209 resultados para Survival-Curve
In order to be effective, access to prehospital care must be integrated into a system described as "the chain of survival". This system is composed of 5 essential phases: 1) basic help by witnesses; 2) call for help; 3) basic life support; 4) professional rescue and transport to the appropriate institution and 5) access to emergency ward and hospital management. Each phase is characterized by a specific organization, dedicated skills and means in order to increase the level of care brought to the patient. This article describes the organization, the utility and the specificity of the chain of survival allowing access to prehospital medical care in the western part of Switzerland.
In the histomorphological grading of prostate carcinoma, pathologists have regularly assigned comparable scores for the architectural Gleason and the now-obsolete nuclear World Health Organization (WHO) grading systems. Although both systems demonstrate good correspondence between grade and survival, they are based on fundamentally different biological criteria. We tested the hypothesis that this apparent concurrence between the two grading systems originates from an interpretation bias in the minds of diagnostic pathologists, rather than reflecting a biological reality. Three pathologists graded 178 prostatectomy specimens, assigning Gleason and WHO scores on glass slides and on digital images of nuclei isolated out of their architectural context. The results were analysed with respect to interdependencies among the grading systems, to tumour recurrence (PSA relapse > 0.1 ng/ml at 48 months) and robust nuclear morphometry, as assessed by computer-assisted image analysis. WHO and Gleason grades were strongly correlated (r = 0.82) and demonstrated identical prognostic power. However, WHO grades correlated poorly with nuclear morphology (r = 0.19). Grading of nuclei isolated out of their architectural context significantly improved accuracy for nuclear morphology (r = 0.55), but the prognostic power was virtually lost. In conclusion, the architectural organization of a tumour, which the pathologist cannot avoid noticing during initial slide viewing at low magnification, unwittingly influences the subsequent nuclear grade assignment. In our study, the prognostic power of the WHO grading system was dependent on visual assessment of tumour growth pattern. We demonstrate for the first time the influence a cognitive bias can have in the generation of an error in diagnostic pathology and highlight a considerable problem in histopathological tumour grading.
B cell maturation is a very selective process that requires finely tuned differentiation and survival signals. B cell activation factor from the TNF family (BAFF) is a TNF family member that binds to B cells and potentiates B cell receptor (BCR)-mediated proliferation. A role for BAFF in B cell survival was suggested by the observation of reduced peripheral B cell numbers in mice treated with reagents blocking BAFF, and high Bcl-2 levels detected in B cells from BAFF transgenic (Tg) mice. We tested in vitro the survival effect of BAFF on lymphocytes derived from primary and secondary lymphoid organs. BAFF induced survival of a subset of splenic immature B cells, referred to as transitional type 2 (T2) B cells. BAFF treatment allowed T2 B cells to survive and differentiate into mature B cells in response to signals through the BCR. The T2 and the marginal zone (MZ) B cell compartments were particularly enlarged in BAFF Tg mice. Immature transitional B cells are targets for negative selection, a feature thought to promote self-tolerance. These findings support a model in which excessive BAFF-mediated survival of peripheral immature B cells contributes to the emergence and maturation of autoreactive B cells, skewed towards the MZ compartment. This work provides new clues on mechanisms regulating B cell maturation and tolerance.
For glioblastoma (GBM), survival classification has primarily relied on clinical criteria, exemplified by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) recursive partitioning analysis (RPA). We sought to improve tumor classification by combining tumor biomarkers with the clinical RPA data. To accomplish this, we first developed 4 molecular biomarkers derived from gene expression profiling, a glioma CpG island methylator phenotype, a novel MGMT promoter methylation assay, and IDH1 mutations. A molecular predictor (MP) model was created with these 4 biomarkers on a training set of 220 retrospectively collected archival GBMtumors. ThisMPwas further combined with RPA classification to develop a molecular-clinical predictor (MCP). The median survivals for the combined, 4-class MCP were 65 months, 31 months, 13 months, and 9 months, which was significantly improved when compared with the RPA alone. The MCP was then applied to 725 samples from the RTOG-0525 cohort, showing median survival for each risk group of NR, 26 months, 16 months, and 11 months. The MCP was significantly improved over the RPA at outcome prediction in the RTOG 0525 cohort with a 33%increase in explained variation with respect to survival, validating the result obtained in the training set. To illustrate the benefit of the MCP for patient stratification, we examined progression-free survival (PFS) for patients receiving standard-dose temozolomide (SD-TMZ) vs. dose-dense TMZ (DD-TMZ) in RPA and MCP risk groups. A significant difference between DD-TMZ and SD-TMZ was observed in the poorest surviving MCP risk group with a median PFS of 6 months vs. 3 months (p ¼ 0.048, log-rank test). This difference was not seen using the RPA classification alone. In summary, we have developed a combined molecular-clinical predictor that appears to improve outcome prediction when compared with clinical variables alone. This MCP may serve to better identify patients requiring intensive treatments beyond the standard of care.
