89 resultados para Alveolar osteitis


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To determine the separate and interactive effects of fetal inflammation and neonatal hyperoxia on the developing lung, we hypothesized that: 1) antenatal endotoxin (ETX) causes sustained abnormalities of infant lung structure; and 2) postnatal hyperoxia augments the adverse effects of antenatal ETX on infant lung growth. Escherichia coli ETX or saline (SA) was injected into amniotic sacs in pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats at 20 days of gestation. Pups were delivered 2 days later and raised in room air (RA) or moderate hyperoxia (O₂, 80% O₂ at Denver's altitude, ∼65% O₂ at sea level) from birth through 14 days of age. Heart and lung tissues were harvested for measurements. Intra-amniotic ETX caused right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) and decreased lung vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) protein contents at birth. In ETX-exposed rats (ETX-RA), alveolarization and vessel density were decreased, pulmonary vascular wall thickness percentage was increased, and RVH was persistent throughout the study period compared with controls (SA-RA). After antenatal ETX, moderate hyperoxia increased lung VEGF and VEGFR-2 protein contents in ETX-O₂ rats and improved their alveolar and vascular structure and RVH compared with ETX-RA rats. In contrast, severe hyperoxia (≥95% O₂ at Denver's altitude) further reduced lung vessel density after intra-amniotic ETX exposure. We conclude that intra-amniotic ETX induces fetal pulmonary hypertension and causes persistent abnormalities of lung structure with sustained pulmonary hypertension in infant rats. Moreover, moderate postnatal hyperoxia after antenatal ETX restores lung growth and prevents pulmonary hypertension during infancy.


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PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: Fracture of the tibial pilon is a rare injury and its treatment remains difficult. The aim of this study was to report the complications and long term results of internal fixation using a technique which respects soft tissues and in which little material was used. MATERIAL: From 1985 to 1990, 48 patients with 51 fractures of the tibial pilon were treated by open reduction and internal fixation. All patients were submitted to a clinical and radiological review. METHODS: Both the Rüedi/Allgöwer and the AO-classification were used and determined by standard X-rays. Surgical procedure was performed with a 2 or 3 1/3 tube AO-plates and the peroneus was always fixed if fractured. Intraoperative reconstruction was analyzed. Subjective and objective scoring were used according to Olerud and Molander and the ankle arthritis was scored according to the classification determined by the SOFCOT in 1992. RESULTS: A minimal follow-up of 1 year for all cases was obtained, based on our own files. Thirty-eight patients (40 fractures) were evaluated after an average period of 88 months (56 to 124 months). Five patients developed cutaneous infection, three developed deep infection and four developed superficial skin necrosis. One aseptic non-union necessitated reoperation after 14 months. Two ankles had joint fusion after 19 and 25 months respectively due to severe arthritis. In six cases infectious and non-infectious complications led to surgical revision. According to the Olerud and Molander score, 15 per cent of the results were excellent, 45 per cent were good, 30 per cent were fair and 10 per cent poor. DISCUSSION: Literature shows a wide range of results following this surgical procedure. This is due to the difference in the type of trauma, classification system used, material used for the internal fixation and method of evaluation. The classification system of Rüedi and Allgöwer is the most commonly used but has a rather subjective tendency, especially between type II and type III. Treatment is difficult, especially for comminutive fractures associated with soft tissue damage. In this case, open reduction and internal fixation could increase iatrogenic lesions. For this reason surgical procedure can be delayed for several days, little material is used and soft tissue manipulation is reduced to minimum. In other study reports, the use of external fixation with or without minimal internal fixation have produced less complications without improving long term results. CONCLUSION: Analysis and comparison of study reports are difficult because of the absence of consensus in classification system and evaluation methods. The AO-classification, apparently the most objective, will probably be more and more used in the future. Treatment must be adapted to the bony lesion and soft tissue damage. Open reduction and internal fixation must be reserved for a specific group of lesion.


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Intracellular bacteria are common causes of community-acquired pneumonia that grow poorly or not at all on standard culture media and do not respond to beta-lactam antibiotic therapy. Apart from well-established agents of pneumonia such as Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Chlamydia psittaci and Coxiella burnetii, some new emerging pathogens have recently been recognized, mainly Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and Simkania negevensis, two Chlamydia-related bacteria. Most of them are causes of benign and self-limited infections. However, they may cause severe pneumonia in some cases (i.e., Legionnaires' disease) and they may cause outbreaks representing a public health problem deserving prompt recognition and appropriate therapy. Although extrapulmonary manifestations are often present, no clinical features allow them to be distinguished from classical bacterial agents of pneumonia such as Streptococcus pneumoniae. Thus, specific molecular diagnostic tools are very helpful for early recognition of the offending bacteria, whereas serology often only allows retrospective or late diagnosis. Macrolides remain the best empirical treatment of intracellular respiratory pathogens, although some observational studies suggest that quinolones may be superior for the treatment of legionellosis.


