414 resultados para RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY
OBJECTIVE: To assess the outcome of patients with ruptured descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms undergoing emergency repair, in comparison to elective surgery for chronic lesions. METHODS: A prospective study of 100 consecutive patients operated upon the descending aorta (1-8 segments) using proximal unloading and distal protection with partial cardiopulmonary bypass, heparin surface-coated perfusion equipment and low systemic heparinization (loading dose 100 IU/kg, activated coagulation time > 180 s), staged cross-clamping, sealed grafts and graft inclusion. RESULTS: Arteriosclerotic lesions were present in 53/100 patients (53%) for all, 30/53 (56%) for chronic, and 21/33 (63%) for ruptured, aneurysms (NS). Dissecting lesions were found in 38/100 patients (38%) for all, 20/53 (38%) for chronic, and 8/33 (24%) for ruptured aneurysms (NS). Preoperative hematocrit was 38 +/- 6% for all, 40 +/- 5% for chronic, and 33 +/- 5% for ruptured aneurysmal patients (P < 0.001 ruptured versus chronic). The extent of aortic repair (1-8 segments) was 3.3 +/- 1.6 for all, 3.5 +/- 1.5 for chronic, and 3.2 +/- 1.4 for ruptured, aneurysms (NS). Transdiaphragmatic repair was performed in 51/100 (51%) of all, 28/53 (53%) of chronic, and 17/33 (51%) of ruptured aneurysms (NS). Aortic cross-clamp time was 38 +/- 21 min for all, 39 +/- 24 min for chronic, and 38 +/- 17 min for ruptured, aneurysmal patients (NS). The amount of red cells washed and autotransfused was 2792 +/- 2239 ml in all, 3143 +/- 2531 ml in chronic, and 2074 +/- 1350 ml in ruptured, aneurysmal patients (P < 0.025). The amount of packed red cells required was 2181 +/- 1830 ml for all, 1736 +/- 1333 ml for chronic, and 2947 +/- 2395 ml for ruptured aneurysmal patients (P < 0.010). Thirty-day mortality was 9/100 (9%) for all, 3/53 (6%) for chronic, and 5/33 (15%) for ruptured aneurysmal patients (NS). Parapareses/plegias occurred in 9/100 (9%) of all, 6/53 (11%) of chronic, and 3/33 (9%) of ruptured, aneurysmal patients (NS). Stepwise regression analysis identified aortic cross-clamp time as a predictor of early mortality (P = 0.002) and parapareses and paraplegias (P = 0.001). Age (P = 0.001), extent of repair (P = 0.008) and preoperative hematocrit (P = 0.001) were predictors for homologous transfusion requirements. CONCLUSION: Emergency repair of ruptured descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms can be achieved with acceptable results.
Despite advertising for NOTES in 2009, single trocart laparoscopic surgery is about to become a new standard in selected indications. As other important topics, the limits of oncological surgery are extended due to a systematic multidisciplinary approach. To discuss every publication would be difficult and our review will focus on a selected number of papers of importance for daily practice. As examples, the management of acute calculous cholecystitis, gastro-esophageal reflux, inguinal and incisional hernia repair as well as colorectal surgery are presented.
OBJECTIVE: A retrospective study to review the experience of a single center with surgery for aortic coarctation over a period of 30 years (1970-1999). METHODS: Criteria for inclusion: (a) aortic coarctation, isolated or associated with congenital heart defect; (b) surgery between 1970 and 1999. Data recorded: (1) date of surgery; (2) age at surgery; (3) associated lesions; (4) surgical technique; (5) simultaneous surgical procedures; (6) early and late surgical results in term of: (a) deaths; (b) need for reoperation because of re-coarctation or other cardiac lesion; (c) residual/recurrent pressure gradient, evaluated at cuff/Doppler at rest; (d) systemic hypertension, requiring medical treatment. RESULTS: One hundred and forty-one patients underwent surgery for aortic coarctation: 30 neonates, 29 infants, 45 children and 37 adults. Associated lesions were found in 8/37 (=21.6%) adults and in 73/104 (=70.1%) pediatric patients. There were no hospital deaths. During the follow-up there were one late death in the adults group (1/37=2.7%) and three late deaths in the pediatric group (3/104=2.9%), all unrelated with aortic coarctation. Re-operation because of re-coarctation occurred only in ten late survivors of the pediatric group (10/101=9.9%), 9/10 operated on before 1980 (P<0.00001). End-to-end anastomosis, enlarged to the aortic arch in neonates, was associated with the lowest incidence of re-coarctation (P<0.005). A significant (>20 mmHg at rest) pressure gradient was found in none of the adults, and in seven of the 91 pediatric patients (7/91=7.7%) late survivors. Three adults (3/36=8.3%) late survivors are on medical treatment to control systemic hypertension. CONCLUSIONS: The long-term results of our retrospective study confirm that surgery has to be considered the gold standard for the treatment of aortic coarctation. The interventional angioplasty techniques have to provide long-term outcome at least similar to the results obtained with surgery.