The acquisition of neuroendocrine (NE) characteristics by prostate cancer (PCa) cells is closely related to tumour progression and hormone resistance. The mechanisms by which NE cells influence PCa growth and progression are not fully understood. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in oncogenic processes, and MIF serum levels correlate with aggressiveness of PCa. Here, we investigated the regulation and the functional consequences of MIF expression during NE transdifferentiation of PCa cells. NE differentiation (NED) of LNCaP cells, initiated either by increasing intracellular levels of cAMP or by culturing cells in an androgen-depleted medium, was associated with markedly increased MIF release. Yet, intracellular MIF protein and mRNA levels and MIF gene promoter activity decreased during NED of LNCaP cells, suggesting that NED favours MIF release despite decreasing MIF synthesis. Adenoviral-mediated forced MIF expression in NE-differentiated LNCaP cells increased cell proliferation without affecting the expression of NE markers. Addition of exogenous recombinant MIF to LNCaP and PC-3 cells stimulated the AKT and ERK1/2 signalling pathways, the expression of genes involved in PCa, as well as proliferation and resistance to paclitaxel and thapsigargin-induced apoptosis. Altogether, these data provide evidence that increased MIF release during NED in PCa may facilitate cancer progression or recurrence, especially following androgen deprivation. Thus, MIF could represent an attractive target for PCa therapy.
The phenotype of social animals can be influenced by genetic, maternal and environmental effects, which include social interactions during development. In social insects, the social environment and genetic origin of brood can each influence a whole suite of traits, from individual size to caste differentiation. Here, we investigate to which degree the social environment during development affects the survival and fungal resistance of ant brood of known maternal origin. We manipulated one component of the social environment, the worker/brood ratio, of brood originating from single queens of Formica selysi. We monitored the survival of brood and measured the head size and ability to resist the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana of the resulting callow workers. The worker/brood ratio and origin of eggs affected the survival and maturation time of the brood and the size of the resulting callow workers. The survival of the callow workers varied greatly according to their origin, both in controls and when challenged with B. bassiana. However, there was no interaction between the fungal challenge and either the worker/brood ratio or origin of eggs, suggesting that these factors did not affect parasite resistance in the conditions tested. Overall, the social conditions during brood rearing and the origin of eggs had a strong impact on brood traits that are important for fitness. We detected a surprisingly large amount of variation among queens in the survival of their brood reared in standard queenless conditions, which calls for further studies on genetic, maternal and social effects influencing brood development in the social insects.
Ultrafractionation of radiation therapy is a novel regimen consisting of irradiating tumors several times daily, delivering low doses (<0.75 Gy) at which hyperradiosensitivity occurs. We recently demonstrated the high efficiency of ultrafractionated radiotherapy (RT) on glioma xenografts and report here on a phase II clinical trial to determine the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of an ultrafractionation regimen in patients with newly and inoperable glioblastoma (GBM). Thirty-one patients with histologically proven, newly diagnosed, and unresectable supratentorial GBM (WHO grade IV) were enrolled. Three daily doses of 0.75 Gy were delivered at least 4 hours apart, 5 days per week over 6-7 consecutive weeks (90 fractions for a total of 67.5 Gy). Conformal irradiation included the tumor bulk with a margin of 2.5 cm. The primary end points were safety, toxicity, and tolerability, and the secondary end points were overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). Multivariate analysis was used to compare the OS and PFS with the EORTC-NCIC trial 26981-22981/CE.3 of RT alone vs radiation therapy and temozolomide (TMZ). The ultrafractionation radiation regimen was safe and well tolerated. No acute Grade III and/or IV CNS toxicity was observed. Median PFS and OS from initial diagnosis were 5.1 and 9.5 months, respectively. When comparing with the EORTC/NCIC trial, in both PFS and OS multivariate analysis, ultrafractionation showed superiority over RT alone, but not over RT and TMZ. The ultrafractionation regimen is safe and may prolong the survival of patients with GBM. Further investigation is warranted and a trial associating ultra-fractionation and TMZ is ongoing.
