88 resultados para meiotic karyotype
AbstractIn addition to genetic changes affecting the function of gene products, changes in gene expression have been suggested to underlie many or even most of the phenotypic differences among mammals. However, detailed gene expression comparisons were, until recently, restricted to closely related species, owing to technological limitations. Thus, we took advantage of the latest technologies (RNA-Seq) to generate extensive qualitative and quantitative transcriptome data for a unique collection of somatic and germline tissues from representatives of all major mammalian lineages (placental mammals, marsupials and monotremes) and birds, the evolutionary outgroup.In the first major project of my thesis, we performed global comparative analyses of gene expression levels based on these data. Our analyses provided fundamental insights into the dynamics of transcriptome change during mammalian evolution (e.g., the rate of expression change across species, tissues and chromosomes) and allowed the exploration of the functional relevance and phenotypic implications of transcription changes at a genome-wide scale (e.g., we identified numerous potentially selectively driven expression switches).In a second project of my thesis, which was also based on the unique transcriptome data generated in the context of the first project we focused on the evolution of alternative splicing in mammals. Alternative splicing contributes to transcriptome complexity by generating several transcript isoforms from a single gene, which can, thus, perform various functions. To complete the global comparative analysis of gene expression changes, we explored patterns of alternative splicing evolution. This work uncovered several general and unexpected patterns of alternative splicing evolution (e.g., we found that alternative splicing evolves extremely rapidly) as well as a large number of conserved alternative isoforms that may be crucial for the functioning of mammalian organs.Finally, the third and final project of my PhD consisted in analyzing in detail the unique functional and evolutionary properties of the testis by exploring the extent of its transcriptome complexity. This organ was previously shown to evolve rapidly both at the phenotypic and molecular level, apparently because of the specific pressures that act on this organ and are associated with its reproductive function. Moreover, my analyses of the amniote tissue transcriptome data described above, revealed strikingly widespread transcriptional activity of both functional and nonfunctional genomic elements in the testis compared to the other organs. To elucidate the cellular source and mechanisms underlying this promiscuous transcription in the testis, we generated deep coverage RNA-Seq data for all major testis cell types as well as epigenetic data (DNA and histone methylation) using the mouse as model system. The integration of these complete dataset revealed that meiotic and especially post-meiotic germ cells are the major contributors to the widespread functional and nonfunctional transcriptome complexity of the testis, and that this "promiscuous" spermatogenic transcription is resulting, at least partially, from an overall transcriptionally permissive chromatin state. We hypothesize that this particular open state of the chromatin results from the extensive chromatin remodeling that occurs during spermatogenesis which ultimately leads to the replacement of histones by protamines in the mature spermatozoa. Our results have important functional and evolutionary implications (e.g., regarding new gene birth and testicular gene expression evolution).Generally, these three large-scale projects of my thesis provide complete and massive datasets that constitute valuables resources for further functional and evolutionary analyses of mammalian genomes.
A shrew belonging to the genus Sorex and displaying an entirely new karyotype (2N = 52, NF = 52) has been found in Italy, where it coexists with Sorex araneus. the form with 52 chromosomes differs from S. araneus in some cranial and dental characters. On the other hand, it is very similar to the type of Sorex samniticus Altobello, 1926, whose specific status is thus confirmed.
OBJECTIVE: To assess porcine urothelial cell cultures and the in vitro induction of urothelial stratification in long-term cultures, to study their morphological, functional and genetic behaviour, and thus provide potential autologous urothelium for tissue-engineered substitutes for demucosalized gastric or colonic tissue. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Primary cultures of porcine urothelium were established and the cells passaged thereafter. Cell specificity was confirmed by cytokeratin analysis, cell membrane stability assessed using lactate dehydrogenase leakage, cell de-differentiation by gamma-glutamyl transferase activity and genomic stability by karyotype investigations. Histology and scanning electron microscopy were performed to study the cultured cells and the stratified constructs. Furthermore, collagen matrices were tested as cell scaffolds. RESULTS: The cells were cultured for 180 days; 10 subcultures were established during this period. Stratification was induced in a culture flask and on a collagen matrix. Cytokeratins 7, 8, 17 and 18 were expressed in all cultures, and cell membranes were stable, with no evident de-differentiation. The cultures were stable in their genotype and no chromosomal aberrations were found. The histology and immunohistochemistry of the stratified porcine constructs, and cell membrane stability and cell de-differentiation, were compared with those in the human system. CONCLUSION: Pig and human urothelial cells can be cultured over a long period with no signs of senescence. Urothelial stratification can be induced in vitro. The collagen matrix seems to be an excellent scaffold, allowing cell adherence and growth.
