184 resultados para rural medicine


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Right from the beginning of the development of the medical specialty of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) the harmonization of the fields of competence and the specialist training across Europe was always an important issue. The initially informal European collaboration was formalized in 1963 under the umbrella of the European Federation of PRM. The European Academy of PRM and the UEMS section of PRM started to contribute in 1969 and 1974 respectively. In 1991 the European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (EBPRM) was founded with the specific task of harmonizing education and training in PRM in Europe. The EBPRM has progressively defined curricula for the teaching of medical students and for the postgraduate education and training of PRM specialists. It also created a harmonized European certification system for medical PRM specialists, PRM trainers and PRM training sites. European teaching initiatives for PRM trainees (European PRM Schools) were promoted and learning material for PRM trainees and PRM specialists (e-learning, books and e-books, etc.) was created. For the future the Board will have to ensure that a minimal specific undergraduate curriculum on PRM based on a detailed European catalogue of learning objectives will be taught in all medical schools in Europe as a basis for the general medical practice. To stimulate the harmonization of national curricula, the existing postgraduate curriculum will be expanded by a syllabus of competencies related to PRM and a catalogue of learning objectives to be reached by all European PRM trainees. The integration of the certifying examination of the PRM Board into the national assessment procedures for PRM specialists will also have to be promoted.


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This paper addresses the migration behaviours of young university graduates from a rural region in Switzerland. Based on a questionnaire survey, it compares graduates' current place of residence (i.e. whether or not they returned to their home region) with characteristics related to their socio-familial, migration and professional trajectories. The propensity to return varies not only according to labour market variables (employment opportunities), but also to other factors, some of which have even more influence than job opportunities. The graduates' life course position (kind of household), their partners' characteristics (level of education and home region) and their family background (socio-economic status and history of migration) all play a central role. On the whole, results show that migration appears as a selective and complex process embedded in the life course of graduates.


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Aims and objectives  This study aimed to determine the discriminant validity and the test-retest reliability of a questionnaire testing the impact of evidence-based medicine (EBM) training on doctors' knowledge and skills. Methods  Questionnaires were sent electronically to all doctors working as residents and chief residents in two French speaking hospital networks in Switzerland. Participants completed the questionnaire twice, within a 4-week interval. The discriminant validity was examined in comparing doctors' performance according to their reported EBM previous training. Proportion of agreement between both sessions of the questionnaire, Cohen's kappa and 'uniform kappa' determined its test-retest reliability. Results  The participation rate was 9.8%/7.1% to first/second session. Performance increased according to the level of doctors' previous training in EBM. The observed proportion of agreement between both sessions was over 70% for 14/19 questions, and the 'uniform kappa' was superior to 0.60 for 15/19 questions. Conclusion  The discriminant validity and test-retest reliability of the questionnaire were satisfying. The low participation rate did not prevent the study from achieving its aims.


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Blood bankers have focused their energy to secure blood transfusion, and only recently have studies been published on the effect of blood donation on iron metabolism. In many facilities, hemoglobin measurement is only performed just before or even during blood donation, but the determination of iron stores is largely ignored. The 2013 paradox of transfusion medicine is due to the fact that blood donation may be harmful and leads to iron deficiency with or without anemia, but for other individuals, it may be a healthy measure preventing type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this review is to discuss iron metabolism in the perspective of blood donation, notably regarding their possible genetic profiles that eventually will discriminate "good" iron absorbers from "bad" iron responders.


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The extensive variability of individual human genomes contributes to phenotypic variability. Structural genomic variants, and copy number variants (CNVs) in particular, have recently been rediscovered as contributors to the genomic plasticity and evolution and as pathoetiologic elements for both monogenic and complex traits. Herein we review some of the consequences of CNVs in the context of human inherited diseases.


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Training new doctors in general internal medicine represents a challenge. This requires to define future needs, which result from interest that are not necessarily convergent between patients, doctors, insurers and politicians. Problems related to medical demography in Switzerland, with the ageing of the population, the increase in health care costs and the place of Switzerland within the European Community require the implementation of specific objectives to train new physicians in general internal medicine. The success of these opportunities depends on social factors, political choices and choices from physician's association. In this article we will approach these challenges by formulating some proposals--nonexhaustive--in order to guarantee sufficient renewal in general internal medicine.


