279 resultados para Quantitative Interpretation


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Differences between genomes can be due to single nucleotide variants, translocations, inversions, and copy number variants (CNVs, gain or loss of DNA). The latter can range from sub-microscopic events to complete chromosomal aneuploidies. Small CNVs are often benign but those larger than 500 kb are strongly associated with morbid consequences such as developmental disorders and cancer. Detecting CNVs within and between populations is essential to better understand the plasticity of our genome and to elucidate its possible contribution to disease. Hence there is a need for better-tailored and more robust tools for the detection and genome-wide analyses of CNVs. While a link between a given CNV and a disease may have often been established, the relative CNV contribution to disease progression and impact on drug response is not necessarily understood. In this review we discuss the progress, challenges, and limitations that occur at different stages of CNV analysis from the detection (using DNA microarrays and next-generation sequencing) and identification of recurrent CNVs to the association with phenotypes. We emphasize the importance of germline CNVs and propose strategies to aid clinicians to better interpret structural variations and assess their clinical implications.


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Immune dysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, Enteropathy X-linked (IPEX) syndrome is a unique example of primary immunodeficiency characterized by autoimmune manifestations due to defective regulatory T (Treg) cells, in the presence of FOXP3 mutations. However, autoimmune symptoms phenotypically resembling IPEX often occur in the absence of detectable FOXP3 mutations. The cause of this "IPEX-like" syndrome presently remains unclear. To investigate whether a defect in Treg cells sustains the immunological dysregulation in IPEX-like patients, we measured the amount of peripheral Treg cells within the CD3(+) T cells by analysing demethylation of the Treg cell-Specific-Demethylated-Region (TSDR) in the FOXP3 locus and demethylation of the T cell-Specific-Demethylated-Region (TLSDR) in the CD3 locus, highly specific markers for stable Treg cells and overall T cells, respectively. TSDR demethylation analysis, alone or normalized for the total T cells, showed that the amount of peripheral Treg cells in a cohort of IPEX-like patients was significantly reduced, as compared to both healthy subjects and unrelated disease controls. This reduction could not be displayed by flow cytometric analysis, showing highly variable percentages of FOXP3(+) and CD25(+)FOXP3(+) T cells. These data provide evidence that a quantitative defect of Treg cells could be considered a common biological hallmark of IPEX-like syndrome. Since Treg cell suppressive function was not impaired, we propose that this reduction per se could sustain autoimmunity.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: In insulin-secreting cells, activation of the c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway triggers apoptosis. Whereas JNK1 and JNK2 are ubiquitously produced, JNK3 has been described exclusively in neurons. This report aims to characterise the expression and role in apoptosis of the three JNK isoforms in insulin-secreting cells exposed to cytokines. METHODS: Sections of human and mouse pancreases were used for immunohistochemistry studies with isoform-specific anti-JNK antibodies. Human, pig, mouse and rat pancreatic islets were isolated by enzymatic digestion and RNA or protein extracts were prepared. RNA and protein levels were determined by quantitative RT-PCR and western blotting respectively, using JNK-isoform-specific primers and isoform-specific antibodies; activities of the three JNK isoforms were determined by kinase assays following quantitative immunoprecipitation/depletion of JNK3. JNK silencing was performed with small interfering RNAs and apoptotic rates were determined in INS-1E cells by scoring cells displaying pycnotic nuclei. RESULTS: JNK3 and JNK2 mRNAs are the predominant isoforms expressed in human pancreatic islets. JNK3 is nuclear while JNK2 is also cytoplasmic. In INS-1E cells, JNK3 knockdown increases c-Jun levels and caspase-3 cleavage and sensitises cells to cytokine-induced apoptosis; in contrast, JNK1 or JNK2 knockdown is protective. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: In insulin-secreting cells, JNK3 plays an active role in preserving pancreatic beta cell mass from cytokine attacks. The specific localisation of JNK3 in the nucleus, its recruitment by cytokines, and its effects on key transcription factors such as c-Jun, indicate that JNK3 is certainly an important player in the transcriptional control of genes expressed in insulin-secreting cells.


