151 resultados para Variable structures


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this study presents a review of published geological data, combined with original observations on the tectonics of the simplon massif and the Lepontine gneiss dome in the Western Alps. New observations concern the geometry of the Oligocene Vanzone back fold, formed under amphibolite facies conditions, and of its root between Domodossola and Locarno, which is cut at an acute angle by the Miocene, epi- to anchizonal, dextral centovalli strike-slip fault. the structures of the simplon massif result from collision over 50 Ma between two plate boundaries with a different geometry: the underthrusted European plate and the Adriatic indenter. Detailed mapping and analysis of a complex structural interference pattern, combined with observations on the metamorphic grade of the superimposed structures and radiometric data, allow a kinematic model to be developed for this zone of oblique continental collision. the following main Alpine tectonic phases and structures may be distinguished: 1. NW-directed nappe emplacement, starting in the Early Eocene (similar to 50 Ma); 2. W, SW and S- verging transverse folds; 3. transpressional movements on the dextral simplon ductile shear zone since similar to 32 Ma; 4. formation of the Bergell - Vanzone backfolds and of the southern steep belt during the Oligocene, emplacement of the mantle derived 31 - 29 Ma Bergell and Biella granodiorites and porphyritic andesites as well as intrusions of 29-25 Ma crustal aplites and pegmatites; 5. formation of the dextral discrete Rhone-Simplon line and the centovalli line during the Miocene, accompanied by the pull-apart development of the Lepontine gneiss dome - Dent blanche (Valpelline) depression. It is suggested that movements of shortening in fan shaped NW, W and sW directions accompanied the more regular NW- to WNW-directed displacement of the Adriatic indenter during continental collision.


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The 20 amino acid residue peptides derived from RecA loop L2 have been shown to be the pairing domain of RecA. The peptides bind to ss- and dsDNA, unstack ssDNA, and pair the ssDNA to its homologous target in a duplex DNA. As shown by circular dichroism, upon binding to DNA the disordered peptides adopt a beta-structure conformation. Here we show that the conformational change of the peptide from random coil to beta-structure is important in binding ss- and dsDNA. The beta-structure in the DNA pairing peptides can be induced by many environmental conditions such as high pH, high concentration, and non-micellar sodium dodecyl sulfate (6 mM). This behavior indicates an intrinsic property of these peptides to form a beta-structure. A beta-structure model for the loop L2 of RecA protein when bound to DNA is thus proposed. The fact that aromatic residues at the central position 203 strongly modulate the peptide binding to DNA and subsequent biochemical activities can be accounted for by the direct effect of the aromatic amino acids on the peptide conformational change. The DNA-pairing domain of RecA visualized by electron microscopy self-assembles into a filamentous structure like RecA. The relevance of such a peptide filamentous structure to the structure of RecA when bound to DNA is discussed.


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RESUME Dès le printemps 2004, la construction d'une 2ème ligne de métro est entreprise dans la ville de Lausanne en Suisse. En reliant Ouchy, au bord du lac Léman (alt. 373 m) à Epalinges (alt. 711 m), le nouveau métro "M2" traversera dès 2008 l'agglomération lausannoise du Sud au Nord sur une distance de 6 km. Depuis l'avant-projet, en 1999, une grande quantité de données géologiques a été récolté et de nombreux forages exécutés sur le site. Ceci nous a donné une occasion unique d'entreprendre une étude de microgravimétrique urbaine de détail. Le mode de creusement du tunnel dépend fortement des matériaux à excaver et il est classiquement du domaine du géologue, avec ses connaissances de la géologie régionale et de la stratigraphie des forages, de fournir à l'ingénieur un modèle géologique. Ce modèle indiquera dans ce cas l'épaisseur des terrains meubles qui recouvrent le soubassement rocheux. La représentativité spatiale d'une information très localisée, comme celle d'un forage, est d'autant plus compliquée que le détail recherché est petit. C'est à ce moment là que la prospection géophysique, plus spécialement gravimétrique, peut apporter des informations complémentaires déterminantes pour régionaliser les données ponctuelles des forages. La microgravimétrie en milieu urbain implique de corriger avec soin les perturbations gravifiques sur la mesure de la pesanteur dues aux effets de la topographie, des bâtiments et des caves afin d'isoler l'effet gravifique dû exclusivement à l'épaisseur du remplissage des terrains meubles. Tenant compte de l'intensité des corrections topographiques en milieu