63 resultados para transcranial
A cortical visuomotor network, comprising the medial intraparietal sulcus (mIPS) and the dorsal premotor area (PMd), encodes the sensorimotor transformations required for the on-line control of reaching movements. How information is transmitted between these two regions and which pathways are involved, are less clear. Here, we use a multimodal approach combining repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate whether structural connectivity in the 'reaching' circuit is associated to variations in the ability to control and update a movement. We induced a transient disruption of the neural processes underlying on-line motor adjustments by applying 1Hz rTMS over the mIPS. After the stimulation protocol, participants globally showed a reduction of the number of corrective trajectories during a reaching task that included unexpected visual perturbations. A voxel-based analysis revealed that participants exhibiting higher fractional anisotropy (FA) in the second branch of the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF II) suffered less rTMS-induced behavioral impact. These results indicate that the microstructural features of the white matter bundles within the parieto-frontal 'reaching' circuit play a prominent role when action reprogramming is interfered. Moreover, our study suggests that the structural alignment and cohesion of the white matter tracts might be used as a predictor to characterize the extent of motor impairments.
Adjusting behavior following the detection of inappropriate actions allows flexible adaptation to task demands and environmental contingencies during goal-directed behaviors. Post-error behavioral adjustments typically consist in adopting more cautious response mode, which manifests as a slowing down of response speed. Although converging evidence involves the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in post-error behavioral adjustment, whether and when the left or right DLPFC is critical for post-error slowing (PES), as well as the underlying brain mechanisms, remain highly debated. To resolve these issues, we used single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation in healthy human adults to disrupt the left or right DLPFC selectively at various delays within the 30-180ms interval following false alarms commission, while participants preformed a standard visual Go/NoGo task. PES significantly increased after TMS disruption of the right, but not the left DLPFC at 150ms post-FA response. We discuss these results in terms of an involvement of the right DLPFC in reducing the detrimental effects of error detection on subsequent behavioral performance, as opposed to implementing adaptative error-induced slowing down of response speed.
Time perception is used in our day-to-day activities. While we understand quite well how our brain processes vision, touch or taste, brain mechanisms subserving time perception remain largely understudied. In this study, we extended an experiment of previous master thesis run by Tatiana Kenel-Pierre. We focused on time perception in the range of milliseconds. Previous studies have demonstrated the involvement of visual areas V1 and V5/MT in the encoding of temporal information of visual stimuli. Based on these previous findings the aim of the present study was to understand if temporal information was encoded in V1 and extrastriate area V5/MT in different spatial frames i.e., head- centered versus eye-centered. To this purpose we asked eleven healthy volunteers to perform a temporal discrimination task of visual stimuli. Stimuli were presented at 4 different spatial positions (i.e., different combinations of retinotopic and spatiotopic position). While participants were engaged in this task we interfered with the activity of the right dorsal V1 and the right V5/MT with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Our preliminary results showed that TMS over both V1 and V5/MT impaired temporal discrimination of visual stimuli presented at specific spatial coordinates. But whereas TMS over V1 impaired temporal discrimination of stimuli presented in the lower left quadrant, TMS over V5/MT affected temporal discrimination of stimuli presented at the top left quadrant. Although it is always difficult to draw conclusions from preliminary results, we could tentatively say that our data seem to suggest that both V1 and V5/MT encode visual temporal information in specific spatial frames.