112 resultados para 154-925D


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BACKGROUND: We retrospectively reviewed the long-term outcome and late side effects of endometrial cancer (EC) patients treated with different techniques of postoperative radiotherapy (PORT). METHODS: Between 1999 and 2012, 237 patients with EC were treated with PORT. Two-dimensional external beam radiotherapy (2D-EBRT) was used in 69 patients (30 %), three-dimensional EBRT (3D-EBRT) in 51 (21 %), and intensity-modulated RT (IMRT) with helical Tomotherapy in 47 (20 %). All patients received a vaginal brachytherapy (VB) boost. Seventy patients (29 %) received VB alone. RESULTS: After a median of 68 months (range, 6-154) of follow-up, overall survival was 75 % [95 % confidence interval (CI), 69-81], disease-free survival was 72 % (95% CI, 66-78), cancer-specific survival was 85 % (95 % CI, 80-89), and locoregional control was 86 % (95 % CI, 81-91). The 5-year estimates of grade 3 or more toxicity and second cancer rates were 0 and 7 % (95 % CI, 1-13) for VB alone, 6 % (95 % CI, 1-11) and 0 % for IMRT + VB, 9 % (95 % CI, 1-17) and 5 % (95 % CI, 1-9) for 3D-EBRT + VB, and 22 % (95 % CI, 12-32) and 12 % (95 % CI, 4-20) for 2D-EBRT + VB (P = 0.002 and P = 0.01), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Pelvic EBRT should be tailored to patients with high-risk EC because the severe late toxicity observed might outweigh the benefits. When EBRT is prescribed for EC, IMRT should be considered, because it was associated with a significant reduction of severe late side effects.


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BACKGROUND: We did a randomised phase 3 trial assessing the benefit of addition of long-term androgen suppression with a luteinising-hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist to external irradiation in patients with prostate cancer with high metastatic risk. In this report, we present the 10-year results. METHODS: For this open-label randomised trial, eligible patients were younger than 80 years and had newly diagnosed histologically proven T1-2 prostatic adenocarcinoma with WHO histological grade 3 or T3-4 prostatic adenocarcinoma of any histological grade, and a WHO performance status of 0-2. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive radiotherapy alone or radiotherapy plus immediate androgen suppression. Treatment allocation was open label and used a minimisation algorithm with institution, clinical stage of the disease, results of pelvic-lymph-node dissection, and irradiation fields extension as minimisation factors. Patients were irradiated externally, once a day, 5 days a week, for 7 weeks to a total dose of 50 Gy to the whole pelvis, with an additional 20 Gy to the prostate and seminal vesicles. The LHRH agonist, goserelin acetate (3·6 mg subcutaneously every 4 weeks), was started on the first day of irradiation and continued for 3 years; cyproterone acetate (50 mg orally three times a day) was given for 1 month starting a week before the first goserelin injection. The primary endpoint was clinical disease-free survival. Analysis was by intention to treat. The trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00849082. FINDINGS: Between May 22, 1987, and Oct 31, 1995, 415 patients were randomly assigned to treatment groups and were included in the analysis (208 radiotherapy alone, 207 combined treatment). Median follow-up was 9·1 years (IQR 5·1-12·6). 10-year clinical disease-free survival was 22·7% (95% CI 16·3-29·7) in the radiotherapy-alone group and 47·7% (39·0-56·0) in the combined treatment group (hazard ratio [HR] 0·42, 95% CI 0·33-0·55, p<0·0001). 10-year overall survival was 39·8% (95% CI 31·9-47·5) in patients receiving radiotherapy alone and 58·1% (49·2-66·0) in those allocated combined treatment (HR 0·60, 95% CI 0·45-0·80, p=0·0004), and 10-year prostate-cancer mortality was 30·4% (95% CI 23·2-37·5) and 10·3% (5·1-15·4), respectively (HR 0·38, 95% CI 0·24-0·60, p<0·0001). No significant difference in cardiovascular mortality was noted between treatment groups both in patients who had cardiovascular problems at study entry (eight of 53 patients in the combined treatment group had a cardiovascular-related cause of death vs 11 of 63 in the radiotherapy group; p=0·60) and in those who did not (14 of 154 vs six of 145; p=0·25). Two fractures were reported in patients allocated combined treatment. INTERPRETATION: In patients with prostate cancer with high metastatic risk, immediate androgen suppression with an LHRH agonist given during and for 3 years after external irradiation improves 10-year disease-free and overall survival without increasing late cardiovascular toxicity.


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Compte rendu de l'exposition « Game Story. Une histoire du jeu vidéo » qui s'est tenue au Grand Palais à Paris du 10 novembre 2011 au 9 janvier 2012, envisagée à partir du champ de l'histoire et de la théorie du cinéma en termes de discours historique sur un « nouveau média » ainsi que dans une optique intermédiale.