RESUME : Objectif: Le glioblastome multiforme (GBM) est la tumeur cérébrale maligne la plus agressive qui conduit au décès de la majorité des patients moins d'une année après le diagnostic. La plupart des agents chimiothérapeutiques actuellement disponibles ne traversent pas la barrière hémato¬encéphalique et ne peuvent par conséquent pas être utilisés pour ce type de tumeur. Le Temozolomide (TMZ) est un nouvel agent alkylant récemment développé pour le traitement des gliomes malins. A ce jour, très peu d'informations sont disponibles sur la pénétration intra-cérébrale de cet agent. Au cours d'une étude pilote de phase II menée auprès de 64 patients atteints de GBM, l'administration précoce de TMZ combinée à une radiothérapie standard (RT) afin d'intervenir au plus tôt dans l'évolution de la maladie, a permis de prolonger la survie de ces patients, résultat qui pu être confirmé par la suite lors de l'étude randomisée de phase III. L'objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer les paramètres pharmacocinétique du TMZ dans le plasma et le liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR), d'évaluer l'influence de certains facteurs individuels (âge, sexe, surface corporelle, fonction rénale/hépatique, co-médications, RT concomitante) sur ces différents paramètres, et enfin d'explorer la relation existant entre l'exposition au TMZ et certains marqueurs cliniques d'efficacité et de toxicité. Matériel et Méthode: Les concentrations de TMZ ont été mesurées par chromatographie liquide à haute performance (HPLC) dans le plasma et le LCR de 35 patients atteints de GBM nouvellement diagnostiqués (étude pilote) ou de gliomes malins en récidive (étude récidive). L'analyse pharmacocinétique de population a été réalisée à l'aide du programme NONMEM. L'exposition systémique et cérébrale, définie par les AUC (Area Under the time-concentration Curve) dans le plasma et le LCR, a été estimée pour chaque patient et corrélée à la toxicité, la survie ainsi que la survie sans progression tumorale. Résultats: Un modèle à 1 compartiment avec une cinétique d'absorption et de transfert Kplasma -> LCR de ordre a été retenu afin de décrire le profil pharmacocinétique du TMZ. Les valeurs moyennes de population ont été de 10 L/h pour la clairance, de 30.3 L pour le volume de distribution, de 2.1 h pour la 1/2 vie d'élimination, de 5.78 hE-1 pour la constante d'absorption, de 7.2 10E4 hE-1 pour Kplasma->LCR et de 0.76 hE-1 pour KLCR plasma. La surface corporelle a montré une influence significative sur la clairance et le volume de distribution, alors que le sexe influence la clairance uniquement. L'AUC mesurée dans le LCR représente ~20% de celle du plasma et une augmentation de 15% de Kplasma->LCR a été observée lors du traitement concomitant de radiochimiothérapie. Conclusions: Cette étude est la première analyse pharmacocinétique effectuée chez l'homme permettant de quantifier la pénétration intra-cérébrale du TMZ. Le rapport AUC LCR/AUC Plasma a été de 20%. Le degré d'exposition systémique et cérébral au TMZ ne semble pas être un meilleur facteur prédictif de la survie ou de la tolérance au produit que ne l'est la dose cumulée seule. ABSTRACT Purpose: Scarce information is available on the brain penetration of temozolomide (TMZ), although this novel methylating agent is mainly used for the treatment of ma¬lignant brain tumors. The purpose was to assess TNIZ phar¬macokinetics in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) along with its inter-individual variability, to characterize covari¬ates and to explore relationships between systemic or cere¬bral drug exposure and clinical outcomes. Experimental Design: TMZ levels were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in plasma and CSF samples from 35 patients with newly diagnosed or recurrent malignant gliomas. The population pharmacoki¬netic analysis was performed with nonlinear mixed-effect modeling software. Drug exposure, defined by the area un¬der the concentration-time curve (AUC) in plasma and CSF, was estimated for each patient and correlated with toxicity, survival, and progression-free survival. Results: A three-compartment model with first-order absorption and transfer rates between plasma and CSF described the data appropriately. Oral clearance was 10 liter/h; volume of distribution (VD), 30.3 liters; absorption constant rate, 5.8 hE-1; elimination half-time, 2.1 h; transfer rate from plasma to CSF (Kplasma->CSF), 7.2 x 10E-4hE-1 and the backwards rate, 0.76hE-1. Body surface area signifi¬cantly influenced both clearance and VD, and clearance was sex dependent. The AU CSF corresponded to 20% of the AUCplasma. A trend toward an increased K plasma->CSF of 15% was observed in case of concomitant radiochemo-therapy. No significant correlations between AUC in plasma or CSF and toxicity, survival, or progression-free survival were apparent after deduction of dose-effect. Conclusions: This is the first human pharmacokinetic study on TMZ to quantify CSF penetration. The AUC CSF/ AUC plasma ratio was 20%. Systemic or cerebral exposures are not better predictors than the cumulative dose alone for both efficacy and safety.
