120 resultados para genetic heterogeneity of residual variance
Background: Recent reviews of randomized control trials have shown that pharmacist interventions improve cardiovascular diseases (CVD) risk factors in outpatients. Various interventions were evaluated in different settings, and a substantial heterogeneity was observed in the effect estimates. To better express uncertainties in the effect estimates, prediction intervals (PI) have been proposed but are, however, rarely reported. Objective: Pooling data from two systematic reviews, we estimated the effect of pharmacist interventions on systolic blood pressure (BP), computed PI, and evaluated potential causes of heterogeneity. Methods: Data were pooled from systematic reviews assessing the effect of pharmacist interventions on CVD risk factors in patients with or without diabetes, respectively. Effects were estimated using random effect models. Results: Systolic BP was the outcome in 31 trials including 12 373 patients. Pharmacist interventions included patient educational interventions, patient-reminder systems, measurement of BP, medication management and feedback to physician, or educational intervention to health care professionals. Pharmacist interventions were associated with a large reduction in systolic BP (-7.5 mmHg; 95% CI: -9.0 to -5.9). There was a substantial heterogeneity (I2: 66%). The 95% PI ranged from -13.9 to -1.0 mmHg. The effect tended to be larger if the intervention was conducted in a community pharmacy and if the pharmacist intervened at least monthly. Conclusion: On average, the effect of pharmacist interventions on BP was substantial. However, the wide PI suggests that the effect differed between interventions, with some having modest effects and others very large effects on BP. Part of the heterogeneity could be due to differences in the setting and in the frequency of the interventions.
Root system architecture is a trait that displays considerable plasticity because of its sensitivity to environmental stimuli. Nevertheless, to a significant degree it is genetically constrained as suggested by surveys of its natural genetic variation. A few regulators of root system architecture have been isolated as quantitative trait loci through the natural variation approach in the dicotyledon model, Arabidopsis. This provides proof of principle that allelic variation for root system architecture traits exists, is genetically tractable, and might be exploited for crop breeding. Beyond Arabidopsis, Brachypodium could serve as both a credible and experimentally accessible model for root system architecture variation in monocotyledons, as suggested by first glimpses of the different root morphologies of Brachypodium accessions. Whether a direct knowledge transfer gained from molecular model system studies will work in practice remains unclear however, because of a lack of comprehensive understanding of root system physiology in the native context. For instance, apart from a few notable exceptions, the adaptive value of genetic variation in root system modulators is unknown. Future studies should thus aim at comprehensive characterization of the role of genetic players in root system architecture variation by taking into account the native environmental conditions, in particular soil characteristics.
Thirty strains from the 11 species of the genus Leptospira were studied by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis at 12 enzyme loci, all of which were polymorphic. The mean number of alleles per locus was 6.5. Twenty-five electrophoretic types were distinguished. Grouping of the strains by cluster analysis was in general agreement with species delineation as determined by DNA-DNA hybridization, except for the strains of Leptospira meyeri and Leptospira inadai, which were scattered throughout the genus, reflecting previously recognized taxonomic uncertainties. Analysis of the clonality within Leptospira interrogans sensu stricto indicated that this population was relatively heterogeneous and a lack of gene linkage disequilibrium could not be excluded. There was a genetic discrimination between the pathogenic species and the saprophytic ones. The phenotypically intermediate species (L. inadai and Leptospira fainei) were also genetically separated and were probably closer to the saprophytes than to the pathogens.
The persistence of sexual reproduction in the face of competition from asexual invaders is more likely if asexual lineages are produced infrequently or have low fitness. The generation rate and success of new asexual lineages will be influenced by the proximate mechanisms underlying transitions to asexuality. As such, characterization of these mechanisms can help explain the distribution of reproductive modes among natural populations. Here, we synthesize the literature addressing proximate causes of transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction in plants and animals. In cyclical and facultatively asexual taxa, individual mutations can cause obligate asexuality. The evolution of asexuality in obligately sexual groups is more complex, requiring the simultaneous acquisition of two traits generally controlled by different genetic factors: unreduced gamete formation and spontaneous development of unfertilized gametes. At least three 'pre-adaptations' could favour transitions to obligate asexuality in obligate sexuals. First, linkage among loci affecting separate key components of asexuality facilitates its spread, with evidence for these linkage blocks in plants. Second, asexuality should evolve more readily in haplodiploids; support for this hypothesis comes from two examples where a single locus causes transitions to asexuality. Third, standing genetic variation for the production of unreduced gametes could facilitate transitions to asexuality, but whether the ability to produce unreduced gametes contributes to the evolution of obligate asexuality remains unclear. We close by reviewing the associations between asexuality, hybridization and polyploidy, and argue that current data suggest that hybridization is more likely to play a causal role in transitions to asexuality than polyploidy.
