68 resultados para Technological Influences
Magical ideation and belief in the paranormal is considered to represent a trait-like character; people either believe in it or not. Yet, anecdotes indicate that exposure to an anomalous event can turn skeptics into believers. This transformation is likely to be accompanied by altered cognitive functioning such as impaired judgments of event likelihood. Here, we investigated whether the exposure to an anomalous event changes individuals' explicit traditional (religious) and non-traditional (e.g., paranormal) beliefs as well as cognitive biases that have previously been associated with non-traditional beliefs, e.g., repetition avoidance when producing random numbers in a mental dice task. In a classroom, 91 students saw a magic demonstration after their psychology lecture. Before the demonstration, half of the students were told that the performance was done respectively by a conjuror (magician group) or a psychic (psychic group). The instruction influenced participants' explanations of the anomalous event. Participants in the magician, as compared to the psychic group, were more likely to explain the event through conjuring abilities while the reverse was true for psychic abilities. Moreover, these explanations correlated positively with their prior traditional and non-traditional beliefs. Finally, we observed that the psychic group showed more repetition avoidance than the magician group, and this effect remained the same regardless of whether assessed before or after the magic demonstration. We conclude that pre-existing beliefs and contextual suggestions both influence people's interpretations of anomalous events and associated cognitive biases. Beliefs and associated cognitive biases are likely flexible well into adulthood and change with actual life events.
We empirically contribute to the debate on business education in building on a decision frame perspective of decision making in corporate responsibility settings. Business schools have been accused to teach amoral theories, leading their students to behave less morally and engendering corporate responsibility scandals. Research has also pointed toward self-selection: business students would differ from non-business students before entering business school. We examine the role of socioeconomic status, core self-evaluations in this regard. Further, we investigate the belief in a free market as a distal influence triggering a business frame, and moral intensity as a proximal influence triggering a moral frame on responsible decision making by business and non-business students. Cross-sectional data obtained from 566 students on two decision making scenarios mostly supported our hypotheses. Socioeconomic status but not core self-evaluations explain the belief in a free market, and had indirect effects on the likelihood to make a less responsible decision. Importantly, the relationship between business studies and the belief in a free market remained significant after accounting for these variables. Our study thus contributes to the socialization and self-selection arguments. We discuss theoretical and practical implications for research on decision frames and for business education, respectively.
The microbiota plays a pivotal role in the development and calibration of host immunity. Over many millennia, finely balanced interactions between the microbiota and host tissue compartments have evolved, imparting metabolic advantages and protection against pathogens, while restricting deleterious immune responses against innocuous antigens. Perturbations in host-microbiota crosstalk at critical developmental windows in early life may underlie allergy and chronic inflammation. Although the microbiota's of the gut and skin have been extensively characterized, the lung microbiota has also, in recent years, received considerable attention. This ever-expanding field is pushing the boundaries of pulmonary research, with potential implications for novel strategies in the treatment and prevention of chronic lung diseases. In this article, we provide a summary of the development of the microbiota in early life, and describe the evidence from human and murine studies of how microbial dysbiosis in early life can alter the trajectory of immune development and provide the setting for allergic disorders in later life.
Top-down contextual influences play a major part in speech understanding, especially in hearing-impaired patients with deteriorated auditory input. Those influences are most obvious in difficult listening situations, such as listening to sentences in noise but can also be observed at the word level under more favorable conditions, as in one of the most commonly used tasks in audiology, i.e., repeating isolated words in silence. This study aimed to explore the role of top-down contextual influences and their dependence on lexical factors and patient-specific factors using standard clinical linguistic material. Spondaic word perception was tested in 160 hearing-impaired patients aged 23-88 years with a four-frequency average pure-tone threshold ranging from 21 to 88 dB HL. Sixty spondaic words were randomly presented at a level adjusted to correspond to a speech perception score ranging between 40 and 70% of the performance intensity function obtained using monosyllabic words. Phoneme and whole-word recognition scores were used to calculate two context-influence indices (the j factor and the ratio of word scores to phonemic scores) and were correlated with linguistic factors, such as the phonological neighborhood density and several indices of word occurrence frequencies. Contextual influence was greater for spondaic words than in similar studies using monosyllabic words, with an overall j factor of 2.07 (SD = 0.5). For both indices, context use decreased with increasing hearing loss once the average hearing loss exceeded 55 dB HL. In right-handed patients, significantly greater context influence was observed for words presented in the right ears than for words presented in the left, especially in patients with many years of education. The correlations between raw word scores (and context influence indices) and word occurrence frequencies showed a significant age-dependent effect, with a stronger correlation between perception scores and word occurrence frequencies when the occurrence frequencies were based on the years corresponding to the patients' youth, showing a "historic" word frequency effect. This effect was still observed for patients with few years of formal education, but recent occurrence frequencies based on current word exposure had a stronger influence for those patients, especially for younger ones.
Le tabac à priser, appelé "snuff" ou encore "chnouff", est la plus ancienne forme de tabac connue en Europe (1). Il aurait été importé en Europe en 1493 par un moine Franciscain voyageant avec Christophe Colomb au retour des Caraïbes (2). Le tabac à priser consiste en une fine poudre de tabac communément brune actuellement vendue dans de petites boîtes de métal rondes. Dans la suite du manuscrit nous utiliserons le terme snuff pour désigner le tabac à priser. Il fait partie d'un groupe de produits appelé "tabac sans fumée" (en anglais "smokeless tobacco") comprenant également la snus (« moist snuff » en anglais, tabac non- fermenté destiné à une absorption par la muqueuse orale à ne pas confondre avec la snuff), et le tabac à mâcher (feuilles de tabac broyées ou compacts mastiquées puis recrachées). La plupart des articles scientifiques publiés sur le tabac sans fumée concernent la snus car elle est largement consommée dans les pays nordiques (en Suède et en Norvège plus particulièrement) et dans certains milieux sportifs.