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A limited number of foods explain the majority of food allergies. These allergies can be due to a weak allergenicity (garlic, onion, potato), or a weak (or increasing) exposure to emergent food allergens which can be imported (exotic fruits), or recently introduced (lupin, buckwheat, sesame, inulin) or modified by the industry (lysats, lecithins, traces of antibiotics, caseinates, molds, dust mite). Others are in relation with rarer cross-reactivity food allergy syndrome (Apiaceae-Compositae-mugwort syndrome, egg-bird syndrome, cat epithelium-pork meat syndrome). Others are rarely identified, because the food is masked (pepper, basilic). We illustrate rare cases of food allergy and discuss the diagnostic management which is based on a meticulous patient history. Un nombre restreint d'aliments explique la majorité des allergies alimentaires. Les allergies alimentaires rares sont dues à une faible allergénicité (ail, oignon, pomme de terre) ou à une exposition faible ou croissante à des aliments émergents, importés (fruits exotiques), introduits (lupin, sarrasin, sésame, inuline), ou modifiés par l'industrie (lysats, lécithines, traces d'antibiotiques, caséinates, moisissures, acariens). D'autres sont en relation avec des croisements d'allergènes rares (syndrome croisé ombellifères-composées-armoise, syndrome oeuf-oiseau, syndrome épithélium de chat-viande de porc). D'autres enfin sont rarement identifiées, car l'allergène est masqué (poivre, basilic). Nous décrivons des cas rares illustratifs et rappelons la démarche diagnostique qui s'appuie sur une anamnèse minutieuse.


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To assess the use of radiotherapy (RT) or concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) following taxane-based induction chemotherapy (T-ICT) in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (LAHNSCC) and to evaluate the tolerability of CRT after T-ICT. From 01/2006 to 08/2012, 173 LAHNSCC patients treated as a curative intent by T-ICT, followed by definitive RT/CRT were included in this analysis. There was an 86% objective response (OR) after ICT among 154 evaluable patients. Forty-four patients received less than three cycles (25%) and 20 received only one cycle of T-ICT. The 3-year actuarial overall survival (OS) was 49% and there was no OS difference according to the type of ICT (regimen or number of cycle) or the addition of concurrent CT (cisplatin, carboplatin, or cetuximab) to RT. In multivariate analysis (MVA), clinically involved lymph node (cN+), age more than 60 years, the absence of OR after ICT, and performance status of at least 1 predicted for a decreased OS, with hazard ratios (HR) of 2.8, 2.2, 2.1, and 2, respectively. The 3-year actuarial locoregional control (LRC) and distant control (DC) rates were 52 and 73%, respectively. In MVA, the absence of OR after ICT (HR: 3.2), cN+ (HR: 3), and age more than 60 years (HR: 1.7) were prognostic for a lower LRC whereas cN+ (HR: 4.2) and carboplatin-based T-ICT (HR: 2.9) were prognostic for a lower DC. The number of cycles (≤ 2) received during ICT was borderline significant for DC in the MVA (P=0.08). Among patients receiving less than or equal to three cycles of ICT, higher outcomes were observed in patients who received cisplatin-based T-ICT (vs. carboplatin-based T-ICT) or subsequent CRT (vs. RT). T-ICT in our experience, followed by RT or CRT, raises several questions on the role and type of induction, and the efficacy of CRT over RT. The role of RT or CRT following induction, although feasible in these advanced patients, awaits answers from randomized trials.


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Le manuscrit de Paris, BNF, fr. 818 renferme dans sa première partie (fol. 1-154) l'une des plus amples collections de miracles de Notre-Dame en langue vulgaire du xiiie siècle. Composée vers 1220 dans la région de Lyon, cette compilation anonyme compte parmi les rares textes littéraires produits au Moyen Âge dans l'espace francoprovençal, domaine géographiquement intermédiaire entre le domaine d'oïl et le domaine d'oc (et englobant notam- ment la plus grande partie de la Suisse romande), mais présentant des caracté- ristiques linguistiques qui lui sont propres. Malgré son grand intérêt linguistique et thématique, la collection de miracles du ms. fr. 818 demeure à ce jour partiellement inédite et n'a fait l'objet que d'études fragmentaires. Nous nous proposons donc d'apporter une contribution aux études francoprovençales en complétant l'édition de ce « Mariale en langue vulgaire » (selon l'expression de P. Meyer) et en ana- lysant la scripta très hétérogène de ce recueil, qui se présente comme un savant mélange de formes françaises et de formes lyonnaises. Grâce à l'exa- men systématique de tous les aspects remarquables de la langue du Mariale (phonétique, morphologie, lexique), nous souhaitons porter à la connais- sance des romanistes les riches matériaux francoprovençaux offerts par ce recueil, matériaux qui demeurent en partie méconnus et se trouvent parfois répertoriés dans les dictionnaires sous la fausse étiquette « française ».


