210 resultados para plasebo intervention
Contexte : Depuis les années 60, en lien avec la vague de désinstitutionalisation, un peu partout dans le monde, des équipes mobiles ont vu le jour. L'Antenne d'Intervention dans le Milieu pour Adolescents (AIMA) a été fondée en 2005, elle est destinée aux adolescents à haut risque psychopathologique qui échappent au système classique des soins pédopsychiatriques. Etant donné que ce dispositif est amené à se développer, il est souhaitable d'évaluer les résultats obtenus. Méthode : Etude ouverte prospective sur un échantillon comprenant 20 adolescents de 13 à 18 ans suivis par l'AIMA. Des données cliniques et sociodémographiques ont été collectées, différentes échelles ont été utilisées, dont l' « Health of Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents » (HoNOSCA) et la « Crisis Triage Rating Scale » en évaluation pré-‐ et post-‐suivi dans le milieu. L'effet de l'intervention est évalué à travers les données de l'HoNOSCA et de la « Crisis Triage Rating Scale » et nous avons également étudié l'effet dose-‐réponse. Nous nous sommes intéressés à l'effet des événements de vie indésirables dans l'enfance sur les changements des scores de l'HoNOSCA. Résultats : On retrouve une nette amélioration clinique évaluée par l'HoNOSCA et de certains de ses sous-‐scores (symptômes et contexte social). Par contre nous n'avons pas observé d'effet dose-‐ réponse de l'intervention AIMA. L'amélioration de l'HoNOSCA est corrélée avec la diminution de la dangerosité et l'amélioration du réseau de soutien, mais pas avec la capacité à coopérer de l'adolescent. Les adolescents ayant subi plusieurs événements de vie indésirables pendant l'enfance bénéficient de manière significative de l'intervention de l'AIMA. Conclusion : Cette étude est en faveur de l'efficacité clinique de la prise en charge pédopsychiatrique par l'AIMA. Elle suggère que les adolescents ayant été confrontés à des événements de vie indésirables bénéficient grandement de ce type d'intervention. Ces conclusions mériteraient d'être confirmées par d'autres études (plus puissantes) et avec plus de sujets.
Obesity results from the organism's inability to maintain energy balance over a long term. Childhood obesity and its related factors and pathological consequences tend to persist into adulthood. A cluster of factors, including high energy density in the diet (high fat intake), low energy expenditure, and disturbed substrate oxidation, favour the increase in fat mass. Oxidation of three major macronutrients and their roles in the regulation of energy balance, particularly in children and adolescents, are discussed. Total glucose oxidation is not different between obese and lean children; exogenous glucose utilization is higher whereas endogenous glucose utilization is lower in obese compared with lean children. Carbohydrate composition of the diet determines carbohydrate oxidation regardless of fat content of the diet. Both exogenous and endogenous fat oxidation are higher in obese than in lean subjects. The influence of high fat intake on accumulation of fat mass is operative rather over a long term. Several future directions are addressed, such that a combination of increased physical activity and modification in diet composition, in terms of energy density and glycemic index, is recommended for children and adolescents.
ISSUE: This article explores mechanisms of the efficacy of brief intervention (BI). APPROACH: We conducted a BI trial at the emergency department of the Lausanne University Hospital, of whom 987 at-risk drinkers were randomised into BI and control groups. The overall results demonstrated a general decrease in alcohol use with no differences across groups. The intention to change was explored among 367 patients who completed BI. Analyses of 97 consecutive tape-recorded sessions explored patient and counsellor talks during BI, and their relationship to alcohol use outcome. KEY FINDINGS: Evaluation of the articulation between counsellor behaviours and patient language revealed a robust relationship between counsellor motivational interviewing (MI) skills and patient change talk during the intervention. Further exploration suggested that communication characteristics of patients during BI predicted changes in alcohol consumption 12 months later. Moreover, despite systematic training, important differences in counsellor performance were highlighted. Counsellors who had superior MI skills achieved better outcomes overall, and maintained efficacy across all levels of patient ability to change, whereas counsellors with inferior MI skills were effective mostly with patients who had higher levels of ability to change. Finally, the descriptions of change talk trajectories within BI and their association with drinking 12 months later showed that final states differed from initial states, suggesting an impact resulting from the progression of change talk during the course of the intervention. IMPLICATION: These findings suggest that BI should focus on the general MI attitude of counsellors who are capable of eliciting beneficial change talk from patients. [Daeppen J-B, Bertholet N, Gaume J. What process research tells us about brief intervention efficacy.
One of the most conserved features of all cancers is a profound reprogramming of cellular metabolism, favoring biosynthetic processes and limiting catalytic processes. With the acquired knowledge of some of these important changes, we have designed a combination therapy in order to force cancer cells to use a particular metabolic pathway that ultimately results in the accumulation of toxic products. This innovative approach consists of blocking lipid synthesis, at the same time that we force the cell, through the inhibition of AMP-activated kinase, to accumulate toxic intermediates, such as malonyl-coenzyme A (malonyl-CoA) or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate. This results in excess of oxidative stress and cancer cell death. Our new therapeutic strategy, based on the manipulation of metabolic pathways, will certainly set up the basis for new upcoming studies defining a new paradigm of cancer treatment.
