210 resultados para plot structure
In vascular plants, the endodermis establishes a protective diffusion barrier surrounding the vasculature preventing the passive, uncontrolled entry of nutrients absorbed by the plant. It does so by means of a differentiation feature, the "Casparian Strip" (CS), a highly localized cell wall impregnation made of lignin, which seals the extracellular space. Although the existence of this differentiation feature has been intensively described, the mechanisms establishing this hallmark remain obscure. In this work I report, the developmental sequence of events that leads to a differentiated endodermis, in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana. In addition, my descriptive approach gave important insights as to how these cells define membrane domains involved in the directional transport of nutrients. I also participated in characterizing a new transmembrane protein family, the CASPs, localized to the membrane domain underlying the CS, which we accordingly named the Casparian Strip membrane Domain (CSD). Our molecular analysis indicates that these proteins drive CS establishment. To identify more molecular factors of CS establishment, I performed a forward genetic screen. This screen led to the identification of 11 endodermis permissive mutants, which we named schengen (sgn) mutants. The causative mutations have been mapped to 5 independent loci: SGN1 to SGN5. SGN1 and SGN3 encode Receptor Like Kinases involved in the correct establishment of the CSD. A lack of those kinases leads to an incomplete CSD, which gives rise to interrupted CS barriers. Interestingly, SGN1 seems to also regulate CSD positioning to the middle of endodermal transversal walls. SGN4 encodes an NADPH oxidase involved in lignin polymerization essential for CS formation. The sgn5 mutant induces extra divisions of cortical cells strongly affecting the cell identity, but also leading to incorrect differentiation. A thorough characterization of the sgn2 mutant will follow elsewhere, yet preliminary results indicate that SGN2 encodes an Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase. . In summary, with my work I have contributed a first set of molecular players of Casparian strip formation and initiated their characterization. Eventually, this might lead to an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of CS establishment in A.thaliana . This in turn will hopefully help to better understand nutrient uptake in higher plants and their response to environmental stresses. - Au sein des plantes vasculaires, l'endoderme représente un tissu protecteur mettant en place une barrière imperméable, empêchant n'importe quel élément de rejoindre les tissus conducteurs par simple diffusion. Cette barrière, appelée « Cadre de Caspary », correspond à une lignification de la paroi de l'endoderme et donne lieu à un cloisonnement de l'espace intercellulaire. Bien que cet élément de différenciation soit décrit en détail, sa mise en place reste incomprise. Cette étude indique la suite d'événements aboutissant à l'établissement du cadre de Caspary chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. De plus, ce travail apporte de nouvelles connaissances expliquant comment ces cellules définissent des domaines membranaires importants pour le transport des nutriments. Nous décrivons une nouvelle famille de protéines membranaires, les CASPs (« CAparian Strip membrane domain Proteins »), localisées dans un domaine membranaire longeant le cadre de Caspary : le domaine de Caspary (CSD). L'analyse moléculaire des CASPs indique qu'elles dirigent la formation du cadre de Caspary. Par ailleurs, une approche génétique directe nous a permis d'identifier 11 mutants ayant un endoderme perméable. Nous avons nommé ces mutants Schengen, en référence à la zone de libre échange européenne. Les mutations impliquées dans ces mutants affectent 5 gènes désignés de SGN1 à SGN5. SGN1 et SGN3 produisent des protéines de type kinases (« Receptor-like Kinases », RLK) qui participent à la délimitation du CSD. L'absence de ces kinases aboutit à un domaine CSD incomplet, se traduisant par un cadre de Caspary discontinu. De plus, SGN1 semble réguler le positionnement du CSD au milieu de la paroi transversale de l'endoderme. SGN4 produit une enzyme de type NADPH oxydase impliquée dans la polymérisation du cadre de Caspary. Dans le mutant sgn5, on observe une division anormale des cellules du cortex créant ainsi une nouvelle couche cellulaire incapable d'achever sa différenciation en endoderme. Quant à la mutation sgn2, bien que nous pensons qu'elle affecte une Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase, sa caractérisation ne sera réalisée que prochainement. Au final, ce travail procure de nouveaux éléments sur l'établissement du cadre de Caspary qui pourraient être importants afin de comprendre comment les plantes sélectionnent leurs nutriments et résistent à des conditions environnementales parfois hostiles. - De par leur immobilité, les plantes terrestres n'ont pas d'autre choix que de puiser leurs ressources dans leur environnement direct. La plante extrait du sol les nutriments qui lui sont nécessaires et les redistribue grâce à des tissus conducteurs. Afin de ne pas s'intoxiquer, il est donc essentiel de pouvoir sélectionner les éléments entrant dans la racine. Etonnement, ce n'est pas la surface des racines qui permet ce contrôle mais un tissu interne appelé endoderme. Ce dernier forme une barrière imperméable qui entoure chaque cellule et crée une jointure permettant de bloquer le passage des éléments entre les cellules. Cette structure, appelée « cadre de Caspary », oblige les éléments à entrer dans les cellules de l'endoderme et à être ainsi sélectionnés. Bien que cette structure soit décrite en détail, sa mise en place reste incomprise. Cette étude indique la suite d'événements qui aboutit à la formation du cadre de Caspary chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. Ce travail apporte également de nouvelles connaissances expliquant comment ces cellules définissent, organisent et dirigent le transport des nutriments. Nous décrivons comment certains éléments de la cellule, les protéines CASPs (CAsparian Strip membrane domain Proteins), sont organisées un domaine particulier des membranes afin de créer une plateforme de construction longeant le cadre de Caspary : le domaine de Caspary (CSD). Afin de déterminer ce qu'il se passerait si une plante ne possédait pas de cadre de Caspary, nous avons réalisé une mutagénèse, ou approche génétique directe, et identifié 11 mutants (individu ayant un gène défectueux conduisant à la perte d'une fonction) ayant un endoderme perméable. Nous avons nommé ces mutants schengen, en référence à la zone de libre échange européenne. Les mutations impliquées dans ces mutants affectent 5 gènes désignés de SGN1 à SGN5. Les gènes SGN1 et SGN3 produisent des protéines de type kinases (« Receptor-like Kinases », RLK) servant à l'établissement de la plateforme de construction. L'absence de ces kinases aboutit à une base incomplète, se traduisant par un cadre de Caspary discontinu. Qui plus est, la kinase SGN1 semble réguler le positionnement de la plateforme au milieu de l'endoderme. Le gène SGN4 est par contre, impliqué dans la construction à proprement dite du cadre de Caspary. Dans le mutant sgn5, on observe une nouvelle couche de cellules ressemblant à de l'endoderme mais incapable de former correctement une barrière identique au cadre de Caspary. Quant au dernier mutant, sgn2, bien que cette étude fournisse des indices permettant de comprendre pourquoi le mutant sgn2 est défectueux, nous n'expliquerons ce cas que prochainement. En résumé, ce travail procure de nouvelles connaissances sur l'établissement du cadre de Caspary qui pourraient être importantes afin de comprendre comment les plantes sélectionnent leurs nutriments et résistent à des conditions environnementales parfois hostiles.
DNA sequence variation has been associated with quantitative changes in molecular phenotypes such as gene expression, but its impact on chromatin states is poorly characterized. To understand the interplay between chromatin and genetic control of gene regulation, we quantified allelic variability in transcription factor binding, histone modifications, and gene expression within humans. We found abundant allelic specificity in chromatin and extensive local, short-range, and long-range allelic coordination among the studied molecular phenotypes. We observed genetic influence on most of these phenotypes, with histone modifications exhibiting strong context-dependent behavior. Our results implicate transcription factors as primary mediators of sequence-specific regulation of gene expression programs, with histone modifications frequently reflecting the primary regulatory event.
In response to Catani et al., we show that corticospinal pathways adhere via sharp turns to two local grid orientations; that our studies have three times the diffusion resolution of those compared; and that the noted technical concerns, including crossing angles, do not challenge the evidence of mathematically specific geometric structure. Thus, the geometric thesis gives the best account of the available evidence.
