167 resultados para Weyden, Rogier van der, 1399 or 1400-1464.
Identification is ever more important in the online world, and identity-related crime is a growing problem related to this. This new category of crime is not restricted to high-profile instances of identity 'theft' or identity fraud; it is wide-ranging and complex, ranging from identity deletion to unlawful identity creation and identity 'theft'. Commonly accepted definitions are lacking, thus blurring available statistics, and policies to combat this new crime are piecemeal at best. To assess the real nature and magnitude of identity-related crime, and to be able to discuss how it can be combated, identity-related crime should be understood in all its aspects. As a first key step, this article introduces a typology of identity-related crime, consisting of conceptual, technical and legal categories, that can be used as a comprehensive framework for future research, countermeasures and policies related to identity related crime.
We have reported the identification of human gene MAGE-1, which directs the expression of an antigen recognized on a melanoma by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). We show here that CTL directed against this antigen, which was named MZ2-E, recognize a nonapeptide encoded by the third exon of gene MAGE-1. The CTL also recognize this peptide when it is presented by mouse cells transfected with an HLA-A1 gene, confirming the association of antigen MZ2-E with the HLA-A1 molecule. Other members of the MAGE gene family do not code for the same peptide, suggesting that only MAGE-1 produces the antigen recognized by the anti-MZ2-E CTL. Our results open the possibility of immunizing HLA-A1 patients whose tumor expresses MAGE-1 either with the antigenic peptide or with autologous antigen-presenting cells pulsed with the peptide.
Anti-CTLA-4 treatment improves the survival of patients with advanced-stage melanoma. However, although the anti-CTLA-4 antibody ipilimumab is now an approved treatment for patients with metastatic disease, it remains unknown by which mechanism it boosts tumor-specific T cell activity. In particular, it is unclear whether treatment amplifies previously induced T cell responses or whether it induces new tumor-specific T cell reactivities. Using a combination ultraviolet (UV)-induced peptide exchange and peptide-major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) combinatorial coding, we monitored immune reactivity against a panel of 145 melanoma-associated epitopes in a cohort of patients receiving anti-CTLA-4 treatment. Comparison of pre- and posttreatment T cell reactivities in peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples of 40 melanoma patients demonstrated that anti-CTLA-4 treatment induces a significant increase in the number of detectable melanoma-specific CD8 T cell responses (P = 0.0009). In striking contrast, the magnitude of both virus-specific and melanoma-specific T cell responses that were already detected before start of therapy remained unaltered by treatment (P = 0.74). The observation that anti-CTLA-4 treatment induces a significant number of newly detected T cell responses-but only infrequently boosts preexisting immune responses-provides strong evidence for anti-CTLA-4 therapy-enhanced T cell priming as a component of the clinical mode of action.
Cette thèse cible l'étude de la structure thermique de la croûte supérieure (<10km) dans les arcs magmatiques continentaux, et son influence sur l'enregistrement thermochronologique de leur exhumation et de leur évolution topographique. Nous portons notre regard sur deux chaînes de montagne appartenant aux Cordillères Américaines : Les Cascades Nord (USA) et la zone de faille Motagua (Guatemala). L'approche utilisée est axée sur la thermochronologie (U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite et zircon, couplée avec la modélisation numérique de la structure thermique de la croûte. Nous mettons en évidence la variabilité à la fois spatiale et temporelle du gradient géothermique, et attirons l'attention du lecteur sur l'importance de prendre en compte la multitude des processus géologiques perturbant la structure thermique dans les chaînes de type cordillère, c'est à dire formées lors de la subduction océanique sous un continent.Une nouvelle approche est ainsi développée pour étudier et contraindre la perturbation thermique autour des chambres magmatiques. Deux profiles âge-elevation (U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite et zircon, ont été collectées 7 km au sud du batholithe de Chilliwack, Cascades Nord. Les résultats montrent une variabilité spatiale et temporelle du gradient géothermique lors de l'emplacement magmatique qui peut être contrainte et séparé de l'exhumation. Durant l'emplacement de l'intrusion, la perturbation thermique y atteint un état d'équilibre (-80-100 °C/km) qui est fonction du flux de magma et de ia distance à la source du magma, puis rejoint 40 °C/km à la fin du processus d'emplacement magmatique.Quelques nouvelles données (U-Th)/He, replacées dans une compilation des données existantes dans les Cascades Nord, indiquent une vitesse d'exhumation constante (-100 m/Ma) dans le temps et l'espace entre 35 Ma et 2 Ma, associée à un soulèvement uniforme de la chaîne contrôlé par l'emplacement de magma dans la croûte durant toute l'activité de l'arc. Par contre, après ~2 Ma, le versant humide de la chaîne est affecté par une accélération des taux d'exhumation, jusqu'à 3 km de croûte y sont érodés. Les glaciations ont un triple effet sur l'érosion de cette chaîne: (1) augmentation des vitesses d'érosion, d'exhumation et de soulèvement la où les précipitations sont suffisantes, (2) limitation de l'altitude contrôlé par la position de Γ Ε LA, (3) élargissement du versant humide et contraction du versant aride de la chaîne.Les modifications des réseaux de drainage sont des processus de surface souvent sous-estimés au profil d'événements climatiques ou tectoniques. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche couplant une analyse géomorphologique, des données thermochronologiques de basse température ((U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite et zircon), et l'utilisation de modélisation numérique thermo-cinématique pour les mettre en évidence et les dater; nous testons cette approche sur la gorge de la Skagit river dans les North Cascades.De nouvelles données (U-Th)/He sur zircons, complétant les données existantes, montrent que le déplacement horizontal le long de la faille transformante continentale Motagua, la limite des plaques Caraïbe/Amérique du Nord, a juxtaposé un bloc froid, le bloc Maya (s.s.), contre un bloque chaud, le bloc Chortis (s.s.) originellement en position d'arc. En plus de donner des gammes d'âges thermochronologiques très différents des deux côtés de la faille, le déplacement horizontal rapide (~2 cm/a) a produit un fort échange thermique latéral, résultant en un réchauffement du côté froid et un refroidissement du côté chaud de la zone de faille de Motagua.Enfin des données (U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite témoignent d'un refroidissement Oligocène enregistré uniquement dans la croûte supérieure de la bordure nord de la zone de faille Motagua. Nous tenterons ultérieurement de reproduire ce découplage vertical de la structure thermique par la modélisation de la formation d'un bassin transtensif et de circulation de fluides le long de la faille de Motagua. - This thesis focuses on the influence of the dynamic thermal structure of the upper crust (<10km) on the thermochronologic record of the exhumational and topographic history of magmatic continental arcs. Two mountain belts from the American Cordillera are studied: the North Cascades (USA) and the Motagua fault zone (Guatemala). I use a combined approach coupling apatite and zircon (U-Th-Sm}/He thermochronology and thermo- kinematic numerical modelling. This study highlights the temporal and spatial variability of the geothermal gradient and the importance to take into account the different geological processes that perturb the thermal structure of Cordilleran-type mountain belts (i.e. mountain belts related to oceanic subduction underneath a continent}.We integrate apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He data with numerical thermo-kinematic models to study the relative effects of magmatic and surface processes on the thermal evolution of the crust and cooling patterns in the Cenozoic North Cascades arc (Washington State, USA). Two age-elevation profiles that are located 7 km south of the well-studied Chiliiwack intrusions shows that spatial and temporal variability in geothermal gradients linked to magma emplacement can be contrained and separated from exhumation processes. During Chiliiwack batholith emplacement at -35-20 Ma, the geothermal gradient of the country rocks increased to a very high steady-state value (80-100°C/km), which is likely a function of magma flux and the distance from the magma source area. Including temporally varying geothermal gradients in the analysis allows quantifying the thermal perturbation around magmatic intrusions and retrieving a relatively simple denudation history from the data.The synthesis of new and previously published (U-Th)/He data reveals that denudation of the Northern Cascades is spatially and temporally constant at -100 m/Ma between ~32 and ~2 Ma, which likely reflects uplift due to magmatic crustal thickening since the initiation of the Cenozoic stage of the continental magmatic arc. In contrast, the humid flank of the North Cascades is affected by a ten-fold acceleration in exhumation rate at ~2 Ma, which we interpret as forced by the initiation of glaciations; around 3 km of crust have been eroded since that time. Glaciations have three distinct effects on the dynamics of this mountain range: (1) they increase erosion, exhumation and uplift rates where precipitation rates are sufficient to drive efficient glacial erosion; (2) they efficiently limit the elevation of the range; (3) they lead to widening of the humid flank and contraction of the arid flank of the belt.Drainage reorganizations constitute an important agent of landscape evolution that is often underestimated to the benefit of tectonic or climatic events. We propose a new method that integrates geomorphology, low-temperature thermochronometry (apatite and zircon {U-Th-Sm)/He), and 3D numerical thermal-kinematic modelling to detect and date drainage instability producing recent gorge incision, and apply this approach to the Skagit River Gorge, North Cascades.Two zircon (U-Th)/He age-elevation profiles sampled on both sides of the Motagua Fault Zone (MFZ), the boundary between the North American and the Caribbean plates, combined with published thermochronological data show that strike-slip displacement has juxtaposed the cold Maya block (s.s.) against the hot, arc derived, Chortis block (s.s ), producing different age patterns on both sides of the fault and short-wavelength lateral thermal exchange, resulting in recent heating of the cool side and cooling of the hot side of the MFZ.Finally, an apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He age-elevation profile records rapid cooling at -35 Ma localized only in the upper crust along the northern side of the Motagua fault zone. We will try to reproduce these data by modeling the thermal perturbation resulting from the formation of a transtensional basin and of fluid flow activity along a crustal- scale strike-slip fault.