The factors responsible for the phenotypic heterogeneity of memory CD4 T cells are unclear. In the present study, we have identified a third population of memory CD4 T cells characterized as CD45RA(+)CCR7(-) that, based on its replication history and the homeostatic proliferative capacity, was at an advanced stage of differentiation. Three different phenotypic patterns of memory CD4 T cell responses were delineated under different conditions of antigen (Ag) persistence and load using CD45RA and CCR7 as markers of memory T cells. Mono-phenotypic CD45RA(-)CCR7(+) or CD45RA(-)CCR7(-) CD4 T cell responses were associated with conditions of Ag clearance (tetanus toxoid-specific CD4 T cell response) or Ag persistence and high load (chronic HIV-1 and primary CMV infections), respectively. Multi-phenotypic CD45RA(-)CCR7(+), CD45RA(-)CCR7(-) and CD45RA(+)CCR7(-) CD4 T cell responses were associated with protracted Ag exposure and low load (chronic CMV, EBV and HSV infections and HIV-1 infection in long-term nonprogressors). The mono-phenotypic CD45RA(-)CCR7(+) response was typical of central memory (T(CM)) IL-2-secreting CD4 T cells, the mono-phenotypic CD45RA(-)CCR7(-) response of effector memory (T(EM)) IFN-gamma-secreting CD4 T cells and the multi-phenotypic response of both IL-2- and IFN-gamma-secreting cells. The present results indicate that the heterogeneity of different Ag-specific CD4 T cell responses is regulated by Ag exposure and Ag load.
Summary Skin is the essential interface between our body and its environment; not only does it prevent water loss and protect us from external insults it also plays an essential role in the central nervous system acting as a major sense organ primarily for touch and pain. The main cell type present in skin, keratinocyte, undergoes a differentiation process leading to the formation of this protecting barrier. This work is intended to contribute to the understanding of how keratinocyte differentiates and skin functions. To do this, we studied two genetic skin diseases: Erythrokeratodermia variabilis and Mal de Meleda. Our approach was to examine the expression and localization of proteins implicated in these two pathologies in normal and diseased tissues and to determine the influence of mutant proteins at the molecular and cellular levels. Connexins are major components of gap junctions, channels allowing direct communication between cells. Our laboratory has identified mutations in both connexin 30.3 (Cx30.3) and 31 (Cx31) to be causally involved in erythrokeratodermia variabilis (EKV), an autosomal dominant disorder of keratinization. In the first chapter, we show a new mutation of Cx31, L209P-Cx31, in 3 EKV patients, extending the field of EKV-causing mutations although the mechanism by which connexin mutations lead to the disease is unclear. In the second chapter, we studied the effect of F137L-Cx30.3 on expression, trafficking and localization of cotransfected Cx31 and Cx30.3 in connexin-deficient HeLa cells. The F137 amino acid, highly conserved in connexin family, is oriented towards the channel pore and F137L mutation in either Cx30.3 or Cx31 lead to EKV. As two genes can lead to EKV when mutated, our hypothesis was that Cx31 and Cx30.3 might cooperate at a molecular level. We were able to demonstrate a physical interaction between Cx31 and Cx30.3. The presence of F137L-Cx30.3 disturbed the trafficking of both connexins, less connexins were integrated into gap junctions and thus, the coupling between cell was diminished. Connexins formed in the presence of F137L-Cx30.3 are degraded at their exit from the endoplasmic reticulum. In conclusion, our results indicate that the genetic heterogeneity of EKV is due to mutations in two interacting proteins. F137L-Cx30.3 has a dominant negative effect and affects Cx31, disturbing cellular communication in epidermal cells. Mal de Meleda is an autosomal recessive inflammatory and a keratotic palmoplantar skin disorder due to mutations in SLURP1 (secreted LY6/PLAUR-related protein 1). SLURP1 belongs to the LY6/PLAUR family of proteins and has the particularity of being secreted instead of being GPI-anchored. The high degree of structural similarity between SLURP1 and the three fingers motif of snake neurotoxins and LYNX 1-C suggests that this protein could interact with the neuronal acetylcholine