86 resultados para final disposal facility


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The melanoma-associated protein Melan-A contains the immunodominant CTL epitope Melan-A(26/27-35)/HLA-A*0201 against which a high frequency of T lymphocytes has been detected in many melanoma patients. In this study we show that the in vitro degradation of a polypeptide encompassing Melan-A(26/27-35) by proteasomes produces both the final antigenic peptide and N-terminally extended intermediates. When human melanoma cells expressing the corresponding fragments were exposed to specific CTL, those expressing the minimal antigenic sequence were recognized more efficiently than those expressing the N-terminally extended intermediates. Using a tumor-reactive CTL clone, we confirmed that the recognition of melanoma cells expressing an N-terminally extended intermediate of Melan-A is inefficient. We demonstrated that the inefficient cytosolic trimming of N-terminally extended intermediates could offer a selective advantage for the preferred presentation of Melan-A peptides directly produced by the proteasomes. These results imply that both the proteasomes and postproteasomal peptidases limit the availability of antigenic peptides and that the efficiency of presentation may be affected by conditions that alter the ratio between fully and partially processed proteasomal products.


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The overall aim of the project has been to assess the extent to which data on the frequency of occurence of STDs [Sexually transmitted diseases] might be useful in the monitoring and evaluation of AIDS prevention programmes. The objectives have been to answer the following questions: (a) Can measures of STD occurence be used as an outcome measure of AIDS/HIV preventive efforts ? In particular: -> which diseases might be useful ? -> in what ways could they be used ? (b) If measures of STD occurence can be used in this way, is existing surveillance data in Western Europe adequate for the purpose ? If not why not ? (c) What do data from existing STD surveillance systems tell us about the success or failure of AIDS prevention to date ? (d) What needs to be done in order taht STD surveillance data in the countries of Western Europe could be used for this purpose ? [Authors, p. 4]


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Cette étude est destinée à évaluer les effets des campagnes de Sida en Suisse auprès de jeunes en marge de la société que l'on qualifie de "zonards", en termes de modifications des représentations, attitudes et comportements face à cette maladie et aux manières de s'en protéger. Elle s'intéresse aussi aux modalités d'acquisition d'attitudes et comportements nouveaux, ainsi qu'à la manière dont les campagnes ont été accueillies et répercutées. [Auteurs, p. 5]


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This is a crucial transition time for human genetics in general, and for HIV host genetics in particular. After years of equivocal results from candidate gene analyses, several genome-wide association studies have been published that looked at plasma viral load or disease progression. Results from other studies that used various large-scale approaches (siRNA screens, transcriptome or proteome analysis, comparative genomics) have also shed new light on retroviral pathogenesis. However, most of the inter-individual variability in response to HIV-1 infection remains to be explained: genome resequencing and systems biology approaches are now required to progress toward a better understanding of the complex interactions between HIV-1 and its human host.