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The aim of ORAMED work package 4 was the optimization of the medical practices in nuclear medicine during the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and their administration to the patient. During the project a wide campaign of measurements was performed in the nuclear medicine departments of the collaborating hospitals. Such data were intrinsically characterized by a large variability that depended on the procedure, the employed techniques and the operator's habits. That variability could easily hide some important parameter, for example, the effectiveness of the adopted shielding (for syringe and vial) or the effect of the distances from the source. This information is necessary for a valuable optimization purpose of radiation protection. To this end a sensitivity analysis was carried out through Monte Carlo simulations employing voxel models, representing operator's hand during the considered practices. Such analysis allowed understanding at what extent the range of personal dose equivalent evaluated during measurements can be considered intrinsically related to the procedures. Furthermore, with the Monte Carlo simulations it was possible to study the appropriateness of the shielding usually utilized in these practices.


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INTRODUCTION: Infertility treatments are a major source of the increase in multiple pregnancies (MPs). AIMS: The aims of the present study were (1.) to investigate the origin and maternal/neonatal outcomes of MP and (2.) to review the different measures that can be adopted to reduce these serious complications. METHODS: The study included all women with multiple births between 1 January 1995 and 31 December 2006 at the University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland. The outcomes associated with the various origins of MP (natural conception, ovarian stimulation [OS] ‒ in-vitro fertilisation [IVF-ICSI]) were analysed using a multinomial logistic regression model. An analysis of the Swiss law on reproductive medicine and its current proposed revision, as well as a literature review using Pubmed, was carried out. RESULTS: A total of 592 MP were registered, 91% (n = 537) resulted in live births. There was significantly more neonatal/maternal morbidity in MP after OS compared with natural conception and even with the IVF-ICSI group. With a policy of elective single embryo transfer (eSET), twin rates after IVF-ICSI can be reduced to <5% and triplets to <1%. CONCLUSIONS: After OS, more triplets are found and the outcome of MP is worse. MP is known to be associated with morbidity, mortality, and economic and social risks. To counteract these complications (1.) better training for physicians performing OS should be encouraged and (2.) the Swiss law on reproductive medicine needs to be changed, with the introduction of eSET policies. This would lead to a dramatic decrease in neonatal and maternal morbidity/mortality as well as significant cost reductions for the Swiss healthcare system.


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The aim of this article is to propose an anthropological point of view about informed consent in medicine. This quest for legitimacy should be read as a relational and social construction. In the heart of clinical complexity we find on one side various techniques employed by the medical community to validate research and to obtain the consent of patients. On the other side patients offer plural and subjective answers due to the doctor patient hierarchical and long relationship. Between constraints and freedoms, informed consent brings to light social relation.


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Considerable interest for cell-derived microparticles has emerged, pointing out their essential role in haemostatic response and their potential as disease markers, but also their implication in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes. They derive from different cell types including platelets - the main source of microparticles - but also from red blood cells, leukocytes and endothelial cells, and they circulate in blood. Despite difficulties encountered in analyzing them and disparities of results obtained with a wide range of methods, microparticle generation processes are now better understood. However, a generally admitted definition of microparticles is currently lacking. For all these reasons we decided to review the literature regarding microparticles in their widest definition, including ectosomes and exosomes, and to focus mainly on their role in haemostasis and vascular medicine.


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Blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone cascade is now recognised as a very effective approach to treat hypertensive, heart failure and high cardiovascular risk patients and to retard the development of renal failure. The purpose of this review is to discuss the state of development of currently available drugs blocking the renin-angiotensin system, such as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, renin inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists, with a special emphasis on the results of the most recent trials conducted with AT(2) receptor antagonists in heart failure and Type 2 diabetes. In addition, the future perspectives of drugs with dual mechanisms of action, such as NEP/ACE inhibitors, also named vasopeptidase inhibitors, are presented.