PURPOSE: To assess the role of vitreoretinal surgery in maximizing treatment outcome following complications after proton therapy for uveal melanoma and to evaluate its safety. METHODS: Retrospective chart study on 21 patients (2% of a total of 1,005 treated by proton therapy between January 2003 and August 2007) who had developed a complication requiring vitreoretinal surgery. Mean/median total follow-up after irradiation was 43/43 months (range, 12-70 months). RESULTS: Indications for surgery included vitreous hemorrhage (n = 13), epimacular membrane (n = 5), rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (n = 1), combined vitreous hemorrhage with total serous retinal detachment (n = 1), and vitritis (n = 1). Mean/median interval for vitreoretinal surgery after irradiation was 21/20 months (range, 4-45 months), and mean/median follow-up after pars plana vitrectomy was 22/23 months (range, 2-56 months). Pars plana vitrectomy was combined with retinal photocoagulation (n = 5), air/gas (n = 5), or silicone oil tamponade (n = 1). Mean Snellen visual acuity was 20/200 (0-20/40) before and 20/100 (0-20/25) after pars plana vitrectomy. A transient postoperative rise in intraocular pressure was measured in seven patients. Four patients developed phthisis bulbi. CONCLUSION: Vitreoretinal surgery was efficient in maximizing treatment outcome after proton therapy, as it allowed a better oncologic follow-up. Pars plana vitrectomy permitted panretinal photocoagulation to avoid neovascular glaucoma or retinal detachment repair. Macular surgery improved visual acuity, especially in anterior melanoma, whereas repeated surgery may increase the risk of enucleation.
A 62-year-old man with adenocarcinoma underwent complete resection with a right upper lobectomy and en-bloc resection of the chest wall, with metallic clips applied to the vertebral nerve roots. A sudden deterioration in neurological status occurred due to pneumocephalus and ascending bacterial meningitis resulting from a subarachnoid-pleural fistula. The neurological status normalized after thoracoplasty and ceftriaxone treatment.
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the dissection of the palate during primary surgery and the type of orthognathic surgery needed in cases of unilateral total cleft. The review concerns 58 children born with a complete unilateral cleft lip and palate and treated between 1994 and 2008 at the appropriate age for orthognathic surgery. This is a retrospective mixed-longitudinal study. Patients with syndromes or associated anomalies were excluded. All children were treated by the same orthodontist and by the same surgical team. Children are divided into 2 groups: the first group includes children who had conventional primary cleft palate repair during their first year of life, with extensive mucoperiosteal undermining. The second group includes children operated on according to the Malek surgical protocol. The soft palate is closed at the age of 3 months, and the hard palate at 6 months with minimal mucoperiosteal undermining. Lateral cephalograms at ages 9 and 16 years and surgical records were compared. The need for orthognathic surgery was more frequent in the first than in the second group (60% vs 47.8%). Concerning the type of orthognathic surgery performed, 2- or 3-piece Le Fort I or bimaxillary osteotomies were also less required in the first group. Palate surgery following the Malek procedure results in an improved and simplified craniofacial outcome. With a minimal undermining of palatal mucosa, we managed to reduce the amount of patients who required an orthognathic procedure. When this procedure was indicated, the surgical intervention was also greatly simplified.
Lymphocoele is a rare and little known complication with only a handful of reports available. We report two cases of lymphocoele after anterior lumbar surgery that have occurred in two different centres and discuss diagnosis and management options. The first case is that of a 53-year-old male patient undergoing two level anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) for disabling back pain due to disc degeneration in the context of an old spondylodiscitis. He developed a large fluid mass postoperatively. Fluid levels of creatinin were low and intravenous urography ruled out a urinoma suggesting the diagnosis of a lymphocoele. Following two unsuccessful drainage attempts he underwent a laparoscopic marsupialization. The second case was that of a 32-year-old female patient developing a large fluid mass following a L5 corpectomy for a burst fracture. She was treated successfully with insertion of a vacuum drain during 7 days. Lymphocoele is a rare complication but should be suspected if fluid collects postoperatively following anterior lumbar spine procedures. Chemical analysis of the fluid can help in diagnosis. Modern treatment consists of laparoscopic marsupialization. Lymph vessel anatomy should be borne in mind while exposing the anterior lumbar spine.
We report two patients with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) and life-threatening infections: a 10 10/12-year-old boy had Aspergillus fumigatus spondylitis with destruction of the 11th vertebral body and paravertebral abscess formation, and an 8 5/12-year-old boy had multiple Staphylococcus aureus hepatic abscesses with subphrenic abscess formation. Both patients failed to respond to intense antimicrobial therapy but showed a remarkable recovery following surgical drainage combined with granulocyte transfusions. These results suggest that antimicrobial therapy and surgical drainage followed by granulocyte transfusions may be the ideal mode of treatment for severe infections in patients with CGD.
