111 resultados para ARMS


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A large variety of cancer vaccines have undergone extensive testing in early-phase clinical trials. A limited number have also been tested in randomized phase II clinical trials. Encouraging trends toward increased survival in the vaccine arms have been recently observed for 2 vaccine candidates in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. These have provided the impetus for the initiation of phase III trials in large groups of patients with lung cancer. These vaccines target 2 antigens widely expressed in lung carcinomas: melanoma-associated antigen 3, a cancer testis antigen; and mucin 1, an antigen overexpressed in a largely deglycosylated form in advanced tumors. Therapeutic cancer vaccines aim at inducing strong CD8 and CD4 T-cell responses. The majority of vaccines recently tested in phase I clinical trials show efficacy in terms of induction of specific tumor antigen immunity. However, clinical efficacy remains to be determined but appears limited. Efforts are thus aimed at understanding the basis for this apparent lack of effect on tumors. Two major factors are involved. On one hand, current vaccines are suboptimal. Strong adjuvant agents and appropriate tumor antigens are needed. Moreover, dose, route, and schedule also need optimization. On the other hand, it is now clear that large tumors often present a tolerogenic microenvironment that hampers effective antitumor immunity. The partial understanding of the molecular pathways leading to functional inactivation of T cells at tumor sites has provided new targets for intervention. In this regard, blockade of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 and programmed death-1 with humanized monoclonal antibodies has reached the clinical testing stage. In the future, more potent cancer vaccines will benefit from intense research in antigen discovery and adjuvant agents. Furthermore, it is likely that vaccines need to be combined with compounds that reverse major tolerogenic pathways that are constitutively active at the tumor site. Developing these combined approaches to vaccination in cancer promises new, exciting findings and, at the same time, poses important challenges to academic research institutions and the pharmaceutical industry.


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BACKGROUND: Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia has been associated with prolonged survival selectively in patients on a conventional schedule (combined 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin [FOLFOX2]) but not on a chronomodulated schedule of the same drugs administered at specific circadian times (chronoFLO4). The authors hypothesized that the early occurrence of chemotherapy-induced symptoms correlated with circadian disruption would selectively hinder the efficacy of chronotherapy. METHODS: Fatigue and weight loss (FWL) were considered to be associated with circadian disruption based on previous data. Patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (nâeuro0/00=âeuro0/00543) from an international phase 3 trial comparing FOLFOX2 with chronoFLO4 were categorized into 4 subgroups according to the occurrence of FWL or other clinically relevant toxicities during the initial 2 courses of chemotherapy. Multivariate Cox models were used to assess the role of toxicity on the time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS). RESULTS: The proportions of patients in the 4 subgroups were comparable in both treatment arms (Pâeuro0/00=âeuro0/00.77). No toxicity was associated with TTP or OS on FOLFOX2. The median OS on FOLFOX2 ranged from 16.4 (95% confidence limits [CL], 7.2-25.6 months) to 19.8 months (95% CL, 17.7-22.0 months) according to toxicity subgroup (Pâeuro0/00=âeuro0/00.45). Conversely, FWL, but no other toxicity, independently predicted for significantly shorter TTP (Pâeuro0/00<âeuro0/00.0001) and OS (Pâeuro0/00=âeuro0/00.001) on chronoFLO4. The median OS on chronoFLO4 was 13.8 months (95% CL, 10.4-17.2 months) or 21.1 months (95% CL, 19.0-23.1 months) according to presence or absence of chemotherapy-induced FWL, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Early onset chemotherapy-induced FWL was an independent predictor of poor TTP and OS only on chronotherapy. Dynamic monitoring to detect early chemotherapy-induced circadian disruption could allow the optimization of rapid chronotherapy and concomitant improvements in safety and efficacy.