Habitat restoration measures may result in artificially high breeding density, for instance when nest-boxes saturate the environment, which can negatively impact species' demography. Potential risks include changes in mating and reproductive behaviour such as increased extra-pair paternity, conspecific brood parasitism, and polygyny. Under particular cicumstances, these mechanisms may disrupt reproduction, with populations dragged into an extinction vortex. With the use of nuclear microsatellite markers, we investigated the occurrence of these potentially negative effects in a recovered population of a rare secondary cavity-nesting farmland bird of Central Europe, the hoopoe (Upupa epops). High intensity farming in the study area has resulted in a total eradication of cavity trees, depriving hoopoes from breeding sites. An intensive nest-box campaign rectified this problem, resulting in a spectacular population recovery within a few years only. There was some concern, however, that the new, high artificially-induced breeding density might alter hoopoe mating and reproductive behaviour. As the species underwent a serious demographic bottleneck in the 1970-1990s, we also used the microsatellite markers to reconstitute the demo-genetic history of the population, looking in particular for signs of genetic erosion. We found i) a low occurrence of extra-pair paternity, polygyny and conspecific brood parasitism, ii) a high level of neutral genetic diversity (mean number of alleles and expected heterozygosity per locus: 13.8 and 83%, respectively) and, iii) evidence for genetic connectivity through recent immigration of individuals from well differentiated populations. The recent increase in breeding density did thus not induce so far any noticeable detrimental changes in mating and reproductive behaviour. The demographic bottleneck undergone by the population in the 1970s-1990s was furthermore not accompanied by any significant drop in neutral genetic diversity. Finally, genetic data converged with a concomitant demographic study to evidence that immigration strongly contributed to local population recovery.
Prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) promotes angiogenesis by in part inducing endothelial cell survival and migration. The present study examined the role of mTOR and its two complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2, in PGE(2)-mediated endothelial cell responses. We used small interfering RNA (siRNA) to raptor or rictor to block mTORC1 or mTORC2, respectively. We observed that down-regulation of mTORC2 but not mTORC1 reduced baseline and PGE(2)-induced endothelial cell survival and migration. At the molecular level, we found that knockdown of mTORC2 inhibited PGE(2)-mediated Rac and Akt activation two important signaling intermediaries in endothelial cell migration and survival, respectively. In addition, inhibition of mTORC2 by prolonged exposure of endothelial cells to rapamycin also prevented PGE(2)-mediated endothelial cell survival and migration confirming the results obtained with the siRNA approach. Taken together these results show that mTORC2 but not mTORC1 is an important signaling intermediary in PGE(2)-mediated endothelial cell responses.