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The EORTC 22043-30041 trial investigates the role of the addition of androgen suppression to post-operative radiotherapy in patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy. As part of the quality assurance of radiotherapy (QART) a Dummy Run (DR) procedure was performed. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The protocol included detailed and published delineation guidelines. Participating institutions digitally submitted radiotherapy treatment volumes and a treatment plan for a standard clinical case. Submissions were centrally reviewed using the VODCA software platform. RESULTS: Thirty-eight submissions from thirty-one institutions were reviewed. Six were accepted without comments. Twenty-three were accepted with comments on one or more items: target volume delineation (22), OAR delineation (23), planning and dosimetry (3) or treatment verification (1). Nine submissions were rejected requiring resubmission, seven for target volume delineation reasons alone. Intervention to highlight the importance of delineation guidelines was made prior to the entry of the first patient in the trial. After this, a lower percentage of resubmissions was required. CONCLUSIONS: The EORTC 22043-30041 Dummy Run highlights the need for timely and effective QART in clinical trials. The variation in target volume and OAR definition demonstrates that clinical guidelines and radiotherapy protocols are not a substitute for QART procedures. Early intervention in response to the Dummy Run improved protocol understanding.
Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6 is a Gram-positive, 4-chlorophenol-degrading soil bacterium that was recently shown to be an effective colonizer of plant leaf surfaces. The genetic basis for this phyllosphere competency is unknown. In this paper, we describe the genome-wide expression profile of A.chlorophenolicus on leaves of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) compared with growth on agar surfaces. In phyllosphere-grown cells, we found elevated expression of several genes known to contribute to epiphytic fitness, for example those involved in nutrient acquisition, attachment, stress response and horizontal gene transfer. A surprising result was the leaf-induced expression of a subset of the so-called cph genes for the degradation of 4-chlorophenol. This subset encodes the conversion of the phenolic compound hydroquinone to 3-oxoadipate, and was shown to be induced not only by 4-chlorophenol but also hydroquinone, its glycosylated derivative arbutin, and phenol. Small amounts of hydroquinone, but not arbutin or phenol, were detected in leaf surface washes of P.vulgaris by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Our findings illustrate the utility of genomics approaches for exploration and improved understanding of a microbial habitat. Also, they highlight the potential for phyllosphere-based priming of bacteria to stimulate pollutant degradation, which holds promise for the application of phylloremediation.
Integrative and conjugating elements (ICE) are self-transferable DNAs widely present in bacterial genomes, which often carry a variety of auxiliary genes of potential adaptive benefit. One of the model ICE is ICEclc, an element originally found in Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 and known for its propensity to provide its host with the capacity to metabolize chlorocatechols and 2-aminophenol. In this work, we studied the mechanism and target of regulation of MfsR, a TetR-type repressor previously found to exert global control on ICEclc horizontal transfer. By using a combination of ICEclc mutant and transcriptome analysis, gene reporter fusions, and DNA binding assays, we found that MfsR is a repressor of both its own expression and that of a gene cluster putatively coding for a major facilitator superfamily efflux system on ICEclc (named mfsABC). Phylogenetic analysis suggests that mfsR was originally located immediately adjacent to the efflux pump genes but became displaced from its original cis target DNA by a gene insertion. This resulted in divergence of the original bidirectional promoters into two separated individual regulatory units. Deletion of mfsABC did not result in a strong phenotype, and despite screening a large number of compounds and conditions, we were unable to define the precise current function or target of the putative efflux pump. Our data reconstruct how the separation of an ancestor mfsR-mfsABC system led to global control of ICEclc transfer by MfsR.