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Introduction: The Thalidomide-Dexamethasone (TD) regimen has provided encouraging results in relapsed MM. To improve results, bortezomib (Velcade) has been added to the combination in previous phase II studies, the so called VTD regimen. In January 2006, the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome (IFM) initiated a prospective, randomized, parallel-group, open-label phase III, multicenter study, comparing VTD (arm A) with TD (arm B) for MM patients progressing or relapsing after autologous transplantation. Patients and Methods: Inclusion criteria: patients in first progression or relapse after at least one autologous transplantation, including those who had received bortezomib or thalidomide before transplant. Exclusion criteria: subjects with neuropathy above grade 1 or non secretory MM. Primary study end point was time to progression (TTP). Secondary end points included safety, response rate, progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Treatment was scheduled as follows: bortezomib 1.3 mg/m2 was given as an i.v bolus on Days 1, 4, 8 and 11 followed by a 10-Day rest period (days 12 to 21) for 8 cycles (6 months) and then on Days 1, 8, 15, 22 followed by a 20-Day rest period (days 23 to 42) for 4 cycles (6 months). In both arms, thalidomide was scheduled at 200 mg/Day orally for one year and dexamethasone 40 mg/Day orally four days every three weeks for one year. Patients reaching remission could proceed to a new stem cell harvest. However, transplantation, either autologous or allogeneic, could only be performed in patients who completed the planned one year treatment period. Response was assessed by EBMT criteria, with additional category of near complete remission (nCR). Adverse events were graded by the NCI-CTCAE, Version 3.0.The trial was based on a group sequential design, with 4 planned interim analyses and one final analysis that allowed stopping for efficacy as well as futility. The overall alpha and power were set equal to 0.025 and 0.90 respectively. The test for decision making was based on the comparison in terms of the ratio of the cause-specific hazards of relapse/progression, estimated in a Cox model stratified on the number of previous autologous transplantations. Relapse/progression cumulative incidence was estimated using the proper nonparametric estimator, the comparison was done by the Gray test. PFS and OS probabilities were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier curves, the comparison was performed by the Log-Rank test. An interim safety analysis was performed when the first hundred patients had been included. The safety committee recommended to continue the trial. Results: As of 1st July 2010, 269 patients had been enrolled in the study, 139 in France (IFM 2005-04 study), 21 in Italy, 38 in Germany, 19 in Switzerland (a SAKK study), 23 in Belgium, 8 in Austria, 8 in the Czech republic, 11 in Hungary, 1 in the UK and 1 in Israel. One hundred and sixty nine patients were males and 100 females; the median age was 61 yrs (range 29-76). One hundred and thirty six patients were randomized to receive VTD and 133 to receive TD. The current analysis is based on 246 patients (124 in arm A, 122 in arm B) included in the second interim analysis, carried out when 134 events were observed. Following this analysis, the trial was stopped because of significant superiority of VTD over TD. The remaining patients were too premature to contribute to the analysis. The number of previous autologous transplants was one in 63 vs 60 and two or more in 61 vs 62 patients in arm A vs B respectively. The median follow-up was 25 months. The median TTP was 20 months vs 15 months respectively in arm A and B, with cumulative incidence of relapse/progression at 2 years equal to 52% (95% CI: 42%-64%) vs 70% (95% CI: 61%-81%) (p=0.0004, Gray test). The same superiority of arm A was also observed when stratifying on the number of previous autologous transplantations. At 2 years, PFS was 39% (95% CI: 30%-51%) vs 23% (95% CI: 16%-34%) (A vs B, p=0.0006, Log-Rank test). OS in the first two years was comparable in the two groups. Conclusion: VTD resulted in significantly longer TTP and PFS in patients relapsing after ASCT. Analysis of response and safety data are on going and results will be presented at the meeting.