Over the past decade, significant interest has been expressed in relating the spatial statistics of surface-based reflection ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data to those of the imaged subsurface volume. A primary motivation for this work is that changes in the radar wave velocity, which largely control the character of the observed data, are expected to be related to corresponding changes in subsurface water content. Although previous work has indeed indicated that the spatial statistics of GPR images are linked to those of the water content distribution of the probed region, a viable method for quantitatively analyzing the GPR data and solving the corresponding inverse problem has not yet been presented. Here we address this issue by first deriving a relationship between the 2-D autocorrelation of a water content distribution and that of the corresponding GPR reflection image. We then show how a Bayesian inversion strategy based on Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling can be used to estimate the posterior distribution of subsurface correlation model parameters that are consistent with the GPR data. Our results indicate that if the underlying assumptions are valid and we possess adequate prior knowledge regarding the water content distribution, in particular its vertical variability, this methodology allows not only for the reliable recovery of lateral correlation model parameters but also for estimates of parameter uncertainties. In the case where prior knowledge regarding the vertical variability of water content is not available, the results show that the methodology still reliably recovers the aspect ratio of the heterogeneity.
Species range shifts in response to climate and land use change are commonly forecasted with species distribution models based on species occurrence or abundance data. Although appealing, these models ignore the genetic structure of species, and the fact that different populations might respond in different ways because of adaptation to their environment. Here, we introduced ancestry distribution models, that is, statistical models of the spatial distribution of ancestry proportions, for forecasting intra-specific changes based on genetic admixture instead of species occurrence data. Using multi-locus genotypes and extensive geographic coverage of distribution data across the European Alps, we applied this approach to 20 alpine plant species considering a global increase in temperature from 0.25 to 4 °C. We forecasted the magnitudes of displacement of contact zones between plant populations potentially adapted to warmer environments and other populations. While a global trend of movement in a north-east direction was predicted, the magnitude of displacement was species-specific. For a temperature increase of 2 °C, contact zones were predicted to move by 92 km on average (minimum of 5 km, maximum of 212 km) and by 188 km for an increase of 4 °C (minimum of 11 km, maximum of 393 km). Intra-specific turnover-measuring the extent of change in global population genetic structure-was generally found to be moderate for 2 °C of temperature warming. For 4 °C of warming, however, the models indicated substantial intra-specific turnover for ten species. These results illustrate that, in spite of unavoidable simplifications, ancestry distribution models open new perspectives to forecast population genetic changes within species and complement more traditional distribution-based approaches.
Genetic differentiation is a consequence of the combination of drift and restriction in gene flow between populations due to barriers to dispersal, or selection against individuals resulting from inter-population matings In phytophagous insects, local adaptation to different kinds of host plants can sometimes lead to reproductive isolation and thus to genetic structuring, or even to speciation Acanthoscelides. obtectus Say is a bean bruchid specialized on beans of the Phaseolus vulgaris group, attacking both wild and domesticated forms of P vulgaris., and P coccineus This study reveals that the genetic structure of populations of this bruchid is explained mainly by their geographical location and is not related to a particular kind (wild or domesticated) of bean In contrast, the species of bean might have led, to some extent, to genetic structuring in these bruchids, although our sampling is too limited to address such process unambiguously. If confirmed, it would corroborate preliminary results found for the parasitoid species that attack Acanthoscelides species, which might show a genetic structure depending on the species of host plant
In populations of various ant species, many queens reproduce in the same nest (polygyny), and colony boundaries appear to be absent with individuals able to move fi eely between nests (unicoloniality). Such societies depart strongly from a simple family structure and pose a potential challenge to kin selection theory, because high queen number coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests should result in levels of relatedness among nestmates close to zero. This study investigated the breeding system and genetic structure of a highly polygynous and largely unicolonial population of the wood ant Formica paralugubris. A microsatellite analysis revealed that nestmate workers, reproductive queens and reproductive males (the queens' mates) are all equally related to each other, with relatedness estimates centring around 0.14. This suggests that most of the queens and males reproducing in the study population had mated within or close to their natal nest, and that the queens did not disperse far after mating. We developed a theoretical model to investigate how the breeding system affects the relatedness structure of polygynous colonies. By combining the model and our empirical data, it was estimated that about 99.8% of the reproducing queens and males originated from within the nest, or from a nearby nest. This high rate of local mating and the rarity of long-distance dispersal maintain significant relatedness among nestmates, and contrast with the common view that unicoloniality is coupled with unrestricted gene flow among nests.