INTRODUCTION: We set out to determine if insertion of a retropubic tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) sling at the time of pelvic organ prolapse surgery improves continence outcomes in women with pre-operative occult stress incontinence (OSI) or asymptomatic urodynamic stress incontinence (USI). METHODS: We conducted a randomised controlled study of prolapse surgery with or without a TVT midurethral sling. The pre- and post-operative assessment at 6 months included history, physical examination and urodynamic testing. Quality of life (QOL) and treatment success was assessed with the UDI-6 SF, IIQ-7 SF and a numerical success score. The primary outcome was symptomatic stress urinary incontinence (SUI) requiring continence surgery (TVT) at 6 months. Long-term follow-up continued to a minimum of 24 months. Secondary outcomes were quality of life parameters. RESULTS: Eighty women received prolapse surgery alone (n = 43) or prolapse surgery with concurrent TVT (n = 37). Six months following prolapse surgery 3 out of 43 (7 %) patients in the no TVT group requested sling surgery compared with 0 out of 37 (0 %) in the TVT group (ARR 7 % [95 %CI: 3 to 19 %], p = 0.11). After 24 months there was one further participant in the no TVT group who received a TVT for treatment of SUI compared with none in the TVT group (4 out of 43, 9.3 % versus 0 out of 37; ARR 9.3 % [95 %CI: -1 to 22 %], p = 0.06). Both groups showed improvement in QOL difference scores for within-group analysis, without difference between groups. CONCLUSION: These results support a policy that routine insertion of a sling in women with OSI at the time of prolapse repair is questionable and should be subject to shared decision-making between clinician and patient.
Patients' preferences on information and involvement in decision-making for gastrointestinal surgery
Objective: The relationship between physicians and patients has undergone¦important changes, and the current emancipation of patients has led to¦a real partnership in medical decision-making. This study aimed to assess¦patients' preferences on different aspects of decision-making during treatment¦and potential complications, as well as the amount and type of preoperative¦information before visceral surgery.¦Methods: Prospective non-randomized study based on a questionnaire given¦to 253 consecutive patients scheduled for elective GI surgery.¦Results: Concerning surgical complications or treatment in the intensive care¦unit, 64% of patients wished to take actively part in any medical decisions.¦The respective figures for cardiac resuscitation and treatment limitations were¦89% and 60%. About information, 73%, 77% and 47% of patients wish¦detailed information, information on a potential ICUhospitalization and cardiac¦resuscitation, respectively. Elderly and low-educated patients were significantly¦less interested in shared medical decision-making (p = 0·003 and 0·015) and in¦information receiving (p = 0·03 and 0·05). Similarly, involvement of the family¦in decision-making was significantly less important in elderly and male patients¦(p = 0·05 and 0·03 respectively). Neither the type of operation (minor or major)¦nor the severity of disease (malignancies vs. non-malignancies) was a significant¦factor for shared decision-making, information or family involvement.¦Conclusion: The vast majority of surgical patients clearly want to get adequate¦preoperative information about their disease and the planned treatment. They¦also consider it as crucial to be involved in any kind of decision-making for¦treatment and complications. The family's role is limited to support the treating¦physicians if the patient is unable to participate in taking decisions.
Objective: To establish if hyperglycaemia and cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) after congenital heart surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass in children could predict outcome in intensive care unit. Methods: retrospective cohort study including 274 children (mean age 4.6 years; range 0 - 17 years-old). CTnI and glucose values were retrieved from our database. Integrated values (area under the curve (AUC)) were calculated for evaluation of sustained hyperglycaemia and then normalised per hour (48h-Gluc/h). Maximal cTnI, fi rst glucose value (Gluc1) and 48h-Gluc/h were then correlated with duration of mechanical ventilation, ICU stay and mortality using cut-off values. Results: The mean duration of mechanical ventilation was 5.1 ± 7.2 days and ICU stay was 11.0 ± 13.3 days, 11 patients (3.9%) died. Hyperglycaemia (>6.1 mmol/l) was present in 68% of children at admission and was sustained in 85% for 48 hours. The mean value of Gluc1 (7.3 ± 2.7 vs. 11.8 ± 6.4 mmol/l, p < 0.0001), 48h-Gluc/h (7.4 ± 1.4 vs. 9.9 ± 4.6 mmol/l/h, p < 0.0001) and cTnI max (16.7 ± 21.8 vs. 59.2 ± 41.4 mcg/l, p < 0.0001) were signifi cantly lower in survivors vs. non survivors. Cut-off values and odds ratio are summarised in Table 1. Analyses for duration of mechanical ventilation and for length of stay in ICU are depicted in Table 2. Conclusions: Hyperglycaemia is frequent after cardiopulmonary bypass and sustained in the fi rst 48 hours. Admission glycaemia and cTnI max are associated with a high risk of mortality, prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation and prolonged length of stay in ICU.
Ingrown toenail is a relatively frequent condition of the great toe affecting usually young adults. Surgery is most often required but the rate of recurrences is high with the risk of definitive functional and esthetical consequences. Among the numerous surgical procedures described, none is unanimously considered as the most effective. As for all dermatological surgery, the procedure must be not only curative but also esthetically acceptable. The surgeon's skills and experience are determining factors. A review of the most common procedures is presented.