore, at present the possible association between peripheral neuropatliy and DM1 remains debated. Recently, transgenic mice have been generated, that carry the human genomic DM1 region with 300 CTG repeats, and display the human DMl phenotype. The generation of these DM1 transgenic mice provides a useful tool to investigate the type and incidence of structural abnormalities in the peripheral nervous system associated with DM1 disease. By using the DM1 transgenic mice, we investigated the presence/absence of the three major peripheral neuropathies: axonal degeneration, axonal demyelination and neuronopathy. The morphological and morphometric analysis of sciatic, sural and phrenic nerves demonstrated the absence of axonal degeneration or demyelination. The morphometric analysis also ruled out any loss in the numbers of sensory or motor neurons in lumbar dorsal root ganglia and lumbar spinal cord enlargement respectively. Moreover, the éxamination of serial hind limb muscle sections from DMl mice showed a normal intramuscular axonal arborization as well as the absence of changes in the number and structure of endplates. Finally, the electrophysiological tests performed in DM1 transgenic mice showed that the compound muscle axon potentials (CMAPs) elicited in the hind limb digits in response to a stimulation of the sciatic nerve with anear-nerve electrode were similar to thosé obtained in wild type mice. On the basis of all our results, we hypothesized that 300 CTG repeats are not sufficient to induce disorder in the peripheral nervous system of this DM1 transgenic mouse model. Résumé La dystrophie myotonique (DM1), connue aussi sous le nom de maladie de Steinert, est une maladie héréditaire autosornale dominante. Elle est caractérisée par une myotonie, une faiblesse et une atrophie musculaires, mais peut aussi se manifester dans d'autres organes tels que les yeux, les voies digestive et respiratoire, ou le cerveau. En 1992, il a été montré que cette maladie complexe résultait de l'expansion d'une répétition de CTG dans une partie non traduite en 3' du gène codant pour la protéine kinase DM (DMPK), sur le chromosome 19. La taille de l'expansion héritée est étroitement liée à la sévérité et l'âge d'apparition de DM1. Bien que plusieurs études électrophysiologiques et histologiques aient été menées, pour juger d'une implication possible d'anomalies au niveau du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1, les résultats n'ont jusqu'ici pas été univoques. Aujourd'hui, la question d'une neuropathie associée avec la DM1 reste donc controversée. Des souris transgéniques ont été élaborées, qui portent la séquence DM1 du génome humain avec 300 répétitions CTG et expriment le phénotype des patients DM1: Ces souris transgéniques DMl procurent un outil précieux pour l'étude du type et de l'incidence d'éventuelles anomalies du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1. En utilisant ces souris transgéniques DM1, nous avons étudié la présence ou l'absence des trois principaux types de neuropathies périphériques: la dégénération axonale, la démyélinisation axonale et la neuronopathie. Les études morphologiques et morphométrique des nerfs sciatiques, suraux et phréniques ont montré l'absence de dégénération axonale ou de démyélinisation. L'analyse du nombre de cellules neuronales n'a pas dévoilé de diminution des nombres de neurones sensitifs dans les ganglions des racines dorsales lombaires ou de neurones moteurs dans la moëlle épinière lombaire des souris transgéniques DMl. De plus, l'examen de coupes sériées de muscle des membres postérieurs de souris DM1 a montré une arborisation axonale intramusculaire normale, de même que l'absence d'irrégularité dans le nombre ou la structure des plaques motrices. Enfin, les tests électrophysiologiques effectués sur les souris DMl ont montré que les potentiels d'action de la composante musculaire (CMAPs) évoqués dans les doigts des membres postérieurs, en réponse à une stimulation du nerf sciatique à l'aide d'une électrode paranerveuse, étaient identiques à ceux observées chez les souris sauvages. Sur la base de l'ensemble de ces résultats, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que 300 répétitions CTG ne sont pas suffisantes pour induire d'altérations dans le système nerveux périphérique du modèle de souris transgéniques DM 1.