receptors. In the third chapter, we show that SLURP1 potentiates responses of the a7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAchR) to acetylcholine. These results identify SLURP1 as a secreted epidermal neuromodulator that is likely to be essential for palmoplantar skin. In the fourth chapter, we show that SLURP1 is expressed in the granular layer of the epidermis but is absent from skin biopsies of Mal de Meleda patients. SLURP1 is also present in secretions such as sweat, tears or saliva. An in vitro analysis on two mutant of SLURP-I demonstrates that W15R-SLURP1 is absent in cells while G86R-SLURP1 is expressed and secreted, suggesting that SLURP1 can lead to the disease by either an absent or an abnormal protein. Finally, in the fifth chapter, we analyse the expression and biological properties of other LY6/PLAUR members, clustered around SLURP] on chromosome 8. Their GPI-anchored or secreted status were analysed in vitro. SLURP1, LYNX1-A and -B are secreted while LYPDC2 and LYNX 1-C are GPI anchored. Three of these proteins are expressed in the epidermis and in cultured keratinocytes. These results suggest that these LY6/PLAUR members may have an important role in skin homeostasis. Résumé Résumé La peau est la barrière essentielle entre notre corps et l'environnement, nous protégeant des agressions extérieures, de la déshydratation et assurant aussi un rôle dans le système nerveux central en tant qu'organe du toucher et de la douleur. Le principal type de cellules présent dans la peau est le kératinocyte qui suit un processus de différenciation aboutissant à la formation de cette barrière protectrice. Ce travail est destiné à comprendre la différenciation des kératinocytes et le fonctionnement de la peau. Pour cela, nous avons étudié deux maladies génodermatoses : l'Erthrokeratodermia Variabilis (EKV) et le Mal de Meleda. Nous avons examiné l'expression et la localisation des protéines impliquées dans ces deux pathologies dans des tissus normaux et malades puis déterminé l'influence des protéines mutantes aux niveaux moléculaires et cellulaires. Les connexines (Cx) sont les composants majeurs des jonctions communicantes, canaux permettant la communication directe entre les cellules. Notre laboratoire a identifié des mutations dans les Cx30.3 et Cx31 comme responsables de l'EKV, génodermatose de transmission autosomique dominante. Dans le ler chapitre, nous décrivons une nouvelle mutation de Cx31, L209-Cx31, et contribuons à l'établissement du catalogue des mutations de Cx31 entraînant cette maladie. Cependant, le mécanisme par lequel les mutations de Cx31 et C3x0.3 provoquent l'EKV est inconnu. Dans le 2ème chapitre, nous étudions les effets de la mutation F137L-Cx30.3 sur l'expression, le trafic et la localisation des Cx31 et Cx30.3 transfectées dans des cellules HeLa, déficientes en connexines. Comme deux gènes peuvent causer une EKV quand ils sont mutés, notre hypothèse était que Cx31 et Cx30.3 pourraient coopérer au niveau moléculaire. Nous avons montré l'existence d'une interaction physique entre ces deux connexines. La présence de la mutation F137L-Cx30.3 perturbe le trafic des deux connexines, moins de connexines sont intégrées dans les jonctions communicantes et donc le couplage entre les cellules est diminué. Les connexons formés en présence de cette mutation sont dégradés à leur sortie du réticulum endoplasmique. En conclusion, nos résultats indiquent que l'hétérogénéité génétique de EKV est due à des mutations dans deux protéines qui interagissent. F137L-Cx30.3 a un effet dominant négatif et affecte Cx31, perturbant la communication entre les cellules épidermiques. Le Mal de Meleda est une maladie récessive de la peau palmoplantaire due à des mutations dans SLURP1. SLURP1 appartient à la famille des protéines contenant un domaine LY6/PLAUR et a la particularité d'être sécrétée. La grande homologie de structure existant entre SLURP1, les neurotoxines de serpent et LYNX1-C suggère que la protéine pourrait interagir avec des récepteurs à acétylcholine (Ach). Dans le 3ème chapitre, nous montrons que SLURP1 module la réponse à l'Ach du récepteur nicotinique α7. Ces résultats identifient SLURP1 comme un neuromodulateur épidermique sécrété, probablement essentiel pour la peau palmoplantaire. Dans le 4ème chapitre, nous montrons que SLURP1 est exprimé