75 resultados para mental processes
Non-medical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) is increasing among the general population, particularly among teenagers and young adults. Although prescription drugs are considered safer than illicit street drugs, NMUPD can lead to detrimental consequences. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between drug use (NMUPD on the one side, illicit street drugs on the other side) with mental health issues and then compare these associations. A representative sample of 5719 young Swiss men aged around 20 years filled in a questionnaire as part of the ongoing baseline Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). Drug use (16 illicit street drugs and 5 NMUPDs, including sleeping pills, sedatives, pain killers, antidepressants, stimulants) and mental health issues (depression, SF12) were assessed. Simple and multiple linear regressions were employed. In simple regressions, all illicit and prescription drugs were associated with poorer mental health. In multiple regressions, most of the NMUPDs, except for stimulants, were significantly associated with poorer mental health and with depression. On the contrary, the only associations that remained significant between illicit street drugs and mental health involved cannabis. NMUPD is of growing concern not only because of its increasing occurrence, but also because of its association with depression and mental health problems, which is stronger than the association observed between these problems and illicit street drug use, excepted for cannabis. Therefore, NMUPD must be considered in screening for substance use prevention purposes.
Evolutionary processes acting at the expanding margins of a species' range are still poorly understood. Genetic drift is considered prevalent in marginal populations, and the maintenance of genetic diversity during recolonization might seem puzzling. To investigate such processes, a fine-scale investigation of 219 individuals was performed within a population of Biscutella laevigata (Brassicaceae), located at the leading edge of its range. The survey used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). As commonly reported across the whole species distribution range, individual density and genetic diversity decreased along the local axis of recolonization of this expanding population, highlighting the enduring effect of the historical colonization on present-day diversity. The self-incompatibility system of the plant may have prevented local inbreeding in newly found patches and sustained genetic diversity by ensuring gene flow from established populations. Within the more continuously populated region, spatial analysis of genetic structure revealed restricted gene flow among individuals. The distribution of genotypes formed a mosaic of relatively homogenous patches within the continuous population. This pattern could be explained by a history of expansion by long-distance dispersal followed by fine-scale diffusion (that is, a stratified dispersal combination). The secondary contact among expanding patches apparently led to admixture among differentiated genotypes where they met (that is, a reshuffling effect). This type of dynamics could explain the maintenance of genetic diversity during recolonization.
Exact asymptotics and limit theorems for supremum of stationary chi-processes over a random interval
RÉSUMÉ Une espèce est rarement composée d'une population unique. Parce que les individus ont des capacités de dispersion limitées et que les paysages sont des mosaïques d'habitats, la plupart des espèces sont plutôt composées de sous-populations connectées par la migration. Cette variation spatiale influence directement la distribution de la variabilité génétique dans et entre les populations. Durant ce travail, nous avons abordé certains des processus populationnels qui ont joué un rôle supposé dans l'apparition de nouvelles espèces au sein du genre Trochulus. Plus précisément, nous avons tenté d'évaluer les impacts respectifs de l'isolement passé (facteurs historiques) et présent (facteurs locaux). Nous avons d'abord pu montrer que les faibles capacités de dispersion des escargots terrestres ont directement influencé leur histoire évolutive à toutes les échelles spatiales et temporelles. En réduisant l'effet homogénéisant de la migration, une faible dispersion maintient dans les populations les traces génétiques d'évènements passés. A l'échelle de la distribution globale de Trochulus villosus, ces traces ont permis de reconstruire une histoire faite d'isolements et d'expansions de populations. En combinant des données génétiques avec une modélisation de la niche climatique passée, il a été possible de proposer un scénario significativement meilleur que toutes les hypothèses alternatives que nous avons testées. A l'échelle locale par contre, l'héritage historique est difficile à distinguer de la dynamique actuelle. Ce fut le cas des lignées mitochondriales du complexe sericeus-hispidus : les deux principales lignées étaient phylogénétiquement éloignées, avaient eu des démographies passées différentes et corrélaient avec des différences morphologiques. D'un autre côté, le flux de gène nucléaire était fort, contredisant l'idée de deux espèces cryptiques isolées reproductivement. Pour pouvoir conclure à la présence ou non de deux espèces, il nous a manqué des