90 resultados para guided-wave optics
Pulse pressure variation-guided fluid therapy after cardiac surgery: A pilot before-and-after trial.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to study the feasibility, safety, and physiological effects of pulse pressure variation (PPV)-guided fluid therapy in patients after cardiac surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a pilot prospective before-and-after study during mandatory ventilation after cardiac surgery in a tertiary intensive care unit. We introduced a protocol to deliver a fluid bolus for a PPV ≥13% for at least >10 minutes during the intervention period. RESULTS: We studied 45 control patients and 53 intervention patients. During the intervention period, clinicians administered a fluid bolus on 79% of the defined PPV trigger episodes. Median total fluid intake was similar between 2 groups during mandatory ventilation (1297 mL [interquartile range 549-1968] vs 1481 mL [807-2563]; P = .17) and the first 24 hours (3046 mL [interquartile range 2317-3982] vs 3017 mL [2192-4028]; P = .73). After adjusting for several baseline factors, PPV-guided fluid management significantly increased fluid intake during mandatory ventilation (P = .004) but not during the first 24 hours (P = .47). Pulse pressure variation-guided fluid therapy, however, did not significantly affect hemodynamic, renal, and metabolic variables. No serious adverse events were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Pulse pressure variation-guided fluid management was feasible and safe during mandatory ventilation after cardiac surgery. However, its advantages may be clinically small.
Purpose To investigate the differences in viscoelastic properties between normal and pathologic Achilles tendons ( AT Achilles tendon s) by using real-time shear-wave elastography ( SWE shear-wave elastography ). Materials and Methods The institutional review board approved this study, and written informed consent was obtained from 25 symptomatic patients and 80 volunteers. One hundred eighty ultrasonographic (US) and SWE shear-wave elastography studies of AT Achilles tendon s without tendonopathy and 30 studies of the middle portion of the AT Achilles tendon in patients with tendonopathy were assessed prospectively. Each study included data sets acquired at B-mode US (tendon morphology and cross-sectional area) and SWE shear-wave elastography (axial and sagittal mean velocity and relative anisotropic coefficient) for two passively mobilized ankle positions. The presence of AT Achilles tendon tears at B-mode US and signal-void areas at SWE shear-wave elastography were noted. Results Significantly lower mean velocity was shown in tendons with tendonopathy than in normal tendons in the relaxed position at axial SWE shear-wave elastography (P < .001) and in the stretched position at sagittal (P < .001) and axial (P = .0026) SWE shear-wave elastography . Tendon softening was a sign of tendonopathy in relaxed AT Achilles tendon s when the mean velocity was less than or equal to 4.06 m · sec(-1) at axial SWE shear-wave elastography (sensitivity, 54.2%; 95% confidence interval [ CI confidence interval ]: 32.8, 74.4; specificity, 91.5%; 95% CI confidence interval : 86.3, 95.1) and less than or equal to 5.70 m · sec(-1) at sagittal SWE shear-wave elastography (sensitivity, 41.7%; 95% CI confidence interval : 22.1, 63.3; specificity, 81.8%; 95% CI confidence interval : 75.3, 87.2) and in stretched AT Achilles tendon s, when the mean velocity was less than or equal to 4.86 m · sec(-1) at axial SWE shear-wave elastography (sensitivity, 66.7%; 95% CI confidence interval : 44.7, 84.3; specificity, 75.6%; 95% CI confidence interval : 68.5, 81.7) and less than or equal to 14.58 m · sec(-1) at sagittal SWE shear-wave elastography (sensitivity, 58.3%; 95% CI confidence interval : 36.7, 77.9; specificity, 83.5%; 95% CI confidence interval : 77.2, 88.7). Anisotropic results were not significantly different between normal and pathologic AT Achilles tendon s. Six of six (100%) partial-thickness tears appeared as signal-void areas at SWE shear-wave elastography . Conclusion Whether the AT Achilles tendon was relaxed or stretched, SWE shear-wave elastography helped to confirm and quantify pathologic tendon softening in patients with tendonopathy in the midportion of the AT Achilles tendon and did not reveal modifications of viscoelastic anisotropy in the tendon. Tendon softening assessed by using SWE shear-wave elastography appeared to be highly specific, but sensitivity was relatively low. © RSNA, 2014.
