580 resultados para trajectoire de soins
Substance user adolescents were asked to report on each contact they had had with any type of care providers since they had begun to use alcohol or illegal drugs regularly. Primary care doctors and social workers represent the main access to the care network. In one out of two contacts substance use was not discussed.
Acute renal failure is a frequent and potentially lethal disease in intensive care units. Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is often required. Either intermittent or continuous methods of RRT can be used. When to start a RRT and which method to use is not always clearly defined and a global evaluation of the clinical situation is required. The choice of the modality of RRT will be up to the general clinical context, hemodynamic stability, the type of molecules to be cleared and the haemorrhagic risk as much as habits and available resources. No study currently showed a superiority of either continuous or intermittent renal replacement therapy. The collaboration between intensive care specialists and nephrologists allows an optimized choice for a given patient and allow better move from one technic to another if required.
The transition between hospital and community is an interface at high risk for medication. "The Association of Family Doctors" committee in the canton of Vaud (MFVaud), together with community pharmacists' and Homecare representatives, have begun to consider the following improvements: fast and co-ordinated care providers' information; arrangements for family doctors appointments as soon as possible; awareness and education for interprofessional collaboration; more secured preparation of pill boxes; development of interprofessional means such as medication use reviews and reconciliations. In the opinion of all the experts, there is an urgent public health need to act in an interprofessional manner, even if the solutions required (especially change in professional culture and technologies) are not immediate.
Acute kidney injury is common in critical illness and associated with important morbidity and mortality. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) enables physicians to safely and efficiently control associated metabolic and fluid balance disorders. The insertion of a large central venous catheter is required, which can be associated with mechanical and infectious complications. CRRT requires anticoagulation, which currently relies on heparin in most cases although citrate could become a standard in a near future. The choice of the substitution fluid depends on the clinical situation. A dose of 25 ml/kg/h is currently recommended.
Cet article propose une approche globale de la santé des personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles, et transgenres (LGBT), où respect des singularités et non-jugement occupent une position centrale. Il invite à dépasser une vision centrée sur les risques liés au VIH. Pour qui n'a pas connu de questionnement en lien avec son orientation sexuelle ou son identité de genre, il est difficile de concevoir comment la découverte d'une caractéristique identitaire pendant l'enfance peut se transformer sous le regard des autres en un fardeau souvent invisible mais fréquemment associé avec une morbidité émotionnelle et médicale considérable. Cet article pose la question suivante : combien de personnes LGBT ressortent chaque semaine d'une consultation médicale sans avoir eu l'opportunité de bénéficier d'une écoute, d'un soutien et de soins adaptés ? [Abstract] This article offers a comprehensive approach to the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, where respect for diversity and non judgemental care play a central role. It calls for a health and medical vision that goes beyond HIV risk. For those who never had to question their own sexual orientation or gender identity, it is certainly difficult to understand how the discovery of one's identity trait in childhood or early adolescence can be transformed under social pressure into a burden which often remains invisible but is associated with considerable emotional and medical morbidity. This article raises the following question : How many LGBT patients go unnoticed every week, leaving the physician's office without an opportunity to receive appropriate listening, support and care ?
Undernutrition is a widespread problem in the intensive care and is associated with a worse clinical outcome. Enteral nutrition is the recommended nutritional support in ICU patients. However, enteral nutrition is frequently insufficient to cover protein-energy needs. The initiation of supplemental parenteral nutrition, when enteral nutrition is insufficient, could optimize the nutritional therapy. Such a combination could allow reducing morbidity, length of stay and recovery, as well as improving quality of life and health care costs. Prospective studies are currently underway to test this hypothesis.
Depuis 2004, la cohorte Lc65+, consacrée à l'étude du vieillissement, observe la santé des Lausannois nés entre 1934 et 1943 et produit des données utiles à l'accompagnement de la politique Vieillissement & Santé du canton de Vaud. En automne 2011, un financement de la Fondation Leenaards a permis d'étendre temporairement son échantillon à l'entier de la population âgée du canton, en incluant aussi des personnes vivant à Lausanne nées avant 1934 ainsi que des Vaudois vivant en dehors de la ville de Lausanne et nés avant 1944. Cette extension était destinée à l'étude de la qualité de vie et de ses liens avec la santé. L'observation a ainsi porté sur un large échantillon représentatif de la population âgée vivant à son domicile privé dans le canton de Vaud. Le mandat confié à l'Unité des services de santé de l'IUMSP est venu dans un troisième temps. Il a consisté à réinterroger en 2012 l'ensemble des personnes ayant participé à l'enquête sur la qualité de vie, alors âgées de 68 ans et plus. L'information recueillie est centrée sur leur expérience des soins, leur connaissance du domaine des prestations médico-sociales et leurs attentes. Le présent rapport présente les résultats de cette enquête sur les soins sous la forme d'indicateurs bruts, puis ventilés par région (Ville de Lausanne versus Hors Lausanne), par sexe et enfin par âge. Seules les différences atteignant le seuil de signification statistique de p<.005 sont présentées sous forme de graphiques et commentées. En annexe figure par ailleurs sous forme de tableau l'ensemble des résultats globaux chiffrés ainsi que, pour information, les résultats spécifiques par lieu du domicile, sexe et âge lorsque ces derniers montrent des différences répondant à un critère moins strict (p<.05); cependant, en raison du très grand nombre de comparaisons effectuées, les différences entre sous-groupes exposées dans ce tableau doivent être interprétées avec la prudence d'usage.
Practice of psychiatric hospitalization has considerably changed: deinstitutionnalization, brief hospitalizations, opened units, partnership with patients and complementarity with community mental health services. These changes appear simultaneously in most of industrialized countries. They are the result of social changes, evolution of mental health care, and a sharper perception of deinsertion risks through long term hospitalizations. Values of psychiatric hospital were based on a closed and protective place, where community life prepared to life in the community; they are now founded on an opened place where care aims at resolving crisis and keeping closely in touch with the community. These modifications imply to rethink hospital psychiatric care and their connections with environment. This paper describe a model of care developed in a first admission psychiatric unit.