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Abstract : The female reproductive hormones estrogen, progesterone and prolactin control postnatal breast development and are important to breast carcinogenesis. The mechanisms by which they elicit proliferation and morphogenesis remain poorly understood. Using the mouse as a model to study the molecular mechanisms through which hormones elicit morphogenetic changes in the mammary gland in vivo, we found the Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand, a Tumor Necrosis Factor family member, to be strongly induced by progesterone. Recent publications suggested that hormone dependant RANKURANK signals are involved in the terminal differentiation of mammary gland alveolar buds into lobulo-alveolar structures competent for lactation. I show that in the absence of epithelial RANKL a distinct earlier stage of mammary gland development, side branch formation, is blocked. RANKL acts as a major mediator downstream of progesterone; it is required for progesterone-induced paracrine proliferation and completely rescues the mutant phenotype when ectopically expressed in progesterone receptor (PR) KO mammary epithelia. RANKL is not required for cell autonomous division of estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) /PR positive cells. Cyclin D1, previously implicated as a mediator of RANKL, is not affected by ablation of RANKL and is not required for RANKL-induced paracrine proliferation but for the cell autonomous proliferation. Gene expression arrays to find specific RANKL downstream targets have identified Id4, ElfS and one secreted metalloprotease (Adamtsl8) as potential candidates validated by Q-RT-PCR. Interestingly, Id4 and Adamtsl8 are expressed by the myoepithelial cells. Their expression additionally coincides with RANKL mRNA expression at mid pregnancy, possibly implying a functional contribution of both genes to RANKL mediated sidebranch formation. ElfS in contrast, is found to be strongly expressed by the end of pregnancy supporting recent findings of a prolactin mediated regulation. As for RANKL, this gene was in particular induced in luminal cells. Taken together, I report that progesterone is the major proliferative stimulus in the adult mammary gland eliciting proliferation of ERaJPR positive cells by a cell autonomous, cyclin D1-dependent and a paracrine RANKL-dependent mechanism. My work moreover suggests, that RANKL acts as a major orchestrator affecting different downstream mediators, through which progesterone exerts its effects concomitantly on different cellular compartments. Résumé : Les hormones sexuelles telles que l'oestrogène, la progestérone et la prolactine contrôlent le développement postnatal du sein et sont impliquées dans la cazcinogenèse. Les mécanismes par lesquels elles induisent la prolifération et la morphogénèse demeurent incompris. En utilisant la souris comme modèle, J'ai trouvé que le ligand activateur du récepteur de NFκB, une protéine de la famille du facteur de nécrose des tumeurs, peut être fortement induit par la progestérone. Les publications récentes ont suggéré que cette protéine est nécessaire à la fin de la grossesse, quand les cellules sécrétrices du lait apparaissent. Par des techniques de transplantation d'épithélium, je montre contrairement aux études précédentes, qu'en l'absence de RANKL dans l'épithélium une partie distincte du développement mammaire, la formation de branches latérales, est bloquée. La progestérone agit de manière pazacrine par l'intermédiaire de 12ANKL pour induire la prolifération tandis que la mort cellulaire n'est pas affectée. De plus, l'injection d'une protéine recombinante RANKL dans une souris mutante pour le récepteur à la progestérone induit la prolifération des cellules épithéliales en l'absence de grossesse ; la surexpression de RANKL dans ces mêmes mutants mène à une réversion complète du phénotype. Mes expériences démontrent que la progestérone induit deux types distincts de prolifération. Un premier type direct dans laquelle les cellules positives au récepteur à la progestérone prolifèrent. Cette division cellulaire est alors indépendante de RANKL mais dépendante de la cycline D1. Le second type de prolifération est induit par un mécanisme pazacrine et dépend de RANKL mais pas de la cycline D1. Ici, les cellules négatives au récepteur à la progestérone prolifèrent. Pour détecter des gènes cibles de la voie de signalisation du RANKL, un profil d'expression des gènes a été généré. Les facteurs de transcription Id4, EIf5 et une métalloprotéase sécrétée (Adamtsl8) ont été identifiés en tant que cibles potentielles. D'autres analyses de validation démontrent qu'Id4, Adamtsl8, RANKL mais pas E1f5 sont fortement exprimés au cours de la grossesse, coïncidant avec la formation de branchements latéraux induit par progestérone. EIf5 s'est avéré être exprimé vers la fin de la grossesse appuyant des résultats récents proposant une régulation par la prolactine. Le système canalaire mammaire se compose de couches cellulaires: une couche interne de cellules luminales et une externe de cellules myoépithéliale. Les expériences génétiques d'expression ont révélé que RANKL. et E1f5 sont exprimés dans la partie luminale tandis qu'Id4 et Adamtsl8 sont dans les cellules myoépithéliales. En conclusion, je prouve que la progestérone est le stimulus principal induisant la prolifération dans la glande mammaire d'adulte. Deux mécanismes de prolifération sont impliqués: l'un direct dépendant de la cycline Dl et l'autre paracrine dépendant de RANKI.. Mon travail suggère par ailleurs que RANKL agit en tant que médiateur important, par lequel la progestérone exerce ses effets sur différents compartiments cellulaires tels que la coordination de la prolifération des cellules épithéliales avec la réorganisation de la matrice extracellulaire et de la membrane basale exigées pour la morphogénèse du système canalaire latéral.