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PURPOSE: To assess the diagnostic performance of respiratory self-navigation for whole-heart coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiography in a patient cohort referred for diagnostic cardiac MR imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Written informed consent was obtained from all participants for this institutional review board-approved study. Self-navigated coronary MR angiography was performed after administration of a contrast agent in 78 patients (mean age, 48.5 years ± 20.7 [standard deviation]; 53 male patients) referred for cardiac MR imaging because of coronary artery disease (n = 40), cardiomyopathy (n = 14), congenital anomaly (n = 17), or "other" (n = 7). Examination duration was recorded, and the image quality for each coronary segment was assessed with consensus reading. Vessel sharpness, length, and diameter were measured. Quantitative values in proximal, middle, and distal segments were compared by using analysis of variance and t tests. A double-blinded comparison with the results of x-ray angiography was performed when such results were available. RESULTS: When patients with different indications for cardiac MR imaging were examined with self-navigated postcontrast coronary MR angiography, whole-heart data sets with 1.15-mm isotropic spatial resolution were acquired in an average of 7.38 minutes ± 1.85. The main and proximal coronary segments could be visualized in 92.3% of cases, while the middle and distal segments could be visualized in 84.0% and 55.8% of cases, respectively. Subjective scores and vessel sharpness were significantly higher in the proximal segments than in the middle and distal segments (P < .05). Anomalies of the coronary arteries could be confirmed or excluded in all cases. Per-vessel sensitivity and specificity for stenosis detection were 64.7% and 85.0%, respectively, in the 31 patients for whom reference standard x-ray coronary angiography results were available. CONCLUSION: The self-navigated coronary MR angiography sequence shows promise for coronary imaging. However, technical improvements are needed to improve image quality, especially in the more distal coronary segments.


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OBJECTIVE: The principal aim of this study was to develop a Swiss Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) for the elderly population for use in a study to investigate the influence of nutritional factors on bone health. The secondary aim was to assess its validity and both short-term and long-term reproducibility. DESIGN: A 4-day weighed record (4 d WR) was applied to 51 randomly selected women of a mean age of 80.3 years. Subsequently, a detailed FFQ was developed, cross-validated against a further 44 4-d WR, and the short- (1 month, n = 15) and long-term (12 months, n = 14) reproducibility examined. SETTING: French speaking part of Switzerland. SUBJECTS: The subjects were randomly selected women recruited from the Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture cohort study. RESULTS: Mean energy intakes by 4-d WR and FFQ showed no significant difference [1564.9 kcal (SD 351.1); 1641.3 kcal (SD 523.2) respectively]. Mean crude nutrient intakes were also similar (with nonsignifcant P-values examining the differences in intake) and ranged from 0.13 (potassium) to 0.48 (magnesium). Similar results were found in the reproducibility studies. CONCLUSION: These findings provide evidence that this FFQ adequately estimates nutrient intakes and can be used to rank individuals within distributions of intake in specific populations.


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Applications of genetic constructs with multiple promoters, which are fused with reporter genes and simultaneous monitoring of various events in cells, have gained special attention in recent years. Lentiviral vectors, with their distinctive characteristics, have been considered to monitor the developmental changes of cells in vitro. In this study, we constructed a novel lentiviral vector (FUM-M), containing two germ cell-specific promoters (Stra8 and c-kit), fused with ZsGreen and DsRed2 reporter genes, and evaluated its efficiency in different cells following treatments with retinoic acid and DMSO. Several cell lines (P19, GC-1 spg and HEK293T) were transduced with this vector, and functional capabilities of the promoters were verified by flow cytometry and quantitative RT-PCR. Our results indicate that FUM-M shows dynamic behavior in the presence and absence of extrinsic factors. A correlation was also observed between the function of promoters, present in the lentiviral construct and the endogenous level of the Stra8 and c-kit mRNAs in the cells. In conclusion, we recommend this strategy, which needs further optimization of the constructs, as a beneficial and practical way to screen chemical inducers involved in cellular differentiation toward germ-like cells.