informations locales sur la dynamique des populations et les conditions écologiques que l'on trouve dans la région d'étude. Enfin, nous avons pu souligner que la connectivité entre populations d'escargots est soumise à la qualité des habitats et à leur organisation spatiale. Les escargots sont dépendants d'un habitat et s'y adaptent, comme l'indiquent la présence de «poils » uniquement sur la coquille d'espèces vivant dans des habitats humides ou la corrélation entre morphologie et habitat au sein du complexe sericeus-hispidus. Logiquement donc, les escargots migrent préférentiellement au travers d'habitats favorables comme l'a montré la réduction de flux de gènes au travers des prairies chez T. villosus (une espèce forestière). De ces données, nous pouvons supposer que les populations d'escargots en particulier, et des espèces à faible dispersion en général, ont de fortes chances d'être affectées par les changements climatiques, avec de probables implications pour leurs histoires évolutives. SUMMARY : Species rarely consists in a single population. Because individuals have limited dispersal abilities, because landscapes are habitat patchworks, most species are made of several subpopulations connected by migration. This spatial variation has consequences on the distribution of genetic diversity within and between populations, creating a structure among the populations. During the present work, we investigated some of the population processes assumed to have played an important role on the speciation within the genus Trochulus. More specifically, we questioned the respective impacts of past (historical factors) or present (local factors) population isolations. We first could show that the poor dispersal abilities of land snails have had profound impacts on their evolutionary histories at all spatial and temporal scales. Low dispersal maintains a strong signature of past events in the populations by minimising the homogenising effects of geneflow. At the scale of Trochulus villosus global distribution, they allowed to retrieve the detailed history of this species population isolations and expansions. Combining a large genetic dataset with paleo-climatic niche modelling ended up with a historical scenario significantly better than all traditional alternatives we tested. At local scale on the contrary, past events become difficult to tease apart from ongoing processes. This was the case for the divergent mitochondria) lineages within the sericeus-hispidus complex: the two principal lineages appeared to be phylogenetically distant, to have experienced different demographic histories and to correlate with morphological differences. On the other hand, nuclear (present day) geneflow was high, contradicting the idea of two reproductively isolated cryptic species. Information on the local population dynamics and environmental conditions are lacking to be able to decide whether past isolation has indeed resulted here in new species. Finally, we emphasised the importance of the habitat types present in a landscape as well as their spatial organisation for the population connectivity of land snails. These species are tightly dependent on a habitat and adapt to it as shown by thé occurrence of hair-like structures only in species living in humid environments or by the correlation between shell morphology and habitat in the sericeus-hispidus complex. As a result, land snails preferentially migrate through favourable habitats: Trochulus villosus, a forest species, had its geneflow significantly reduced across meadows. From these data, we can hypothesise that the populations of land snails in particular and of low dispersing species in general are likely to be strongly affected by the ongoing climate changes, with potential major consequences on their evolutionary histories.
Objective: The main objective of the study is to identify practical and cultural factors influencing the mental health of mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Benin and to compare it with a sample of Swiss mothers in the same conditions. Method: Thirty-six mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Benin and 40 mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Switzerland were interviewed about practical and emotional aspects concerning their child and their own lives. Then, they completed the Perinatal Postraumatic Stress Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results: Mothers in Benin had significantly higher posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms compared with mothers in Switzerland. Depression symptoms were higher in Beninese mothers coming from urban areas, in Beninese mothers with few or no other children, and in Beninese mothers whose child was operated on at a more advanced age. Discussion: This study stressed the importance of cultural differences in perceptions of orofacial clefts in order to provide appropriate care to patients and their families. In particular, wide campaigns of information should help parents to understand the cleft origin and the medical staff in small dispensaries to provide adequate support and care. This may diminish anxiety concerning the child's short- and long-term prognosis. Creation of a Beninese parental support group for children with clefts and their families could be another way to provide information and support where multidisciplinary care is not available.