We have explored the possibility of obtaining first-order permeability estimates for saturated alluvial sediments based on the poro-elastic interpretation of the P-wave velocity dispersion inferred from sonic logs. Modern sonic logging tools designed for environmental and engineering applications allow one for P-wave velocity measurements at multiple emitter frequencies over a bandwidth covering 5 to 10 octaves. Methodological considerations indicate that, for saturated unconsolidated sediments in the silt to sand range and typical emitter frequencies ranging from approximately 1 to 30 kHz, the observable velocity dispersion should be sufficiently pronounced to allow one for reliable first-order estimations of the permeability structure. The corresponding predictions have been tested on and verified for a borehole penetrating a typical surficial alluvial aquifer. In addition to multifrequency sonic logs, a comprehensive suite of nuclear and electrical logs, an S-wave log, a litholog, and a limited number laboratory measurements of the permeability from retrieved core material were also available. This complementary information was found to be essential for parameterizing the poro-elastic inversion procedure and for assessing the uncertainty and internal consistency of corresponding permeability estimates. Our results indicate that the thus obtained permeability estimates are largely consistent with those expected based on the corresponding granulometric characteristics, as well as with the available evidence form laboratory measurements. These findings are also consistent with evidence from ocean acoustics, which indicate that, over a frequency range of several orders-of-magnitude, the classical theory of poro-elasticity is generally capable of explaining the observed P-wave velocity dispersion in medium- to fine-grained seabed sediments
Rapport de synthèseLe syndrome d'apnées obstructives du sommeil (SAOS) est une pathologie respiratoire fréquente. Sa prévalence est estimée entre 2 et 5% de la population adulte générale. Ses conséquences sont importantes. Notamment, une somnolence diurne, des troubles de la concentration, des troubles de la mémoire et une augmentation du risque d'accident de la route et du travail. Il représente également un facteur de risque cardiovasculaire indépendant.Ce syndrome est caractérisé par la survenue durant le sommeil d'obstructions répétées des voies aériennes supérieures. L'arrêt ou la diminution d'apport en oxygène vers les poumons entraîne des épisodes de diminution de la saturation en oxygène de l'hémoglobine. Les efforts ventilatoires visant à lever l'obstacle présent sur les voies aériennes causent de fréquents réveils à l'origine d'une fragmentation du sommeil.La polysomnographie (PSG) représente le moyen diagnostic de choix. Il consiste en l'enregistrement dans un laboratoire du sommeil et en présence d'un technicien diplômé, du tracé électroencéphalographique (EEG), de l'électrooculogramme (EOG), de l'électromyogramme mentonnier (EMG), du flux respiratoire nasal, de l'oxymétrie de pouls, de la fréquence cardiaque, de l'électrocardiogramme (ECG), des mouvements thoraciques et abdominaux, de la position du corps et des mouvements des jambes. L'examen est filmé par caméra infrarouge et les sons sont enregistrés.Cet examen permet entre autres mesures, de déterminer les événements respiratoires obstructifs nécessaires au diagnostic de syndrome d'apnée du sommeil. On définit une apnée lors d'arrêt complet du débit aérien durant au moins 10 secondes et une hypopnée en cas, soit de diminution franche de l'amplitude du flux respiratoire supérieure à 50% durant au moins 10 secondes, soit de diminution significative (20%) de l'amplitude du flux respiratoire pendant au minimum 10 secondes associée à un micro-éveil ou à une désaturation d'au moins 3% par rapport à la ligne de base. La détection des micro-éveils se fait en utilisant les dérivations électroencéphalographiques, électromyographiques et électrooculographiques. Il existe des critères visuels de reconnaissance de ces éveils transitoire: apparition de rythme alpha (8.1 à 12.0 Hz) ou beta (16 à 30 Hz) d'une durée supérieure à 3 secondes [20-21].Le diagnostic de S AOS est