167 resultados para science insights
Resume : L'utilisation de l'encre comme indice en sciences forensiques est décrite et encadrée par une littérature abondante, comprenant entre autres deux standards de l'American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). La grande majorité de cette littérature se préoccupe de l'analyse des caractéristiques physiques ou chimiques des encres. Les standards ASTM proposent quelques principes de base qui concernent la comparaison et l'interprétation de la valeur d'indice des encres en sciences forensiques. L'étude de cette littérature et plus particulièrement des standards ASTM, en ayant a l'esprit les développements intervenus dans le domaine de l'interprétation de l'indice forensique, montre qu'il existe un potentiel certain pour l'amélioration de l'utilisation de l'indice encre et de son impact dans l'enquête criminelle. Cette thèse propose d'interpréter l'indice encre en se basant sur le cadre défini par le théorème de Bayes. Cette proposition a nécessité le développement d'un système d'assurance qualité pour l'analyse et la comparaison d'échantillons d'encre. Ce système d'assurance qualité tire parti d'un cadre théorique nouvellement défini. La méthodologie qui est proposée dans ce travail a été testée de manière compréhensive, en tirant parti d'un set de données spécialement créer pour l'occasion et d'outils importés de la biométrie. Cette recherche répond de manière convaincante à un problème concret généralement rencontré en sciences forensiques. L'information fournie par le criminaliste, lors de l'examen de traces, est souvent bridée, car celui-ci essaie de répondre à la mauvaise question. L'utilisation d'un cadre théorique explicite qui définit et formalise le goal de l'examen criminaliste, permet de déterminer les besoins technologiques et en matière de données. Le développement de cette technologie et la collection des données pertinentes peut être justifiées économiquement et achevée de manière scientifique. Abstract : The contribution of ink evidence to forensic science is described and supported by an abundant literature and by two standards from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The vast majority of the available literature is concerned with the physical and chemical analysis of ink evidence. The relevant ASTM standards mention some principles regarding the comparison of pairs of ink samples and the evaluation of their evidential value. The review of this literature and, more specifically, of the ASTM standards in the light of recent developments in the interpretation of forensic evidence has shown some potential improvements, which would maximise the benefits of the use of ink evidence in forensic science. This thesis proposes to interpret ink evidence using the widely accepted and recommended Bayesian theorem. This proposition has required the development of a new quality assurance process for the analysis and comparison of ink samples, as well as of the definition of a theoretical framework for ink evidence. The proposed technology has been extensively tested using a large dataset of ink samples and state of the art tools, commonly used in biometry. Overall, this research successfully answers to a concrete problem generally encountered in forensic science, where scientists tend to self-limit the usefulness of the information that is present in various types of evidence, by trying to answer to the wrong questions. The declaration of an explicit framework, which defines and formalises their goals and expected contributions to the criminal and civil justice system, enables the determination of their needs in terms of technology and data. The development of this technology and the collection of the data is then justified economically, structured scientifically and can be proceeded efficiently.
The Dynamical Systems Approach to Cognition. Studies of Nonlinear Phenomena in Life Science - Vol 10
Review of : Fabulous Science: Fact and Fiction in the History of Scientific Discovery by John Waller Oxford University Press
The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (www.isb-sib.ch) was created in 1998 as an institution to foster excellence in bioinformatics. It is renowned worldwide for its databases and software tools, such as UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, PROSITE, SWISS-MODEL, STRING, etc, that are all accessible on ExPASy.org, SIB's Bioinformatics Resource Portal. This article provides an overview of the scientific and training resources SIB has consistently been offering to the life science community for more than 15 years.
