66 resultados para Sociological biography


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We have investigated the phenomenon of deprivation in contemporary Switzerland through the adoption of a multidimensional, dynamic approach. By applying Self Organizing Maps (SOM) to a set of 33 non-monetary indicators from the 2009 wave of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), we identified 13 prototypical forms (or clusters) of well-being, financial vulnerability, psycho-physiological fragility and deprivation within a topological dimensional space. Then new data from the previous waves (2003 to 2008) were classified by the SOM model, making it possible to estimate the weight of the different clusters in time and reconstruct the dynamics of stability and mobility of individuals within the map. Looking at the transition probabilities between year t and year t+1, we observed that the paths of mobility which catalyze the largest number of observations are those connecting clusters that are adjacent on the topological space.


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Starting from the mid-1960s, family and fertility patterns in Europe underwent fundamental changes. Social scientists have increasingly turned to intergenerational models to explain such changes. This paper deals with one important intergenerational dimension of fertility, namely the transmission of normative beliefs about childbearing choices. Normative beliefs are important determinants of fertility behavior. While norms are learnt and internalized throughout the life course, primary socialization of children within the family and role modeling are important mechanism to ensure norm transmission. Interaction with family members in adult life may reinforce the effects of early socialization and role modeling. The paper focuses on the ways in which mothers and daughters make sense of normative beliefs about childbearing. I draw on set of semi-structured interviews with childless women in reproductive ages and their mothers, collected in Italy between 2004 and 2006. First, I provide a micro-level descriptive analysis of normative beliefs about childbearing norms in mother-daughter dyads. Second, linking these descriptive analyses to the biography of specific dyads, I identify patterns of continuity and discontinuity in the social meaning of children and their fertility outcomes.


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This R package provides to sociologists (and related scientists) a toolbox to facilitate the construction of social position indicators from survey data. Social position indicators refer to what is commonly known as social class and social status. There exists in the sociological literature many theoretical conceptualisation and empirical operationalization of social class and social status. This first version of the package offers tools to construct the International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status (ISEI) and the Oesch social class schema. It also provides tools to convert several occupational classifications (PCS82, PCS03, and ISCO08) into a common one (ISCO88) to facilitate data harmonisation work, and tools to collapse (i.e. group) modalities of social position indicators.


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Malgré les efforts de la neurobiologie et de l'épidé­miologie, la dépression reste un trouble aux contours flous. La question controversée de son dépistage par le généraliste en atteste, illustrant au passage certaines tensions entre la psychiatrie et la médecine générale. Nous suggérons un regard plus large sur la dépression, respectant la singularité du patient mais prenant en compte des processus sociaux potentiellement pathogènes. A l'heure des critères diagnostiques opérationnels, l'intuition clinique et le contexte socio-historique de la relation médecin-malade gardent leur pertinence. Despite intensive efforts in neurobiology and epidemiology, depression remains a diagnosis with blurred b. We illustrate this point by examining the controversial issue of systematic screening by GPs, which highlights tensions between psychiatry and general medicine. We suggest a broader perspective on depression, taking into account the patient's individuality, as well as potentially pathogenic social determinants. In the era of operational diagnostic criteria, clinical intuition and the wider sociological context of the doctor-patient relationship are relevant.


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Much like the first volume published in 2011, the second volume of this anthology series gathers a selection of analyses which are empirically based on the data of the Swiss panel study TREE (Transitions from Education to Employment). The contributions of this volume carry on the investigation of the critical transitions during youth and young adulthood, drawing on sociological, economic, psychological and pedagogical research questions and thus highlighting the analytic and pluri-disciplinary research potential of the TREE data. One of the topical foci is the long-term influence of social origin on education and labour market pathways, particularly with regard to access to higher education.