retenu si l'on retrouve plus de 5 événements respiratoires obstructifs par heure de sommeil associés soit à une somnolence diurne évaluée selon le score d'Epworth ou à au moins 2 symptômes parmi les suivants: sommeil non réparateur, étouffements nocturne, éveils multiples, fatigue, troubles de la concentration. Le S AOS est gradué en fonction du nombre d'événements obstructifs par heure de sommeil en léger (5 à 15), modéré (15 à 30) et sévère (>30).La polysomnographie (PSG) comporte plusieurs inconvénients pratiques. En effet, elle doit être réalisée dans un laboratoire du sommeil avec la présence permanente d'un technicien, limitant ainsi son accessibilité et entraînant des délais diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. Pour ces mêmes raisons, il s'agit d'un examen onéreux.La polygraphie respiratoire (PG) représente l'alternative diagnostique au gold standard qu'est l'examen polysomnographique. Cet examen consiste en l'enregistrement en ambulatoire, à savoir au domicile du patient, du flux nasalrespiratoire, de l'oxymétrie de pouls, de la fréquence cardiaque, de la position du corps et du ronflement (par mesure de pression).En raison de sa sensibilité et sa spécificité moindre, la PG reste recommandée uniquement en cas de forte probabilité de SAOS. Il existe deux raisons principales à l'origine de la moindre sensibilité de l'examen polygraphique. D'une part, du fait que l'état de veille ou de sommeil n'est pas déterminé avec précision, il y a dilution des événements respiratoires sur l'ensemble de l'enregistrement et non sur la période de sommeil uniquement. D'autre part, en l'absence de tracé EEG, la quantification des micro-éveils est impossible. Il n'est donc pas possible dans l'examen poly graphique, de reconnaître une hypopnée en cas de diminution de flux respiratoire de 20 à 50% non associée à un épisode de désaturation de l'hémoglobine de 3% au moins. Alors que dans l'examen polysomnographique, une telle diminution du flux respiratoire pourrait être associée à un micro-éveil et ainsi comptabilisée en tant qu'hypopnée.De ce constat est né la volonté de trouver un équivalent de micro-éveil en polygraphie, en utilisant les signaux à disposition, afin d'augmenter la sensibilité de l'examen polygraphique.Or plusieurs études ont démontrés que les micro-éveils sont associés à des réactions du système nerveux autonome. Lors des micro-éveils, on met en évidence la survenue d'une vasoconstriction périphérique. La variation du tonus sympathique associée aux micro-éveils peut être mesurée par différentes méthodes. Les variations de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls mesurée par pulsoxymétrie représentant un marqueur fiable de la vasoconstriction périphérique associée aux micro-réveils, il paraît donc opportun d'utiliser ce marqueur autonomique disponible sur le tracé des polygraphies ambulatoires afin de renforcer la sensibilité de cet examen.Le but de l'étude est d'évaluer la sensibilité des variations de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls pour détecter des micro-réveils corticaux afin de trouver un moyen d'augmenter la sensibilité de l'examen polygraphique et de renforcer ainsi sont pouvoir diagnostic.L'objectif est de démontrer qu'une diminution significative de l'amplitude de l'onde pouls est concomitante à une activation corticale correspondant à un micro¬réveil. Cette constatation pourrait permettre de déterminer une hypopnée, en polygraphie, par une diminution de 20 à 50% du flux respiratoire sans désaturation de 3% mais associée à une baisse significative de l'amplitude de pouls en postulant que l'événement respiratoire a entraîné un micro-réveil. On retrouve par cette méthode les mêmes critères de scoring d'événements respiratoires en polygraphie et en polysomnographie, et l'on renforce la sensibilité de la polygraphie par rapport au gold standard polysomnographique.La méthode consiste à montrer en polysomnographie qu'une diminution significative de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls mesurée par pulsoxymétrie est associée à une activation du signal électroencéphalographique, en réalisant une analyse spectrale du tracé EEG lors des baisses d'amplitude du signal d'onde de