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The evolution of senescence (the physiological decline of organisms with age) poses an apparent paradox because it represents a failure of natural selection to increase the survival and reproductive performance of organisms. The paradox can be resolved if natural selection becomes less effective with age, because the death of postreproductive individuals should have diminished effects on Darwinian fitness [1, 2]. A substantial body of empirical work is consistent with this prediction for animals, which transmit their genes to progeny via an immortal germline. However, such evidence is still lacking in plants, which lack a germline and whose reproduction is diffuse and modular across the soma. Here, we provide experimental evidence for a genetic basis of senescence in the short-lived perennial plant Silene latifolia. Our pedigree-based analysis revealed a marked increase with age in the additive genetic variance of traits closely associated with fitness. This result thus extends to plants the quantitative genetic support for the evolutionary theory of senescence.


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RÉSUMÉ Le but d'un traitement antimicrobien est d'éradiquer une infection bactérienne. Cependant, il est souvent difficile d'en évaluer rapidement l'efficacité en utilisant les techniques standard. L'estimation de la viabilité bactérienne par marqueurs moléculaires permettrait d'accélérer le processus. Ce travail étudie donc la possibilité d'utiliser le RNA ribosomal (rRNA) à cet effet. Des cultures de Streptococcus gordonii sensibles (parent Wt) et tolérants (mutant Tol 1) à l'action bactéricide de la pénicilline ont été exposées à différents antibiotiques. La survie bactérienne au cours du temps a été déterminée en comparant deux méthodes. La méthode de référence par compte viable a été comparée à une méthode moléculaire consistant à amplifier par PCR quantitative en temps réel une partie du génome bactérien. La cible choisie devait refléter la viabilité cellulaire et par conséquent être synthétisée de manière constitutive lors de la vie de la bactérie et être détruite rapidement lors de la mort cellulaire. Le choix s'est porté sur un fragment du gène 16S-rRNA. Ce travail a permis de valider ce choix en corrélant ce marqueur moléculaire à la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique bactéricide. De manière attendue, les S. gordonii sensibles à la pénicilline ont perdu ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml après 48 heures de traitement par pénicilline alors que le mutant tolérant Tol1 en a perdu ≥ 1 log10 CFU/ml. De manière intéressant, la quantité de marqueur a augmenté proportionnellement au compte viable durant la phase de croissance bactérienne. Après administration du traitement antibiotique, l'évolution du marqueur dépendait de la capacité de la bactérie à survivre à l'action de l'antibiotique. Stable lors du traitement des souches tolérantes, la quantité de marqueur détectée diminuait de manière proportionnelle au compte viable lors du traitement des souches sensibles. Cette corrélation s'est confirmée lors de l'utilisation d'autres antibiotiques bactéricides. En conclusion, l'amplification par PCR du RNA ribosomal 16S permet d'évaluer rapidement la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique en évitant le recours à la mise en culture dont les résultats ne sont obtenus qu'après plus de 24 heures. Cette méthode offre donc au clinicien une évaluation rapide de l'efficacité du traitement, particulièrement dans les situations, comme le choc septique, où l'initiation sans délai d'un traitement efficace est une des conditions essentielles du succès thérapeutique. ABSTRACT Assessing bacterial viability by molecular markers might help accelerate the measurement of antibiotic-induced killing. This study investigated whether ribosomal RNA (rRNA) could be suitable for this purpose. Cultures of penicillin-susceptible and penicillin-tolerant (Tol1 mutant) Streptococcus gordonii were exposed to mechanistically different penicillin and levofloxacin. Bacterial survival was assessed by viable counts, and compared to quantitative real-time PCR amplification of either the 16S-rRNA genes (rDNA) or the 16S rRNA, following reverse transcription. Penicillin-susceptible S. gordonii lost ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml of viability over 48 h of penicillin treatment. In comparison, the Toll mutant lost ≤ 1 log10 CFU/ml. Amplification of a 427-base fragment of 16S rDNA yielded amplicons that increased proportionally to viable counts during bacterial growth, but did not decrease during drug-induced killing. In contrast, the same 427-base fragment amplified from 16S rDNA paralleled both bacterial growth and drug-induced killing. It also differentiated between penicillin-induced killing of the parent and the Toll mutant (≥4 log10 CFU/ml and ≤1 lo10 CFU/ml, respectively), and detected killing by mechanistically unrelated levofloxacin. Since large fragments of polynucleotides might be degraded faster than smaller fragments the experiments were repeated by amplifying a 119-base region internal to the origina1 427-base fragment. The amount of 119-base amplicons increased proportionally to viability during growth, but remained stable during drug treatment. Thus, 16S rRNA was a marker of antibiotic-induced killing, but the size of the amplified fragment was critical to differentiate between live and dead bacteria.


