294 resultados para Value Functions


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Resistance and susceptibility to infection with the intracellular parasite, Leishmania major, are mediated by parasite-specific CD4+ Th1 and Th2 cells, respectively. It is well established that the protective effect of parasite-specific CD4+ Th1 cells is largely dependent upon the IFN-gamma produced. However, recent results indicate that the effect of Th1 cells on resolution of lesions induced by L. major in genetically resistant mice also requires a functional Fas-FasL pathway of cytotoxicity. In contrast to resistant mice, susceptible BALB/c mice develop aberrant Th2 responses following infection with L. major and consequently suffer progressive disease. These outcomes clearly depends upon the production of interleukin 4 (IL-4) early after infection. We have shown that a burst of IL-4 mRNA, peaking in draining lymph nodes of BALB/c mice 16 hrs after infection, occurs within CD4+ T cells that express V beta 4-V alpha 8 T cell receptors. In contrast to control and V beta 6-deficient mice, V beta 4-deficient BALB/c mice were resistant to infection, demonstrating the role of these cells in Th2 development. The early IL-4 response was absent in these mice, and Th1 responses occurred following infection. The LACK antigen of L. major induced comparable IL-4 production in V beta 4-V alpha 8 CD4+ T cells. Thus, the IL-4 required for Th2 development and susceptibility to L. major is produced by a restricted population of V beta 4-V alpha 8 CD4+ T cells after cognate interaction with a single antigen from this complex parasite. The IL-4 produced rapidly by these CD4+ T cells induces within 48 hours a state of unresponsiveness to IL-12 among parasite-specific CD4+ T cell precursors by downregulating the IL-12 receptor beta 2 chain expression.


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Exogenous oxidized cholesterol disturbs both lipid metabolism and immune functions. Therefore, it may perturb these modulations with ageing. Effects of the dietary protein type on oxidized cholesterol-induced modulations of age-related changes in lipid metabolism and immune function was examined using differently aged (4 weeks versus 8 months) male Sprague-Dawley rats when casein, soybean protein or milk whey protein isolate (WPI) was the dietary protein source, respectively. The rats were given one of the three proteins in diet containing 0.2% oxidized cholesterols mixture. Soybean protein, as compared with the other two proteins, significantly lowered both the serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value and cholesterol, whereas it elevated the ratio of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol/cholesterol in young rats, but not in adult. Moreover, soybean protein, but not casein and WPI, suppressed the elevation of Delta6 desaturation indices of phospholipids in both liver and spleen, particularly in young. On the other hand, WPI, compared to the other two proteins, inhibited the leukotriene B4 production of spleen, irrespective of age. Soybean protein reduced the ratio of CD4(+)/CD8(+) T-cells in splenic lymphocytes. Therefore, the levels of immunoglobulin (Ig)A, IgE and IgG in serum were lowered in rats given soybean protein in both age groups except for IgA in adult, although these observations were not shown in rats given other proteins. Thus, various perturbations of lipid metabolism and immune function caused by oxidized cholesterol were modified depending on the type of dietary protein. The moderation by soybean protein on the change of lipid metabolism seems to be susceptible in young rats whose homeostatic ability is immature. These observations may be exerted through both the promotion of oxidized cholesterol excretion to feces and the change of hormonal release, while WPI may suppress the disturbance of immune function by oxidized cholesterol in both ages. This alleviation may be associated with a large amount of lactoglobulin in WPI. These results thus showed a possibility that oxidized cholesterol-induced perturbations of age-related changes of lipid metabolism and immune function can be moderated by both the selection and combination of dietary protein.


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At the age of 50, a woman has a lifetime risk of more than 40% to present a vertebral fracture. More than 60% of vertebral fractures remain undiagnosed. As a consequence it is of major importance to develop screening strategies to detect these fractures. Vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) by DXA allows one to detect vertebral fracture from T4 to L4 using DXA devices, while performing also during the same visit the bone mineral density measurement. Such an approach should improve the evaluation of fracture risk and therapeutic indication. Compared to the standard X-ray assessment, VFA highly enables to detect moderate or severe vertebral fractures below T6.


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The pending workforce crisis in family medicine has triggered various initiatives. This article describes the PMU-FLON walk-in clinic, a project of the Institute of General Medicine University of Lausanne. The working conditions in this clinic are close to that of a family practice. Doctors in training are supervised by family doctors who work part-time in the clinic. The objective is to improve training in the various fields of family medicine, from technical skills (improving optimal use of diagnostic tools), to integrating patients' requests in a more global patient-centered approach. This new educational model allows doctors in training to benefit from the specific approaches of different trainers. It will contribute to promoting quality family medicine in the future.