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Background: Bone health is a concern when treating early stage breast cancer patients with adjuvant aromatase inhibitors. Early detection of patients (pts) at risk of osteoporosis and fractures may be helpful for starting preventive therapies and selecting the most appropriate endocrine therapy schedule. We present statistical models describing the evolution of lumbar and hip bone mineral density (BMD) in pts treated with tamoxifen (T), letrozole (L) and sequences of T and L. Methods: Available dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry exams (DXA) of pts treated in trial BIG 1-98 were retrospectively collected from Swiss centers. Treatment arms: A) T for 5 years, B) L for 5 years, C) 2 years of T followed by 3 years of L and, D) 2 years of L followed by 3 years of T. Pts without DXA were used as a control for detecting selection biases. Patients randomized to arm A were subsequently allowed an unplanned switch from T to L. Allowing for variations between DXA machines and centres, two repeated measures models, using a covariance structure that allow for different times between DXA, were used to estimate changes in hip and lumbar BMD (g/cm2) from trial randomization. Prospectively defined covariates, considered as fixed effects in the multivariable models in an intention to treat analysis, at the time of trial randomization were: age, height, weight, hysterectomy, race, known osteoporosis, tobacco use, prior bone fracture, prior hormone replacement therapy (HRT), bisphosphonate use and previous neo-/adjuvant chemotherapy (ChT). Similarly, the T-scores for lumbar and hip BMD measurements were modeled using a per-protocol approach (allowing for treatment switch in arm A), specifically studying the effect of each therapy upon T-score percentage. Results: A total of 247 out of 546 pts had between 1 and 5 DXA; a total of 576 DXA were collected. Number of DXA measurements per arm were; arm A 133, B 137, C 141 and D 135. The median follow-up time was 5.8 years. Significant factors positively correlated with lumbar and hip BMD in the multivariate analysis were weight, previous HRT use, neo-/adjuvant ChT, hysterectomy and height. Significant negatively correlated factors in the models were osteoporosis, treatment arm (B/C/D vs. A), time since endocrine therapy start, age and smoking (current vs. never).Modeling the T-score percentage, differences from T to L were -4.199% (p = 0.036) and -4.907% (p = 0.025) for the hip and lumbar measurements respectively, before any treatment switch occurred. Conclusions: Our statistical models describe the lumbar and hip BMD evolution for pts treated with L and/or T. The results of both localisations confirm that, contrary to expectation, the sequential schedules do not seem less detrimental for the BMD than L monotherapy. The estimated difference in BMD T-score percent is at least 4% from T to L.


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Two spatial tasks were designed to test specific properties of spatial representation in rats. In the first task, rats were trained to locate an escape hole at a fixed position in a visually homogeneous arena. This arena was connected with a periphery where a full view of the room environment existed. Therefore, rats were dependent on their memory trace of the previous position in the periphery to discriminate a position within the central region. Under these experimental conditions, the test animals showed a significant discrimination of the training position without a specific local view. In the second task, rats were trained in a radial maze consisting of tunnels that were transparent at their distal ends only. Because the central part of the maze was non-transparent, rats had to plan and execute appropriate trajectories without specific visual feedback from the environment. This situation was intended to encourage the reliance on prospective memory of the non-visited arms in selecting the following move. Our results show that acquisition performance was only slightly decreased compared to that shown in a completely transparent maze and considerably higher than in a translucent maze or in darkness. These two series of experiments indicate (1) that rats can learn about the relative position of different places with no common visual panorama, and (2) that they are able to plan and execute a sequence of visits to several places without direct visual feed-back about their relative position.


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BACKGROUND: The risk of osteoporosis and fracture influences the selection of adjuvant endocrine therapy. We analyzed bone mineral density (BMD) in Swiss patients of the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial [treatment arms: A, tamoxifen (T) for 5 years; B, letrozole (L) for 5 years; C, 2 years of T followed by 3 years of L; D, 2 years of L followed by 3 years of T]. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) results were retrospectively collected. Patients without DXA served as control group. Repeated measures models using covariance structures allowing for different times between DXA were used to estimate changes in BMD. Prospectively defined covariates were considered as fixed effects in the multivariable models. RESULTS: Two hundred and sixty-one of 546 patients had one or more DXA with 577 lumbar and 550 hip measurements. Weight, height, prior hormone replacement therapy, and hysterectomy were positively correlated with BMD; the correlation was negative for letrozole arms (B/C/D versus A), known osteoporosis, time on trial, age, chemotherapy, and smoking. Treatment did not influence the occurrence of osteoporosis (T score < -2.5 standard deviation). CONCLUSIONS: All aromatase inhibitor regimens reduced BMD. The sequential schedules were as detrimental for bone density as L monotherapy.


