86 resultados para fator R
Les Evangiles latins de l'enfance ont été peu étudiés depuis l'édition de M. R. James en 1927. La prochaine publication dans la Series apocryphorum des Évangiles irlandais de l'enfance jette un éclairage nouveau sur cette compilation latine qui combine le Protévangile de Jacques, l'Évangile du Pseudo-Matthieu et une 3e Source non identifiée racontant la naissance de Jésus. Les récits irlandais du Leabar Breac et du Liber Flavus Fergusiorum permettent de remonter à un état antérieur à la compilation, pas encore influencé par le Pseudo-Matthieu. Ils conservent parfois des éléments du texte de la Source qui ont disparu dans le latin. Le récit original de cette source inconnue est indépendant du Protévangile de Jacques et pourrait être aussi ancien que lui. C'est ce qui ressort de l'étude par l'A. de quelques motifs caractéristiques : l'impôt lié au recensement, la pauvreté de Joseph, le rôle des fils de Joseph, le lieu de la nativité, l'épisode de la sage-femme.
Introduction: The Thalidomide-Dexamethasone (TD) regimen has provided encouraging results in relapsed MM. To improve results, bortezomib (Velcade) has been added to the combination in previous phase II studies, the so called VTD regimen. In January 2006, the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome (IFM) initiated a prospective, randomized, parallel-group, open-label phase III, multicenter study, comparing VTD (arm A) with TD (arm B) for MM patients progressing or relapsing after autologous transplantation. Patients and Methods: Inclusion criteria: patients in first progression or relapse after at least one autologous transplantation, including those who had received bortezomib or thalidomide before transplant. Exclusion criteria: subjects with neuropathy above grade 1 or non secretory MM. Primary study end point was time to progression (TTP). Secondary end points included safety, response rate, progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Treatment was scheduled as follows: bortezomib 1.3 mg/m2 was given as an i.v bolus on Days 1, 4, 8 and 11 followed by a 10-Day rest period (days 12 to 21) for 8 cycles (6 months) and then on Days 1, 8, 15, 22 followed by a 20-Day rest period (days 23 to 42) for 4 cycles (6 months). In both arms, thalidomide was scheduled at 200 mg/Day orally for one year and dexamethasone 40 mg/Day orally four days every three weeks for one year. Patients reaching remission could proceed to a new stem cell harvest. However, transplantation, either autologous or allogeneic, could only be performed in patients who completed the planned one year treatment period. Response was assessed by EBMT criteria, with additional category of near complete remission (nCR). Adverse events were graded by the NCI-CTCAE, Version 3.0.The trial was based on a group sequential design, with 4 planned interim analyses and one final analysis that allowed stopping for efficacy as well as futility. The overall alpha and power were set equal to 0.025 and 0.90 respectively. The test for decision making was based on the comparison in terms of the ratio of the cause-specific hazards of relapse/progression, estimated in a Cox model stratified on the number of previous autologous transplantations. Relapse/progression cumulative incidence was estimated using the proper nonparametric estimator, the comparison was done by the Gray test. PFS and OS probabilities were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier curves, the comparison was performed by the Log-Rank test. An interim safety analysis was performed when the first hundred patients had been included. The safety committee recommended to continue the trial. Results: As of 1st July 2010, 269 patients had been enrolled in the study, 139 in France (IFM 2005-04 study), 21 in Italy, 38 in Germany, 19 in Switzerland (a SAKK study), 23 in Belgium, 8 in Austria, 8 in the Czech republic, 11 in Hungary, 1 in the UK and 1 in Israel. One hundred and sixty nine patients were males and 100 females; the median age was 61 yrs (range 29-76). One hundred and thirty six patients were randomized to receive VTD and 133 to receive TD. The current analysis is based on 246 patients (124 in arm A, 122 in arm B) included in the second interim analysis, carried out when 134 events were observed. Following this analysis, the trial was stopped because of significant superiority of VTD over TD. The remaining patients were too premature to contribute to the analysis. The number of previous autologous transplants was one in 63 vs 60 and two or more in 61 vs 62 patients in arm A vs B respectively. The median follow-up was 25 months. The median TTP was 20 months vs 15 months respectively in arm A and B, with cumulative incidence of relapse/progression at 2 years equal to 52% (95% CI: 42%-64%) vs 70% (95% CI: 61%-81%) (p=0.0004, Gray test). The same superiority of arm A was also observed when stratifying on the number of previous autologous transplantations. At 2 years, PFS was 39% (95% CI: 30%-51%) vs 23% (95% CI: 16%-34%) (A vs B, p=0.0006, Log-Rank test). OS in the first two years was comparable in the two groups. Conclusion: VTD resulted in significantly longer TTP and PFS in patients relapsing after ASCT. Analysis of response and safety data are on going and results will be presented at the meeting. Protocol EU-DRACT number: 2005-001628-35.