pouls.Pour ce faire nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective sur plus de 1000 diminutions de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls sur les tracés de 10 sujets choisis de manière aléatoire parmi les patients référés dans notre centre du sommeil (CIRS) pour suspicion de trouble respiratoire du sommeil avec somnolence ou symptomatologie diurne.Les enregistrements nocturnes ont été effectués de manière standard dans des chambres individuelles en utilisant le système d'acquisition Embla avec l'ensemble des capteurs habituels. Les données ont été par la suite visuellement analysées et mesurées en utilisant le software Somnologica version 5.1, qui fournit un signal de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls (puise wave amplitude - PWA).Dans un premier temps, un technicien du sommeil a réalisé une analyse visuelle du tracé EEG, en l'absence des données du signal d'amplitude d'onde de pouls. Il a déterminé les phases d'éveil et de sommeil, les stades du sommeil et les micro¬éveils selon les critères standards. Les micro-éveils sont définis lors d'un changement abrupt dans la fréquence de l'EEG avec un pattern d'ondes thêta-alpha et/ou une fréquence supérieure à 16 Hz (en l'absence de fuseau) d'une durée d'au minimum trois secondes. Si cette durée excède quinze secondes, l'événement correspond à un réveil.Puis, deux investigateurs ont analysé le signal d'amplitude d'onde de pouls, en masquant les données du tracé EEG qui inclut les micro-éveils. L'amplitude d'onde de pouls est calculée comme la différence de valeur entre le zénith et le nadir de l'onde pour chaque cycle cardiaque. Pour chaque baisse de l'amplitude d'onde de pouls, la plus grande et la plus petite amplitude sont déterminées et le pourcentage de baisse est calculé comme le rapport entre ces deux amplitudes. On retient de manière arbitraire une baisse d'au moins 20% comme étant significative. Cette limite a été choisie pour des raisons pratiques et cliniques, dès lors qu'elle représentait, à notre sens, la baisse minimale identifiable à l'inspection visuelle. Chaque baisse de PWA retenue est divisée en 5 périodes contiguës de cinq secondes chacune. Deux avant, une pendant et deux après la baisse de PWA.Pour chaque période de cinq secondes, on a pratiqué une analyse spectrale du tracé EEG correspondant. Le canal EEG C4-A1 est analysé en utilisant la transformée rapide de Fourier (FFT) pour chaque baisse de PWA et pour chaque période de cinq secondes avec une résolution de 0.2 Hz. La distribution spectrale est catégorisée dans chaque bande de fréquence: delta (0.5 à 4.0 Hz); thêta (4.1 à 8.0Hz); alpha (8.1 à 12.0 Hz); sigma (12.1 à 16 Hz) et beta (16.1 à 30.0 Hz). La densité de puissance (power density, en μΥ2 ) pour chaque bande de fréquence a été calculée et normalisée en tant que pourcentage de la puissance totale. On a déterminé, ensuite, la différence de densité de puissance entre les 5 périodes par ANOVA on the rank. Un test post hoc Tukey est été utilisé pour déterminer si les différences de densité de puissance étaient significatives. Les calculs ont été effectués à l'aide du software Sigmastat version 3.0 (Systat Software San Jose, California, USA).Le principal résultat obtenu dans cette étude est d'avoir montré une augmentation significative de la densité de puissance de l'EEG pour toutes les bandes de fréquence durant la baisse de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls par rapport à la période avant et après la baisse. Cette augmentation est par ailleurs retrouvée dans la plupart des bande de fréquence en l'absence de micro-réveil visuellement identifié.Ce résultat témoigné donc d'une activation corticale significative associée à la diminution de l'onde de pouls. Ce résulat pourrait permettre d'utiliser les variations de l'onde de pouls dans les tracés de polygraphie comme marqueur d'une activation corticale. Cependant on peut dire que ce marqueur est plus sensible que l'analyse visuelle du tracé EEG par un technicien puisque qu'on notait une augmentation de lactivité corticale y compris en l'absence de micro-réveil visuellement identifié. L'application pratique de ces résultats nécessite donc une étude prospective complémentaire.