urbain, nous avons donné une grande importance aux sous-sols, leurs effets gravifiques pouvant atteindre l'ordre du dixième de mGal. Nous avons donc intégré ces corrections celle de topographie et traité les effets des bâtiments de manière indépendante. Nous avons inclus dans le modèle numérique de terrain (MNT) la chaussée et les sous-sols afin de construire un modèle numérique de terrain urbain. Nous utiliserons un nouvel acronyme « MNTU »pour décrire ce modèle. Nous proposons d'établir des cartes de corrections topographiques préalables, basées sur les données à disposition fournies par le cadastre en faisant des hypothèses sur la profondeur des sous-sols et la hauteur des bâtiments. Les deux zones de test choisies sont caractéristiques des différents types d'urbanisation présente à Lausanne et se révèlent par conséquent très intéressantes pour élaborer une méthodologie globale de la microgravimétrie urbaine. Le but était d'évaluer l'épaisseur du remplissage morainique sur un fond rocheux molassique se situant à une profondeur variable de quelques mètres à une trentaine de mètres et d'en établir une coupe dans l'axe du futur tracé du métro. Les résultats des modélisations se sont révélés très convaincants en détectant des zones qui diffèrent sensiblement du modèle géologique d'avant projet. Nous avons également démontré que l'application de cette méthode géophysique, non destructive, est à même de limiter le nombre de sondages mécaniques lors de l'avant-projet et du projet définitif, ce qui peut limiter à la fois les coûts et le dérangement engendré par ces travaux de surface. L'adaptabilité de la technique gravimétrique permet d'intervenir dans toutes les différentes phases d'un projet de génie civil comme celui de la construction d'un métro en souterrain. KURZFASSUNG Seit dem Frühling 2004 ist in der Stadt Lausanne (Schweiz) die neue U-Bahn "M2" in Konstruktion. Diese soll auf 6 km Länge die Lausanner Agglomeration von Süd nach Nord durchqueren. Die dem Projekt zu Grunde liegende technische Planung sieht vor, daß die Bahnlinie hauptsächlich in der Molasse angesiedelt sein wird. Seit dem Vorentwurf (1999) ist eine große Anzahl geologischer Angaben gesammelt worden. Daraus ergab sich die einmalige Gelegenheit, die Informationen aus den damit verbundenen zahlreichen Bohrungen zu einer detaillierten mikrogravimetrischen Studie der Stadt Lausanne zu erweitern und zu vervollständigen. Das Ziel bestand darin, die Mächtigkeit der die Molasseüberdeckenden Moräneablagerung abzuschätzen, um eine entsprechendes geologisches Profile entlang der künftigen Bahnlinie zu erstellen. Weiterhin sollte gezeigt werden, daß die Anwendung dieser nicht-invasiven geophysikalischen Methode es ermöglicht, die Anzahl der benötigten Bohrungen sowohl in der Pilotphase wie auch im endgültigen Projekt zu reduzieren, was zu wesentlichen finanziellen Einsparungen in der Ausführung des Werkes beitragen würde. Die beiden in dieser Studie bearbeiteten Testzonen befinden sich im Nordteil und im Stadtzentrum von Lausanne und sind durch eine unterschiedliche Urbanisierung charakterisiert. Das anstehende Gestein liegt in verschiedenen Tiefen: von einigen Metern bis zu etwa dreißig Metern. Diese Zonen weisen alle Schwierigkeiten einer urbanen Bebauung mit hoher Verkehrsdichte auf und waren daher massgebend bei der Ausarbeitung einer globalen mikrogravimetrischen Methodologie für die Stadt Lausanne. Die so entwickelte Technik ermöglicht, die störenden Auswirkungen der Topographie, der Gebäude, der Keller und der Öffentlichen Infrastrukturen sorgfältig zu korrigieren, um so die ausschließlich auf die Mächtigkeit des Lockergesteins zurückzuführenden Effekte zu isolieren. In Bezug auf die Intensität der Auswirkungen der topographischen Korrekturen im Stadtgebiet wurde den Untergeschossen eine besonders grosse Bedeutung zugemessen da die entsprechenden Schwerkrafteffekte eine Grösse von rund einem Zehntel mGal erreichen können. Wir schlagen deshalb vor, vorläufige Karten der topographischen Korrekturen zu erstellen. Diese Korrekturen basieren auf den uns vom Katasterplan gelieferten Daten und einigen Hypothesen bezüglich der Tiefe der Untergeschosse und der Höhe der Gebäude. Die Verfügbarkeit einer derartigen Karte vor der eigentlichen gravimetrischen Messkampagne würde uns erlauben, die Position der Meßstationen besser zu wählen. Wir sahen zudem, daß ein entsprechenden a priori Filter benutzt werden kann, wenn die Form und die Intensität der Anomalie offensichtlich dem entsprechenden Gebäude zugeordnet werden können. Diese Strategie muß jedoch mit Vorsicht angewandt werden, denn falls weitere Anomalien dazukommen, können bedeutende Verschiebungen durch Übèrlagerungen der Schwerewirkung verschiedener Strukturen entstehen. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierung haben sich als sehr überzeugend erwiesen, da sie im Voraus unbekannte sensible Zonen korrekt identifiziert haben. Die Anwendbarkeit der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten gravimetrischen Technik ermöglicht es, während allen Phasen eines Grossbauprojekts, wie zum Beispiel bei der Konstruktion einer unterirdischen U-Bahn, einzugreifen. ABSTRACT Since Spring of 2004 a new metro line has been under construction in the city of Lausanne in Switzerland. The new line, the M2, will be 6 km long and will traverse the city from south to north. The civil engineering project determined that the line would be located primarily in the Molasse. Since the preparatory project in 1999, a great quantity of geological data has been collected, and the many drillings made on the site have proved to be a unique opportunity to undertake a study of urban microgravimetry. The goal was to evaluate the thickness of the morainic filling over the molassic bedrock, and to establish a section along the axis of the future line. It then had to be shown that the application of this nondestructive geophysical method could reduce the number of mechanical surveys required both for a preparatory and a definitive project, which would lead to real savings in the realization of a civil engineering project. The two test zones chosen, one in the northern part of the city and one in the city centre, are characterised by various types of urbanisation. Bedrock is at a depth varying from a few metres to about thirty metres. These zones well exemplify the various difficulties encountered in an urban environment and are therefore very interesting for the development of an overall methodology of urban microgravimetry. Microgravimetry in an urban environment requires careful corrections for gravific disturbances due to the effects of topography, buildings, cellars, and the infrastructure of distribution networks, in order to isolate the gravific effect due exclusively to the thickness of loose soil filling. Bearing in mind the intensity of the topographic corrections in an urban environment, we gave particular importance to basements. Their gravific effects can reach the order of one tenth of one meal, and can influence above all the precision of the Bouguer anomaly. We propose to establish preliminary topographic correction charts based on data provided to us by the land register, by making assumptions on the depths of basements and the heights of buildings. Availability of this chart previous to a gravimetry campaign would enable us to choose optimum measuring sites. We have also seen that an a priori filter can be used when the form and the intensity of the anomaly correspond visually to the corresponding building. This strategy must be used with caution because if other anomalies are to be associated, important shifts can be generated by the superposition of the effects of different structures. The results of the model have proved to be very convincing in detecting previously unknown sensitive zones. The adaptability of the gravimetry technique allows for application in all phases of a civil engineering project such as the construction of an underground metro line. RIASSUNTO Dalla primavera 2004 una nuova linea metropolitana é in costruzione nella città di Losanna in Svizzera. La nuova metropolitana "M2" traverserà per la lunghezza di 6 km il centro urbano di Losanna da sud a nord. II progetto d'ingegneria civile prevedeva un tracciato situato essenzialmente nel fondo roccioso arenaceo terziario (molassa). Dalla redazione del progetto preliminare, avvenuta nel 1999, una grande quantità di dati geologici sono stati raccolti e sono stati eseguiti numerosi sondaggi. Questo sì é presentato come un'occasione unica per mettere a punto uno studio microgravimetrico in ambiente urbano con lo scopo di valutare lo spessore dei terreni sciolti di origine glaciale che ricoprono il fondo roccioso di molassa e di mettere in evidenza come l'applicazione di questo metodo geofisico non distruttivo possa limitare il numero di sondaggi meccanici nella fase di progetto preliminare ed esecutivo con conseguente reale risparmio economico nella realizzazione di una tale opera. Le due zone di test sono situate una nella zona nord e la seconda nel centro storico di Losanna e sono caratterizzate da stili architettonici differenti. II fondo roccioso é situato ad una profondità variabile da qualche metro ad una trentina. Queste due zone sembrano ben rappresentare tutte le difficoltà di un ambiente urbano e ben si prestano per elaborare una metodologia globale per la microgravimetria in ambiente urbano. L'applicazione di questa tecnica nell'ambiente suddetto implica la correzione attenta delle perturbazioni sulla misura dell'accelerazione gravitazionale, causate dalla topografia, gli edifici, le cantine e le infrastrutture dei sottoservizi, per ben isolare il segnale esclusivamente causato dallo spessore dei terreni sciolti. Tenuto conto, dell'intensità delle correzioni topografiche, abbiamo dato grande importanza alle cantine, poiché il loro effetto sulle misure può raggiungere il decimo di mGal. Proponiamo quindi di redigere una carta delle correzioni topografiche preliminare all'acquisizione, facendo