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Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare and enigmatic clonal disorder that affects mainly children. It is characterized by single or multiple granulomatous mass lesions composed of cells with the Langerhans' cell phenotype. Clinical presentation and behavior are heterogeneous and can range from a solitary lytic bone lesion (i.e., eosinophilic granuloma) with a favorable course to a fatal disseminated leukaemia-like form, with a wide spectrum of intermediate clinical presentations between these two extremes. Although LCH typically involves the bone, lesions can be found in almost all organs. We are reporting the case of a multisystem LCH in a 47-year-old patient who presented with a panhypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus, and who, 5 years later, developed mandibular, mastoid and femoral lesions. The final diagnosis of LCH was made on mandibular biopsy.


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BACKGROUND: Pulmonary edema results from a persistent imbalance between forces that drive water into the air space and the physiologic mechanisms that remove it. Among the latter, the absorption of liquid driven by active alveolar transepithelial sodium transport has an important role; a defect of this mechanism may predispose patients to pulmonary edema. Beta-adrenergic agonists up-regulate the clearance of alveolar fluid and attenuate pulmonary edema in animal models. METHODS: In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, we assessed the effects of prophylactic inhalation of the beta-adrenergic agonist salmeterol on the incidence of pulmonary edema during exposure to high altitudes (4559 m, reached in less than 22 hours) in 37 subjects who were susceptible to high-altitude pulmonary edema. We also measured the nasal transepithelial potential difference, a marker of the transepithelial sodium and water transport in the distal airways, in 33 mountaineers who were prone to high-altitude pulmonary edema and 33 mountaineers who were resistant to this condition. RESULTS: Prophylactic inhalation of salmeterol decreased the incidence of high-altitude pulmonary edema in susceptible subjects by more than 50 percent, from 74 percent with placebo to 33 percent (P=0.02). The nasal potential-difference value under low-altitude conditions was more than 30 percent lower in the subjects who were susceptible to high-altitude pulmonary edema than in those who were not susceptible (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic inhalation of a beta-adrenergic agonist reduces the risk of high-altitude pulmonary edema. Sodium-dependent absorption of liquid from the airways may be defective in patients who are susceptible to high-altitude pulmonary edema. These findings support the concept that sodium-driven clearance of alveolar fluid may have a pathogenic role in pulmonary edema in humans and therefore represent an appropriate target for therapy.


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PURPOSE: To improve the risk stratification of patients with rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) through the use of clinical and molecular biologic data. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Two independent data sets of gene-expression profiling for 124 and 101 patients with RMS were used to derive prognostic gene signatures by using a meta-analysis. These and a previously published metagene signature were evaluated by using cross validation analyses. A combined clinical and molecular risk-stratification scheme that incorporated the PAX3/FOXO1 fusion gene status was derived from 287 patients with RMS and evaluated. RESULTS: We showed that our prognostic gene-expression signature and the one previously published performed well with reproducible and significant effects. However, their effect was reduced when cross validated or tested in independent data and did not add new prognostic information over the fusion gene status, which is simpler to assay. Among nonmetastatic patients, patients who were PAX3/FOXO1 positive had a significantly poorer outcome compared with both alveolar-negative and PAX7/FOXO1-positive patients. Furthermore, a new clinicomolecular risk score that incorporated fusion gene status (negative and PAX3/FOXO1 and PAX7/FOXO1 positive), Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study TNM stage, and age showed a significant increase in performance over the current risk-stratification scheme. CONCLUSION: Gene signatures can improve current stratification of patients with RMS but will require complex assays to be developed and extensive validation before clinical application. A significant majority of their prognostic value was encapsulated by the fusion gene status. A continuous risk score derived from the combination of clinical parameters with the presence or absence of PAX3/FOXO1 represents a robust approach to improving current risk-adapted therapy for RMS.


