68 resultados para prison camps
This article analyzes the role of the press in direct democratic campaigns. The paper argues the press has a dual role: On news pages, newspapers ought to inform citizens about the issue positions and frames of the pro and con camps in a balanced way. In editorials, newspapers act as political advocates that promote their own issue frames and try to shape public opinion through voting recommendations. Comparing the issue positions and frames in editorials and news reports in the run-up to the vote on the popular initiative "Yes to Europe" in Switzerland, this article shows that newspapers give similar visibility to the pro and con camps regardless of the papers' own editorial position. However, some newspapers favor issue frames that are in line with their editorial perspectives. In conclusion, newspapers are more similar in news report content than in editorial views.
A semisupervised support vector machine is presented for the classification of remote sensing images. The method exploits the wealth of unlabeled samples for regularizing the training kernel representation locally by means of cluster kernels. The method learns a suitable kernel directly from the image and thus avoids assuming a priori signal relations by using a predefined kernel structure. Good results are obtained in image classification examples when few labeled samples are available. The method scales almost linearly with the number of unlabeled samples and provides out-of-sample predictions.
Psychotherapists in the forensic field are in an uncomfortable position. The reluctance of patients to be subjected to such obligatory treatments and to face their own violence contributes to this difficult position. The mission of public safety assigned to these treatments, their assessment through risk of recidivism rather than therapeutic effectiveness as well as misconception by lawyers and authorities of what psychotherapy really is reinforce the difficulty of such a practice. However, a clarification of the nature of each type of interventions allows the establishment of viable psychotherapeutic framework adapted to penal constraints. The developments of approaches specifically tailored to prison settings as well as to sexual offenders are illustrations of this point.
This paper introduces a nonlinear measure of dependence between random variables in the context of remote sensing data analysis. The Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC) is a kernel method for evaluating statistical dependence. HSIC is based on computing the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the cross-covariance operator of mapped samples in the corresponding Hilbert spaces. The HSIC empirical estimator is very easy to compute and has good theoretical and practical properties. We exploit the capabilities of HSIC to explain nonlinear dependences in two remote sensing problems: temperature estimation and chlorophyll concentration prediction from spectra. Results show that, when the relationship between random variables is nonlinear or when few data are available, the HSIC criterion outperforms other standard methods, such as the linear correlation or mutual information.
Si historiquement la religion a toujours été intimement liée aux établissements pénitentiaires, elle était jusqu'à récemment synonyme de christianisme. Aujourd'hui, en contexte à la fois sécularisé et pluralisé du point de vue de la religion, l'aumônerie traditionnelle chrétienne se trouve face à de nouveaux enjeux. D'une part, elle est confrontée à la spécialisation des domaines d'activité au sein des prisons et d'autre part, elle doit composer avec des détenus de confession allogène et contribuer, par son action, au respect de l'exercice de leurs droits religieux. Ainsi, on assiste, dans le cadre de l'aumônerie à un double processus. D'un côté, on remarque une universalisation du travail de l'aumônier chrétien qui se doit d'assister l'ensemble des femmes et des hommes incaréré-e-s, quelle que soit leur confession ou religion. D'un autre côté, on constate l'émergence de corps d'intervenants religieux caractérisés par une spécialisation communautaire religieuse ou ethnique, à l'exemple des intervenants musulmans de prison. L'objectif de la présente contribution sera ainsi de décrire les processus à l'oeuvre exprimant tantôt une universalisation ou une particularisation des intervenants religieux et de réfléchir au développement d'une aumônerie d'un type nouveau, pluri-religieuse professionnalisée et professionnalisante. If religion has always historically had close ties to penitentiaries, it was until recently synonymous with Christianity. Nowadays, the religious context in prison has evolved towards secularization and pluralization, meaning that the traditional Christian chaplaincy faces new challenges. On the one hand, it is confronted with the specialization of fields of activity in prison and on the other hand, it must adapt to a growing number of prisoners from various religious origins and contribute to the respect of their religious rights. Thus, we witness the development of a duel process in prison chaplaincy. Firstly, the universalization of the role of the Christian chaplain who must assist all incarcerated men and women, regardless of their religion or confession. Secondly, the emergence of non Christian visiting minister with a linguistic, ethnic or religious specialization, like for instance Muslim representative intervening the Muslim prisoners. The aim of this contribution is to describe this duel process and discuss the legal and sociological implications.