European island shrews are either relicts of the endemic Pleistocene fauna, e.g.,. Crocidura zimmermanni, or were introduced from continental source populations. In order to clarify the taxonomic status and the origin of the two shrew species from the Canary islands, a 981bp fragment of cytochrome b gene was investigated in all European Crocidura species and compared with the Canary shrew (Crocidura canariensis) and the Osorio shrew (Crocidura osorio). The first shares its karyotype with the Sicilian shrew Crocidura sicula (2N=36), the second with the Greater white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula (2N=42), suggesting possible sister species relationships. Results confirm the monophyly of taxa sharing the same karyotype. Genetic distances between C. sicula and C. canariensis suggest a separation since 5 Myr. The first was probably isolated from the North African ancestor after the Messinian desiccation; the second arrived on the Canary islands by natural jump dispersal. Within the 2N=42 cluster, a first split separated an Eastern line (Tunisia) from a western line (Morocco/Europe) of C. russula. C. osorio clusters together with C. russula from Spain, indicating conspecificy. This suggests a recent introduction from Spain by human.
Why mating types exist at all is subject to much debate. Among hypotheses, mating types evolved to control organelle transmission during sexual reproduction, or to prevent inbreeding or same-clone mating. Here I review data from a diversity of taxa (including ciliates, algae, slime molds, ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes) to show that the structure and function of mating types run counter the above hypotheses. I argue instead for a key role in triggering developmental switches. Genomes must fulfill a diversity of alternative programs along the sexual cycle. As a haploid gametophyte, an individual may grow vegetatively (through haploid mitoses), or initiate gametogenesis and mating. As a diploid sporophyte, similarly, it may grow vegetatively (through diploid mitoses) or initiate meiosis and sporulation. Only diploid sporophytes (and not haploid gametophytes) should switch on the meiotic program. Similarly, only haploid gametophytes (not sporophytes) should switch on gametogenesis and mating. And they should only do so when other gametophytes are ready to do the same in the neighborhood. As argued here, mating types have evolved primarily to switch on the right program at the right moment.
The Simplon tunnel is a railway connection trough the Alps between Brig (Switzerland) and Iselle (Italy). Constructed at the beginning of the last century, it consists of two parallel, interconnected tunnels of 19.8 km each. Due to geothermal conditions, its temperature of 29°C is seasonally invariable. Stories about blind mice induced us to sample small mammals in the central part of the tunnel. We used 30 Longworth traps, set in 6 groups of 5 traps. After a prebaiting period of 2 weeks, the traps were opened during one night. We captured 10 Mus domesticus Rutty, 1772. A karyological analysis showed that they had the standard diploid number of 2n = 40, as mice from Brig. Mice from the Val d'Ossola (Italian side of the tunnel) had a karyotype of 2n = 24 with two specific Robertsonian fusion, Rb(5.8) and Rb(7.15). This "Domodossola race" belongs to the Lago Maggiore sub-groupe. As a conclusion, the tunnel colonisation took place from the north. With a density of about 5 - 10 mice per km, a rough estimate of the total tunnel population is about 200 - 400 mice. The few pick-nick left-overs from workers active in the tunnel cannot sustain such a population. It is concluded that the mice, as well as the regularly encountered Gryllus domesticus, are living from human faeces, dropped from the water closets of the trains. Low food resources, lack of predators and perhaps lack of accidents imply a density dependent population control, coupled with a low reproduction rate.
RJ 2.2.5 is a human B cell line that has lost the capacity to express MHC class II genes. The human class II-positive phenotype is restored in somatic cell hybrids between RJ 2.2.5 and mouse spleen cells. By karyotype and molecular studies of an informative family of hybrids we have now shown that the reexpression of human class II gene products, as well as the maintenance of the mouse class II-positive phenotype, correlates with the presence of mouse chromosome 16. Thus, the existence on this mouse chromosome of a newly found locus, designated by us aIr-1, that determines a trans-acting activator function for class II gene expression, is established. Possible implications of this finding are discussed.
