349 resultados para Acetone Molecule Can


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OBJECTIVE: Eye drops of aganirsen, an antisense oligonucleotide preventing insulin receptor substrate-1 expression, inhibited corneal neovascularization in a previous dose-finding phase II study. We aimed to confirm these results in a phase III study and investigated a potential clinical benefit on visual acuity (VA), quality of life (QoL), and need for transplantation. DESIGN: Multicenter, double-masked, randomized, placebo-controlled phase III study. PARTICIPANTS: Analysis of 69 patients with keratitis-related progressive corneal neovascularization randomized to aganirsen (34 patients) or placebo (35 patients). Patients applied aganirsen eye drops (86 μg/day/eye) or placebo twice daily for 90 days and were followed up to day 180. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary end point was VA. Secondary end points included area of pathologic corneal neovascularization, need for transplantation, risk of graft rejection, and QoL. RESULTS: Although no significant differences in VA scores between groups were observed, aganirsen significantly reduced the relative corneal neovascularization area after 90 days by 26.20% (P = 0.014). This improvement persisted after 180 days (26.67%, P = 0.012). Aganirsen tended to lower the transplantation need in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population at day 180 (P = 0.087). In patients with viral keratitis and central neovascularization, a significant reduction in transplantation need was achieved (P = 0.048). No significant differences between groups were observed in the risk of graft rejection. However, aganirsen tended to decrease this risk in patients with traumatic/viral keratitis (P = 0.162) at day 90. The QoL analyses revealed a significant improvement with aganirsen in composite and near activity subscores (P = 0.039 and 0.026, respectively) at day 90 in the per protocol population. Ocular and treatment-related treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were reported in a lower percentage with aganirsen compared with placebo. Only 3 serious TEAEs (2 with aganirsen and 1 with placebo) were considered treatment-related. CONCLUSIONS: This first phase III study on a topical inhibitor of corneal angiogenesis showed that aganirsen eye drops significantly inhibited corneal neovascularization in patients with keratitis. The need for transplantation was significantly reduced in patients with viral keratitis and central neovascularization. Topical application of aganirsen was safe and well tolerated.


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: the main purpose of this longitudinal study was to determine the impact of risky single occasion drinking (RSOD) frequency on alcohol dependence and drinking consequences reported 15 months later. METHODS: As a baseline sample, 5,990 young men were assessed on their drinking habits including the frequency of RSOD. Of them, 5,196 were reassessed at follow-up 15 months later on RSOD frequency, alcohol dependence and alcohol related consequences in thze interceding year. Drop out biases were investigated. RESULTS: Around 45% of the baseline participants reported regular RSOD (every month or more frequently). Despite the fact that RSOD distribution was generally stable during the initial sample, 47.4% reported a variation of their RSOD frequency 15 months later. Around 25% of the sample reported reduced RSOD frequency. Nonetheless, occasional RS drinkers were more likely to become regular (monthly) RSO drinkers at follow up. Daily and weekly RSOD were associated with high proportions of alcohol dependence and detrimental consequences of drinking. Surprisingly, abstainers at baseline were more likely to be at risk of alcohol dependence and consequences at follow up than non-RSO drinkers. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the fact that alcohol abstinence is logically the best way to avoid the detrimental consequences of alcohol drinking, abstainers at baseline reported as many problems due to alcohol use at follow up as occasional or monthly RSO drinkers. The few participants who had become RSO drinkers during the follow up period were indeed likely to engage in detrimental behaviour. Non-RSO drinkers had the fewest problems due to alcohol use. This substantiates the early occurrence of drinking consequences among inexperienced RSO drinkers.


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Living as a commensal, Candida albicans must adapt and respond to environmental cues generated by the mammalian host and by microbes comprising the natural flora. These signals have opposing effects on C. albicans, with host cues promoting the yeast-to-hyphal transition and bacteria-derived quorum-sensing molecules inhibiting hyphal development. Hyphal development is regulated through modulation of the cyclic AMP (cAMP)/protein kinase A (PKA) signaling pathway, and it has been postulated that quorum-sensing molecules can affect filamentation by inhibiting the cAMP pathway. Here, we show that both farnesol and 3-oxo-C(12)-homoserine lactone, a quorum-sensing molecule secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, block hyphal development by affecting cAMP signaling; they both directly inhibited the activity of the Candida adenylyl cyclase, Cyr1p. In contrast, the 12-carbon alcohol dodecanol appeared to modulate hyphal development and the cAMP signaling pathway without directly affecting the activity of Cyr1p. Instead, we show that dodecanol exerted its effects through a mechanism involving the C. albicans hyphal repressor, Sfl1p. Deletion of SFL1 did not affect the response to farnesol but did interfere with the response to dodecanol. Therefore, quorum sensing in C. albicans is mediated via multiple mechanisms of action. Interestingly, our experiments raise the possibility that the Burkholderia cenocepacia diffusible signal factor, BDSF, also mediates its effects via Sfl1p, suggesting that dodecanol's mode of action, but not farnesol or 3-oxo-C(12)-homoserine lactone, may be used by other quorum-sensing molecules.