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The numerical keratinocyte to melanocyte relation was studied in café au lait spots and adjacent normally pigmented skin of 9 patients with classical neurofibromatosis. Compared to normal skin of healthy individuals, the keratinocyte:melanocyte ratio distributions obtained in neurofibromatosis indicated a shift to lower values in the biopsies of café au lait spots and normally pigmented skin. These results are evidence in favor of an impaired tissue organization of the epidermis in neurofibromatosis with regard to the keratinocyte-melanocyte interrelation.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the present report is to describe abnormal (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) accumulation patterns in the pleura and lung parenchyma in a group of lung cancer patients in whom lung infarction was present at the time of positron emission tomography (PET). METHODS: Between November 2002 and December 2003, a total of 145 patients (102 males, 43 females; age range 38-85 years) were subjected to whole-body FDG PET for initial staging (n=117) or restaging (n=11) of lung cancer or for evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodules (n=17). Of these patients, 24 displayed abnormal FDG accumulation in the lung parenchyma that was not consistent with the primary lesion under investigation (ipsilateral n=12, contralateral n=9 or bilateral n=3). Without correlative imaging, this additional FDG uptake would have been considered indeterminate in differential diagnosis. RESULTS: Of the 24 patients who were identified as having such lesions, six harboured secondary tumour nodules diagnosed as metastases, while in three the diagnosis of a synchronous second primary lung tumour was established. Additionally, nine patients were identified as having post-stenotic pneumonia and/or atelectasis (n=6) or granulomatous lung disease (n=3). In the remaining six (4% of all patients), a diagnosis of recent pulmonary embolism that topographically matched the additional FDG accumulation (SUV(max) range 1.4-8.6, mean 3.9) was made. Four of these six patients were known to have pulmonary embolism, and hence false positive interpretation was avoided by correlating the PET findings with those of the pre-existing diagnostic work-up. The remaining two patients were harbouring small occult infarctions that mimicked satellite nodules in the lung periphery. Based on histopathological results, the abnormal FDG accumulation in these two patients was attributed to the inflammatory reaction and tissue repair associated with the pathological cascade of pulmonary embolism. CONCLUSION: In patients with pulmonary malignancies, synchronous lung infarction may induce pathological FDG accumulation that can mimic active tumour manifestations. Identifying this potential pitfall may allow avoidance of false positive FDG PET interpretation.


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Assessment of volume status is often challenging in daily clinical practice. One of the clinician's tasks is to prevent or to treat organ systems failures that arise from a mismatch between the transport of oxygen and metabolic needs. Renal failure is a frequently encountered in-hospital diagnosis that is known to alter significantly the prognosis. In patients with acute renal failure in particular, the consequences of an inadequate volume management further increase morbidity and mortality.