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The first aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic performance of presepsin (sCD14-ST) in postmortem serum from femoral blood compared to procalcitonin (PCT) to detect sepsis-related fatalities. The second aim was to compare sCD14-ST levels found in postmortem serum to the values in pericardial fluid to investigate the usefulness of the latter as an alternative biological fluid. Two study groups were formed, a sepsis-related fatalities group and a control group. Radiology (unenhanced CT scans and postmortem angiographies), autopsies, histology, neuropathology, and toxicology as well as other postmortem biochemistry investigations were performed in all cases. Microbiological investigations on right cardiac blood were carried out exclusively in septic cases. The results of this study indicated that postmortem serum PCT and sCD14-ST levels, individually considered, allowed septic cases to be identified. Even though increases in both PCT and sCD14-ST concentrations were observed in the control cases, coherent PCT and sCD14-ST results in cases with suspected sepsis allowed the diagnosis to be confirmed. Conversely, no relevant correlation was identified between postmortem serum and pericardial fluid sCD14-ST levels in either the septic or control groups.


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It is well known that dichotomizing continuous data has the effect to decrease statistical power when the goal is to test for a statistical association between two variables. Modern researchers however are focusing not only on statistical significance but also on an estimation of the "effect size" (i.e., the strength of association between the variables) to judge whether a significant association is also clinically relevant. In this article, we are interested in the consequences of dichotomizing continuous data on the value of an effect size in some classical settings. It turns out that the conclusions will not be the same whether using a correlation or an odds ratio to summarize the strength of association between the variables: Whereas the value of a correlation is typically decreased by a factor pi/2 after each dichotomization, the value of an odds ratio is at the same time raised to the power 2. From a descriptive statistical point of view, it is thus not clear whether dichotomizing continuous data leads to a decrease or to an increase in the effect size, as illustrated using a data set to investigate the relationship between motor and intellectual functions in children and adolescents


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To assess the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary evaluation and referral process in a prospective cohort of general hospital patients with alcohol dependence. Alcohol-dependent patients were identified in the wards of the general hospital and its primary care center. They were evaluated and then referred to treatment by a multidisciplinary team; those patients who accepted to participate in this cohort study were consecutively included and followed for 6 months. Not included patients were lost for follow-up, whereas all included patients were assessed at time of inclusion, 2 and 6 months later by a research psychologist in order to collect standardized baseline patients' characteristics, process salient features and patients outcomes (defined as treatment adherence and abstinence). Multidisciplinary evaluation and therapeutic referral was feasible and effective, with a success rate of 43%for treatment adherence and 28%for abstinence at 6 months. Among patients' characteristics, predictors of success were an age over 45, not living alone, being employed and being motivated to treatment (RAATE-A score < 18), whereas successful process characteristics included detoxification of the patient at time of referral and a full multidisciplinary referral meeting. This multidisciplinary model of evaluation and referral of alcohol dependent patients of a general hospital had a satisfactory level of effectiveness. Predictors of success and failure allow to identify subsets of patients for whom new strategies of motivation and treatment referral should be designed.


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Elevation of the biliary CEA level in patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma has been reported. The aim of this study is to determine the potential value of biliary CEA assay in the early detection of liver metastases. Biliary and serum CEA levels were determined in patients operated on for a colorectal cancer and in control groups. Among 13 patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinomas, biliary CEA levels were markedly elevated (> 40 ng/ml) in nine, moderately elevated (5-40 ng/ml) in two and normal (arbitrarily defined as < 5 ng/ml) in two. Of 28 patients with primary colorectal carcinoma without detectable hepatic secondaries, three had marked CEA elevation in the bile, 10 had moderate CEA elevation and 15 had normal levels. Among nine patients with non-malignant hepatobiliary pathology, there was one marked biliary CEA elevation, one moderate elevation and seven normal levels. None of the 13 individuals with no identified hepatobiliary pathology had elevated biliary CEA levels. The follow-up of patients with a primary colorectal tumour, no evidence of hepatic secondaries and a biliary CEA elevation is of particular interest. If subsequent appearance of liver metastases is found in such cases, intra-operative biliary CEA assay could be considered a valuable diagnostic test. Further studies will then have to prove the possible benefit of a specific treatment for this group of patients.