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Mineralocorticoid signaling pathway plays a pivotal role in cardiovascular physiopathology. Evidences from clinical and experimental studies have linked mineralocorticoid hormones with cardiovascular morbiditiy and mortality. Thus, antagonist of the mineralocorticoid receptor (AMR) has reappeared. In addition, a novel mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist has been developped, named eplerenone, which lack the side effect of former ARMs as gynecomastia. Based on two studies named RALES et EPHESUS, guidelines of the european and american societies of cardiology recommend the use of ARMs as a treatment for cardiac failure NYHA III and IV, and post-infarct cardiac failure (ejection fraction < 40%).


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Correlates of immune-mediated protection to most viral and cancer vaccines are still unknown. This impedes the development of novel vaccines to incurable diseases such as HIV and cancer. In this study, we have used functional genomics and polychromatic flow cytometry to define the signature of the immune response to the yellow fever (YF) vaccine 17D (YF17D) in a cohort of 40 volunteers followed for up to 1 yr after vaccination. We show that immunization with YF17D leads to an integrated immune response that includes several effector arms of innate immunity, including complement, the inflammasome, and interferons, as well as adaptive immunity as shown by an early T cell response followed by a brisk and variable B cell response. Development of these responses is preceded, as demonstrated in three independent vaccination trials and in a novel in vitro system of primary immune responses (modular immune in vitro construct [MIMIC] system), by the coordinated up-regulation of transcripts for specific transcription factors, including STAT1, IRF7, and ETS2, which are upstream of the different effector arms of the immune response. These results clearly show that the immune response to a strong vaccine is preceded by coordinated induction of master transcription factors that lead to the development of a broad, polyfunctional, and persistent immune response that integrates all effector cells of the immune system.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the prognostic and predictive value of Ki-67 labeling index (LI) in a trial comparing letrozole (Let) with tamoxifen (Tam) as adjuvant therapy in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Breast International Group (BIG) trial 1-98 randomly assigned 8,010 patients to four treatment arms comparing Let and Tam with sequences of each agent. Of 4,922 patients randomly assigned to receive 5 years of monotherapy with either agent, 2,685 had primary tumor material available for central pathology assessment of Ki-67 LI by immunohistochemistry and had tumors confirmed to express estrogen receptors after central review. The prognostic and predictive value of centrally measured Ki-67 LI on disease-free survival (DFS) were assessed among these patients using proportional hazards modeling, with Ki-67 LI values dichotomized at the median value of 11%. RESULTS: Higher values of Ki-67 LI were associated with adverse prognostic factors and with worse DFS (hazard ratio [HR; high:low] = 1.8; 95% CI, 1.4 to 2.3). The magnitude of the treatment benefit for Let versus Tam was greater among patients with high tumor Ki-67 LI (HR [Let:Tam] = 0.53; 95% CI, 0.39 to 0.72) than among patients with low tumor Ki-67 LI (HR [Let:Tam] = 0.81; 95% CI, 0.57 to 1.15; interaction P = .09). CONCLUSION: Ki-67 LI is confirmed as a prognostic factor in this study. High Ki-67 LI levels may identify a patient group that particularly benefits from initial Let adjuvant therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Biodegradable polymers for release of antiproliferative drugs from metallic drug-eluting stents aim to improve long-term vascular healing and efficacy. We designed a large scale clinical trial to compare a novel thin strut, cobalt-chromium drug-eluting stent with silicon carbide-coating releasing sirolimus from a biodegradable polymer (O-SES, Orsiro; Biotronik, Bülach, Switzerland) with the durable polymer-based Xience Prime/Xpedition everolimus-eluting stent (EES) (Xience Prime/Xpedition stent, Abbott Vascular, IL) in an all-comers patient population. DESIGN: The multicenter BIOSCIENCE trial (NCT01443104) randomly assigned 2,119 patients to treatment with biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) or durable polymer EES at 9 sites in Switzerland. Patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease or acute coronary syndromes, including non-ST-elevation and ST-elevation myocardial infarction, were eligible for the trial if they had at least 1 lesion with a diameter stenosis >50% appropriate for coronary stent implantation. The primary end point target lesion failure (TLF) is a composite of cardiac death, target vessel myocardial infarction, and clinically driven target lesion revascularization within 12 months. Assuming a TLF rate of 8% at 12 months in both treatment arms and accepting 3.5% as a margin for noninferiority, inclusion of 2,060 patients would provide more than 80% power to detect noninferiority of the biodegradable polymer SES compared with the durable polymer EES at a 1-sided type I error of 0.05. Clinical follow-up will be continued through 5 years. CONCLUSION: The BIOSCIENCE trial will determine whether the biodegradable polymer SES is noninferior to the durable polymer EES with respect to TLF.