SummaryGene duplication and neofunctidnalization are important processes in the evolution of phenotypic complexity. They account for important evolutionary novelties that confer ecological adaptation, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), a multigene family with a central role in vertebrates' adaptive immune system. Multigene families, which evolved in large part through duplication, represent promising systems to study the still strongly depbated relative roles of neutral and adaptive processes in the evolution of phenotypic complexity. Detailed knowledge on ecological function and a well-characterized evolutionary history place the mammals' MHC amongst ideal study systems. However mammalian MHCs usually encompass several million base pairs and hold a large number of functional and non-functional duplicate genes, which makes their study complex. Avian MHCs on the other hand are usually way more compact, but the reconstruction of. their evolutionary history has proven notoriously difficult. However, no focused attempt has been undertaken so far to study the avian MHC evolutionary history in a broad phylogenetic context and using adequate gene regions.In the present PhD, we were able to make important contributions to the understanding of the long-term evolution of the avian MHC class II Β (MHCI1B). First, we isolated and characterized MHCIIB genes in barn owl (Tyto alba?, Strigiformes, Tytonidae), a species from an avian lineage in which MHC has not been studied so far. Our results revealed that with only two functional MHCIIB genes the MHC organization of barn owl may be similar to the 'minimal essential' MHC of chicken (Gallus gallus), indicating that simple MHC organization may be ancestral to birds. Taking advantage of the sequence information from barn owl, we studied the evolution of MHCIIB genes in 13 additional species of 'typical' owls (Strigiformes, Strigidae). Phylogenetic analyses revealed that according to their function, in owls the peptide-binding region (PBR) encoding exon 2 and the non-PBR encoding exon 3 evolve by different patterns. Exon 2 exhibited an evolutionary history of positive selection and recombination, while exon 3 traced duplication history and revealed two paralogs evolving divergently from each other in owls, and in a shorebird, the great snipe {Gallinago media). The results from exon 3 were the first ever from birds to demonstrate gene orthology in species that diverged tens of millions of years ago, and strongly questioned whether the taxa studied before provided an adequate picture of avian MHC evolution. In a follow-up study, we aimed at explaining a striking pattern revealed by phylogenetic trees analyzing the owl sequences along with MHCIIB sequences from other birds: One owl paralog (termed DAB1) grouped with sequences of passerines and falcons, while the other (DAB2) grouped with wildfowl, penguins and birds of prey. This could be explained by either a duplication event preceding the evolution of these bird orders, or by convergent evolution of similar sequences in a number of orders. With extensive phylogenetic analyses we were able to show, that indeed a duplication event preceeded the major avian radiation -100 my ago, and that following this duplication, the paralogs evolved under positive selection. Furthermore, we showed that the divergently evolving amino acid residues in the MHCIIB-encoded β-chain potentially interact with the MHCI I α-chain, and that molecular coevolution of the interacting residues may have been involved in the divergent evolution of the MHCIIB paralogs.The findings of this PhD are of particular interest to the understanding of the evolutionary history of the avian MHC and, by providing essential information on long-term gene history in the avian MHC, open promising perspectives for advances in the understanding of the evolution of multigene families in general, and for avian MHC organization in particular. Amongst others I discuss the importance of including protein structure in the phylogenetic study of multigene families, and the roles of ecological versus molecular selection pressures. I conclude by providing a population genomic perspective on avian MHC, which may serve as a basis for future research to investigate the relative roles of neutral processes involving effective population size effects and of adaptation in the evolution of avian MHC diversity and organization.RésuméLa duplication de gènes et leur néo-fonctionnalisation sont des processus importants dans l'évolution de la complexité phénotypique. Ils sont impliqués dans l'apparition d'importantes nouveautés évolutives favorisant l'adaptation écologique, comme c'est le cas pour le complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité
Although the T-cell receptor αδ (TCRαδ) locus harbours large libraries of variable (TRAV) and junctional (TRAJ) gene segments, according to previous studies the TCRα chain repertoire is of limited diversity due to restrictions imposed by sequential coordinate TRAV-TRAJ recombinations. By sequencing tens of millions of TCRα chain transcripts from naive mouse CD8(+) T cells, we observed a hugely diverse repertoire, comprising nearly all possible TRAV-TRAJ combinations. Our findings are not compatible with sequential coordinate gene recombination, but rather with a model in which contraction and DNA looping in the TCRαδ locus provide equal access to TRAV and TRAJ gene segments, similarly to that demonstrated for IgH gene recombination. Generation of the observed highly diverse TCRα chain repertoire necessitates deletion of failed attempts by thymic-positive selection and is essential for the formation of highly diverse TCRαβ repertoires, capable of providing good protective immunity.
The application of two approaches for high-throughput, high-resolution X-ray phase contrast tomographic imaging being used at the tomographic microscopy and coherent radiology experiments (TOMCAT) beamline of the SLS is discussed and illustrated. Differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging, using a grating interferometer and a phase-stepping technique, is integrated into the beamline environment at TOMCAT in terms of the fast acquisition and reconstruction of data and the availability to scan samples within an aqueous environment. A second phase contrast method is a modified transfer of intensity approach that can yield the 3D distribution of the decrement of the refractive index of a weakly absorbing object from a single tomographic dataset. The two methods are complementary to one another: the DPC method is characterised by a higher sensitivity and by moderate resolution with larger samples; the modified transfer of intensity approach is particularly suited for small specimens when high resolution (around 1 mu m) is required. Both are being applied to investigations in the biological and materials science fields.