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Résumé : c-Myc, le premier facteur de transcription de la famille Myc a été découvert il y a maintenant trente ans. Il reste à l'heure actuelle parmi les plus puissants proto-oncogènes connus. c-Myc est dérégulé dans plus de 50% des cancers, où il promeut la prolifération, la croissance cellulaire, et la néoangiogenèse. Myc peut aussi influencer de nombreuses autres fonctions de par sa capacité à activer ou à réprimer la transcription de nombreux gènes, et à agir globalement sur le génome à travers des modifications épigénétiques de la chromatine. La famille d'oncogènes Myc comprend, chez les mammifères, trois protéines structurellement proches: c-Myc, N-Myc et L-Myc. Ces protéines ont les mêmes proprietés biochimiques, exercent les mêmes fonctions mais sont le plus souvent exprimées de façon mutuellement exclusive. Myc a été récemment identifié comme un facteur clef dans la maintenance des cellules souches embryonnaires et adultes ainsi que dans la réacquisition des proprietés des cellules souches. Nous avons précédemment démontré que l'élimination de c-Myc provoque une accumulation de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) suite à un défaut de différenciation lié à la niche. Les CSH sont responsables de la production de tous les éléments cellulaires du sang pour toute la vie de l'individu et sont définies par leur capacité à s'auto-renouveler tout en produisant des précurseurs hématopoïétiques. Afin de mieux comprendre la fonction de Myc dans les CSH, nous avons choisi de combiner l'utilisation de modèles de souris génétiquement modifiées à une caractérisation systématique des schémas d'expression de c-Myc, N-Myc et L-Myc dans tout le système hématopoïétique. Nous avons ainsi découvert que les CSH les plus immatures expriment des quantités équivalentes de transcrits de c-myc et N-myc. Si les CSH déficientes en N-myc seulement ont une capacité d'auto-renouvellement à long-terme réduite, l'invalidation combinée des gènes c-myc et N-myc conduit à une pan-cytopénie suivie d'une mort rapide de l'animal, pour cause d'apoptose de tous les types cellulaires hématopoïétiques. En particulier, les CSH en cours d'auto-renouvelemment, mais pas les CSH quiescentes, accumulent du Granzyme B (GrB), une molécule fortement cytotoxique qui provoque une mort cellulaire rapide. Ces données ont ainsi mis au jour un nouveau mécanisme dont dépend la survie des CSH, à savoir la répression du GrB, une enzyme typiquement utilisée par le système immunitaire inné pour éliminer les tumeurs et les cellules infectées par des virus. Dans le but d'évaluer l'étendue de la redondance entre c-Myc et N-Myc dans les CSH, nous avons d'une part examiné des souris dans lesquelles les séquences codantes de c-myc sont remplacées par celles de N-myc (NCR) et d'autre part nous avons géneré une série allèlique de myc en éliminant de façon combinatoire un ou plusieurs allèles de c-myc et/ou de N-myc. Alors que l'analyse des souris NCR suggère que c-Myc et N-Myc sont qualitativement redondants, la série allélique indique que les efficiences avec lesquelles ces deux protéines influencent des procédés essentiels à la maintenance des CSH sont différentes. En conclusion, nos données génétiques montrent que l'activité générale de MYC, fournie par c-Myc et N-Myc, contrôle plusieurs aspects cruciaux de la fonction des CSH, notamment l'auto-renouvellement, la survie et la différenciation. Abstract : c-Myc, the first Myc transcription factor was discovered 30 years ago and is to date one of the most potent proto-oncogenes described. It is found to be misregulated in over 50% of all cancers, where it drives proliferation, cell growth and neo-angiogenesis. Myc can also influence a variety of other functions, owing to its ability to activate and repress transcription of many target genes and to globally regulate the genome via epigenetic modifications of the chromatin. The Myc family of oncogenes consists of three closely related proteins in mammals: c-Myc, N-Myc and L-Myc. These proteins share the same biochemical properties, exert mostly the same functions, but are most often expressed in mutually exclusive patterns. Myc is now emerging as a key factor in maintenance of embryonic and adult stem cells as well as in reacquisition of stem cell properties, including induced reprogramming. We previously showed that c-Myc deficiency can cause the accumulation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) due to a niche dependent differentiation defect. HSCs are responsible for life-long replenishment of all blood cell types, and are defined by their ability to self-renew while concomitantly giving rise to more commited progenitors. To gain further insight into the function of Myc in HSCs, in this study we combine the use of genetically-modified mouse models with the systematic characterization of c-myc, N-myc and L-myc transcription patterns throughout the hematopoietic system. Interestingly, the most immature HSCs express not only c-myc, but also about equal amounts of N-myc transcripts. Although conditional deletion of N-myc alone in the bone marrow does not affect steady-state hematopoiesis, N-myc null HSCs show impaired long-term self-renewal capacity. Strikingly, combined deficiency of c-Myc and N-Myc results in pan-cytopenia and rapid lethality, due to the apoptosis of most hematopoietic cell types. In particular, self-renewing HSCs, but not quiescent HSCs or progenitor cell types rapidly up-regulate and accumulate the potent cytotoxic molecule GranzymeB (GrB), causing their rapid cell death. These data uncover a novel pathway on which HSC survival depends on, namely repression of GrB, a molecule typically used by the innate immune system to eliminate tumor and virus infected cells. To evaluate the extent of redundancy between c-Myc and N-Myc in HSCs, we examined mice in which c-myc coding sequences are replaced by that of N-myc (NCR) and also generated an allelic series of myc, by combinatorially deleting one or several c-myc and/or N-myc alleles. While the analysis of NCR mice suggests that c-Myc and N-Myc are qualitatively functionally redundant, our allelic series indicates that the efficiencies with which these two proteins affect crucial HSC maintenance processes are likely to be distinct. Collectively, our genetic data show that general "MYC" activity delivered by c-Myc and N-Myc controls crucial aspects of HSC function, including self-renewal, survival and niche dependent differentiation.