Host-cell factor 1 (HCF-1) is an unusual transcriptional regulator that undergoes a process of proteolytic maturation to generate N- (HCF-1(N)) and C- (HCF-1(C)) terminal subunits noncovalently associated via self-association sequence elements. Here, we present the crystal structure of the self-association sequence 1 (SAS1) including the adjacent C-terminal HCF-1 nuclear localization signal (NLS). SAS1 elements from each of the HCF-1(N) and HCF-1(C) subunits form an interdigitated fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) tandem repeat structure. We show that the C-terminal NLS recruited by the interdigitated SAS1 structure is required for effective formation of a transcriptional regulatory complex: the herpes simplex virus VP16-induced complex. Thus, HCF-1(N)-HCF-1(C) association via an integrated Fn3 structure permits an NLS to facilitate formation of a transcriptional regulatory complex.
Members of the human APOBEC3 family of editing enzymes can inhibit various mobile genetic elements. APOBEC3A (A3A) can block the retrotransposon LINE-1 and the parvovirus adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) but does not inhibit retroviruses. In contrast, APOBEC3G (A3G) can block retroviruses but has only limited effects on AAV-2 or LINE-1. What dictates this differential target specificity remains largely undefined. Here, we modeled the structure of A3A based on its homology with the C-terminal domain of A3G and further compared the sequence of human A3A to those of 11 nonhuman primate orthologues. We then used these data to perform a mutational analysis of A3A, examining its ability to restrict LINE-1, AAV-2, and foreign plasmid DNA and to edit a single-stranded DNA substrate. The results revealed an essential functional role for the predicted single-stranded DNA-docking groove located around the A3A catalytic site. Within this region, amino acid differences between A3A and A3G are predicted to affect the shape of the polynucleotide-binding groove. Correspondingly, transferring some of these A3A residues to A3G endows the latter protein with the ability to block LINE-1 and AAV-2. These results suggest that the target specificity of APOBEC3 family members is partly defined by structural features influencing their interaction with polynucleotide substrates.
Evolutionary processes acting at the expanding margins of a species' range are still poorly understood. Genetic drift is considered prevalent in marginal populations, and the maintenance of genetic diversity during recolonization might seem puzzling. To investigate such processes, a fine-scale investigation of 219 individuals was performed within a population of Biscutella laevigata (Brassicaceae), located at the leading edge of its range. The survey used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). As commonly reported across the whole species distribution range, individual density and genetic diversity decreased along the local axis of recolonization of this expanding population, highlighting the enduring effect of the historical colonization on present-day diversity. The self-incompatibility system of the plant may have prevented local inbreeding in newly found patches and sustained genetic diversity by ensuring gene flow from established populations. Within the more continuously populated region, spatial analysis of genetic structure revealed restricted gene flow among individuals. The distribution of genotypes formed a mosaic of relatively homogenous patches within the continuous population. This pattern could be explained by a history of expansion by long-distance dispersal followed by fine-scale diffusion (that is, a stratified dispersal combination). The secondary contact among expanding patches apparently led to admixture among differentiated genotypes where they met (that is, a reshuffling effect). This type of dynamics could explain the maintenance of genetic diversity during recolonization.
Knowledge of the genetic structure of plant populations is necessary for the understanding of the dynamics of major ecological processes. It also has applications in conservation biology and risk assessment for genetically modified crops. This paper reports the genetic structure of a linear population of sea beet, Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima (the wild relative of sugar beet), on Furzey Island, Poole Harbour. The relative spatial positions of the plants were accurately mapped and the plants were scored for variation at isozyme and RFLP loci. Structure was analysed by repeated subdivision of the population to find the average size of a randomly mating group. Estimates of F-ST between randomly mating units were then made, and gave patterns consistent with the structure of the population being determined largely by founder effects. The implications of these results for the monitoring of transgene spread in wild sea beet populations are discussed.