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Background: Hypotension, a common intra-operative incident, bears an important potential for morbidity. It is most often manageable and sometimes preventable, which renders its study important. Therefore, we aimed at examining hospital variations in the occurrence of intraoperative hypotension and its predictors. As secondary endpoints, we determined to what extent hypotension relates to the risk of postoperative incidents and death. Methods: We used the Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland, built on routinely and prospectively collected data on all anaesthesias in 21 hospitals. The three outcomes were assessed using multi-level logistic regression models. Results: Among 147573 anaesthesia, hypotension ranged from 0.6 to 5.2% in participating hospitals, and from 0.3 up to 12% in different surgical specialties. Most (73.4%) were minor single events. Age, ASA status, combined general and regional anaesthesia techniques, duration of surgery, and hospitalization were significantly associated to hypotension. Although significantly associated, the emergency status of the surgery had a weaker effect. Hospitals' Odds Ratios for hypotension varied between 0.12 to 2.50 (p ≤0.001) with respect to the mean prevalence of 3.1%, even after adjusting for patient and anaesthesia factors, and for type of surgery. At least one postoperative incident occurred in 9.7% of the interventions, including 0.03% deaths. Intra-operative hypotension was associated with higher risk of post-operative incidents and death. Conclusions: Wide variations in the occurrence of hypotension amongst hospitals remain after adjustment for risk factors. Although differential reporting from hospitals may exist, variations in anesthesia techniques and blood pressure maintenance could have also contributed. Intra-operative hypotension is associated with morbidities and sometimes death, and constant vigilance must thus be advocated.


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Background: The prevalence of a low bone mineral density (T-score <-1 SD) in postmenopausal women with a fragility fracture may vary from 70% to less than 50%. In one study (Siris ES. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1108-12), the prevalence of osteoporosis was very low at 6.4%. The corresponding values in men are rarely reported. Methods: In a nationwide Swiss survey, all consecutive patients aged 50+ presenting with one or more fractures to the emergency ward, were recruited by 8 participating hospitals (University Hospitals: Basel, Bern, and Lausanne; cantonal hospitals: Fribourg, Luzern, and St Gallen; regional hospitals: Estavayer and Riaz) between 2004 and 2006. Diagnostic workup was collected for descriptive analysis. Results: 3667 consecutive patients with a fragility fracture, 2797 women (73.8 ± 11.6 years) and 870 men (70.0 ± 12.1 years), were included. DXA measurement was performed in 1152 (44%) patients. The mean of the lowest T-score values was -2.34 SD in women and -2.16 SD in men. In the 908 women, the prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia according to the fracture type was: sacrum (100%, 0%), rib (100%, 0%), thoracic vertebral (78%, 22%), femur trochanter (67%, 26%), pelvis (66%, 32%), lumbar vertebral (63%, 28%), femoral neck (53%, 34%), femur shaft (50%, 50%), proximal humerus (50%, 34%), distal forearm (41%, 45%), tibia proximal (41%, 31%), malleolar lateral (28%, 46%), malleolar median (13%, 47%). The corresponding percentages in the 244 men were: distal forearm (70%, 19%), rib (63%, 11%), pelvis (60%, 20%), malleolar median (60%, 32%), femur trochanter (48%, 31%), thoracic vertebral (47%, 53%), lumbar vertebral (43%, 36%), proximal humerus (40%, 43%), femoral neck (28%, 55%), tibia proximal (26%, 36%), malleolar lateral (18%, 56%). Conclusion: The probability of underlying osteoporosis or osteopenia in men and women aged 50+ who experienced a fragility fracture was beyond 75% in fractures of the sacrum, pelvis, spine, femur, proximal humerus and distal forearm. The medial and lateral malleolar fractures had the lowest predictive value in women, not in men.