delle ipotesi sulla profondità delle cantine e sull'altezza degli edifici, sulla base delle planimetrie catastali. L'analisi di questa carta permetterà di scegliere le posizioni più adatte per le stazioni gravimetriche. Abbiamo anche osservato che un filtro a priori, qualora la forma e l'intensità dell'anomalia fosse facilmente riconducibile in maniera visuale ad un edificio, possa essere efficace. Tuttavia questa strategia deve essere utilizzata con precauzione, poiché può introdurre uno scarto, qualora più anomalie, dovute a differenti strutture, si sovrappongano. I risultati delle modellizzazioni si sono rivelati convincenti, evidenziando zone sensibili non conosciute preventivamente. L'adattabilità della tecnica gravimetrica ha mostrato di poter intervenire in differenti fasi di un progetto di ingegneria civile, quale è quella di un'opera in sotterraneo.


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The Crystalline Nappe of the High Himalayan Crystalline has been examined along the Kulu Valley and its vicinity (Mandi-Khoksar transect). This nappe was believed to have undergone deformation related only to its transport towards the SW essentially during the `'Main Central Thrust event''. New data has led to the conclusion that during the Himalayan orogeny, two distinctive phases, related to two opposite transport directions, characterize the evolution of this part of the chain, before the creation of the late NE-vergent backfolding. The first phase corresponds to an early NE-vergent folding and thrusting, creating the Tandi Syncline and the NE-oriented Shikar Beh Nappe stack, with a displacement amplitude of about 50 km. Two schistosities, together with a strong stretching lineation are developed at a deep tectonic level under amphibolite facies conditions (kyanite-staurolite-garnet-two mica schists). At a higher tectonic level and in the southern part of the section (Tandy Syncline and southern Kulu Valley between Kulu and Mandi) one or two schistosities are developed in the greenschist facies grade rocks (garnet-biotite and biotite schists). These structures and the associated Barrovian type metamorphism are all related to the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe. The creation of the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe may be explained by the reactivation of a SW dipping listric normal fault of the N Indian flexural passive margin, during the early stages of the Himalayan orogeny. In the second phase, the still hot metamorphic rocks of the Shikar Beh Nappe were folded and thrust towards the SW (mainly along the MBT and the MCT with a displacement in excess of 100 km) onto the cold, low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Larji-Kulu-Rampur Window or, near Mandi, on the non-metamorphic sandstones of the Ganges Molasse (Siwaliks). Sense of shear criteria and a strong NE-SW stretching-lineation indicate that the Crystalline Nappe has been overthrusted towards the SW. Thermometry on synkinematically crystallised garnet-biotite and garnet-hornblende pairs reveals the lower amphibolite facies temperature conditions related to the Crystalline Nappe formation. From the muscovite and biotite Rb-Sr cooling ages, the Shikar Beh Nappe emplacement occurred before 32 Ma and the southwestward thrusting of the Crystalline Nappe began before 21 Ma. Our model involving two opposite directions of thrusting goes against the conventional idea of only one main SW-oriented transport direction in the High Himalayan Crystalline Nappes.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate to what extent interstitial lung disease (ILD) in common variable immunodeficiency disorder (CVID)-associated granulomatous disease (GD) is similar to pulmonary sarcoidosis 20 patients with CVID/GD were included in a retrospective study conducted by the Groupe Sarcoïdose Francophone. Medical records were centralised. Patients were compared with 60 controls with sarcoidosis. Clinical examination showed more frequent crackles in patients than controls (45% versus 1.7%, respectively; p<0.001). On thoracic computed tomography scans, nodules (often multiple and with smooth margins), air bronchograms and halo signs were more frequent in patients than controls (80% versus 42%, respectively; p=0.004) as well as bronchiectasis (65% versus 23%, respectively; p<0.001). The micronodule distribution was perilymphatic in 100% of controls and in 42% of patients (p<0.001). Bronchoalveolar lavage analysis showed lower T-cell CD4/CD8 ratios in patients than in controls (mean±sd 1.6±1.1 versus 5.3±4, respectively; p<0.01). On pathological analysis, nodules and consolidations corresponded to granulomatous lesions with or without lymphocytic disorders in most cases. Mortality was higher in patients than controls (30% versus 0%, respectively) and resulted from common variable immunodeficiency complications. ILD in CVID/GD presents a specific clinical picture and evolution that are markedly different from those of sarcoidosis.