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The polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR) ensures efficient secretion of polymeric IgA (pIgA) at mucosal surfaces. On basal to apical transport across epithelial cells, the pIgR extracellular domain is cleaved, releasing secretory component (SC) in association with pIgA. This finds its raison d'être in the recent observation that SC is directly involved in the protective function of secretory IgA. In addition, free SC exhibits scavenger properties with respect to enteric pathogens. However, although pIgR dedicates its life to mucosal protection, it also seems to permit pathogen entrance through the epithelial barrier. The multiple mechanisms that they are involved in make pIgR and SC instrumental to mucosal immunity.


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Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a minimally invasive procedure used to characterize the status of the alveolar space. Standardization of the procedure and the analysis of samples taken is essential for their proper interpretation. In nonresolving or ventilator-associated pneumonia, BAL contributes to the detection of resistant pathogens and noninfectious etiologies. In immunocompromised hosts with radiological infiltrates, BAL should be performed early during work-up since outcome is significantly modified in this population group. In cases of interstitial lung disease, BAL can exclude infectious or neoplastic causes. Associated with a clinical and radiological evaluation, it provides valuables additional diagnostic information.


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J. Neurochem. (2010) 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.06935.x Abstract Apart of its well known function of 'energetic buffer' through the creatine/phosphocreatine/creatine kinase system allowing the regeneration of ATP, creatine has been recently suggested as a potential neuromodulator of even true neurotransmitter. Moreover, the recent discovery of primary creatine deficiency syndromes, due to deficiencies in l-arginine : glycine amidinotransferase or guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (the two enzymes allowing creatine synthesis) or in the creatine transporter, has shed new light on creatine synthesis, metabolism and transport, in particular in CNS which appears as the main tissue affected by these creatine deficiencies. Recent data suggest that creatine can cross blood-brain barrier but only with a poor efficiency, and that the brain must ensure parts of its needs in creatine by its own endogenous synthesis. Finally, the recent years have demonstrated the interest to use creatine as a neuroprotective agent in a growing number of neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases. This article aims at reviewing the latest data on creatine metabolism and transport in the brain, in relation to creatine deficiencies and to the potential use of creatine as neuroprotective molecule. Emphasis is also given to the importance of creatine for cerebral function.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) compose a family of three nuclear receptors which act as lipid sensors to modulate gene expression. As such, PPARs are implicated in major metabolic and inflammatory regulations with far-reaching medical consequences, as well as in important processes controlling cellular fate. Throughout this review, we focus on the cellular functions of these receptors. The molecular mechanisms through which PPARs regulate transcription are thoroughly addressed with particular emphasis on the latest results on corepressor and coactivator action. Their implication in cellular metabolism and in the control of the balance between cell proliferation, differentiation and survival is then reviewed. Finally, we discuss how the integration of various intra-cellular signaling pathways allows PPARs to participate to whole-body homeostasis by mediating regulatory crosstalks between organs.