707 resultados para vagina cytology


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The interest in reactive electrophile species (RES) stems largely from the fact that they can have powerful biological activities. RES stimulate the expression of cell survival genes as well many other genes commonly upregulated in environmental stress and pathogenesis. RES levels must be carefully controlled in healthy cells but their formation and destruction during stress is of great interest. Unlike many 'classical' signals and hormones, RES can potentially affect gene expression at all levels by chemically reacting with nucleic acids, proteins and small molecules as well as by indirectly lowering pools of cellular reductants. Recent works involving genetic approaches have begun to provide compelling evidence that, although excess RES production can lead to cell damage, lower levels of RES may modulate the expression of cell survival genes and may actually contribute to survival during severe stress.


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Cells defective in any of the RAD51 paralogs (RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, XRCC2, and XRCC3) are sensitive to DNA cross-linking agents and to ionizing radiation. Because the paralogs are required for the assembly of DNA damage-induced RAD51 foci, and mutant cell lines are defective in homologous recombination and show genomic instability, their defect is thought to be caused by an inability to promote efficient recombinational repair. Here, we show that the five paralogs exist in two distinct complexes in human cells: one contains RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, and XRCC2 (defined as BCDX2), whereas the other consists of RAD51C with XRCC3. Both protein complexes have been purified to homogeneity and their biochemical properties investigated. BCDX2 binds single-stranded DNA and single-stranded gaps in duplex DNA, in accord with the proposal that the paralogs play an early (pre-RAD51) role in recombinational repair. Moreover, BCDX2 complex binds specifically to nicks in duplex DNA. We suggest that the extreme sensitivity of paralog-defective cell lines to cross-linking agents is owing to defects in the processing of incised cross links and the consequential failure to initiate recombinational repair at these sites.


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The differential distribution and phosphorylation of tau proteins in cat cerebellum was studied with two well characterized antibodies, TAU-1 and TAU-2. TAU-1 detects tau proteins in axons, and the epitope in perikarya and dendrites is masked by phosphorylation. TAU-2 detects a phosphorylation-independent epitope on tau proteins. The molecular composition of tau proteins in the range of 45 kD to 64 kD at birth changed after the first postnatal month to a set of several adult variants of higher molecular weights in the range of 59 kD to 95 kD. The appearance of tau proteins in subsets of axons corresponds to the axonal maturation of cerebellar local-circuit neurons in granular and molecular layers and confirms previous studies. Tau proteins were also identified in synapses by immunofluorescent double-staining with synapsin I, located in the pinceau around the Purkinje cells, and in glomeruli. Dephosphorylation of juvenile cerebellar tissue by alkaline phosphatase indicated indirectly the presence of differentially phosphorylated tau forms mainly in juvenile ages. Additional TAU-1 immunoreactivity was unmasked in numerous perikarya and dendrites of stellate cells, and in cell bodies of granule cells. Purkinje cell bodies were stained transiently at juvenile ages. During postnatal development, the intensity of the phosphate-dependent staining decreased, suggesting that phosphorylation of tau proteins in perikarya and dendrites may be essential for early steps in neuronal morphogenesis during cat cerebellum development.


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We show here that the alpha, beta, and gamma isotypes of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) are expressed in the mouse epidermis during fetal development and that they disappear progressively from the interfollicular epithelium after birth. Interestingly, PPARalpha and beta expression is reactivated in the adult epidermis after various stimuli, resulting in keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation such as tetradecanoylphorbol acetate topical application, hair plucking, or skin wound healing. Using PPARalpha, beta, and gamma mutant mice, we demonstrate that PPARalpha and beta are important for the rapid epithelialization of a skin wound and that each of them plays a specific role in this process. PPARalpha is mainly involved in the early inflammation phase of the healing, whereas PPARbeta is implicated in the control of keratinocyte proliferation. In addition and very interestingly, PPARbeta mutant primary keratinocytes show impaired adhesion and migration properties. Thus, the findings presented here reveal unpredicted roles for PPARalpha and beta in adult mouse epidermal repair.