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The induction of plant defences and their subsequent suppression by insects is thought to be an important factor in the evolutionary arms race between plants and herbivores. Although insect oral secretions (OS) contain elicitors that trigger plant immunity, little is known about the suppressors of plant defences. The Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome was analysed in response to wounding and OS treatment. The expression of several wound-inducible genes was suppressed after the application of OS from two lepidopteran herbivores, Pieris brassicae and Spodoptera littoralis. This inhibition was correlated with enhanced S. littoralis larval growth, pointing to an effective role of insect OS in suppressing plant defences. Two genes, an ERF/AP2 transcription factor and a proteinase inhibitor, were then studied in more detail. OS-induced suppression lasted for at least 48 h, was independent of the jasmonate or salicylate pathways, and was not due to known elicitors. Interestingly, insect OS attenuated leaf water loss, suggesting that insects have evolved mechanisms to interfere with the induction of water-stress-related defences.


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UKPDS and DCCT studies have demonstrated the critical role of tight glycaemic control to reduce the micro- and macro-vascular damage linked to diabetes. Unfortunately, the insulin requirement of type 2 diabetic patients remains elevated since 5 to 7% of these patients will required, yearly, a change from oral antidiabetic drug to insulin treatment to maintain a good glycaemic control. This manuscript is intended to review the currently available oral antidiabetic drugs, their benefits as well as potential arms and to propose a simplified therapeutic strategy in presence of type 2 diabetes.


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PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S): To analyze the long-term outcome of treatment with concomitant cisplatin and hyperfractionated radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer compared with hyperfractionated radiotherapy alone. MATERIALS/METHODS: From July 1994 to July 2000 a total of 224 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were randomized to either hyperfractionated radiotherapy (median dose 74.4 Gy; 1.2 Gy twice daily) or the same radiotherapy combined with two cycles of concomitant cisplatin (20mg/m2 for 5 consecutive days of weeks 1 and 5). The primary endpoint was time to any treatment failure; secondary endpoints were locoregional failure, metastatic failure, overall survival, and late toxicity assessed according to RTOG criteria. The trial was registered at the National Institutes of Health (www.clinicaltrials.gov; identifier number: NCT00002654). RESULTS: Median follow-up was 9.5 years (range, 0.1 - 15.4 years). Median time to any treatment failure was not significantly different between treatment arms (p = 0.19). Locoregional control (p\0.05), distant metastasis-free survival (p = 0.02) and cancer specific survival (p = 0.03) were significantly improved in the combined treatment arm, with no difference in late toxicity between treatment arms. However, overall survival was not significantly different (p = 0.19). CONCLUSIONS: After long-term follow-up combined treatment with cisplatin and hyperfractionated, radiotherapy maintained an improved locoregional control, distant metastasis-free survival, and cancer specific survival as compared to hyperfractionated radiotherapy alone with no difference in late toxicity.