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Renal osteodystrophy is an amalgam of a number of distinct pathological conditions, in particular, hyperparathyroidism and osteomalacia. In addition, there may be a change in the guantity of bone, i.e., osteopenia (osteoporosis) or osteosclerosis. While bone biopsy may be the most reliable method for detecting these lesions, it is not yet a routine procedure in many centers. Radiological assessment of the bones, therefore, is the most widely used method for assessing the type and severity of the bone lesions in patients with chronic renal failure. This article reviews the world literature and pays attention to conventional radiological techniques as well as macroradiography. In addition, studies in which radiological appearances are correlated with histological appearances are described. Mention is also made of the effects on radiological bone disease of dialysis and transplantation. Consideration is also given to the manifestations of soft-tissue calcification, both of the vascular and subcutaneous type, and to the effects of treatment.


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A patent foramen ovale (PFO), present in ∼40% of the general population, is a potential source of right-to-left shunt that can impair pulmonary gas exchange efficiency [i.e., increase the alveolar-to-arterial Po2 difference (A-aDO2)]. Prior studies investigating human acclimatization to high-altitude with A-aDO2 as a key parameter have not investigated differences between subjects with (PFO+) or without a PFO (PFO-). We hypothesized that in PFO+ subjects A-aDO2 would not improve (i.e., decrease) after acclimatization to high altitude compared with PFO- subjects. Twenty-one (11 PFO+) healthy sea-level residents were studied at rest and during cycle ergometer exercise at the highest iso-workload achieved at sea level (SL), after acute transport to 5,260 m (ALT1), and again at 5,260 m after 16 days of high-altitude acclimatization (ALT16). In contrast to PFO- subjects, PFO+ subjects had 1) no improvement in A-aDO2 at rest and during exercise at ALT16 compared with ALT1, 2) no significant increase in resting alveolar ventilation, or alveolar Po2, at ALT16 compared with ALT1, and consequently had 3) an increased arterial Pco2 and decreased arterial Po2 and arterial O2 saturation at rest at ALT16. Furthermore, PFO+ subjects had an increased incidence of acute mountain sickness (AMS) at ALT1 concomitant with significantly lower peripheral O2 saturation (SpO2). These data suggest that PFO+ subjects have increased susceptibility to AMS when not taking prophylactic treatments, that right-to-left shunt through a PFO impairs pulmonary gas exchange efficiency even after acclimatization to high altitude, and that PFO+ subjects have blunted ventilatory acclimatization after 16 days at altitude compared with PFO- subjects.


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BACKGROUND: To determine the clinical presentation, current treatment and outcome of children with nonbacterial inflammatory bone disease. METHODS: Retrospective multicenter study of patients entered into the Swiss Pediatric Rheumatology Working Group registry with a diagnosis of chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) and synovitis acne pustulosis hyperostosis osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome. The charts were reviewed for informations about disease presentation, treatment, course and outcome. RESULTS: Forty-one children (31 girls and 10 boys) from 6 pediatric hospitals in Switzerland diagnosed between 1995 and 2010 were included in the study. The diagnosis was multifocal CNO (n = 33), unifocal CNO (n = 4) and SAPHO syndrome (n = 4). Mean age at onset of CNO was 9.5 years (range 1.4-15.6) and mean follow-up time was 52 months (range 6-156 months). Most patients (n = 27) had a chronic persistent disease course (>6 months), 8 patients had a course with one or more relapses and 6 patients had only one episode of CNO. Forty nine percent had received at least one course of antibiotics. In 57% treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) was sufficient to control the disease. Twelve out of 16 children with NSAID failure subsequently received corticosteroids, methotrexate, TNF α inhibitors, bisphosphonates or a combination of these drugs. CONCLUSIONS: In a multicenter cohort of 41 children 22% started with unifocal lesion with a significant diagnostic delay. A higher proportion presented with chronic persistent disease than with a recurrent form. An osteomyelitis in the pelvic region is significantly associated with other features of juvenile spondylarthritis.