dans la couche granuleuse de l'épiderme et qu'il est absent des biopsies des patients. SLURP1 a aussi été détecté dans des sécrétions telles que la sueur, les lamies et la salive. Une analyse in vitro de deux mutants de SLURP1 a montré que W15R-SLURP1 est absent des cellules tandis que G86R-SLURP1 est exprimé et sécrété, suggérant qu'une absence ou une anomalie de SLURP1 peuvent causer la maladie. Finalement, dans le 5ème chapitre, nous analysons l'expression et les propriétés biologiques d'autres membres de la famille LY6/PLAUR localisés autour de SLURP1 sur le chromosome 8. Leur statut de protéines sécrétées ou liées à la membrane par une ancre GPI est analysé in vitro. SLURP1, LYNXI-A et -B sont sécrétées alors que LYPDC2 et LYNX1-C sont liés à la membrane. Trois de ces protéines sont exprimées dans l'épiderme et dans des kératinocytes cultivés. Ces résultats suggèrent que la famille LY6/PLAUR pourrait avoir un rôle important dans l'homéostasie de la peau.
Phenotypic and genetic characterization of 62 Staphylococcus aureus isolates recovered in Nigeria indicated a high proportion of Panton-Valentine leukocidin-positive isolates and a high genetic diversity among the 22 methicillin-resistant S. aureus. This underlines the need for infection control in Africa to prevent further dissemination of potentially highly virulent and resistant clones.
Rapport de synthèse : Les maladies cardio-vasculaires constituent les causes principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés. Des études épidémiologiques ont démontré l'implication de facteurs de risques comme l'hypertension, l'hypercholestérolémie, l'obésité abdominale, le diabète et le tabagisme dans le développement des affections cardiovasculaires comme l'infarctus du myocarde ou l'accident vasculaire cérébral. De larges études génétiques cas-contrôle ont contribué modestement à l'identification de gènes de susceptibilité au développement de ces FRCV. Une étude populationnelle offre par contre l'avantage d'effectuer des études associatives pour des traits phénotypiques continus correctement mesurés et aussi pour des traits de catégories utilisant des protocoles d'étude cas-contrôle très discordants. ~ Elle permet l'exploration des déterminants génétiques comme par exemple le syndrome métabolique. Cette approche permet également de procéder à des analyses de séquençage sur l'ADN des participants chez qui un trait phénotypique spécifique est étudié mais distribué de manière opposée. A titre d'exemple, le séquençage de l'ADN de participants à taux très élevé d'HDL-cholestérol versus très bas de ce marqueur lipidique permet d'identifier des variants génétiques rares localisés sur les parties codantes de gènes spécifiques associés aux dyslipidémies. Pour ce faire, nous avons recruté 6'188 personnes âgées de 35 à 75 ans, d'origine caucasienne et résidant en ville de Lausanne (3251 femmes et 2937 hommes). L'obtention d'un tel collectif a nécessité l'échantillonnage aléatoire de quelque 19'830 personnes de cette tranche d'âge. Les participants ont fait l'objet d'une anamnèse approfondie et d'un examen clinique. Le bilan était complété par une prise de sang pour le dosage de paramètres biologiques ainsi qu'une analyse .génétique. Cette dernière a été effectuée après extraction d'ADN au moyen d'une puce Affimetrix qui évalue la présence de quelques 500'000 SNPs. Les données récoltées lors de cette étude dévoilent que l'obésité (index de masse corporelle > 30 kg/m2), le tabagisme, l'hypertension (pression artérielle >_ 140/90 mmHg et/ou hypertension traitée), une dyslipidémie (LDL cholestérol élevé et/ou HDL cholestérol bas et/ou triglycéride élevé) et le diabète (glucose à jeun >_ 7 mmol/l et/ou traitement) affectent respectivement 947 (15,7%), 1673 (27%), 2268 (36,7%), 2113 (34,2%) et 407 (6,6%) participants. La prévalence de ces FRCV est plus marquée chez les hommes que chez les femmes. Dans les deux genres les prévalences de l'obésité, de l'hypertension et du diabète augmentent drastiquement avec l'âge. En conclusion la prévalence des FRCV est élevée au sein d'une population représentative de Lausanne âgée de 35 à 75 ans. A l'avenir, l'étude CoLaus constituera par la richesse de ses données phénotypiques et génétiques, une source unique pour investiguer l'épidémiologie et l'identification de gènes associés à ces FRCV.