PURPOSE: O6-methylguanine-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation has been shown to predict survival of patients with glioblastomas if temozolomide is added to radiotherapy (RT). It is unknown if MGMT promoter methylation is also predictive to outcome to RT followed by adjuvant procarbazine, lomustine, and vincristine (PCV) chemotherapy in patients with anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors (AOT). PATIENTS AND METHODS: In the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer study 26951, 368 patients with AOT were randomly assigned to either RT alone or to RT followed by adjuvant PCV. From 165 patients of this study, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue was available for MGMT promoter methylation analysis. This was investigated with methylation specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. RESULTS: In 152 cases, an MGMT result was obtained, in 121 (80%) cases MGMT promoter methylation was observed. Methylation strongly correlated with combined loss of chromosome 1p and 19q loss (P = .00043). In multivariate analysis, MGMT promoter methylation, 1p/19q codeletion, tumor necrosis, and extent of resection were independent prognostic factors. The prognostic significance of MGMT promoter methylation was equally strong in the RT arm and the RT/PCV arm for both progression-free survival and overall survival. In tumors diagnosed at central pathology review as glioblastoma, no prognostic effect of MGMT promoter methylation was observed. CONCLUSION: In this study, on patients with AOT MGMT promoter methylation was of prognostic significance and did not have predictive significance for outcome to adjuvant PCV chemotherapy. The biologic effect of MGMT promoter methylation or pathogenetic features associated with MGMT promoter methylation may be different for AOT compared with glioblastoma.
Recent studies have reported specific executive and attentional deficits in preterm children. However, the majority of this research has used multidetermined tasks to assess these abilities, and the interpretation of the results lacks an explicit theoretical backdrop to better understand the origin of the difficulties observed. In the present study, we used the Child Attention Network Task (Child ANT; Rueda et al. 2004) to assess the efficiency of the alerting, orienting and executive control networks. We compared the performance of 25 preterm children (gestational age < or = 32 weeks) to 25 full-term children, all between 5(1/2) and 6(1/2) years of age. Results showed that, as compared to full-term children, preterm children were slower on all conditions of the Child ANT and had a specific deficit in executive control abilities. We also observed a significantly higher correlation between the orienting and executive control networks in the preterm group, suggesting less differentiation of these two networks in this population.
Elevated serum urate concentrations can cause gout, a prevalent and painful inflammatory arthritis. By combining data from >140,000 individuals of European ancestry within the Global Urate Genetics Consortium (GUGC), we identified and replicated 28 genome-wide significant loci in association with serum urate concentrations (18 new regions in or near TRIM46, INHBB, SFMBT1, TMEM171, VEGFA, BAZ1B, PRKAG2, STC1, HNF4G, A1CF, ATXN2, UBE2Q2, IGF1R, NFAT5, MAF, HLF, ACVR1B-ACVRL1 and B3GNT4). Associations for many of the loci were of similar magnitude in individuals of non-European ancestry. We further characterized these loci for associations with gout, transcript expression and the fractional excretion of urate. Network analyses implicate the inhibins-activins signaling pathways and glucose metabolism in systemic urate control. New candidate genes for serum urate concentration highlight the importance of metabolic control of urate production and excretion, which may have implications for the treatment and prevention of gout.
Human activities have resulted in the release and introduction into the environment of a plethora of aromatic chemicals. The interest in discovering how bacteria are dealing with hazardous environmental pollutants has driven a large research community and has resulted in important biochemical, genetic, and physiological knowledge about the degradation capacities of microorganisms and their application in bioremediation, green chemistry, or production of pharmacy synthons. In addition, regulation of catabolic pathway expression has attracted the interest of numerous different groups, and several catabolic pathway regulators have been exemplary for understanding transcription control mechanisms. More recently, information about regulatory systems has been used to construct whole-cell living bioreporters that are used to measure the quality of the aqueous, soil, and air environment. The topic of biodegradation is relatively coherent, and this review presents a coherent overview of the regulatory systems involved in the transcriptional control of catabolic pathways. This review summarizes the different regulatory systems involved in biodegradation pathways of aromatic compounds linking them to other known protein families. Specific attention has been paid to describing the genetic organization of the regulatory genes, promoters, and target operon(s) and to discussing present knowledge about signaling molecules, DNA binding properties, and operator characteristics, and evidence from regulatory mutants. For each regulator family, this information is combined with recently obtained protein structural information to arrive at a possible mechanism of transcription activation. This demonstrates the diversity of control mechanisms existing in catabolic pathways.