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Background and objectives Despite modern treatment, the case fatality rate of hospital-acquired acute kidney injury (HA-AKI) is still high. We retrospectively described the prevalence and the outcome of HA-AKI without nephrology referral (nrHA-AKI) and late referred HA-AKI patients to nephrologists (lrHA-AKI) compared with early referral patients (erHA-AKI) with respect to renal function recovery, renal replacement therapy (RRT) requirement, and in-hospital mortality of HA-AKI. Design, setting, participants, & measurements Noncritically ill patients admitted to the tertiary care academic center of Lausanne, Switzerland, between 2004 and 2008 in the medical and surgical services were included. Acute kidney injury was defined using the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) classification. Results During 5 years, 4296 patients (4.12% of admissions) experienced 4727 episodes of HA-AKI during their hospital stay. The mean ± SD age of the patients was 61 ± 15 years with a 55% male predominance. There were 958 patients with nrHA-AKI (22.3%) and 2504 patients with lrHA-AKI (58.3%). RRT was required in 31% of the patients with lrHA-AKI compared with 24% of the patients with erHA-AKI. In the multiple risk factor analysis, compared with erHA-AKI, nrHA-AKI and lrHA-AKI were significantly associated with worse renal outcome and higher in-hospital mortality. Conclusions These data suggest that HA-AKI is frequent and the patients with nrHA-AKI or lrHA-AKI are at increased risk for in-hospital morbidity and mortality.


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To improve care and services to victims of interpersonal violence, a medico-legal consultation unit was set up at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland in 2006. Adult victims of violence are referred to the consultation by the emergency department. Patients are received by forensic nurses for support, forensic examination and community orientation. A descriptive study of medical reports filled for the 2006 population was conducted in 2007 with the aim to explore characteristics of this specific population and to better orient prevention. Among the 422 patients in 2006, 57% were men and 43% women, with a median age of 31 years old. Violent episodes took place in a public place for 90% of male victims and at home for 70% of female victims. The perpetrators were mostly unknown to male victims (62% of all men victims) and mostly known (usually the partner or a former partner) to female victims (90% of all women victims). For 80% of the women and 47% of the men, the violent event which brought them to the consultation, was not the first one. Because 90% of all patients under study were victimized by men., not only is it necessary to target prevention program to match the potential victims, prevention messages must also focus on potential offenders, especially on young men.


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Abstract: The centrosome is the major microtubule organizing center (MTOC) of most animal cells. As such, it is essential for a number of processes, including polarized secretion or bipolar spindle assembly. Hence, centrosome number needs to be controlled precisely in coordination with DNA replication. Cells early in the cell cycle contain one centrosome that duplicates during S-phase to give rise to two centrosomes that organize a bipolar spindle during mitosis. A failure in this process is likely to engage the spindle assembly checkpoint and threaten genome stability. Despite its importance for normal and uncontrolled proliferation the mechanisms underlying centrosome duplication are still unclear. The Caenorhabditis elegans embryo is well suited to study the mechanisms of centrosome duplication. It allows for the analysis of cellular processes with high temporal and spatial resolution. Gene identification and inactivation techniques are very powerful and a wide set of mutant and transgenic strains facilitates analysis. My thesis project consisted of characterizing three sas-genes: sas-4, sas-5 and sas-¬6. Embryos lacking these genes fail to form a bipolar spindle, hence their name (spindle assembly). I established that sas-4(RNAi) and sas-6(RNAi) embryos do not form daughter centrioles and thus do not duplicate their centrosomes. Furthermore, I showed that both proteins localize to the cytoplasm and are strikingly enriched at centrioles throughout the cell cycle. By performing fluorescent recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments and differentially labeling centrioles, I established that both proteins are recruited to centrioles once per cell cycle when daughter centrioles form. In contrast, SAS-5, PLK-1 and SPD-2 shuttle permanently between the cytoplasm and centrioles. By showing that SAS-5 and SAS-6 interact in vivo, I established a functional relationship between the proteins. Testing the putative human homologue of SAS-6 (HsSAS-6) and a distant relative of SAS-4 (CPAP), I was able to show that these proteins are required for centrosome duplication in human cells. In addition I found that overexpression of GFP¬HsSAS-6 leads to formation of extra centrosomes. In conclusion, we identified and gained important insights into proteins required for centrosome duplication in C. elegans and in human cells. Thus, our work contributes to further elucidate an important step of cell division in normal and malignant tissues. Eventually, this may allow for the development of novel diagnostic or therapeutic reagents to treat cancer patients. Résumé: Le centrosome est le principal centre organisateur des microtubules dans les cellules animales. De ce fait, il est essentiel pour un certain nombre de processus, comme l'adressage polarisé ou la mise en place d'un fuseau bipolaire. Le nombre de centrosome doit être contrôlé de façon précise et en coordination avec la réplication de l'ADN. Au début du cycle cellulaire, les cellules n'ont qu'un seul centrosome qui se duplique au cours de la phase S pour donner naissance à deux centrosomes qui forment le fuseau bipolaire pendant la mitose. Des défauts dans ce processus déclencheront probablement le "checkpoint" d'assemblage du fuseau et menaceront la stabilité du génome. Malgré leurs importances pour la prolifération normale ou incontrôlée des cellules, les mécanismes gouvernant la duplication des centrosomes restent obscures. L'embryon de Caenorhabditis elegans est bien adapté pour étudier les mécanismes de duplication des centrosomes. Il permet l'analyse des processus cellulaires avec une haute résolution spatiale et temporelle. L'identification des gènes et les techniques d'inactivation sont très puissantes et de larges collections de mutants et de lignées transgéniques facilitent les analyses. Mon projet de thèse a consisté à caractérisé trois gènes: sas-4, sas-5 et sas-6. Les embryons ne possédant pas ces gènes ne forment pas de fuseaux bipolaires, d'où leur nom (spindle assembly). J'ai établi que les embryons sas-4(RNAi) et sas-6(RNAi) ne forment pas de centrioles fils, et donc ne dupliquent pas leur centrosome. De plus, j'ai montré que les deux protéines sont localisées dans le cytoplasme et sont étonnamment enrichies aux centrioles tout le long du cycle cellulaire. En réalisant des expériences de FRAP (fluorscence recovery after photobleaching) et en marquant différentiellement les centrioles, j'ai établi que ces deux protéines sont recrutées une fois par cycle cellulaire aux centrioles, au moment de la duplication. Au contraire, SAS-5, PLK-1 et SPD-2 oscillent en permanence entre le cytoplasme et les centrioles. En montrant que SAS-5 et SAS-6 interagissent in vivo, j'ai établi une relation fonctionnelle entre les deux protéines. En testant les homologues humains putatifs de SAS-6 (HsSAS-6) et de SAS-4 (CPAP), j'ai été capable de montrer que ces protéines étaient aussi requises pour la duplication des centrosomes dans les cellules humaines. De plus, j'ai montré que la surexpression de GFP-HsSAS-6 entrainait la formation de centrosomes surnuméraires. En conclusion, nous avons identifié et progressé dans la compréhension de protéines requises pour la duplication des centrosomes chez C. elegans et dans les cellules humaines. Ainsi, notre travail contribue à mieux élucider une étape importante du la division cellulaire dans les cellules normales et malignes. A terme, ceci devrait aider au développement de nouveaux diagnostics ou de traitements thérapeuthiques pour soigner les malades du cancer.