Genetic relatedness of the mound-building ant Formica pratensis was determined by means of microsatellite DNA polymorphism, and its impact on nestmate recognition was tested in a population in Southern Sweden (Oeland). Recognition between nests was measured by testing aggression levels between single pairs of workers. The genetic distances of nests (Nei's genetic distance) and the spatial distance of nests were correlated and both showed a strong relation to the aggression behavior. Multiple regression analysis revealed a stronger impact of genetic relatedness rather than spatial distances on aggression behavior. Neighbouring nests were more closely related than distant nests, which may reflect budding as a possible spreading mechanism. The genetic distance data showed that nestmate recognition was strongly genetically influenced in F. pratensis.
Some introduced ant populations have an extraordinary social organization, called unicoloniality, whereby individuals mix freely within large supercolonies. We investigated whether this mode of social organization also exists in native populations of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile. Behavioral analyses revealed the presence of 11 supercolonies (width 1 to 515 m) over a 3-km transect. As in the introduced range, there was always strong aggression between but never within supercolonies. The genetic data were in perfect agreement with the behavioral tests, all nests being assigned to identical supercolonies with the different methods. There was strong genetic differentiation between supercolonies but no genetic differentiation among nests within supercolonies. We never found more than a single mitochondrial haplotype per supercolony, further supporting the view that supercolonies are closed breeding units. Genetic and chemical distances between supercolonies were positively correlated, but there were no other significant associations between geographic, genetic, chemical, and behavioral distances. A comparison of supercolonies sampled in 1999 and 2005 revealed a very high turnover, with about one-third of the supercolonies being replaced yearly. This dynamic is likely to involve strong competition between supercolonies and thus act as a potent selective force maintaining unicoloniality over evolutionary time.
Whether or not species participating in specialized and obligate interactions display similar and simultaneous demographic variations at the intraspecific level remains an open question in phylogeography. In the present study, we used the mutualistic nursery pollination occurring between the European globeflower Trollius europaeus and its specialized pollinators in the genus Chiastocheta as a case study. Explicitly, we investigated if the phylogeographies of the pollinating flies are significantly different from the expectation under a scenario of plant-insect congruence. Based on a large-scale sampling, we first used mitochondrial data to infer the phylogeographical histories of each fly species. Then, we defined phylogeographical scenarios of congruence with the plant history, and used maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches to test for plant-insect phylogeographical congruence for the three Chiastocheta species. We show that the phylogeographical histories of the three fly species differ. Only Chiastocheta lophota and Chiastocheta dentifera display strong spatial genetic structures, which do not appear to be statistically different from those expected under scenarios of phylogeographical congruence with the plant. The results of the present study indicate that the fly species responded in independent and different ways to shared evolutionary forces, displaying varying levels of congruence with the plant genetic structure
Sleep disorders commonly involve genetic susceptibility, environmental effects, and interactions between these factors. The heritability of sleep patterns has been shown in studies of monozygotic twins, and sleep electroencephalogram patterns offer a unique genetic fingerprint which may assist in the identification of genes involved in the regulation of sleep. Genetic factors are also thought to play a role in sleep disorders; narcolepsy is a disabling sleep condition and research has revealed the complexity of underlying genetic and environmental influences in the development of this disorder. An understanding of sleep regulation at the molecular level is essential in the identification of new targets for the treatment of sleep disorders, and genome-wide association studies for both normal sleep and sleep disorders may shed new light on the molecular architecture of mechanisms regulating these behaviours.