This study was designed to explore individual and dyadic coping strategies in the aftermath of a traumatic event. Eighteen persons having experienced a physical assault or a road accident within six to twelve months before the study, and eighteen matched control persons were recruited together with their partners. Each participant and his/her partner filled in several questionnaires on individual and dyadic coping strategies, level of stress and PTSD-symptomatology. Results indicate that participants having experienced a trauma, compared to controls, report a general lack of dyadic coping and, when facing daily hassles, specific decreases in individual coping strategies. These differences are discussed in the context of marital coping processes.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Sphingomonas wittichii strain RW1 can completely oxidize dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, which are persistent contaminants of soils and sediments. For successful application in soil bioremediation systems, strain RW1 must cope with fluctuations in water availability, or water potential. Thus far, however, little is known about the adaptive strategies used by Sphingomonas bacteria to respond to changes in water potential. To improve our understanding, strain RW1 was perturbed with either the cell-permeating solute sodium chloride or the non-permeating solute polyethylene glycol with a molecular weight of 8000 (PEG8000). These solutes are assumed to simulate the solute and matric components of the total water potential, respectively. The responses to these perturbations were then assessed and compared using a combination of growth assays, transcriptome profiling, and membrane fatty acid analyses. RESULTS: Under conditions producing a similar decrease in water potential but without effect on growth rate, there was only a limited shared response to perturbation with sodium chloride or PEG8000. This shared response included the increased expression of genes involved with trehalose and exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and the reduced expression of genes involved with flagella biosynthesis. Mostly, the responses to perturbation with sodium chloride or PEG8000 were very different. Only sodium chloride triggered the increased expression of two ECF-type RNA polymerase sigma factors and the differential expression of many genes involved with outer membrane and amino acid metabolism. In contrast, only PEG8000 triggered the increased expression of a heat shock-type RNA polymerase sigma factor along with many genes involved with protein turnover and repair. Membrane fatty acid analyses further corroborated these differences. The degree of saturation of membrane fatty acids increased after perturbation with sodium chloride but had the opposite effect and decreased after perturbation with PEG8000. CONCLUSIONS: A combination of growth assays, transcriptome profiling, and membrane fatty acid analyses revealed that permeating and non-permeating solutes trigger different adaptive responses in strain RW1, suggesting these solutes affect cells in fundamentally different ways. Future work is now needed that connects these responses with the responses observed in more realistic scenarios of soil desiccation.
Mutants were produced in the A-domain of HbpR, a protein belonging to the XylR family of σ(54)-dependent transcription activators, with the purpose of changing its effector recognition specificity from 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBP, the cognate effector) to 2-chlorobiphenyl (2-CBP). Mutations were introduced in the hbpR gene part for the A-domain via error-prone polymerase chain reaction, and assembled on a gene circuitry plasmid in Escherichia coli, permitting HbpR-dependent induction of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (egfp). Cells with mutant HbpR proteins responsive to 2-CBP were enriched and separated in a flow cytometry-assisted cell-sorting procedure. Some 70 mutants were isolated and the A-domain mutations mapped. One of these had acquired true 2-CBP recognition but reacted hypersensitively to 2-HBP (20-fold more than the wild type), whereas others had reduced sensitivity to 2-HBP but a gain of 2-CBP recognition. Sequencing showed that most mutants carried double or triple mutations in the A-domain gene part, and were not located in previously recognized conserved residues within the XylR family members. Further selection from a new mutant pool prepared of the hypersensitive mutant did not result in increased 2-CBP or reduced 2-HBP recognition. Our data thus demonstrate that a one-step in vitro 'evolutionary' adaptation of the HbpR protein can result in both enhancement and reduction of the native effector recognition.
Road transport emissions are a major contributor to ambient particulate matter concentrations and have been associated with adverse health effects. Therefore, these emissions are targeted through increasingly stringent European emission standards. These policies succeed in reducing exhaust emissions, but do not address "nonexhaust" emissions from brake wear, tire wear, road wear, and suspension in air of road dust. Is this a problem? To what extent do nonexhaust emissions contribute to ambient concentrations of PM10 or PM2.5? In the near future, wear emissions may dominate the remaining traffic-related PM10 emissions in Europe, mostly due to the steep decrease in PM exhaust emissions. This underlines the need to determine the relevance of the wear emissions as a contribution to the existing ambient PM concentrations, and the need to assess the health risks related to wear particles, which has not yet received much attention. During a workshop in 2011, available knowledge was reported and evaluated so as to draw conclusions on the relevance of traffic-related wear emissions for air quality policy development. On the basis of available evidence, which is briefly presented in this paper, it was concluded that nonexhaust emissions and in particular suspension in air of road dust are major contributors to exceedances at street locations of the PM10 air quality standards in various European cities. Furthermore, wear-related PM emissions that contain high concentrations of metals may (despite their limited contribution to the mass of nonexhaust emissions) cause significant health risks for the population, especially those living near intensely trafficked locations. To quantify the existing health risks, targeted research is required on wear emissions, their dispersion in urban areas, population exposure, and its effects on health. Such information will be crucial for environmental policymakers as an input for discussions on the need to develop control strategies.