258 resultados para Rapid eye movements
While several risk factors for the histological progression of chronic hepatitis C have been identified, the contribution of HCV genotypes to liver fibrosis evolution remains controversial. The aim of the present study was to assess independent predictors for fibrosis progression. Methods: We identified 1540 patients from the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort database with at least one liver biopsy prior to antiviral treatment. Factors associated with fibrosis stage, steatosis and histological activity were assessed in univariate and multivariate regression models. Fibrosis progression rate per year was calculated in a subgroup of 1263 patients, in whom risk factors were assessed by cumulative incidence curves, logistic and linear regression models. Results: Independent risk factors for rapid fibrosis progression included male sex (OR = 1.66, 95% CI 1.25-2.21, P <0.001), age at infection (OR = 1.08, 95% CI 1.06-1.10, P <0.001), histological activity (OR = 2.14, 95% CI 1.61-2.85, P <0.001) and genotype 3 (OR = 1.97, 95% CI 1.43-2.72, P <0.001). Genotype 2 was associated with slow progression (OR = 0.51, 95% CI 0.30-0.89, P = 0.02), but this observation may be due to the decreased prevalence of genotype 2 over the last decades, leading to an overrepresentation of subjects with genotype 2 with a slow progression rate. Conclusion: This study shows a significant association of genotype 3 with accelerated fibrosis. While assessing risk factors for fibrosis progression, the changing epidemiology of HCV genotypes over time needs to be taken into account.
The recent roll-out of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria has highlighted the decreasing proportion of malaria-attributable illness in endemic areas. Unfortunately, once malaria is excluded, there are few accessible diagnostic tools to guide the management of severe febrile illnesses in low resource settings. This review summarizes the current state of RDT development for several key infections, including dengue fever, enteric fever, leptospirosis, brucellosis, visceral leishmaniasis and human African trypanosomiasis, and highlights many remaining gaps. Most RDTs for non-malarial tropical infections currently rely on the detection of host antibodies against a single infectious agent. The sensitivity and specificity of host-antibody detection tests are both inherently limited. Moreover, prolonged antibody responses to many infections preclude the use of most serological RDTs for monitoring response to treatment and/or for diagnosing relapse. Considering these limitations, there is a pressing need for sensitive pathogen-detection-based RDTs, as have been successfully developed for malaria and dengue. Ultimately, integration of RDTs into a validated syndromic approach to tropical fevers is urgently needed. Related research priorities are to define the evolving epidemiology of fever in the tropics, and to determine how combinations of RDTs could be best used to improve the management of severe and treatable infections requiring specific therapy.
Due to the eye's specific anatomical and physiological conformation, the treatment of eye diseases is a real challenge for pharmaceutical therapy. The presence of efficient protective barriers (i.e., the conjunctival and corneal membranes) and protective mechanisms (i.e., blinking and nasolachrymal drainage) makes this organ particularly impervious to local drug therapy. To overcome these issues, numerous strategies have been envisioned using pharmaceutical technology. Many formulations currently on the market or still under development are emulsions or colloidal systems intended to enhance precorneal residence time and corneal penetration, causing a consequent increase in drug bioavailability after instillation. After a review of some recent developments in the field of cyclosporin A formulations for the eye, a novel micellar formulation of cyclosporine A based on a diblock methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-hexysubstituted poly(lactides) (MPEG-hexPLA) is described.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to characterize local distribution and systemic absorption of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitory single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) ESBA105 following topical administration to the eye in vivo. METHODS: Rabbits received ESBA105 as topical eye drops in two dosing regimens. First, pharmacokinetics after the topical route of administration was compared to the intravenous (i.v.) route by means of applying the identical cumulative daily dose of ESBA105. In a second study rabbits received five eye drops daily for six consecutive days in a lower frequency topical dosing regimen. Kinetics and biodistribution of ESBA105 in ocular tissues and fluids as well as in sera were determined in all animals. RESULTS: After topical administration to the eye, ESBA105 quickly reaches therapeutic concentrations in all ocular compartments. Systemic exposure after topical administration is 25,000-fold lower than exposure after i.v. injection of the identical cumulative daily dose. ESBA105 levels in vitreous humor and neuroretina are significantly higher on topical administration than after i.v. injection. Absolute and relative intraocular biodistribution of ESBA105 is different with topical and systemic delivery routes. Compared to its terminal half-life in circulation (7 hours), the vitreal half-life of ESBA105 is significantly enhanced (16-24 hours). CONCLUSIONS: On topical administration, ESBA105 is efficiently absorbed and distributed to all compartments of the eye, whereby systemic drug exposure is very low. Based on its unique intraocular biodistribution and pharmacokinetics and the absolute intraocular levels reached, topical ESBA105 appears highly attractive for treatment of various ophthalmological disorders.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this communication is to report a severe occlusive vasculitis as a complication of cat scratch. HISTORY AND SIGNS: A 34-year-old Hispanic woman presented with a sudden visual loss of the right eye associated with shivers, high fever and arthritis which developed 2 months after a cat's bite. Fundus examination showed papillitis and a palor of the paramacular zone of the retina. Fluorescein angiography revealed multiple arterial and venous vasculitic occlusions. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Auto-immune disease and endocarditis were ruled out by an extensive medical work-up.The diagnosis of Bartonella henselae was confirmed by a positive serology. A systemic antibiotherapy with azithromycin, doxycyclin, rifampicin and steroid therapy resulted in a good clinical response, including a rapid visual recovery with a visual acuity of 20/20 and no relapse of the disease at 6 months follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular complications associated with cat scratch disease may include vasculitis with both arterial and venous occlusions causing severe visual loss.
Les résultats préliminaires de trois essais cliniques de thérapie génique d'une forme agressive de rétinite pigmentaire (l'amaurose congénitale de Leber) ont prouvé que le traitement des maladies dégénératives de la rétine par transfert de gène peut être sûr et efficace pour rétablir une fonction visuelle. Il faudra encore attendre les résultats à long terme de ces études pour que soit définitivement validée cette approche thérapeutique. Dans l'intervalle, il importe de se préparer à son introduction en ophtalmologie de façon à la rendre accessible à nos malades. Pratiquement cela revient à promouvoir: 1) le recrutement; 2) la caractérisation du phénotype et du génotype des sujets atteints et 3) la constitution d'un registre des rétinopathies héréditaires. Recently, preliminary results of three clinical gene therapy trials for early onset retinitis pigmentosa--Leber congenital amaurosis--suggested that treating this degenerative retinal disease by gene transfection can be safe and efficient to restore a visual function. The definitive validation of this therapeutic approach depends on the long-term results. The forthcoming availability of gene therapy in ophthalmology prompts the implementation: of 1) recruitment, 2) phenotyping and genotyping of affected patients, 3) and creation of a hereditary retinopathy registry.
The recent advances in sequencing technologies have given all microbiology laboratories access to whole genome sequencing. Providing that tools for the automated analysis of sequence data and databases for associated meta-data are developed, whole genome sequencing will become a routine tool for large clinical microbiology laboratories. Indeed, the continuing reduction in sequencing costs and the shortening of the 'time to result' makes it an attractive strategy in both research and diagnostics. Here, we review how high-throughput sequencing is revolutionizing clinical microbiology and the promise that it still holds. We discuss major applications, which include: (i) identification of target DNA sequences and antigens to rapidly develop diagnostic tools; (ii) precise strain identification for epidemiological typing and pathogen monitoring during outbreaks; and (iii) investigation of strain properties, such as the presence of antibiotic resistance or virulence factors. In addition, recent developments in comparative metagenomics and single-cell sequencing offer the prospect of a better understanding of complex microbial communities at the global and individual levels, providing a new perspective for understanding host-pathogen interactions. Being a high-resolution tool, high-throughput sequencing will increasingly influence diagnostics, epidemiology, risk management, and patient care.