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PURPOSE: To characterize the clinical, psychophysical, and electrophysiological phenotypes in a five-generation Swiss family with dominantly inherited retinitis pigmentosa caused by a T494M mutation in the Precursor mRNA-Processing factor 3 (PRPF3) gene, and to relate the phenotype to the underlying genetic mutation. METHODS: Eleven affected patients were ascertained for phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Ophthalmologic evaluations included color vision testing, Goldmann perimetry, and digital fundus photography. Some patients had autofluorescence imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography, and ISCEV-standard full-field electroretinography. All affected patients had genetic testing. RESULTS: The age of onset of night blindness and the severity of the progression of the disease varied between members of the family. Some patients reported early onset of night blindness at age three, with subsequent severe deterioration of visual acuity, which was 0.4 in the best eye after their fifties. The second group of patients had a later onset of night blindness, in the mid-twenties, with a milder disease progression and a visual acuity of 0.8 at age 70. Fundus autofluorescence imaging and electrophysiological and visual field abnormalities also showed some degree of varying phenotypes. The autofluorescence imaging showed a large high-density ring bilaterally. Myopia (range: -0.75 to -8) was found in 10/11 affected subjects. Fundus findings showed areas of atrophy along the arcades. A T494M change was found in exon 11 of the PRPF3 gene. The change segregates with the disease in the family. CONCLUSIONS: A mutation in the PRPF3 gene is rare compared to other genes causing autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). Although a T494M change has been reported, the family in our study is the first with variable expressivity. Mutations in the PRPF3 gene can cause a variable ADRP phenotype, unlike in the previously described Danish, English, and Japanese families. Our report, based on one of the largest affected pedigree, provides a better understanding as to the phenotype/genotype description of ADRP caused by a PRPF3 mutation.


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In the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the dimeric RNA-binding proteins RsmA and RsmE, which belong to the vast bacterial RsmA/CsrA family, effectively repress translation of target mRNAs containing a typical recognition sequence near the translation start site. Three small RNAs (RsmX, RsmY, RsmZ) with clustered recognition sequences can sequester RsmA and RsmE and thereby relieve translational repression. According to a previously established structural model, the RsmE protein makes optimal contacts with an RNA sequence 5'- (A)/(U)CANGGANG(U)/(A)-3', in which the central ribonucleotides form a hexaloop. Here, we questioned the relevance of the hexaloop structure in target RNAs. We found that two predicted pentaloop structures, AGGGA (in pltA mRNA encoding a pyoluteorin biosynthetic enzyme) and AAGGA (in mutated pltA mRNA), allowed effective interaction with the RsmE protein in vivo. By contrast, ACGGA and AUGGA were poor targets. Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements confirmed the strong binding of RsmE to the AGGGA pentaloop structure in an RNA oligomer. Modeling studies highlighted the crucial role of the second ribonucleotide in the loop structure. In conclusion, a refined structural model of RsmE-RNA interaction accommodates certain pentaloop RNAs among the preferred hexaloop RNAs.