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Introduction: In forensic toxicology, cocaine is better known for its powerful stimulating effects of nervous system and its high potential for recreational abuse, than for his therapeutic use. However, cocaine is still use as a topical anesthetic and peripheral vasoconstrictor in surgeries of eye, ear, nose and throat. Last decade, an increase of the presence of cocaine and metabolites in blood samples of drivers suspected to drive under the influence of drugs (DUID) was observed in Switzerland (Augsburger et al., Forensic Sci Int 153 (2005) 11-15; Senna et al., Forensic Sci Int 198 (2010) 11-16). Observed blood concentration ranges of cocaine and benzoylecgonine were 10-925 μg/L and 20-5200 μg/L, respectively. Since 2005, zero-tolerance approach was introduced in the Swiss legislation for different substances, especially cocaine (analytical cutoff: 15 μg/L). Thus, the interpretation often amounts to determine if the concentration is situated above or under the limit. However, it is important for the interpretation to take into account the context and to be critical with the obtained results, at the risk of ending in erroneous conclusions. Methods: Systematical toxicological analyses were performed on blood and urine, if available, for 5 DUID cases, as already published (Augsburger et al., Forensic Sci Int 153 (2005)). Positive results were confirmed and drugs were quantified in biological samples by GCMS, GC-MS/MS or LC-MS/MS. Results: Administration of cocaine after traffic accident was identified in five cases. All people were admitted to the emergency room because of severe trauma. Maxillofacial surgery was done shortly after admission to the emergency room, involving use of nasal application of cocaine (swab). For all cases, use of cocaine swab was not mentioned in the document filled by the police and by medical staff requested for blood and urine sampling. The information was obtained retrospectively after consultation of the medical records, without precise indication of the application time or dose. Case 1. A 83-year old man (pedestrian) was hit by a car. Blood (+11h after the accident): cocaine (16 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (370 μg/L). Urine: cocaine (1700 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (560 μg/L). Case 2. A 84-year old woman (pedestrian) was hit by a car. Blood (+1.5h after the accident): cocaine (230 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (370 μg/L). Urine was not available. Hair (+4 months after the accident): segment 1 (0-2 cm), cocaine not detected; segment 2 (2-4 cm), cocaine: <0.5 ng/mg. Case 3. A 66-year old man was involved in a car/car accident. He died 2 hours and 5 minutes after the crash. Blood (+1.5h after the accident): cocaine and metabolites not detected. Blood (+2h after the accident): cocaine (1750 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (460 μg/L). Blood (post-mortem): cocaine (370 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (200 μg/L). Urine (+1.5h after the accident): cocaine not detected. Case 4. A 57-year old woman on a motor scooter was hit by a car. She died 2 hours and 10 minutes after the crash. Blood (+0.5h after the accident): cocaine and metabolites not detected. Urine (post-mortem): cocaine (<20 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (120 μg/L). Case 5. A 30-year old man was involved in a car accident. Blood (+4h after the accident): cocaine (29 μg/L), benzoylecgonine (< 20 μg/L). Urine (+4h after the accident): cocaine and metabolites not detected. Ethanol (1,32 g/kg) and cannabinoids (THC (2,0 μg/L), THCCOOH (38 μg/L)) were also detected in blood. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first description of DUID cases involving therapeutic use of cocaine after an accident. These results indicate that even if a per se law is effective for prosecution case of DUID, a critical interpretation of the results is always needed, especially if a medical intervention occurs after an accident.