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Among various advantages, their small size makes model organisms preferred subjects of investigation. Yet, even in model systems detailed analysis of numerous developmental processes at cellular level is severely hampered by their scale. For instance, secondary growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls creates a radial pattern of highly specialized tissues that comprises several thousand cells starting from a few dozen. This dynamic process is difficult to follow because of its scale and because it can only be investigated invasively, precluding comprehensive understanding of the cell proliferation, differentiation, and patterning events involved. To overcome such limitation, we established an automated quantitative histology approach. We acquired hypocotyl cross-sections from tiled high-resolution images and extracted their information content using custom high-throughput image processing and segmentation. Coupled with automated cell type recognition through machine learning, we could establish a cellular resolution atlas that reveals vascular morphodynamics during secondary growth, for example equidistant phloem pole formation. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.01567.001.


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In the forensic examination of DNA mixtures, the question of how to set the total number of contributors (N) presents a topic of ongoing interest. Part of the discussion gravitates around issues of bias, in particular when assessments of the number of contributors are not made prior to considering the genotypic configuration of potential donors. Further complication may stem from the observation that, in some cases, there may be numbers of contributors that are incompatible with the set of alleles seen in the profile of a mixed crime stain, given the genotype of a potential contributor. In such situations, procedures that take a single and fixed number contributors as their output can lead to inferential impasses. Assessing the number of contributors within a probabilistic framework can help avoiding such complication. Using elements of decision theory, this paper analyses two strategies for inference on the number of contributors. One procedure is deterministic and focuses on the minimum number of contributors required to 'explain' an observed set of alleles. The other procedure is probabilistic using Bayes' theorem and provides a probability distribution for a set of numbers of contributors, based on the set of observed alleles as well as their respective rates of occurrence. The discussion concentrates on mixed stains of varying quality (i.e., different numbers of loci for which genotyping information is available). A so-called qualitative interpretation is pursued since quantitative information such as peak area and height data are not taken into account. The competing procedures are compared using a standard scoring rule that penalizes the degree of divergence between a given agreed value for N, that is the number of contributors, and the actual value taken by N. Using only modest assumptions and a discussion with reference to a casework example, this paper reports on analyses using simulation techniques and graphical models (i.e., Bayesian networks) to point out that setting the number of contributors to a mixed crime stain in probabilistic terms is, for the conditions assumed in this study, preferable to a decision policy that uses categoric assumptions about N.


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Quantitative ultrasound of bone is a promising method for bone assessment: radiation-free, portable and predictive of hip fracture. Its portability allowed us to study the relationships between ultrasonic parameters of bone with age and with non-vertebral fractures in elderly women living in 19 nursing homes. Broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and speed of sound (SOS) of the calcaneus were measured (and the stiffness index calculated) in a sample of 270 institutionalized women, aged 85 +/- 7 years, using an Achilles bone densitometer (Lunar). The effects of age, history of non-vertebral and non-traumatic fractures, body mass index, triceps skinfold and arm circumference were assessed on BUA, SOS and stiffness index. Furthermore, to evaluate longitudinally the influence of aging on the ultrasound parameters of bone, 60 subjects from the same group had a second ultrasound measurement after 1 year. The cross-sectional analysis of the data on all 270 women showed a significant decrease (p < 0.001) with age in BUA, SOS and stiffness index (-0.47%, -0.06%, and -1.01% respectively per year). In the 94 women, (35%) with a history of previous non-vertebral fractures, ultrasound parameters were significantly lower (p < 0.0001) than in the 176 women with no history of fracture (-8.3% for BUA, -1.3% for SOS, -18.9% for stiffness index). In contrast, there was no significant difference in anthropometric measurements between the groups with and without previous non-vertebral fractures, although the measurements decreased significantly with age. In the longitudinal study, repeated quantitative ultrasound after 11.4 +/- 0.8 months showed no significant decrease in BUA (-1%) but a significant decrease in SOS (-0.3%, p < 0.0001) and in stiffness index (-3.6%, p < 0.0002). In conclusion, quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus measures properties of bone which continue to decline in institutionalized elderly women, and is able to discriminate women with previous non-vertebral fractures.