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Interleukin 7 is essential for the survival of naive T lymphocytes. Despite its importance, its cellular source in the periphery remains poorly defined. Here we report a critical function for lymph node access in T cell homeostasis and identify T zone fibroblastic reticular cells in these organs as the main source of interleukin 7. In vitro, T zone fibroblastic reticular cells were able to prevent the death of naive T lymphocytes but not of B lymphocytes by secreting interleukin 7 and the CCR7 ligand CCL19. Using gene-targeted mice, we demonstrate a nonredundant function for CCL19 in T cell homeostasis. Our data suggest that lymph nodes and T zone fibroblastic reticular cells have a key function in naive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell homeostasis by providing a limited reservoir of survival factors.


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NKT cells utilize a restricted alphabeta TCR repertoire that recognizes glycolipids in association with CD1d. The recent development of fluorescent CD1d tetramers loaded with the synthetic glycolipid alpha-galactosyl-ceramide has led to a clearer definition of NKT-cell subsets as well as important insights into their developmental origin. As many as four subsets may exist, differing in NK1.1 expression, TCR repertoire and dependence on CD1d and various glycolipids for development. Two different lineage-commitment models have been proposed, with most evidence favoring a byproduct of conventional-T-cell development.


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NK T cells produce cytokines when their semi-invariant TCR engages glycolipids associated with CD1d. The physiological consequences of NKT cell activation remain controversial, although they have been implicated in control of autoimmunity, parasites and tumors. We show here that specific activation of NKT cells in liver and spleen leads to a rapid induction of extensive NK cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. This NK cell activation is dependent, at least in part, on IFN-gamma production by NKT cells and IL-12 production by antigen-presenting cells. Remarkably, activation of NK cells by NKT cells is highly selective, since bystander T and B lymphocytes show transient expression of activation markers but almost no proliferation. Collectively our data suggest that CD1d-dependent NKT cells regulate innate immunity by sampling blood-borne glycolipid antigens and rapidly activating NK cells.


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Ag-experienced or memory T cells have increased reactivity to recall Ag, and can be distinguished from naive T cells by altered expression of surface markers such as CD44. Memory T cells have a high turnover rate, and CD8(+) memory T cells proliferate upon viral infection, in the presence of IFN-alphabeta and/or IL-15. In this study, we extend these findings by showing that activated NKT cells and superantigen-activated T cells induce extensive bystander proliferation of both CD8(+) and CD4(+) memory T cells. Moreover, proliferation of memory T cells can be induced by an IFN-alphabeta-independent, but IFN-gamma- or IL-12-dependent pathway. In these conditions of bystander activation, proliferating memory (CD44(high)) T cells do not derive from activation of naive (CD44(low)) T cells, but rather from bona fide memory CD44(high) T cells. Together, these data demonstrate that distinct pathways can induce bystander proliferation of memory T cells.


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BACKGROUND: Nitrosative stress takes place in endothelial cells (EC) during corneal acute graft rejection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential role of peroxynitrite on corneal EC death. METHODS: The effect of peroxynitrite was evaluated in vivo. Fifty, 250, and 500 microM in 1.5 microL of the natural or denatured peroxynitrite in 50 microM NaOH, 50 microM NaOH alone, or balanced salt solution were injected into the anterior chamber of rat eyes (n=3/group). Corneal toxic signs after injection were assessed by slit-lamp, in vivo confocal imaging, pachymetry, and EC count. The effect of peroxynitrite was also evaluated on nitrotyrosine and leucocyte elastase inhibitor/LDNase II immunohistochemistry. Human corneas were incubated with peroxynitrite and the effect on EC viability was evaluated. A specific inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (iNOS) was administered systemically in rats undergoing allogeneic corneal graft rejection and the effect on EC was evaluated by EC count. RESULTS: Rat eyes receiving as little as 50 microM peroxynitrite showed a specific dose-dependent toxicity on EC. We observed an intense nitrotyrosine staining of human and rat EC exposed to peroxynitrite associated with leucocyte elastase inhibitor nuclear translocation, a noncaspase dependent apoptosis reaction. Specific inhibition of iNOS generation prevented EC death and enhanced EC survival of the grafted corneas. However, inhibition of iNOS did not have a significant influence on the incidence of graft rejection. CONCLUSION: Nitrosative stress during acute corneal graft rejection in rat eyes induces a noncaspase dependent apoptotic death in EC. Inhibition of nitric oxide production during the corneal graft rejection has protective effects on the corneal EC survival.