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Purpose: 1. To review Ct features suggestive of saprophytic aspergillosis (aspergilloma) and to correlate them with the final pathological results. 2. To illustrate the wide range of differential diagnosis. Methods and materials: The electronic database of our department from 1995 to 2007 revealed CT reports of 48 patients that had been considered very suggestive of aspergilloma. Two radiologists with 6 and 12 years experience in thoracic radiology jointly reviewed the corresponding CT features including ancillary findings and the underlying lung diseases and correlated them with the final pathological diagnosis. Results: Forty patients could be included in the study (12 women, mean age 52), while in 8 patients there was no adequate clinical follow-up. In 17 patients the diagnosis "mycetoma" due to aspergillus fumigatus infection was confirmed, either by surgery, biopsy or bronchoscopy. In 23 patients, differential diagnoses were found, such as cavitating bronchial carcinoma (n = 7), bacterial abscess (n = 3), typical (n = 2) and atypical (n = 2) tuberculosis, as well as inflammatory changes due to mucoviscidosis (n = 1), Wegener's disease (n = 1) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n = 3). Fibromyxoide hamartoma, lung infarction and bronchomucocele were responsible for the typical CT feature in one patient each. Conclusion: 1. The typical CT feature suggesting mycetoma is softtissue proliferation within a pre-existing wall-thickened lung cavity, oten even considered "pathognomonic". However, this diagnosis was finally confirmed by surgery or laboratory findings in less than 50% of patients only. 2. Since differential diagnoses are very large, not only including cavitating lung cancer and tuberculosis, the individual underlying lung disease needs strongly being taken into account often giving the best clue for the correct diagnosis.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: An increase in new HIV cases among men who have sex with men (MSM) has been reported in Switzerland since 2001. A rapid result HIV testing for MSM through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) facility ("Checkpoint") was opened in Geneva in 2005. This gay-friendly facility, the first to open in Switzerland, provides testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and rapid result HIV testing and counselling. Our objective was to analyze Checkpoint's activity over its first five years of activity and its ability to attract at-risk MSM. METHODS: We used routine data collected anonymously about the facility activity (number of clients, number of tests, and test results) and about the characteristics of the clientele (sociodemographic data, sexual risk behaviour, and reasons for testing) from 2005 to 2009. RESULTS: The yearly number of HIV tests performed increased from 249 in 2005 to 561 in 2009. The annual proportion of positive tests among tests performed varied between 2% and 3%. Among MSM clients, the median annual number of anal intercourse (AI) partners was three. Roughly 30% of all MSM clients had at least one unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) experience in the previous 12 months with a partner of different/unknown HIV status.The main reason for testing in 2007, 2008, and 2009 was "sexual risk exposure" (~40%), followed by "routine" testing (~30%) and "condom stopping in the beginning of a new steady relationship" (~10%). Clients who came to the facility after a sexual risk exposure, compared to clients who came for "routine testing" or "condom stopping" reasons, had the highest number of AI partners in the previous 12 months, were more likely to have had UAI with a partner of different/unknown HIV status in the previous 12 months (respectively 57.3%, 12.5%, 23.5%), more likely to have had an STI diagnosed in the past (41.6%, 32.2%, 22.9%), and more likely to report recent feelings of sadness or depression (42.6%; 32.8%, 18.5%). CONCLUSION: Many of Checkpoint's clients reported elevated sexual risk exposure and risk factors, and the annual proportion of new HIV cases in the facility is stable. This VCT facility attracts the intended population and appears to be a useful tool contributing to the fight against the HIV epidemic among MSM in Switzerland.


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L'Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) a mandaté deux groupes de recherche pour analyser les besoins de la prise en prise en charge des personnes dépendantes en Suisse : l'Unité d'évaluation de programmes de prévention (UEPP) de l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive de Lausanne (IUMSP) du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) et Addiction Suisse de Lausanne. Plus précisément, le but de cette étude est d'explorer et de définir - par une analyse des besoins - si l'offre actuelle en services dans le domaine des addictions est encore adaptée à la situation épidémiologique actuelle des addictions, à l'évolution des types de comportements liés à la dépendance et aux besoins des clients. Il s'agit en particulier de répondre aux questions suivantes: ? Existe-t-il actuellement des besoins en traitement pour lesquels il n'existe aucune offre appropriée ? ? Quels groupes ne sont pas ou sont insuffisamment atteints par l'offre existante? ? A quels genres de problèmes liés à la dépendance et à quels nouveaux besoins des clients les structures oeuvrant dans le domaine de la dépendance sont -elles confrontées? ? Quels sont les besoins d'adaptation du système de prise en charge nécessaires concernant soit les groupes-cibles de services, soit les types d'offres - en particulier le besoin en nouveaux concepts/modèles de prise en charge pour répondre à l'évolution des besoins? ? Comment ces structures font-elles face à l'accroissement de l'usage de multiples substances (multi-consommation)?