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BACKGROUND: Prehospital oligoanalgesia is prevalent among trauma victims, even when the emergency medical services team includes a physician. We investigated if not only patients' characteristics but physicians' practice variations contributed to prehospital oligoanalgesia. METHODS: Patient records of conscious adult trauma victims transported by our air rescue helicopter service over 10 yr were reviewed retrospectively. Oligoanalgesia was defined as a numeric rating scale (NRS) >3 at hospital admission. Multilevel logistic regression analysis was used to predict oligoanalgesia, accounting first for patient case-mix, and then physician-level clustering. The intraclass correlation was expressed as the median odds ratio (MOR). RESULTS: A total of 1202 patients and 77 physicians were included in the study. NRS at the scene was 6.9 (1.9). The prevalence of oligoanalgesia was 43%. Physicians had a median of 5.7 yr (inter-quartile range: 4.2-7.5) of post-graduate training and 27% were female. In our multilevel analysis, significant predictors of oligoanalgesia were: no analgesia [odds ratio (OR) 8.8], National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics V on site (OR 4.4), NRS on site (OR 1.5 per additional NRS unit >4), female physician (OR 2.0), and years of post-graduate experience [>4.0 to ≤5.0 (OR 1.3), >3.0 to ≤4.0 (OR 1.6), >2.0 to ≤3.0 (OR 2.6), and ≤2.0 yr (OR 16.7)]. The MOR was 2.6, and was statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians' practice variations contributed to oligoanalgesia, a factor often overlooked in analyses of prehospital pain management. Further exploration of the sources of these variations may provide innovative targets for quality improvement programmes to achieve consistent pain relief for trauma victims.


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Background The PEmb-QoL is a validated 40-item questionnaire to quantify health-related quality of life in patients having experienced pulmonary embolism (PE). It covers six health dimensions: frequency of complaints, activities of daily living limitations, work-related problems, social limitations, intensity of complaints, and emotional complaints. Originally developed in Dutch and English, we sought to prospectively validate the psychometric properties of a French version of the PEmb-QoL.MethodsWe performed a forward and backward translation of the English version of the PEmb-QoL into French. French-speaking consecutive adult patients with an acute, objectively confirmed PE admitted to the emergency department of a Swiss university hospital between 08/2009 and 09/2011 were recruited telephonically. We used standard psychometric tests and criteria to evaluate the acceptability, reliability, and validity of the French version of the PEmb-QoL. We also performed an exploratory factor analysis.ResultsOverall, 102 patients were enrolled in the study. The French version of the PEmb-QoL showed good reliability (internal consistency, item¿total and inter-item correlations), reproducibility (test-retest reliability), and validity (convergent, discriminant) in French-speaking patients with PE. The exploratory factor analysis suggested three underlying dimensions: limitations in daily activity (items 4b-m, 5a-d), symptoms (items 1a-h and 7), and emotional complaints (items 9a-f and j).ConclusionWe successfully validated the French version of the PEmb-QoL questionnaire in patients with PE. Our results show that the PEmb-QoL is a valuable tool for assessing health-related quality of life after PE in French-speaking patients.