Purpose: Cervical foraminal injection performed with a direct foraminal approach may induce serious neurologic complications. We describe a technique of CT-guided cervical facet joint (CFJ) injection as an indirect foraminal injection, including feasibility and diffusion pathways of the contrast agent. Methods and materials: Retrospective study included 84 punctures in 65 consecutive patients presenting neck pain and/or radiculopathy related to osteoarthritis or soft disc herniation. CT images were obtained from C2 to T1 in supine position, with a metallic landmark on the skin. CFJ punctures were performed by MSK senior radiologists with a lateral approach. CT control of the CFJ opacification was performed after injections of contrast agent (1 ml), followed by slow-acting corticosteroid (25 mg). CFJ opacification was considered as successful when joint space and/or capsular recess opacification occurred. The diffusion of contrast agent in foraminal and epidural spaces was recorded. We assessed the epidural diffusion both on axial and sagittal images, with a classification in two groups (small diffusion or large diffusion). Results: CFJ opacification was successful in 82% (69/84). An epidural and/or foraminal opacification was obtained in 74% (51/69). A foraminal opacification occurred in 92% (47/51) and an epidural opacification in 63% (32/51), with small diffusion in 47% (15/32) and large diffusion in 53% (17/32). No complication occurred. Conclusion: CT- guided CFJ injection is easy to perform and safe. It is most often successful, with a frequent epidural and/or foraminal diffusion of the contrast agent. This technique could be an interesting and safe alternative to foraminal cervical injection.
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2012;14:773-778. ©2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Postmenopausal women are at greater risk for hypertension-related cardiovascular disease. Antihypertensive therapy may help alleviate arterial stiffness that represents a potential modifiable risk factor of hypertension. This randomized controlled study investigated the difference between an angiotensin receptor blocker and a calcium channel blocker in reducing arterial stiffness. Overall, 125 postmenopausal hypertensive women (age, 61.4±6 years; systolic blood pressure/diastolic blood pressure [SBP/DBP], 158±11/92±9 mm Hg) were randomized to valsartan 320 mg±hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) (n=63) or amlodipine 10 mg±HCTZ (n=62). The primary outcome was carotid-to-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) changes after 38 weeks of treatment. Both treatments lowered peripheral blood pressure (BP) (-22.9/-10.9 mm Hg for valsartan and -25.2/-11.7 mm Hg for amlodipine, P=not significant) and central BP (-15.7/-7.6 mm Hg for valsartan and -19.2/-10.3 mm Hg for amlodipine, P<.05 for central DBP). Both treatments similarly reduced the carotid-femoral PWV (-1.9 vs -1.7 m/s; P=not significant). Amlodipine was associated with a higher incidence of peripheral edema compared with the valsartan group (77% vs 14%, P<.001). BP lowering in postmenopausal women led to a reduction in arterial stiffness as assessed by PWV measurement. Both regimens reduced PWV to a similar degree after 38 weeks of treatment despite differences in central BP lowering, suggesting that the effect of valsartan on PWV is mediated through nonhemodynamic effects.
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a joint disorder that affects the articular cartilage and subchondral bone, most commonly at the knee. OCD of the sacroiliac joint is extremely rare. Management of OCD remains controversial, and surgery is often needed, especially when conservative treatment fails. We present a rare case of OCD involving the left sacroiliac joint successfully treated by percutaneous computed tomography-guided retrograde drilling and debridement.