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BACKGROUND: Granulomatous reaction to Pneumocystis jirovecii is a rare but well-known pathological finding encountered in the setting of immunosuppression, HIV infection being the most common cause. It can also potentially complicate the treatment of hematological malignancies, typically when drugs lowering the count and function of lymphocytes are used. Lung biopsy is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of granulomatous P. jirovecii pneumonia, whereas the diffuse alveolar form is usually detected cytologically in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). CASE: A female patient pursuing R-CHOP chemotherapy for the treatment of multiple hematological malignancies developed a rapidly progressing dyspnea. Chest CT scans revealed a worsening of a known infiltrative lung disease thought to be secondary to her chemotherapy. Alterations compatible with a drug-induced interstitial lung disease and well-formed focally necrotizing granulomas were observed on an open lung biopsy, but no microorganism was identified with special stains. Eventually, a granulomatous reaction to P. jirovecii was found in a BAL and allowed appropriate treatment with rapid improvement of the dyspnea. CONCLUSION: Because granulomas are tissue-bound structures, they are rarely described in BAL. This article describes the first reported cytological diagnosis of a granulomatous reaction to P. jirovecii and the potential diagnostic interest of such a peculiar finding.


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Parachlamydia acanthamoebae is an obligate intracellular bacterium naturally infecting free-living amoebae. The role of this bacterium as an agent of pneumonia is suggested by sero-epidemiological studies and molecular surveys. Furthermore, P. acanthamoebae may escape macrophages microbicidal effectors. Recently, we demonstrated that intratracheal inoculation of P. acanthamoebae induced pneumonia in 100% of infected mice. However, the intratracheal route of infection is not the natural way of infection and we therefore developed an intranasal murine model. Mice inoculated with P. acanthamoebae by intranasal inoculation lost 18% of their weight up to 8 days post-inoculation. All mice presented histological signs of pneumonia at day 2, 4, 7, and 10 post-inoculation, whereas no control mice harboured signs of pneumonia. A 5-fold increase in bacterial load was observed from day 0 to day 4 post-inoculation. Lungs of inoculated mice were positive by Parachlamydia-specific immunohistochemistry 4 days post-inoculation, and P. acanthamoebae were localized within macrophages. Thus, we demonstrated that P. acanthamoebae induce a severe pneumonia in mice. This animal model (i) further supports the role of P. acanthamoebae as an agent of pneumonia, confirming the third Koch postulate, and (ii) identified alveolar macrophages as one of the initial cells where P. acanthamoebae is localized following infection.


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PURPOSE: Pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) has two common histologic subtypes: embryonal (ERMS) and alveolar (ARMS). PAX-FOXO1 fusion gene status is a more reliable prognostic marker than alveolar histology, whereas fusion gene-negative (FN) ARMS patients are clinically similar to ERMS patients. A five-gene expression signature (MG5) previously identified two diverse risk groups within the fusion gene-negative RMS (FN-RMS) patients, but this has not been independently validated. The goal of this study was to test whether expression of the MG5 metagene, measured using a technical platform that can be applied to routine pathology material, would correlate with outcome in a new cohort of patients with FN-RMS. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Cases were taken from the Children's Oncology Group (COG) D9803 study of children with intermediate-risk RMS, and gene expression profiling for the MG5 genes was performed using the nCounter assay. The MG5 score was correlated with clinical and pathologic characteristics as well as overall and event-free survival. RESULTS: MG5 standardized score showed no significant association with any of the available clinicopathologic variables. The MG5 signature score showed a significant correlation with overall (N = 57; HR, 7.3; 95% CI, 1.9-27.0; P = 0.003) and failure-free survival (N = 57; HR, 6.1; 95% CI, 1.9-19.7; P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: This represents the first, validated molecular prognostic signature for children with FN-RMS who otherwise have intermediate-risk disease. The capacity to measure the expression of a small number of genes in routine pathology material and apply a simple mathematical formula to calculate the MG5 metagene score provides a clear path toward better risk stratification in future prospective clinical trials. Clin Cancer Res; 21(20); 4733-9. ©2015 AACR.


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In elderly patients, a blunt trauma of the chest is associated with a significant risk of complications and mortality. The number of ribs fractures (≥ 4), the presence of bilateral rib fractures, of a pulmonary contusion, of existent comorbidities or acute extra-thoracic traumatic lesions, and lastly the severity of thoracic pain, are indeed important risk factors of complications and mortality. Their presence may require hospitalization of the patient. When complications do occur, they are represented by alveolar hypoventilation, pulmonary atelectasia and broncho-pulmonary infections. When hospitalization is required, it may allow for the specific treatment of thoracic pain, including locoregional anesthesia techniques.