242 resultados para Protection Motivation
Chaque année en Suisse, 15000 personnes meurent du cancer, ce qui en fait la deuxième cause de mortalité [1]. Il est donc nécessaire d'introduire sur le marché de nouveaux traitements plus efficaces. Ces derniers doivent passer par une période d'essais cliniques qui comporte plusieurs phases, dont la phase I. Celle-ci sert principalement à déterminer la dose maximale tolérable d'un médicament, en exposant le patient à des doses croissantes. Déterminer les motivations des patients à participer à la phase I d'un essai clinique, alors que les bénéfices personnels sont relativement faibles [3].
Abstract The neo-liberal capitalist ideology has come under heavy fire with anecdotal evidence indicating a link between these same values and unethical behavior. Academic institutions reflect social values and act as socializing agents for the young. Can this explain the high and increasing rates of cheating that currently prevail in education? Our first chapter examines the question of whether self-enhancement values of power and açhievement, the individual level equivalent of neo-liberal capitalist values, predict positive attitudes towards cheating. Furthermore, we explore the mediating role of motivational factors. Results of four studies reveal that self-enhancement value endorsement predicts the adoption of performance-approach goals, a relationship mediated by introjected regulation, namely desire for social approval and that self-enhancement value endorsement also predicts the condoning of cheating, a relationship mediated by performance-approach goal adoption. However, self-transcendence values prescribed by a normatively salient source have the potential to reduce the link between self-enhancement value endorsément and attitudes towards cheating. Normative assessment constitutes a key tool used by academic institutions to socialize young people to accept the competitive, meritocratic nature of a sociéty driven by a neo-liberal capitalist ideology. As such, the manifest function of grades is to motivate students to work hard and to buy into the competing ethos. Does normative assessment fulfill these functions? Our second chapter explores the reward-intrinsic motivation question in the context of grading, arguably a high-stakes reward. In two experiments, the relative capacity of graded high performance as compared to the task autonomy experienced in an ungraded task to predict post-task intrinsic motivation is assessed. Results show that whilst the graded task performance predicts post-task appreciation, it fails to predict ongoing motivation. However, perceived autonomy experienced in non-graded condition, predicts both post-task appreciation and ongoing motivation. Our third chapter asks whether normative assessment inspires the spirit of competition in students. Results of three experimental studies reveal that expectation of a grade for a task, compared to no grade, induces greater adoption of performance-avoidance, but not performance-approach, goals. Experiment 3 provides an explanatory mechanism for this, showing that reduced autonomous motivation experienced in previous graded tasks mediates the relationship between grading and adoption of performance avoidance goals in a subsequent task. The above results, when combined, provide evidence as to the deleterious effects of self enhancement values and the associated practice of normative assessment in school on student motivation, goals and ethics. We conclude by using value and motivation theory to explore solutions to this problem.
This article analyzes if, and to what extent, the public service motivation (PSM) construct has an added value to explain work motivation in the public sector. In order to address the specificity of PSM when studying work motivation, the theoretical model underlying this empirical study compares PSM with two other explanatory factors: material incentives, such as performance-related pay, and team relations and support, such as recognition by superiors. This theoretical model is then tested with data collected in a national survey of 3,754 civil servants at the Swiss municipal level. Results of a structural equations model clearly show the relevance of PSM. They also provide evidence for the importance of socio-relational motivating factors, whereas material incentives play an anecdotal role.
Proactive career behaviors become increasingly important in today's career environment, but little is known about how and when motivational patterns affect individual differences. In a six-month longitudinal study among German university students (Study 1; N = 289) it was demonstrated that motivation in terms of "can do" (self-efficacy and context beliefs), "reason to" (autonomous career goals), and "energized to" (positive affect) significantly predicted career behaviors. Contrary to expectation, negative context beliefs had a positive effect when combined with other motivational states. Study 2 replicated and extended those results by investigating whether "can do" motivation mediates the effect of proactive personality and whether those effects are conditional upon the degree of career choice decidedness. We tested a moderated multiple mediation model with a unique sample of 134 German students, assessed three times, each interval being 6 weeks apart. The results showed that effects of proactivity were partially carried through higher self-efficacy beliefs but not context beliefs. Supporting a moderation model, indirect effects through self-efficacy beliefs were not present for students with very low decidedness.
Introduction : Confronter les intérêts de la protection de la nature à d'autres, c'est vouloir faire passer les petites fleurs et les grenouilles avant l'Homme. Hérésie ! C'est en effet parfois l'existence même d'un régime légal de protection des biotopes qui fait sourire. L'étudier en profondeur n'en paraît que plus oiseux. Ce problème d'acceptation est sans doute propre au droit de l'environnement de manière générale : l'intérêt public défendu ici n'est pas rattachable directement à l'intérêt du plus grand nombre. On peut parfois même en être très loin. Si, malgré cela, certains domaines du droit de l'environnement sont actuellement très en vogue, la protection de la nature fait partie de ses aspects moins porteurs. Ce type de préoccupations est pour beaucoup futile, voire inutile ou même déplacé. Il apparaît ainsi important de commencer par se demander pourquoi protéger la nature, et que protéger dans cette nature (chapitre 1). Vient ensuite évidemment la question de la portée de la protection. Il convient pour cela tout d'abord de faire le point sur le droit en vigueur (chapitre 2) : l'histoire des règles topiques en matière de protection des biotopes a été particulièrement mouvementée et son analyse apporte un important éclairage à la compréhension des dispositions actuelles ; cette législation est en outre complétée par une multitude de dispositions connexes ou apparentées, de droit interne et de droit international. Ce contexte général posé, la portée de la protection s'examine plus précisément par l'analyse des articles 18 ss LPN (chapitre 3) : les biotopes protégés de manière générale par l'article 18 LPN lui-même - remarquable exemple d'un droit dynamique -, les biotopes inventoriés et la végétation des rives. Il est enfin nécessaire de se pencher sur le « comment protéger» par une étude des instruments de mise en oeuvre (chapitre 4) et des instruments auxiliaires à la protection (chapitre 5). Ce faisant, la pertinence du régime légal de protection des biotopes sera soulignée, tant sur le fond que sur la forme. En l'introduisant aux subtilités de ce régime et de son intégration dans l'ordre juridique en général, nous espérons ainsi faire passer le lecteur au-delà des idées reçues.
La santé psychosociale à l'école : facteurs de risque et facteurs de protection pour les élèves
Neutralizing antibodies are necessary and sufficient for protection against infection with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). The in vitro neutralization capacities and in vivo protective capacities of a panel of immunoglobulin G monoclonal antibodies to the glycoprotein of VSV were evaluated. In vitro, neutralizing activity correlated with avidity and with neutralization rate constant, a measure of on-rate. However, in vivo, protection was independent of immunoglobulin subclass, avidity, neutralization rate constant, and in vitro neutralizing activity; above a minimal avidity threshold, protection depended simply on a minimum serum concentration. These two biologically defined thresholds of antibody specificity offer hope for the development of adoptive therapy with neutralizing antibodies.