On suppose que les troubles musculo-squelettiques non spécifiques tels que les douleurs chroniques au dos ou à la nuque ont des causes multifactorielles. Toutefois, le travail et les conditions de travail représentent un facteur plus ou moins déterminant. Il est donc essentiel, particulièrement en matière de réinsertion, que le travail et les conditions de travail fassent l'objet d'une évaluation soignée.
Recent Swiss reports confirmed that several chemical products added to cigarettes may increase the level of dependence and therefore the consumption of cigarettes. Observational studies demonstrated the association between smoking and type II diabetes, that smoking one to four cigarettes daily increases significantly the risk of disease and that the relative risk of breast cancer among non smoking women exposed to passive smoking is increased by 30%. The safety of nicotine replacement therapy for patients with cardiovascular disorders has been confirmed. Among new pharmacological approaches, varenicline, rimonabant, topiramate and nicotine vaccine all appear promising.
Cardiac rehabilitation is associated with a reduced risk of recurrence and mortality after an acute coronary syndrome. Cardiac rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary approach which starts during the acute hospital phase, then followed by a four to six weeks home-based or stationary program, in order to maintain long-term lifestyle changes. Despite the important health benefits of cardiac rehabilitation and its cost-effectiveness, only half of the patients in Europe will achieve a cardiovascular prevention program after an acute coronary syndrome. In the French part of Switzerland, one explanation for this low adherence might be the lack of both stationary and home-based program facilities.
Clients' personality traits and individual characteristics, such as age, gender, reason for seeking counselling, and further compounding problems in their personal or academic lives, may pose risk factors that render career decision making difficult and may also impact the overall effectiveness of a career counselling intervention. Neuroticism and conscien- tiousness as well as clients' age and gender directly affected clients' satisfaction with life and certain aspects of their career indecision scores before participating in our short-term career counselling intervention. Career counsellors can use personality and career-specific and career-non-specific instruments to tailor career counselling interventions to meet clients' individual needs.
Childhood obesity and physical inactivity are increasing dramatically worldwide. Children of low socioeconomic status and/or children of migrant background are especially at risk. In general, the overall effectiveness of school-based programs on health-related outcomes has been disappointing. A special gap exists for younger children and in high risk groups. This paper describes the rationale, design, curriculum, and evaluation of a multicenter preschool randomized intervention study conducted in areas with a high migrant population in two out of 26 Swiss cantons. Twenty preschool classes in the German (canton St. Gallen) and another 20 in the French (canton Vaud) part of Switzerland were separately selected and randomized to an intervention and a control arm by the use of opaque envelopes. The multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention aimed to increase physical activity and sleep duration, to reinforce healthy nutrition and eating behaviour, and to reduce media use. According to the ecological model, it included children, their parents and the teachers. The regular teachers performed the majority of the intervention and were supported by a local health promoter. The intervention included physical activity lessons, adaptation of the built infrastructure; promotion of regional extracurricular physical activity; playful lessons about nutrition, media use and sleep, funny homework cards and information materials for teachers and parents. It lasted one school year. Baseline and post-intervention evaluations were performed in both arms. Primary outcome measures included BMI and aerobic fitness (20 m shuttle run test). Secondary outcomes included total (skinfolds, bioelectrical impedance) and central (waist circumference) body fat, motor abilities (obstacle course, static and dynamic balance), physical activity and sleep duration (accelerometry and questionnaires), nutritional behaviour and food intake, media use, quality of life and signs of hyperactivity (questionnaires), attention and spatial working memory ability (two validated tests). Researchers were blinded to group allocation. The purpose of this paper is to outline the design of a school-based multicenter cluster randomized, controlled trial aiming to reduce body mass index and to increase aerobic fitness in preschool children in culturally different parts of Switzerland with a high migrant population. Trial Registration: (clinicaltrials.gov) NCT00674544.
Motive-Oriented Therapeutic Relationship (MOTR, also called Complementary Therapeutic Relationship) has already shown itself to be related to therapeutic outcome in several studies. The present study aims to test MOTR in a 4-session Brief Psychodynamic Intervention for patients presenting with major depressive disorder (MDD) and comorbid personality disorder (PD). In total, N = 20 patients were selected; n = 10 had MDD, n = 10 had MDD with comorbid PD. The first therapy session was videotaped and analyzed by means of Plan Analysis and the MOTR scale. Results suggest a differential effect on outcome: only the nonverbal component of MOTR is related to symptomatic change in patients presenting with MDD and comorbid PD; no such effect was found for patients with MDD alone. These results are discussed in line with the generalization and refinement of the conclusions of previous findings on the MOTR. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 67:1-11, 2011.