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: Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome (BHD) is a rare condition, transmitted as an autosomal-dominant trait. The etiology is due to a mutation in the BHD gene, which encodes folliculin (FLCN), located on chromosome 17p. The skin changes observed are benign skin tumors consisting of hamartomas of the hair follicle with dermal changes. Patients with BHD have an increased risk of spontaneous pneumothorax due to rupture of lung cysts and an increased risk of kidney tumors. We report 3 new cases of BHD and discuss their clinical features, histopathological findings, and molecular diagnostics. We highlight the importance of genetic analysis to confirm the diagnosis because of the clinical pitfalls involved in establishing a diagnosis. Finally, we discuss the histopathological features in BHD and tuberous sclerosis complex and focus on their overlapping criterias. A correct diagnosis is essential as it can be life saving for patients.


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Purpose:NR2E3 (PNR) is an orphan nuclear receptor essential for proper photoreceptor determination and differentiation. In humans, mutations in NR2E3 have been associated with the recessively inherited enhanced short wavelength sensitive (S-) cone syndrome (ESCS) and, more recently, with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). NR2E3 acts in concert with the transcription factors Crx and Nrl to repress cone-specific genes and activate rod-specific genes. NR2E3 and Crx have been shown to physically interact by their DNA-binding domain (DBD), which may also be implicated in the dimerization process of the nuclear receptor. However, neither NR2E3 homodimerization nor NR2E3/Crx complex formation has been investigated in detail. Methods:In this present work, we analyzed the dimerization of the NR2E3 protein and its interaction with Crx by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET2) which utilizes Renilla luciferase (hRluc) protein and its substrate DeepBlueC as an energy donor and a mutant green fluorescent protein (GFP2) as the acceptor. We investigated, on whole intact cells, the role of NR2E3 DBD-mutations in dimerization and association with Crx. Results:We clearly showed that NR2E3 formed homodimers in HEK-293T cells. Moreover, all causative NR2E3 mutations present in the DBD of the protein showed an alteration in dimerization, except for the R76Q and the R104W mutants. Interestingly, the adRP-linked G56R mutant was the only DBD-NR2E3 mutant that showed a correct interaction with Crx. Finally, we observed a decrease in rhodospin gene transactivation for all DBD-NR2E3 mutants tested and no potentiation for the adRP-linked G56R mutant. In addition, the p.G56R mutant enhanced the transrepression of M-opsin promoter, while all other DBD-NR2E3 mutants did not repress M-opsin transactivation. Conclusions:A defect, either in the dimer formation or in the interaction of NR2E3 with Crx, leads to abnormal transcriptional activity on rhodopsin and M-opsin promoter and to an atypical retinal development; while the titration of Crx by p.G56R-NR2E3 leads to low levels of rhodopsin and M-opsin expression and may be responsible for the strong adRP phenotype.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder resulting from polyglutamine expansion in the huntingtin (HTT) protein and for which there is no cure. Although suppression of both wild type and mutant HTT expression by RNA interference is a promising therapeutic strategy, a selective silencing of mutant HTT represents the safest approach preserving WT HTT expression and functions. We developed small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) targeting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) present in the HTT gene to selectively target the disease HTT isoform. Most of these shRNAs silenced, efficiently and selectively, mutant HTT in vitro. Lentiviral-mediated infection with the shRNAs led to selective degradation of mutant HTT mRNA and prevented the apparition of neuropathology in HD rat's striatum expressing mutant HTT containing the various SNPs. In transgenic BACHD mice, the mutant HTT allele was also silenced by this approach, further demonstrating the potential for allele-specific silencing. Finally, the allele-specific silencing of mutant HTT in human embryonic stem cells was accompanied by functional recovery of the vesicular transport of BDNF along microtubules. These findings provide evidence of the therapeutic potential of allele-specific RNA interference for HD.