Purpose: Cervical foraminal injection performed with a direct approach of the foramen may induce serious neurologic complications. Cervical facet joint (CFJ) injections are easier to perform and safe, and may diffuse in the epidural and foraminal spaces. We analyzed the efficiency and tolerance of CT-guided CFJ slow-acting corticosteroid injection in patients with radiculopathy related to disc herniation. Methods and materials: Pilot study included 17 patients presenting typical cervical radiculopathy related to disc herniation without relief of pain after medical treatment (one month duration). CFJ puncture was performed under CT guidance with a lateral approach. CT control of the CFJ opacification was performed after injections of contrast agent (1 ml), followed by slow-acting corticosteroid (25 mg). Main criteria for judgment was pain relief one month later (delta visual analogical scale VAS for 0 to 100 mm). Diffusion of iodinated contrast agent in the foramen was assessed by two radiologists in consensus. Results: Pain relief was significant at one month (delta VAS 22 ± 23 mm, p = 0.001) and 41% (7/17) of patients had pain relief more than 50%. In cases with foraminal diffusion, pain relief more than 50% occured in 5 patients (50%) and only in 2 patients (29%) in cases without foraminal diffusion. No complication occurred. Conclusion: CT-guided CFJ slow-acting corticosteroid injection is safe and provided good results at one month follow-up. It may be considered as an interesting percutaneous treatment in patients suffering from cervical radicular pain related to disc herniation.
INTRODUCTION: To compare the power spectral changes of the voluntary surface electromyogram (sEMG) and of the compound action potential (M wave) in the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles during fatiguing contractions. METHODS: Interference sEMG and force were recorded during 48 intermittent 3-s isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) from 13 young, healthy subjects. M waves and twitches were evoked using supramaximal femoral nerve stimulation between the successive MVCs. Mean frequency (F mean), and median frequency were calculated from the sEMG and M waves. Muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) was computed by cross-correlation. RESULTS: The power spectral shift to lower frequencies was significantly greater for the voluntary sEMG than for the M waves (P < 0.05). Over the fatiguing protocol, the overall average decrease in MFCV (~25 %) was comparable to that of sEMG F mean (~22 %), but significantly greater than that of M-wave F mean (~9 %) (P < 0.001). The mean decline in MFCV was highly correlated with the mean decreases in both sEMG and M-wave F mean. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings indicated that, as fatigue progressed, central mechanisms could enhance the relative weight of the low-frequency components of the voluntary sEMG power spectrum, and/or the end-of-fiber (non-propagating) components could reduce the sensitivity of the M-wave spectrum to changes in conduction velocity.
Objective: To compare effects of a non-renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blocker, using a CCB, or a RAS blocker, using an ARB regimen on the arterial stiffness reduction in postmenopausal hypertensive women. Methods: In this prospective study, a total of 125 hypertensive women (age: 61.4_6 yrs; 98% Caucasian; BW: 71.9_14 kg; BMI: 27.3_5 kg/m2; SBP/ DBP: 158_11/92_9 mmHg) were randomized between ARB (valsartan 320mg_HCTZ) and CCB (amlodipine 10mg _ HCTZ). The primary outcome was carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) changes after 38 weeks of treatment. Results: There were no significant differences in baseline demographic data between the two groups. Both treatments effectively lowered BP at the end of the study with similar (p>0.05) reductions in the valsartan (_22.9/_10.9 mmHg) and amlodipine based (_25.2/_11.7 mmHg) treatment groups. Despite a lower (p<0.05 for DBP) central SBP/DBP in the CCB group (_19.2/_10.3 mmHg) compared to the valsartan group (_15.7/_7.6 mmHg) at week 38, a similar reduction in carotid-femoral PWV (_1.7 vs _1.9 m/sec; p>0.05) was observed between both groups. The numerically larger BP reduction observed in the CCB group was associated with a much higher incidence of peripheral edema (77% vs 14%) than the valsartan group. Conclusion: In summary, BP lowering in postmenopausal women led to a reduction in arterial stiffness assessed by PWV measurement. Both regimens reduced PWV at 38 weeks of treatment to a similar degree, despite differences in BP lowering suggesting that the effect of RAS blockade to influence PWV may partly be independent of BP.