Fitness to drive in elderly drivers is most commonly discussed with a focus on cognitive impairment. Therefore, this article is focussing on mental illness and the use of psychotropic drugs in elderly drivers, which can both interfere with fitness to drive. Based on a detailed literature review and on clinical judgement, we propose signposts and "red flags" to judge the individual risks. Health professionals dealing with elderly patients should in particular be aware of the dangers related to cumulative risks and need to inform the patients appropriately. For medico-legal reasons the information provided to patients must be written down in the medical record. Individual counselling is important as fitness to drive is a complex topic.
Given the important modifications of the "Loi sur l'Assurance maladie (LAMal)", this article gives a contribution to the hospital planification by identifying the main factors that have determined the current organisation of the psychiatric care network. We notice a gap between the orientations of these networks and the funding scheme forecast in the framework of the LAMal. In order to preserve the progressions of these last years and to avoid the negative effects of a too restrictive funding act for the assignment of the public psychiatry, the planification must result in a consensus between the state, the insurances and the multiple actors of the mental health. Otherwise, this will be done to the detriment of the activities of secondary prevention, of coordination in the network, of support to the natural helpers, and of intervention to the vulnerable populations.
Sex differences in cognition have been largely investigated. The most consistent sex differences favoring females are observed in object location memory involving the left hemisphere whereas the most consistent sex differences favoring males are observed in tasks that require mental rotation involving the right hemisphere. Here we used a task involving these two abilities to see the impact of mental rotation on object location memory. To that end we used a combination of behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) electroencephalography (EEG) measures.A computer screen displayed a square frame of 4 pairs of images (a "teddy" bear, a shoe, an umbrella and a lamp) randomly arranged around a central fixation cross. After a 10-second interval for memorization, images disappeared and were replaced by a test frame with no image but a random pair of two locations marked in black. In addition, this test frame was randomly displayed either in the original orientation (0° rotation) or in the rotated one (90° clockwise - CW - or 90° counterclockwise - CCW). Preceding the test frame, an arrow indicating the presence or the absence of rotation of the frame was displayed on the screen. The task of the participants (15 females and 15 males) was to determine if two marked locations corresponded or not to a pair of identical images. Each response was followed by feedback.Findings showed no significant sex differences in the performance of the original orientation. In comparison with this position, the rotation of the frame produced an equal decrease of male and female performance. In addition, this decrease was significantly higher when the rotation of the frame was in a CCW direction. We further assessed the ERP when the arrow indicated the direction of rotation as stimulus-onset, during four time windows representing major components C1, P1, N1 and N2. Although no sex differences were observed in performance, brain activities differed according to sex. Enhanced amplitudes were found for the CCW compared to CW rotation over the right posterior areas for the P1, N1 and N2 components for men as well as for women. Major topographical differences related to sex were measured for the CW rotation condition as marked lateralized amplitude: left-hemisphere amplitude larger than right one was measured during P1 time range for men. These similar patterns prolonged from P1 to N1 for women. Early distinctions were found in interaction with sex between CCW and CW waveform amplitudes, expressing over anterior electrode sites during C1 time range (0-50 ms post-stimulus).In conclusion (i) women do not outperform men in object location memory in this study (absence of rotation condition); (ii) mental rotation, in particular the direction of rotation, influences performance on object location memory; (iii) CCW rotation is associated with activity in the right parietal hemisphere whereas the CW rotation involves the left parietal hemisphere; (iv) this last effect is less pronounced in males, which could explain why greater involvement of right parietal areas in men and of bilateral posterior areas in women is generally reported in mental rotation tasks; and (v) the early distinctions between both directions of rotation located over anterior sites could be related to sex differences in their respective involvement of control mechanisms.