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Epoetin-delta (Dynepo Shire Pharmaceuticals, Basing stoke, UK) is a synthetic form of erythropoietin (EPO) whose resemblance with endogenous EPO makes it hard to identify using the classical identification criteria. Urine samples collected from six healthy volunteers treated with epoetin-delta injections and from a control population were immuno-purified and analyzed with the usual IEF method. On the basis of the EPO profiles integration, a linear multivariate model was computed for discriminant analysis. For each sample, a pattern classification algorithm returned a bands distribution and intensity score (bands intensity score) saying how representative this sample is of one of the two classes, positive or negative. Effort profiles were also integrated in the model. The method yielded a good sensitivity versus specificity relation and was used to determine the detection window of the molecule following multiple injections. The bands intensity score, which can be generalized to epoetin-alpha and epoetin-beta, is proposed as an alternative criterion and a supplementary evidence for the identification of EPO abuse.


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Functionally naive CD8 T cells in peripheral blood from adult humans can be fully described by their CD45RA(bright)CCR7(+)CD62L(+) cell surface phenotype. Cord blood lymphocytes, from healthy newborns, are homogenously functionally naive. Accordingly, the majority of cord blood CD8 T cells express the same pattern of cell surface molecules. Unexpectedly, however, a significant fraction of cord blood CD8 T cells express neither CCR7 nor CD62L. Yet these cells remain functionally naive as they contain high levels of TCR excision circles, have long telomeres, display highly polyclonal TCRs, and do not exhibit immediate effector functions. In addition, these CD8 T cells already represent a significant fraction of the mature naive CD8 single-positive thymocyte repertoire and may selectively express the cutaneous lymphocyte Ag. We suggest that CD8 single-positive thymocytes comprise two pools of naive precursors that exhibit distinct homing properties. Once seeded in the periphery, naive CCR7(+)CD62L(+) CD8 T cells patrol secondary lymphoid organs, whereas naive CCR7(-)CD62L(-) CD8 T cells selectively migrate to peripheral tissues such as skin.


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Despite the presence of tumor-specific effector cells in the circulation of cancer patients, the immune response of the majority of these patients is not sufficient to prevent the growth and spread of their tumors. That tumor cells can be killed in vitro by tumor-reactive cytotoxic T cells is testimony to the fact that the tumors are not inherently resistant to T cell killing, but rather that there is a failure in immune recognition and effector cell activation. Many reasons for this failure of the body's defense system have been suggested, including the inability of tumor-reactive lymphocytes to migrate to tumor tissue. Here we designed a strategy to improve homing of primary lymphocytes into vascularized tumors. As a homing molecule we selected the integrin alpha v beta 3 since it is expressed by angiogenic vascular endothelium in tumors. To promote lymphocyte adhesion to alpha v beta 3 we "painted" primary lymphocytes with a recombinant, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked high-affinity ligand for alpha v beta 3. These painted lymphocytes specifically bound to alpha v beta 3 in vitro and homed to vascularized, solid tumors in vivo. This novel strategy may provide a significant advance in anti-tumor treatment such as adoptive immune therapy.


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The aim of this contribution is to highlight the long-term evolution of family capitalism in Switzerland during the twentieth century. We focus on 22 large companies of the machine, electrotechnical and metallurgy (MEM) sector whose boards of directors and general managers have been identified in five benchmark years across the twentieth century, which allows us to distinguish between family-owned and family-controlled firms. Our results show that family firms prevailed until the 1980s and thus contradict the dominance of 'managerial capitalism'. Although we observe a decline of family capitalism during the last decade of the century, the significant remaining presence of family firms in 2000 allows us to relativise the advent of investor capitalism.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Der international renommierte Religionswissenschaftler Michael Pye, seit 1982 Professor für Religionswissenschaft an der Philipps-Universität Marburg, hat die moderne, konfessionell unabhängige Religionsforschung maßgeblich mitgeprägt und dazu beigetragen, das Profil der Religionswissenschaft als einer autonomen akademischen Disziplin zu schärfen. In der vorliegenden Festschrift, die aus Anlaß des 65. Geburtstages Michael Pyes von zweien seiner Schüler bzw. Schülerinnen und einer ehemaligen Mitarbeiterin herausgegeben wurde, würdigen über 30 Religionswissenschaftler und Religionswissenschaftlerinnen aus Finnland, Großbritannien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Italien, Japan, Kanada, den Niederlanden, Norwegen, Schweden, der Schweiz, Tschechien und den USA mit ihren Beiträgen die Person und das Werk des Jubilars. Darüber hinaus enthält die Festschrift Porträts und eine Bibliographie der Arbeiten Michael Pyes. Die große thematische und methodische Bandbreite, die das Oevre dieses maßgebenden Religionswissenschaftlers kennzeichnet, spiegelt sich in der Vielfalt der Beiträge wider. So gibt dieses Buch zugleich einen guten Überblick über die Themen und Methoden der gegenwärtigen Religionswissenschaft.