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? BREVIS RADIX (BRX) has been identified through a loss-of-function allele in the Umkirch-1 accession in a natural variation screen for Arabidopsis root growth vigor. Physiological and gene expression analyses have suggested that BRX is rate limiting for auxin-responsive gene expression by mediating cross-talk with the brassinosteroid pathway, as impaired root growth and reduced auxin perception of brx can be (partially) rescued by external brassinosteroid application. ? Using genetic tools, we show that brx mutants also display significantly reduced cotyledon and leaf growth. ? Similar to the root, the amplitude and penetrance of this phenotype depends on genetic background and shares the physiological features, reduced auxin perception and brassinosteroid rescue. Furthermore, reciprocal grafting experiments between mutant and complemented brx shoot scions and root stocks suggest that the shoot phenotypes are not an indirect consequence of the root phenotype. Finally, BRX gain-of-function lines display epinastic leaf growth and, in the case of dominant negative interference, increased epidermal cell size. Consistent with an impact of BRX on brassinosteroid biosynthesis, this phenotype is accompanied by increased brassinosteroid levels. ? In summary, our results demonstrate a ubiquitous, although quantitatively variable role of BRX in modulating the growth rate in both the root and shoot.


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Rotation-mediated aggregate cultures of foetal rat liver cells were prepared and grown in a chemically defined medium. Their capacity for cellular organisation and maturation was studied over a culture period of 3 wk by using both morphologic and biochemical criteria. It was found that within each aggregate, distinct liver cell types were present and attained their normal, differentiated phenotype. Parenchymal cells formed small acini with a central lumen. Within the first 2 wk in culture, albumin and ferritin mRNA levels were maintained, while the alpha-fetoprotein mRNA levels decreased, and tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) gene expression increased. No significant response to glucocorticoids was observed in early cultures, whereas after 3 wk a marked increase in TAT mRNA levels was elicited by dexamethasone and glucagon (additive stimulatory effects). The results show that foetal rat liver cells cultured in a chemically defined medium are able to rearrange themselves into histotypic structures, and display a developmental pattern of gene expression comparable to that of perinatal rat liver in vivo. This culture system offers therefore a useful model to study the development and function of liver cells.


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Analysis of Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutants that are defective in septum formation and cytokinesis has identified the product of the cdc15 gene as a key element in formation of a division septum. S. pombe cells lacking cdc15p function cannot assemble a functional medial ring, and do not make a division septum. cdc15 mRNA accumulates periodically during the cell cycle, peaking after entry into mitosis, and increased expression of the gene in G2-arrested cells can promote F-actin ring formation. Here, we have investigated the effects of mutations that block cell division upon the expression of cdc15 in synchronised cell populations, and analysed the expression of cdc15 when septum formation is induced by ectopic activation of the septation signalling network. We concluded the following: (i) the septation signalling network genes are not required for periodic accumulation of cdc15 mRNA; (ii) induction of septum formation in G2-arrested cells by activation of the septation signalling network does not result in accumulation of cdc15 mRNA, which is therefore not a prerequisite for septum formation; (iii) failure to turn off septum formation at the end of mitosis results in continued expression of cdc15; and (iv) periodic accumulation of cdc15 mRNA is mediated by a 97 bp region 5' to the mRNA start site.