The widespread misuse of drugs has increased the number of multiresistant bacteria, and this means that tools that can rapidly detect and characterize bacterial response to antibiotics are much needed in the management of infections. Various techniques, such as the resazurin-reduction assays, the mycobacterial growth indicator tube or polymerase chain reaction-based methods, have been used to investigate bacterial metabolism and its response to drugs. However, many are relatively expensive or unable to distinguish between living and dead bacteria. Here we show that the fluctuations of highly sensitive atomic force microscope cantilevers can be used to detect low concentrations of bacteria, characterize their metabolism and quantitatively screen (within minutes) their response to antibiotics. We applied this methodology to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, showing that live bacteria produced larger cantilever fluctuations than bacteria exposed to antibiotics. Our preliminary experiments suggest that the fluctuation is associated with bacterial metabolism.
Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) is a vision-threatening eye disease with no validated treatment and unknown pathogeny. In CSCR, dilation and leakage of choroid vessels underneath the retina cause subretinal fluid accumulation and retinal detachment. Because glucocorticoids induce and aggravate CSCR and are known to bind to the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), CSCR may be related to inappropriate MR activation. Our aim was to assess the effect of MR activation on rat choroidal vasculature and translate the results to CSCR patients. Intravitreous injection of the glucocorticoid corticosterone in rat eyes induced choroidal enlargement. Aldosterone, a specific MR activator, elicited the same effect, producing choroid vessel dilation -and leakage. We identified an underlying mechanism of this effect: aldosterone upregulated the endothelial vasodilatory K channel KCa2.3. Its blockade prevented aldosterone-induced thickening. To translate these findings, we treated 2 patients with chronic nonresolved CSCR with oral eplerenone, a specific MR antagonist, for 5 weeks, and observed impressive and rapid resolution of retinal detachment and choroidal vasodilation as well as improved visual acuity. The benefit was maintained 5 months after eplerenone withdrawal. Our results identify MR signaling as a pathway controlling choroidal vascular bed relaxation and provide a pathogenic link with human CSCR, which suggests that blockade of MR could be used therapeutically to reverse choroid vasculopathy.
BACKGROUND: Chronic mountain sickness (CMS) is a major public health problem in mountainous regions of the world. In its more advanced stages, exercise intolerance is often found, but the underlying mechanism is not known. Recent evidence indicates that exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension is markedly exaggerated in CMS. We speculated that this problem may cause pulmonary fluid accumulation and aggravate hypoxemia during exercise. METHODS: We assessed extravascular lung water (chest ultrasonography), pulmonary artery pressure, and left ventricular function in 15 patients with CMS and 20 control subjects at rest and during exercise at 3,600 m. RESULTS: Exercise at high altitude rapidly induced pulmonary interstitial fluid accumulation in all patients but one (14 of 15) with CMS and further aggravated the preexisting hypoxemia. In contrast, in healthy high-altitude dwellers exercise did not induce fluid accumulation in the majority of subjects (16 of 20) (P = .002 vs CMS) and did not alter arterial oxygenation. Exercise-induced pulmonary interstitial fluid accumulation and hypoxemia in patients with CMS was accompanied by a more than two times larger increase of pulmonary artery pressure than in control subjects (P < .001), but no evidence of left ventricular dysfunction. Oxygen inhalation markedly attenuated the exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension (P < .01) and interstitial fluid accumulation (P < .05) in patients with CMS but had no detectable effects in control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, these findings provide the first direct evidence that exercise induces rapid interstitial lung fluid accumulation and hypoxemia in patients with CMS that appear to be related to exaggerated pulmonary hypertension. We suggest that this problem contributes to exercise intolerance in patients with CMS. TRIAL REGISTRY: ClinicalTrials.gov; No.: NCT01182792; URL: www.clinicaltrials.gov.