Small non-coding RNAs act as critical regulators of gene expression and are essential for male germ cell development and spermatogenesis. Previously, we showed that germ cell-specific inactivation of Dicer1, an endonuclease essential for the biogenesis of micro-RNAs (miRNAs) and endogenous small interfering RNAs (endo-siRNAs), led to complete male infertility due to alterations in meiotic progression, increased spermatocyte apoptosis and defects in the maturation of spermatozoa. To dissect the distinct physiological roles of miRNAs and endo-siRNAs in spermatogenesis, we compared the testicular phenotype of mice with Dicer1 or Dgcr8 depletion in male germ cells. Dgcr8 mutant mice, which have a defective miRNA pathway while retaining an intact endo-siRNA pathway, were also infertile and displayed similar defects, although less severe, to Dicer1 mutant mice. These included cumulative defects in meiotic and haploid phases of spermatogenesis, resulting in oligo-, terato-, and azoospermia. In addition, we found by RNA sequencing of purified spermatocytes that inactivation of Dicer1 and the resulting absence of miRNAs affected the fine tuning of protein-coding gene expression by increasing low level gene expression. Overall, these results emphasize the essential role of miRNAs in the progression of spermatogenesis, but also indicate a role for endo-siRNAs in this process.
Meiosis in triploids faces the seemingly insuperable difficulty of dividing an odd number of chromosome sets by two. Triploid vertebrates usually circumvent this problem through either asexuality or some forms of hybridogenesis, including meiotic hybridogenesis that involve a reproductive community of different ploidy levels and genome composition. Batura toads (Bufo baturae; 3n = 33 chromosomes), however, present an all-triploid sexual reproduction. This hybrid species has two genome copies carrying a nucleolus-organizing region (NOR+) on chromosome 6, and a third copy without it (NOR-). Males only produce haploid NOR+ sperm, while ova are diploid, containing one NOR+ and one NOR- set. Here, we conduct sibship analyses with co-dominant microsatellite markers so as (i) to confirm the purely clonal and maternal transmission of the NOR- set, and (ii) to demonstrate Mendelian segregation and recombination of the NOR+ sets in both sexes. This new reproductive mode in vertebrates ('pre-equalizing hybrid meiosis') offers an ideal opportunity to study the evolution of non-recombining genomes. Elucidating the mechanisms that allow simultaneous transmission of two genomes, one of Mendelian, the other of clonal inheritance, might shed light on the general processes that regulate meiosis in vertebrates.
In a previous series of in vitro fertilization experiments with mice we found non-random combination of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes in the very early embryos. Our results suggested that two selection mechanisms were operating: (i) the eggs selected specific sperm; and (ii) the second meiotic division in the eggs was influenced by the type of sperm that entered the egg. Furthermore, the proportion of MHC-heterozygous embryos varied over time, suggesting that non-random fertilization was dependent on an external factor that changed over time. As a higher frequency of heterozygous individuals correlated with an uncontrolled epidemic by MHV (mouse hepatitis virus), we suggested that MHV-infection might have influenced the outcome of fertilization. Here, we present an experiment that tests this hypothesis. We infected randomly chosen mice with MHV and sham-infected control mice five days before pairing. We recovered the two-cell embryos from the oviduct, cultured them until the blastocyst stage, and determined the genotype of each resulting blastocyst by polymerase chain reaction. We found the pattern that we expected from our previous experiments: virus-infected mice produced more MHC-heterozygous embryos than sham-infected ones. This suggests that parents are able to promote specific combinations of MHC-haplotypes during fertilization according to the presence or absence of a viral infection.
Introduction: Small for gestational age (SGA) is an important problem affecting 10% of pregnancies and is associated with significant perinatal morbidity. In about 80% of cases, a probable etiology or a major risk factor can be identified. But almost 20% of SGA cases are considered unexplained. The 60-kDa heat shock protein (HSP60) is a highly immunogenic protein whose synthesis is greatly upregulated under nonphysiological conditions. Bacterial and human HSP60 share a high degree of sequence homology, and immunity to conserved epitopes may result in development of autoimmunity following a bacterial infection. We hypothesized that unexplained SGA could be the consequence of immune sensitization to human HSP60. Methods: Unexplained SGA fetuses were identified by ultrasound biometry with normal Doppler velocimetry and with no detectable maternal or fetal abnormalities. Fetal sera were obtained by cordocentesis performed for a karyotype analysis in cases of unexplained SGA (study group) or for screening of Rhesus incompatibility (control group). Fetal sera were tested for HSP60 antigen and for IgG and IgM anti-HSP60 by ELISA as well as for other immune and hematological parameters. Results: Maternal parameters were similar between the 12 study cases and the 23 control cases. The mean gestational age at cordocentesis was 29 weeks. IgM anti-HSP60 was detected in 12 cases (100%) and in no controls (p < 0.00017), while IgG anti-HSP60 was detected in 7 cases (58%) and only 1 control (p < 0.001). Three of the 4 cases with the highest IgM antibody levels died. There were no differences in fetal serum levels of HSP60 antigen or other immune and hematological markers between the two groups. Conclusion: Fetuses with unexplained SGA are positive for IgM and IgG antibody to human HSP60 and the specific IgM antibody level is predictive of fetal mortality. Detection of these antibodies indicates that a placental perturbation and a fetal autoimmune reaction to HSP60 are associated with this developmental delay.