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Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) invade the tumor stroma in many cancers, yet their role is incompletely understood. To visualize and better understand these critical cells in tumor progression, we screened a portfolio of rationally selected, injectable agents to image endogenous TAMs ubiquitously in three different cancer models (colon carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, and soft tissue sarcoma). AMTA680, a functionally derivatized magneto-fluorescent nanoparticle, labeled a subset of myeloid cells with an "M2" macrophage phenotype, whereas other neighboring cells, including tumor cells and a variety of other leukocytes, remained unlabeled. We further show that AMTA680-labeled endogenous TAMs are not altered and can be tracked noninvasively at different resolutions and using various imaging modalities, e.g., fluorescence molecular tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and multiphoton and confocal intravital microscopy. Quantitative assessment of TAM distribution and activity in vivo identified that these cells cluster in delimited foci within tumors, show relatively low motility, and extend cytoplasmic protrusions for prolonged physical interactions with neighboring tumor cells. Noninvasive imaging can also be used to monitor TAM-depleting regimen quantitatively. Thus, AMTA680 or related cell-targeting agents represent appropriate injectable vehicles for in vivo analysis of the tumor microenvironment.


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Inflammation is intimately linked with naturally occurring remodeling events in the endometrium. Lipoxins comprise a group of short-lived, nonclassic eicosanoids possessing potent anti-inflammatory and proresolution properties. In the present study, we investigated the role of lipoxin A(4) (LXA(4)) in the endometrium and demonstrated that 15-LOX-2, an enzyme necessary for LX biosynthesis, is expressed in this tissue. Our results establish that LXA(4) possesses robust estrogenic activity through its capacity to alter ERE transcriptional activity, as well as expression of estrogen-regulated genes, alkaline phosphatase activity, and proliferation in human endometrial epithelial cells. Interestingly, LXA(4) also demonstrated antiestrogenic potential, significantly attenuating E2-induced activity. This estrogenic activity was directly mediated through estrogen receptors (ERs). Subsequent investigations determined that the actions of LXA(4) are exclusively mediated through ERα and closely mimic those of the potent estrogen 17β-estradiol (E2). In binding assays, LXA(4) competed with E2 for ER binding, with an IC(50) of 46 nM. Furthermore, LXA(4) exhibited estrogenic activity in vivo, increasing uterine wet weight and modulating E2-regulated gene expression. These findings reveal a previously unappreciated facet of LXA(4) bioactions, implicating this lipid mediator in novel immunoendocrine crosstalk mechanisms.


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Humans and mice lacking functional caspase-8 in T cells manifest a profound immunodeficiency syndrome due to defective T cell antigen receptor (TCR)-induced NF-kappaB signaling and proliferation. It is unknown how caspase-8 is activated following T cell stimulation, and what is the caspase-8 substrate(s) that is necessary to initiate T cell cycling. We observe that following TCR ligation, a small portion of total cellular caspase-8 and c-FLIP(L) rapidly migrate to lipid rafts where they associate in an active caspase complex. Activation of caspase-8 in lipid rafts is followed by rapid cleavage of c-FLIP(L) at a known caspase-8 cleavage site. The active caspase.c-FLIP complex forms in the absence of Fas (CD95/APO1) and associates with the NF-kappaB signaling molecules RIP1, TRAF2, and TRAF6, as well as upstream NF-kappaB regulators PKC theta, CARMA1, Bcl-10, and MALT1, which connect to the TCR. The lack of caspase-8 results in the absence of MALT1 and Bcl-10 in the active caspase complex. Consistent with this observation, inhibition of caspase activity attenuates NF-kappaB activation. The current findings define a link among TCR, caspases, and the NF-kappaB pathway that occurs in a sequestered lipid raft environment in T cells.