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Eukaryotic cells encode two homologs of Escherichia coli RecA protein, Rad51 and Dmc1, which are required for meiotic recombination. Rad51, like E.coli RecA, forms helical nucleoprotein filaments that promote joint molecule and heteroduplex DNA formation. Electron microscopy reveals that the human meiosis-specific recombinase Dmc1 forms ring structures that bind single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) DNA. The protein binds preferentially to ssDNA tails and gaps in duplex DNA. hDmc1-ssDNA complexes exhibit an irregular, often compacted structure, and promote strand-transfer reactions with homologous duplex DNA. hDmc1 binds duplex DNA with reduced affinity to form nucleoprotein complexes. In contrast to helical RecA/Rad51 filaments, however, Dmc1 filaments are composed of a linear array of stacked protein rings. Consistent with the requirement for two recombinases in meiotic recombination, hDmc1 interacts directly with hRad51.


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Fer de lance du naturalisme, Émile Zola a construit chacun de ses romans avec un souci remarquable du détail. Germinal (1885), treizième opus des Rougon-Macquart, n'échappe pas à cette règle. La description que Zola réalise des mines de Montsou et de ses habitants se fonde sur un vaste travail préparatoire mené sur le terrain, et à travers de nombreuses lectures, dont certaines de nature économique. Bien que Zola n'ait pas cherché à inscrire son travail dans le champ de l'économie politique, son interprétation des structures et pratiques économiques dans Germinal constitue à la fois le témoignage d'un écrivain singulier sur l'univers minier de la deuxième partie du XIXe siècle, et une source presque historique des réalités d'un monde aujourd'hui disparu. Cette contribution met en évidence la manière dont Zola a transcrit, dans son ouvrage, le fruit de ses modestes recherches économiques sur l'industrie minière. Elle confronte récit zolien et théorie économique dans le champ des ressources naturelles et dans celui des rapports entre crise et activité minière.


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BACKGROUND: The objectives of the present study were to evaluate Aids prevention in drug users attending low threshold centres providing sterile injection equipment in Switzerland, to identify the characteristics of these users, and to monitor the progress of indicators of drug-related harm. METHODS: This paper presents results from a cross-sectional survey carried out in 1994. RESULTS: The mean age of attenders was 28 years, and women represented 27% of the sample. 75% of attenders used a combination of hard drugs (heroin and cocaine). Mean duration of heroin consumption was 8 years, and of cocaine 7 years; 76% of attenders had a fixed abode, but only 34% had stable employment; 45% were being treated with methadone; 9% had shared their injection material in the last 6 months; 24% always used condoms in the case of a stable relationship, and 71% in casual relationships. In a cluster analysis constructed on the basis of multiple correspondence analysis, two distinct profiles of users emerge: highly marginalised users with a high level of consumption (21%); irregular users, better integrated socially, of which the majority are under methadone treatment (79%). CONCLUSION: Theses centres play a major role in Aids prevention. Nevertheless, efforts to improve the hygiene conditions of drug injection in Switzerland should be pursued and extended. At the same time, prevention of HIV sexual transmissions should be reinforced.


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Aim. To predict the fate of alpine interactions involving specialized species, using a monophagous beetle and its host-plant as a case study. Location. The Alps. Methods. We investigated genetic structuring of the herbivorous beetle Oreina gloriosa and its specific host-plant Peucedanum ostruthium. We used genome fingerprinting (in the insect and the plant) and sequence data (in the insect) to compare the distribution of the main gene pools in the two associated species and to estimate divergence time in the insect, a proxy for the temporal origin of the interaction. We quantified the similarity in spatial genetic structures by performing a Procrustes analysis, a tool from the shape theory. Finally, we simulated recolonization of an empty space analogous to the deglaciated Alps just after ice retreat by two lineages from two species showing unbalanced dependence, to examine how timing of the recolonization process, as well as dispersal capacities of associated species, could explain the observed pattern. Results. Contrasting with expectations based on their asymmetrical dependence, patterns in the beetle and plant were congruent at a large scale. Exceptions occurred at a regional scale in areas of admixture, matching known suture zones in Alpine plants. Simulations using a lattice-based model suggested these empirical patterns arose during or soon after recolonization, long after the estimated origin of the interaction c. 0.5 million years ago. Main conclusions. Species-specific interactions are scarce in alpine habitats because glacial cycles have limited opportunities for coevolution. Their fate, however, remains uncertain under climate change. Here we show that whereas most dispersal routes are paralleled at large scale, regional incongruence implies that the destinies of the species might differ under changing climate. This may be a consequence of the host-dependence of the beetle that locally limits the establishment of dispersing insects.