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The safety and efficiency of trans catheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has been clearly demonstrated. In high-risk patients, the number of procedures is constantly increasing and in western European countries this procedure is employed in more than 30% of isolated aortic valve replacements. The literature, however, focusing on perioperative aortic root (AoR) rupture is rather limited to just a few reports. The aim of this review is to analyze the pathophysiology of AoR rupture during TAVI, stressing the implications of the morphology of the AoR for this devastating complication. RECENT FINDINGS: Currently, perioperative AoR rupture ranges between 0.5 and 1.5% during TAVI, with almost 100% mortality. Recently, valve oversizing and balloon dilatation in a calcified and small AoR were considered as the most important predictive factors for this complication. SUMMARY: The most fragile unit of the AoR is its anchoring substrate to the ostium of the left ventricle. This membranous structure is not involved in the degenerative process leading to aortic valve stenosis. Due to the TAVI and/or balloon dilatation of the calcium stationed on the three leaflets and their attachment, a lesion may result on this structure. And, as a consequence, there is rupture of the AoR.
BACKGROUND: To compare morphological gross tumor volumes (GTVs), defined as pre- and postoperative gadolinium enhancement on T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to biological tumor volumes (BTVs), defined by the uptake of (18)F fluoroethyltyrosine (FET) for the radiotherapy planning of high-grade glioma, using a dedicated positron emission tomography (PET)-CT scanner equipped with three triangulation lasers for patient positioning. METHODS: Nineteen patients with malignant glioma were included into a prospective protocol using FET PET-CT for radiotherapy planning. To be eligible, patients had to present with residual disease after surgery. Planning was performed using the clinical target volume (CTV = GTV union or logical sum BTV) and planning target volume (PTV = CTV + 20 mm). First, the interrater reliability for BTV delineation was assessed among three observers. Second, the BTV and GTV were quantified and compared. Finally, the geometrical relationships between GTV and BTV were assessed. RESULTS: Interrater agreement for BTV delineation was excellent (intraclass correlation coefficient 0.9). Although, BTVs and GTVs were not significantly different (p = 0.9), CTVs (mean 57.8 +/- 30.4 cm(3)) were significantly larger than BTVs (mean 42.1 +/- 24.4 cm(3); p < 0.01) or GTVs (mean 38.7 +/- 25.7 cm(3); p < 0.01). In 13 (68%) and 6 (32%) of 19 patients, FET uptake extended >or= 10 and 20 mm from the margin of the gadolinium enhancement. CONCLUSION: Using FET, the interrater reliability had excellent agreement for BTV delineation. With FET PET-CT planning, the size and geometrical location of GTVs and BTVs differed in a majority of patients.
Purpose: We intended to determine whether the need for retreatmentwith intravitreal ranibizumab follows an individual rhythm in patientswith exudative AMD. Setting: Prospective mono-centre cohort study.Methods: Prospective study. 48 patients with exudative AMD. 3 loadingdoses of ranibizumab, followed by a 12 months PRN regimen guided byearly exudative signs on SD-OCT. An intensified follow-up allowed todetect recurrences early.Results:Mean VA improved by 6.4 letters at month 3 and by 13.1 letters atmonth 12, with a mean of 8.0 injections (range 0-12) during the maintenancephase. The intra-individual variance of the intervals was relativelysmall and ranged within 20% of themean interval in 91% of patients.Thefirst interval was within 1 week of the mean interval in 84% of patients.The retreatment criteria were stable in 89% of patients.Conclusion: The relative stability of the intra-individual intervalsmay allowsimplifying the care for AMDpatients.Theremay be a predictive role for thefirst interval after the loading phase. The functional results of this PRNregimenwith early retreatmentwere excellent. Financial disclosure:None.