La forte teneur en elements siderophiles des sediments de la limite Cretace-Tertiaire suggere que les principaJes disparitions d'especes ont ete provoquees par des catastrophes cosmiques. Cette hypothese pourrait etre confirmee par la decouverte d'une anomaJie similaire it la limite Permien-Trias, caracterisee par la plus grave crise biologique du Phanerozoique. L'etude du site de Meishan, en Republique populaire de Chine, n'apporte aucune confirmation de ce scenario. Aucune trace d'iridium, Ie meilleur traceur de la matiere extraterrestre, n'a ete trouvee dans les 18 echantillons preleves au voisinage de la transition Permien-Trias. Toute relation entre la crise biologique du Permien-Trias et une catastrophe cosmique doit donc, pour l'instant, etre consideree comme hypothetique. The presence of siderophile-enriched material at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary suggests that the major extinctions of living species could result from cosmic catastrophes. The finding of the same kind of material at the Permian-Triassic boundary would be important to confirm the influence of cosmic phenomena on extinctions. The study of the M eishan section, in China, does not provide any support to this view. Iridium, the best tracer of cosmic material, has not been detected in any of the 18 samples collected around the boundary. A relation between the Permian-Triassic extinction and a cosmic collision therefore remains hypothetical.
The cytokine BAFF binds to the receptors TACI, BCMA, and BAFF-R on B cells, whereas APRIL binds to TACI and BCMA only. The signaling properties of soluble trimeric BAFF (BAFF 3-mer) were compared with those of higher-order BAFF oligomers. All forms of BAFF bound BAFF-R and TACI, and elicited BAFF-R-dependent signals in primary B cells. In contrast, signaling through TACI in mature B cells or plasmablasts was only achieved by higher-order BAFF and APRIL oligomers, all of which were also po-tent activators of a multimerization-dependent reporter signaling pathway. These results indicate that, although BAFF-R and TACI can provide B cells with similar signals, only BAFF-R, but not TACI, can respond to soluble BAFF 3-mer, which is the main form of BAFF found in circulation. BAFF 60-mer, an efficient TACI agonist, was also detected in plasma of BAFF transgenic and nontransgenic mice and was more than 100-fold more active than BAFF 3-mer for the activation of multimerization-dependent signals. TACI supported survival of activated B cells and plasmablasts in vitro, providing a rational basis to explain the immunoglobulin deficiency reported in TACI-deficient persons.
Plaque formation in vaccinia virus is inhibited by the compound N1-isonicotinoyl-N2-3-methyl-4-chlorobenzoylhydrazine (IMCBH). We have isolated a mutant virus that forms wild-type plaques in the presence of the drug. Comparison of wild-type and mutant virus showed that both viruses produced similar amounts of infectious intracellular naked virus in the presence of the drug. In contrast to the mutant, no extracellular enveloped virus was obtained from IMCBH-treated cells infected with wild-type virus. Marker rescue experiments were used to map the mutation conferring IMCBH resistance to the mutant virus. The map position coincided with that of the gene encoding the viral envelope antigen of M(r) 37,000. Sequence analysis of both wild-type and mutant genes showed a single nucleotide change (G to T) in the mutant gene. In the deduced amino acid sequence, the mutation changes the codon for an acidic Asp residue in the wild-type gene to one for a polar noncharged Tyr residue in the mutant.