Background Following the discovery that mutant KRAS is associated with resistance to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) antibodies, the tumours of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer are now profiled for seven KRAS mutations before receiving cetuximab or panitumumab. However, most patients with KRAS wild-type tumours still do not respond. We studied the effect of other downstream mutations on the efficacy of cetuximab in, to our knowledge, the largest cohort to date of patients with chemotherapy-refractory metastatic colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab plus chemotherapy in the pre-KRAS selection era. Methods 1022 tumour DNA samples (73 from fresh-frozen and 949 from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue) from patients treated with cetuximab between 2001 and 2008 were gathered from 11 centres in seven European countries. 773 primary tumour samples had sufficient quality DNA and were included in mutation frequency analyses; mass spectrometry genotyping of tumour samples for KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, and PIK3CA was done centrally. We analysed objective response, progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival in molecularly defined subgroups of the 649 chemotherapy-refractory patients treated with cetuximab plus chemotherapy. Findings 40.0% (299/747) of the tumours harboured a KRAS mutation, 14.5% (108/743) harboured a PIK3CA mutation (of which 68.5% [74/108] were located in exon 9 and 20.4% [22/108] in exon 20), 4.7% (36/761) harboured a BRAF mutation, and 2.6% (17/644) harboured an NRAS mutation. KRAS mutants did not derive benefit compared with wild types, with a response rate of 6.7% (17/253) versus 35.8% (126/352; odds ratio [OR] 0.13, 95% CI 0.07-0.22; p<0.0001), a median PFS of 12. weeks versus 24 weeks (hazard ratio [HR] 1 98, 1.66-2.36; p<0.0001), and a median overall survival of 32 weeks versus 50 weeks (1.75, 1.47-2.09; p<0.0001). In KRAS wild types, carriers of BRAF and NRAS mutations had a significantly lower response rate than did BRAF and NRAS wild types, with a response rate of 8.3% (2/24) in carriers of BRAF mutations versus 38.0% in BRAF wild types (124/326; OR 0.15, 95% CI 0.02-0.51; p=0.0012); and 7.7% (1/13) in carriers of NRAS mutations versus 38.1% in NRAS wild types (110/289; OR 0.14, 0.007-0.70; p=0.013). PIK3CA exon 9 mutations had no effect, whereas exon 20 mutations were associated with a worse outcome compared with wild types, with a response rate of 0.0% (0/9) versus 36.8% (121/329; OR 0.00,0.00-0.89; p=0.029), a median PFS of 11.5 weeks versus 24 weeks (HR 2.52, 1.33-4.78; p=0.013), and a median overall survival of 34 weeks versus 51 weeks (3.29, 1.60-6.74; p=0.0057). Multivariate analysis and conditional inference trees confirmed that, if KRAS is not mutated, assessing BRAF, NRAS, and PIK3CA exon 20 mutations (in that order) gives additional information about outcome. Objective response rates in our series were 24.4% in the unselected population, 36.3% in the KRAS wild-type selected population, and 41.2% in the KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, and PIK3CA exon 20 wild-type population. Interpretation While confirming the negative effect of KRAS mutations on outcome after cetuximab, we show that BRAF, NRAS, and PIK3CA,exon 20 mutations are significantly associated with a low response rate. Objective response rates could be improved by additional genotyping of BRAF, NRAS, and PIK3CA exon 20 mutations in a KRAS wild-type population.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The ASTRAL score was externally validated showing remarkable consistency on 3-month outcome prognosis in patients with acute ischemic stroke. The present study aimed to evaluate ASTRAL score's prognostic accuracy to predict 5-year outcome. METHODS: All consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke registered in the Athens Stroke Registry between January 1, 1998, and December 31, 2010, were included. Patients were excluded if admitted >24 hours after symptom onset or if any ASTRAL score component was missing. End points were 5-year unfavorable functional outcome, defined as modified Rankin Scale 3 to 6, and 5-year mortality. For each outcome, the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve was calculated; also, a multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis was performed to investigate whether the ASTRAL score was an independent predictor of outcome. The Kaplan-Meier product limit method was used to estimate the probability of 5-year survival for each ASTRAL score quartile. RESULTS: The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of the score to predict 5-year unfavorable functional outcome was 0.89, 95% confidence interval 0.88 to 0.91. In multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis, the ASTRAL score was independently associated with 5-year unfavorable functional outcome (hazard ratio, 1.09; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-1.10). The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve for the ASTRAL score's discriminatory power to predict 5-year mortality was 0.81 (95% confidence interval, 0.78-0.83). In multivariate analysis, the ASTRAL score was independently associated with 5-year mortality (hazard ratio, 1.09, 95% confidence interval, 1.08-1.10). During the 5-year follow-up, the probability of survival was significantly lower with increasing ASTRAL score quartiles (log-rank test <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The ASTRAL score reliably predicts 5-year functional outcome and mortality in patients with acute ischemic stroke.