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Background: Varciella Zoster Virus (VZV) can lead to serious complications in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant (HCT) recipients. Central nervous system (CNS) VZV can be one of the most devastating infections in transplant recipients, yet little is known about this rare disease. Objectives: To describe CNS VZV in the post-transplant period and to define potential risk factors in the HCT population. Methods: We reviewed the course of all patients who received a first HCT at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (FHCRC) in Seattle, WA from 1/1996 through 12/2007. Data were collected retrospectively using the Long-Term Follow-Up database, which includes on-site examinations, outside records, laboratory tests, and yearly questionnaires. Patients were classified as CNS VZV if they had laboratory confirmation of VZV in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), or had zoster with associated clinical and laboratory findings consistent with CNS disease. Results: A total of six patients developed VZV CNS disease during the evaluation period (table 1). Diagnosis was confirmed in 3/6 by detection of VZV in CSF by PCR. All other patients had a clinical diagnosis based on the presence of CNS symptoms, zoster, lymphocytic pleiocytosis, and response to IV acyclovir. Patients who developed CNS disease had a mean age of 42 years (range 34-51) at time of transplant. CNS disease developed at a mean of 9 months posttransplantation (range 0.5-24 months), and severity varied, ranging from meningitis (3/6) to encephalitis/myelitis (3/6). All had active graft-versus host disease (GHVD) and all were being treated with immunosuppressive therapy at time of diagnosis. Fever and headache were the most common symptoms, but patients who developed focal CNS findings or seizures (3/6) had a more complicated clinical course. While most patients presented with classic VZV/zoster skin lesions, 2/6 patients had no dermatologic findings associated with their presentation. Four (66%) of patients who developed VZV CNS disease died, two related to VZV complications despite aggressive antiviral therapy. Conclusions: In this cohort of HCT patients, VZV CNS disease was a rare complication. Mortality due to CNS VZV is high, particularly in patients who develop focal neurologic findings or seizures. Even in the absence of skin lesions, VZV CNS disease should be considered in patients who develop fevers and neurologic symptoms.


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INTRODUCTION: Crevasse accidents can lead to severe injuries and even death, but little is known about their epidemiology and mortality. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed helicopter-based emergency services rescue missions for crevasse victims in Switzerland between 2000 and 2010. Demographic and epidemiological data were collected. Injury severity was graded according to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) score. RESULTS: A total of 415 victims of crevasse falls were included in the study. The mean victim age was 40 years (SD 13) (range 6-75), 84% were male, and 67% were foreigners. The absolute number of victims was much higher during the months of March, April, July, and August, amounting to 73% of all victims; 77% of victims were practicing mountaineering or ski touring. The mean depth of fall was 16.5m (SD 9.0) (range 1-35). Overall on-site mortality was 11%, and it was higher during the ski season than the ski offseason (14% vs. 7%; P=0.01), for foreigners (14% vs. 5%; P=0.01), and with higher mean depth of fall (22 vs. 15m; P=0.01). The NACA score was ≥4 for 22% of the victims, indicating potential or overt vital threatening injuries, but 24% of the victims were uninjured (NACA 0). Multivariable analyses revealed that depth of the fall, summer season, and snowshoeing were associated with higher NACA scores, whereas depth of the fall, snowshoeing, and foreigners but not season were associated with higher risk of death. CONCLUSION: The clinical spectrum of injuries sustained by the 415 patients in this study ranged from benign to life-threatening. Death occurred in 11% of victims and seems to be determined primarily by the depth of the fall.


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Osteoporosis is a serious worldwide epidemic. FRAX® is a web-based tool developed by the Sheffield WHO Collaborating Center team, that integrates clinical risk factors and femoral neck BMD and calculates the 10 year fracture probability in order to help health care professionals identify patients who need treatment. However, only 31 countries have a FRAX® calculator. In the absence of a FRAX® model for a particular country, it has been suggested to use a surrogate country for which the epidemiology of osteoporosis most closely approximates the index country. More specific recommendations for clinicians in these countries are not available. In North America, concerns have also been raised regarding the assumptions used to construct the US ethnic specific FRAX® calculators with respect to the correction factors applied to derive fracture probabilities in Blacks, Asians and Hispanics in comparison to Whites. In addition, questions were raised about calculating fracture risk in other ethnic groups e.g., Native Americans and First Canadians. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) in conjunction with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) assembled an international panel of experts that ultimately developed joint Official Positions of the ISCD and IOF advising clinicians regarding FRAX® usage. As part of the process, the charge of the FRAX® International Task Force was to review and synthesize data regarding geographic and race/ethnic variability in hip fractures, non-hip osteoporotic fractures, and make recommendations about the use of FRAX® in ethnic groups and countries without a FRAX® calculator. This synthesis was presented to the expert panel and constitutes the data on which the subsequent Official Positions are predicated. A summary of the International Task Force composition and charge is presented here.