This article analyses and discusses issues that pertain to the choice of relevant databases for assigning values to the components of evaluative likelihood ratio procedures at source level. Although several formal likelihood ratio developments currently exist, both case practitioners and recipients of expert information (such as judiciary) may be reluctant to consider them as a framework for evaluating scientific evidence in context. The recent ruling R v T and ensuing discussions in many forums provide illustrative examples for this. In particular, it is often felt that likelihood ratio-based reasoning amounts to an application that requires extensive quantitative information along with means for dealing with technicalities related to the algebraic formulation of these approaches. With regard to this objection, this article proposes two distinct discussions. In a first part, it is argued that, from a methodological point of view, there are additional levels of qualitative evaluation that are worth considering prior to focusing on particular numerical probability assignments. Analyses will be proposed that intend to show that, under certain assumptions, relative numerical values, as opposed to absolute values, may be sufficient to characterize a likelihood ratio for practical and pragmatic purposes. The feasibility of such qualitative considerations points out that the availability of hard numerical data is not a necessary requirement for implementing a likelihood ratio approach in practice. It is further argued that, even if numerical evaluations can be made, qualitative considerations may be valuable because they can further the understanding of the logical underpinnings of an assessment. In a second part, the article will draw a parallel to R v T by concentrating on a practical footwear mark case received at the authors' institute. This case will serve the purpose of exemplifying the possible usage of data from various sources in casework and help to discuss the difficulty associated with reconciling the depth of theoretical likelihood ratio developments and limitations in the degree to which these developments can actually be applied in practice.
Merkel Cell Carcinoma (CCM) is an aggressive cutaneous tumor of the elderly, which has become the second cause of mortality linked to skin cancer. This has led clinicians and scientists to devote more time to the study of this rare tumor, announcing to a revolution in our understanding, diagnosis and therapy of this cancer. We present here these recent advances, which illustrate the exponential growth of knowledge in the medical field, drawing comparisons with more frequent cancers such as melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Im Artikel «Arbeitsfähigkeit und Invalidenversicherung » von R. Conne [1] wird treffend das heutige Malaise der Arbeitsplatzrehabilitation beschrieben. Dies gilt aber nicht nur für die Arbeitsunfähigkeit aus psychischen Gründen, sondern ebenso für die Arbeitsunfähigkeit wegen muskuloskeletaler Schmerzen. Die Schwierigkeiten einer Arbeitsplatzrehabilitation sind aber nicht speziell auf die Invalidenversicherung zurückzuführen. Sie gründen einerseits auf strukturellen Gegebenheiten der Schweiz, wie eine wenig in den Betrieben verankerte Arbeitsmedizin, und Zugang zu Rehabilitationsmedizin, und andererseits auf dem Fehlen einer klaren Kostenträgerregelung oder -verantwortung. R. Conne beschreibt in seinem Artikel treffend das heutige Malaise in der Schweiz in bezug auf Arbeitsplatzrehabilitation oder Wiedererlangung der Arbeitsfähigkeit. Er bezieht sich dabei vor allem auf die Arbeitsunfähigkeit aus psychischen Gründen. Wir möchten als am Rande angesprochene Arbeitsmedizinerin und angesprochener Rehabilitationsmediziner die Diskussion aufgreifen und erweitern. Die Erweiterung betrifft einerseits den Einbezug von nicht psychisch begründeter Arbeitsunfähigkeit und andererseits auch die allgemeine Versicherungssituation in der Schweiz, und dies verschiebt unserer Meinung nach den Problemfokus von der Invalidenversicherung auf die allgemeine Versicherungssituation. [Autoren]
John Roger Commons est, de manière quasi systématique, considéré comme l'un des pères fondateurs de l'ancien institutionnalisme américain. On souligne tout aussi couramment l'influence que la philosophie pragmatiste a pu avoir sur ses travaux, du moins en ce qui concerne son ouvrage de 1934. Plus rares sont les commentateurs soulignant le rôle qu'a le langage, a fortiori le langage de l'économiste, dans l'analyse qu'il fait de l'évolution institutionnelle. Notre but sera de souligner ce fait : pour Commons, dire c'est faire, dans la lignée de la linguistique performativiste, dire c'est agir sur l'évolution institutionnelle. Abstract : John Roger Commons is well known as one of the founders of old institutionnalism. It is current to emphazise his philosophical roots : the american pragmatism, at least in his masterpiece of 1934. On the other hand, it is less frequent to point out the important role that the langage, and a fortiori economics' langage, has in his understanding of institutional evolution. Our aim will be to spotlight this point : for Commons, we can do things with words, on the way of performativist linguistic, when we use words, we influence institutional evolution.