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Les partis politiques ont comme vocation de structurer le débat démocratique et de constituer un trait d'union entre le citoyen et l'Etat. En Suisse, ils sont fortement sollicités en raison de l'importante quantité de scrutins organisés chaque année aux échelons communal, cantonal et national, mais leur organisation reste très peu professionnalisée. Comme ils doivent par ailleurs faire face à l'effritement de leur base partisane et à l'inflation des coûts de la politique, le risque est grand qu'ils soient mis en difficulté dans l'accomplissement de leur tâche d'intégration et de formation de l'opinion. Cette étude se concentre sur les pratiques de financement des partis cantonaux et nationaux du PDC, du PRD, du PS, de l'UDC et des Verts. S'appuyant sur les données empriques récoltées en 1997 et en 2007, elle décrit dans quelle mesure les moyens financiers des partis ont évolué au cours des dix dernières années. Les analyses portent sur le volume et l'origine des fonds et elles permettent notamment de saisir comment s'articulent les clivages en matière de financement. Die politischen Parteien haben die Aufgabe, die demokratische Debatte zu strukturieren und ein verbindendes Element zwischen dem Bürger und dem Staat zu bilden. In der Schweiz werden sie angesichts der grossen Anzahl jährlich auf kommunaler, kantonaler und nationaler Ebene durchgeführten Wahlgänge besonders stark beansprucht, ihre Organisationen sind aber wenig professionalisiert. Da sich die Parteien heute mit abnehmenden Parteienbindungen und steigenden Kosten der Politik konfrontiert sehen, steigt das Risiko, dass sie ihre Aufgaben der Integration und der politischen Meinungsbildung kaum mehr wahrnehmen können. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Finanzierungspraktiken der kantonalen und nationalen Parteien CVP, FDP, SP, SVP und Grüne. Die Analysen stützen sich ab auf empirische Angaben zu Herkunft und Umfang der Parteifinanzen, die in den Jahren 1997 und 2007 erhoben wurden und erlauben es, die Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Finanzierung zu erläutern.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: A preliminary study by our group suggested an association between daytime sleepiness and the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) val158met polymorphism (rs4680) in patients with Parkinson disease (PD). We sought to confirm this association in a large group of patients with PD. DESIGN: Genetic association study in patients with PD. SETTING: Movement disorder sections at 2 university hospitals. PARTICIPANTS: PD patients with and without episodes of suddenly falling asleep matched for antiparkinsonian medication, disease duration, sex, and age, who participated in a previous genetic study on dopamine-receptor polymorphisms. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: In this study, 240 patients with PD (154 men; age 65.1 +/- 6.1 years; disease duration 9.4 +/- 6.0 years) were included. Seventy had the met-met (LL), 116 the met-val (LH), and 54 the val-val (HH) genotype. In the combined LL+LH group (featuring reduced COMT activity), the mean Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) score was 9.0 +/- 5.9 versus 11.0 +/- 6.1 in the HH (high COMT activity) group (P = .047). Forty-seven percent of the LL and LH patients had sudden sleep onset compared with 61% of the HH patients (P = .07). Logistic regression, however, showed that both pathologic ESS scores (i.e., > 10) and sudden sleep onset were predicted by subjective disease severity (P < .001 each) but not by the COMT genotype. CONCLUSIONS: Our previous finding that the L-allele may be associated with daytime sleepiness could not be confirmed in the present study. Altogether, our data do not support a clinically relevant effect of the COMT genotype on daytime sleepiness in PD.


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Localization of human MHC class I-restricted T cell epitopes in the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of the human parasite Plasmodium falciparum is an important objective in the development of antimalarial vaccines. To this purpose, we synthesized a series of overlapping synthetic 20-mer peptides, spanning the entire sequence of the 7G8 CS molecule except for the central repeat B cell domain. The P.f.CS peptides were first tested for their ability to bind to the human MHC class I HLA-A2.1 molecule on T2, a human cell line. Subsequently, the use of a series of shorter peptide analogues allowed us to determine the optimal A2.1 binding sequence present in several of the 20-mers. Binding P.f.CS peptides were further tested for their capacity to activate PBL from HLA-A2.1+ immune donors living in a malaria-endemic area. Specific IFN-gamma production was detected in the supernatant of cultures of PBL from exposed individuals. Cytotoxic T cell lines and clones were derived from the PBL of one responder, and their activity was shown to be HLA-A2.1-restricted and specific for the peptide 334-342 of the CS protein. In addition, double transgenic HLA-A2.1 x human beta 2-microglobulin mice were immunized with peptide 1-10 of the CS protein. T cells derived from immune lymph nodes displayed a peptide-specific HLA-A2.1-restricted cytolytic activity after one in vitro stimulation.


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