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Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis (MCTO) is a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by aggressive osteolysis, particularly affecting the carpal and tarsal bones, and is frequently associated with progressive renal failure. Using exome capture and next-generation sequencing in five unrelated simplex cases of MCTO, we identified previously unreported missense mutations clustering within a 51 base pair region of the single exon of MAFB, validated by Sanger sequencing. A further six unrelated simplex cases with MCTO were also heterozygous for previously unreported mutations within this same region, as were affected members of two families with autosomal-dominant MCTO. MAFB encodes a transcription factor that negatively regulates RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and is essential for normal renal development. Identification of this gene paves the way for development of novel therapeutic approaches for this crippling disease and provides insight into normal bone and kidney development.


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PURPOSE: Phenotypic, genetic and molecular characterization of 69 index patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and various inherited retinal diseases. PATIENTS AND METHOD: patients went through complete ocular examination and blood samples were drawn for mutational screening of three candidate genes: rhodopsin (RHO), peripherin/RDS, and ROM-1. RESULTS: the most frequent type of RP among our population was the autosomal dominant (43.6%). Three RHO mutations were found among the RP patients. A RDS mutation was detected in three unrelated families segregating dominant macular dystrophy. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: 18% of the autosomal dominant RP patients presented a RHO mutation; RDS R172W mutation was present in 25% of the dominant macular dystrophies.


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Background : Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma), characterized by ichthyotic, rippled hyperkeratosis, erythroderma and skin blistering, is a rare autosomal dominant disease caused by mutations in keratin 1 or keratin 10 (K10) genes. A severe phenotype is caused by a missense mutation in a highly conserved arginine residue at position 156 (R156) in K10. Objectives: To analyse molecular pathomechanisms of hyperproliferation and hyperkeratosis, we investigated the defects in mechanosensation and mechanotransduction in keratinocytes carrying the K10R156H mutation. Methods: Differentiated primary human keratinocytes infected with lentiviral vectors carrying wild-type K10 (K10wt) or mutated K10R156H were subjected to 20% isoaxial stretch. Cellular fragility and mechanosensation were studied by analysis of mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and cytokine release. Results: Cultured keratinocytes expressing K10R156H showed keratin aggregate formation at the cell periphery, whereas the filament network in K10wt cells was normal. Under stretching conditions K10R156H keratinocytes exhibited about a twofold higher level of filament collapse compared with steady state. In stretched K10R156H cells, higher p38 activation, higher release of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and RANTES but reduced interleukin-1 beta secretion compared with K10wt cells was observed. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that the R156H mutation in K10 destabilizes the keratin intermediate filament network and affects stress signalling and inflammatory responses to mechanical stretch in differentiated cultured keratinocytes.


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A male infant showed a humeral diaphysis fracture at 5 months of age and a distal tibial physis fracture at 2 years of age. A specialized consultant ruled out child abuse. This child had the characteristic features of type I osteogenesis imperfecta: blue sclerae, osseous fragility, and presumably autosomal dominant inheritance, as his father suffered from similar disorders. Later on, multiple painful osteochondromas were also found and some of these were surgically treated. The child's mother showed several peripheral osteochondromas. We describe the follow-up of this patient up to the age of 18 years. To our knowledge, the fortuitous association of these two inherited conditions has not been reported in medical literature.


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Pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) are relatively common skeletal dysplasias resulting in short-limbed dwarfism, joint pain, and stiffness. PSACH and the largest proportion of autosomal dominant MED (AD-MED) results from mutations in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP); however, AD-MED is genetically heterogenous and can also result from mutations in matrilin-3 (MATN3) and type IX collagen (COL9A1, COL9A2, and COL9A3). In contrast, autosomal recessive MED (rMED) appears to result exclusively from mutations in sulphate transporter solute carrier family 26 (SLC26A2). The diagnosis of PSACH and MED can be difficult for the nonexpert due to various complications and similarities with other related diseases and often mutation analysis is requested to either confirm or exclude the diagnosis. Since 2003, the European Skeletal Dysplasia Network (ESDN) has used an on-line review system to efficiently diagnose cases referred to the network prior to mutation analysis. In this study, we present the molecular findings in 130 patients referred to ESDN, which includes the identification of novel and recurrent mutations in over 100 patients. Furthermore, this study provides the first indication of the relative contribution of each gene and confirms that they account for the majority of PSACH and MED.