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In the present study, we have explored ways of inducing a CTL response to a previously defined H-2Kd MHC class I restricted epitope in the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of Plasmodium berghei, and studied in detail the fine specificity of the response. We found that the s.c. injection of a variety of synthetic peptides emulsified in Freund's adjuvant efficiently induced a specific CTL response in (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 (H-2d x H-2b) mice. In contrast, BALB/c mice responded only marginally, consistent with the possible requirement for a concomitant Th response that would be provided by the C57BL/6 strain. Similar to our previous observations in analyzing CTL clones from sporozoite-immunized mice, the CTL response induced by peptide immunization was in part cross-reactive with an epitope from the Plasmodium yoelii species. The minimal P. berghei CS epitope, the octapeptide PbCS 253-260, was studied in detail by the analysis of a series of variant CS peptides containing single Ala substitutions. The relative antigenic activity for each variant peptide was calculated for 28 different CTL clones. Overall, the response to this P. berghei CTL epitope appeared to be extremely diverse in terms of fine specificity. This was evident among the CTL derived from sporozoite-immunized mice, as well as among those from peptide-immunized animals. The heterogeneity found at the functional level correlates with the highly diverse TCR repertoire that we have found for the same series of CTL clones in a study that is reported separately. The relative competitor activity for each Ala-substituted peptide was also determined in a quantitative functional competition assay. For the residues (Tyr253 and Ile260) within the 8-mer CS peptide, substitution with Ala reduced competitor activity by at least 40-fold, and for two others the reduction was 5- to 10-fold. When the relative antigenic activity for each CTL/peptide combination was normalized to the relative competitor activity of the peptide, a striking pattern emerged. The two residues that most affected competitor activity showed no additional effect on recognition beyond that observed for competition. In marked contrast, Ala substitutions at the other five positions tested varied widely, depending on the CTL/peptide combination. This pattern not only supports a model whereby the Tyr253 and Ile260 residues anchor the peptide to the Kd molecule, but also implies that they are virtually inaccessible to the TCR.


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Investigations on the relationship between sepsis, brain dysfunction, and cerebral perfusion are methodologically very difficult to perform. It is important to interpret the results of such studies in view of our limited ability to diagnose and quantify brain dysfunction and to consider our limited understanding of the mechanisms that lead to or are associated with brain dysfunction in sepsis.


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The molecular mechanisms underlying lymphocyte extravasation remain poorly characterized. We have recently identified junctional adhesion molecule-2 (JAM-2), and have shown that antibodies to JAM-2 stain high endothelial venules (HEVs) within lymph nodes and Peyer patches of adult mice. Here we show that mouse lymphocytes migrate in greater numbers across monolayers of endothelioma cells transfected with JAM-2. The significance of these findings to an understanding of both normal and pathologic lymphocyte extravasation prompted us to clone the human homologue of JAM-2. We herein demonstrate that an anti-JAM-2 antibody, or a soluble JAM-2 molecule, blocks the transmigration of primary human peripheral blood leukocytes across human umbilical vein endothelial cells expressing endogenous JAM-2. Furthermore, we show that JAM-2 is expressed on HEVs in human tonsil and on a subset of human leukocytes, suggesting that JAM-2 plays a central role in the regulation of transendothelial migration.


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This report describes a surface molecule, Tp45, which appears to be involved in interleukin 2 production and Ca2+ mobilization by Jurkat cells. The Tp45 molecule was identified by a monoclonal antibody, MX13, on the surface of either T3/TCR+ or T3/TCR- human T cell lines. Biochemical data showed that mAb MX13 precipitated a single polypeptide chain of 45 kDa both under reduced and nonreduced conditions from lysates of 125I-surface-labeled cells. Sequential immunodepletion experiments using lysates of 125I-labeled T3/TCR+ cells showed that Tp45 was distinct from the alpha chain of the TCR complex. However, incubation of such cells with either anti-T3 or anti-TCR monoclonal antibody induced complete modulation of both the T3/TCR complex and Tp45. Conversely, complete modulation of both Tp45 and the T3/TCR complex was observed after incubation with anti-Tp45 antibody. Functional studies showed that anti-Tp45 antibody induced high levels of interleukin 2 production in Jurkat cells. In addition, incubation of these cells with the antibody resulted in Ca2+ mobilization from internal stores. Anti-Tp45 antibody reacted with 3-19% peripheral blood (E-rosette-positive) T cells in individual donors. The magnitude of the proliferative response elicited by anti-Tp45 antibody for peripheral blood T cells was lower than that induced by an anti-T3 antibody. This observation is compatible with the idea that only a subpopulation of T cells is reactive with anti-Tp45. Multicolor flow cytometry analysis showed that the Tp45+ cells belong preferentially to the T8 subset.