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Osteoporosis is a serious worldwide epidemic. Increased risk of fractures is the hallmark of the disease and is associated with increased morbidity, mortality and economic burden. FRAX® is a web-based tool developed by the Sheffield WHO Collaborating Center team, that integrates clinical risk factors, femoral neck BMD, country specific mortality and fracture data and calculates the 10 year fracture probability in order to help health care professionals identify patients who need treatment. However, only 31 countries have a FRAX® calculator at the time paper was accepted for publication. In the absence of a FRAX® model for a particular country, it has been suggested to use a surrogate country for which the epidemiology of osteoporosis most closely approximates the index country. More specific recommendations for clinicians in these countries are not available. In North America, concerns have also been raised regarding the assumptions used to construct the US ethnic specific FRAX® calculators with respect to the correction factors applied to derive fracture probabilities in Blacks, Asians and Hispanics in comparison to Whites. In addition, questions were raised about calculating fracture risk in other ethnic groups e.g., Native Americans and First Canadians. In order to provide additional guidance to clinicians, a FRAX® International Task Force was formed to address specific questions raised by physicians in countries without FRAX® calculators and seeking to integrate FRAX® into their clinical practice. The main questions that the task force tried to answer were the following: The Task Force members conducted appropriate literature reviews and developed preliminary statements that were discussed and graded by a panel of experts at the ISCD-IOF joint conference. The statements approved by the panel of experts are discussed in the current paper.


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The emergency medicine appears more and more as a transversal discipline, leaning on specific competences regularly updated with evidence-based medicine concepts. This selection of recent articles presents an update on frequent conditions, including the place of neuroimaging for patients with seizures or minor head injuries, the management of acute cocaine intoxications, the diagnosis of aortic dissections, or the management of cardiopulmonary arrest. The primary care physician will find elements of diagnostic or therapeutic strategies. This selection reflects the dynamism of emergency medicine.


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In the emergency situation, preoperative patient work-up for cardio-vascular surgery is quite different from the elective setting. We have analyzed a consecutive series of 5576 cases out of which 823 underwent emergency procedures (14.8%). The most frequent problems requiring emergent intervention were peripheral vascular (186 cases; 22.6% of the emergent procedure), followed by coronary artery disease (156 cases; 19.0%), thoracic aortic aneurysms (86 cases; 10.4%), abdominal aortic aneurysms (54 cases; 6.6%), congenital heart disease (36 cases: 4.4%), heart and heart lung transplantation (31 cases; 3.8%), problems with cardiac rythm (25 cases: 3.0%), and others (267 cases: 32.4%). Classification by proportion of urgent procedures with reference to elective operations shows a different picture. As a matter of fact transplantations were always emergency procedures (100%), whereas repair of aortic dissections type A and B was an emergency procedure in 81.5%. Emergency thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair accounted for 30% and 20% respectively and the corresponding proportion for peripheral vascular surgery is 19%. However, emergency surgery for acute coronary ischemia, valvular and congenital heart disease accounted for somewhat less than 10% for each group of these pathologies. Systematic pre-operative diagnostic work-up is a recognized tool for procedure related risk assessment and superior management of diseases. However, hemodynamic instability and other time related events correlated with negative outcome, are the main driving forces for accelerated diagnostic pathways


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Papillary fibroelastomas (PFE) are benign endocardial masses and generally originate from the cardiac valves, while PFE arising from the ascending thoracic aorta are an uncommon clinical finding. We report the case of a 78-year-old female who presented to the emergency department with an acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Urgent coronary angiography showed no significant coronary artery obstructive disease but left ventriculography revealed the presence of a highly mobile mass located in the proximal portion of the ascending thoracic aorta. We postulated that the clinical symptoms were caused by embolization from the aortic mass and surgical excision of the peduncle was performed. Histopathological examination revealed a PFE with thrombotic material. Nowadays, surgical excision of PFE remains, the treatment of choice for symptomatic patients with excellent short- and long-term results but recurrence of PFE following surgical excision has not been reported.