The shrews of the Sorer araneus group have undergone a spectacular chromosome evolution. The karyotype of Sorer granarius is generally considered ancestral to those of Sorer coronatus and S. araneus. However, a sequence of 777 base pairs of the cytochrome b gene of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) produces a quite different picture: S. granarius is closely related to the populations of S. araneus from the Pyrenees and from the northwestern Alps, whereas S. coronatus and S. araneus from Italy and the southern Alps represent two well-separated lineages. It is suggested that mtDNA and chromosomal evolution are in this case largely independant processes. Whereas mtDNA haplotypes are closely linked to the geographical history of the populations, chromosomal mutations were probably transmitted from one population to another. Available data suggest that the impressive chromosome polymorphism of this group is quite a recent phenomenon.
The species of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) group are morphologically very similar, but have undergone a spectacular chromosomal evolution. We investigate here the evolutionary history of the Sorex araneus group distributed in western Europe. In particular, we clarify the position of a difficult species, S. granarius, using sex-specific (mtDNA and Y-chromosome) markers. The karyotype of S. granarius is generally considered similar to the common ancestor of the restricted group considered here. The mtDNA data (1.4 kb) confirms the close relationship between S. granarius and S. araneus sensu stricto (hereafter S. araneus s.s.), but the Y-chromosome (3.4 kb) produces a quite different picture: S. granarius is closely related to another species, S. coronatus. Comparison of mtDNA and Y-chromosome phylogenies suggests that the genetic and chromosomal evolution in this group are disconnected processes. The evolutionary history of the south-western European populations of the S. araneus group can only be understood considering secondary contacts between taxa after their divergence, implying genetic exchanges by means of hybridization and/or introgression.
Understanding the extent of genomic transcription and its functional relevance is a central goal in genomics research. However, detailed genome-wide investigations of transcriptome complexity in major mammalian organs have been scarce. Here, using extensive RNA-seq data, we show that transcription of the genome is substantially more widespread in the testis than in other organs across representative mammals. Furthermore, we reveal that meiotic spermatocytes and especially postmeiotic round spermatids have remarkably diverse transcriptomes, which explains the high transcriptome complexity of the testis as a whole. The widespread transcriptional activity in spermatocytes and spermatids encompasses protein-coding and long noncoding RNA genes but also poorly conserves intergenic sequences, suggesting that it may not be of immediate functional relevance. Rather, our analyses of genome-wide epigenetic data suggest that this prevalent transcription, which most likely promoted the birth of new genes during evolution, is facilitated by an overall permissive chromatin in these germ cells that results from extensive chromatin remodeling.
Karyotype analysis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at diagnosis has provided valuable prognostic markers for treatment stratification. However, reports of cytogenetic studies of relapsed ALL samples are limited. We compared the karyotypes from 436 nonselected B-cell precursor ALL patients at initial diagnosis and of 76 patients at first relapse. We noticed a relative increase of karyotypes that did not fall into the classic ALL cytogenetic subgroups (high hyperdiploidy, t(12;21), t(9;22), 11q23, t(1;19), <45 chromosomes) in a group of 29 patients at relapse (38%) compared to 130 patients at presentation (30%). Non-classical cytogenetic aberrations in these 29 patients were mostly found on chromosomes 1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 14, and 17. We also describe six rare reciprocal translocations, three of which involved 14q32. The most frequent abnormalities were found in 9p (12/29 cases) and were associated with a marked decrease in the duration of the second remission, but not of the probability of 10-year event-free survival after relapse treatment. From 29 patients with non-classical cytogenetic aberrations, only 8 (28%) had been stratified to a high risk-arm on the first treatment protocol, suggesting that this subgroup might benefit from the identification of new prognostic markers in future studies.