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To the origins and evolution of Indomalayan shrews, we investigated the chromosomal variations of 14 species of Crocidura from SE Asia. Intraspecific polymorphism was mainly due to variation in the number of short chromosomal arms but C. lepidura and C. hutanis showed a polymorphism due to a centric fusion. The undifferentially stained karyotypes were similar in 9 species, all possessing 2n = 38 and FN = 54-56 (68); C. fuliginosa had 2n = 40 and FN = 54-58. These karyotypes are close to the presumed ancestral state for the genus Crocidura. Four species from Sulawesi had a reduced diploid number (2n = 30-34), a trend not observed among other SE Asian species but present in few Palaearctic taxa. Compared to the apparent stasis of karyotypic evolution observed among other SE Asian species, the high degree of interspecific differences reported among Sulawesian shrews is unusual and needs further investigation. Stasis and reduction in diploid number found in both Indomalayan and Palaeractic species suggest that these two groups share a common ancestry. This is in sharp contrast to most Afrotropical species which evolved towards higher diploid and fundamental numbers. The zoogeographical implications of these results are discussed.


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BACKGROUND: Patients with BM rarely survive .6 months and are commonly excluded from clinical trials. We aimed at improving outcome by exploring 2 combined modality regimens with at the time novel agents for which single-agent activity had been shown. METHODS: NSCLC patients with multiple BM were randomized to WBRT (10 × 3 Gy) and either GFT 250 mg p.o. daily or TMZ 75 mg/m2 p.o. daily ×21/28 days, starting on Day 1 of RT and to be continued until PD. Primary endpoint was overall survival, a Simon's optimal 2-stage design was based on assumptions for the 3-month survival rate. Cognitive functioning and quality of life were also evaluated. RESULTS: Fifty-nine patients (36 M, 23 F; 9 after prior chemo) were included. Median age was 61 years (range 46-82), WHO PS was 0 in 18 patients, 1 in 31 patients, and 2 in 10 patients. All but 1 patients had extracranial disease; 33 of 43 (TMZ) and 15 of 16 (GFT) had adenocarcinoma histology. GFT arm was closed early after stage 1 analysis when the prespecified 3-mo survival rate threshold (66%) was not reached, causes of death were not GFT related. Main causes of death were PD in the CNS 24%, systemic 41%, both 8%, and toxicity 10% [intestinal perforation (2 patients), pneumonia (2), pulmonary emboli (1), pneumonitis NOS (1), seizure (1)]. We summarize here other patients' characteristics for the 2 trial arms: TMZ (n ¼ 43)/GFT (n ¼ 16); median treatment duration: 1.6 /1.8 mo; Grade 3-4 toxicity: lymphopenia 5 patients (12%)/0; fatigue 8 patients (19%)/2 patients (13%). Survival data for TMZ/GFT arms: 3-month survival rate: 58.1% (95% CI 42.1-73)/62.5% (95% CI 35- 85); median OS: 4.9 months (95% CI 2.5-5.6)/6.3 months (95% CI 2.2- 14.6); median PFS: 1.8 months (95% CI 1.5-1.8)/1.8 (95% CI 1.1-3.9); median time to neurol. progr.: 8.0 months (95% CI 2.2-X)/4.8 (95% CI 3.9-10.5). In a model to predict survival time including the variables' age, PS, number of BM, global QL, total MMSE score, and subjective cognitive function, none of the variables accounted for a significant improvement in survival time. CONCLUSIONS: The combinations of WBRT with GFT or TMZ were feasible. However, in this unselected patient population, survival remains poor and a high rate of complication was observed. Four patients died as a result of high-dose corticosteroids. Preliminary evaluation of cognitive function andQL failed to show significant improvement. Indications and patient selection for palliative treatment should be revisited and careful monitoring and supportive care is required. Research and progress for this frequent clinical situation is urgently needed. Trial partly supported by AstraZeneca (Switzerland), Essex Chemie (Switzerland) and Swiss Federal Government.