201 resultados para Physician prescription behaviour
Being aware of which communication style should be adopted when facing more difficult patients is important for physicians; it can help prevent patient reactions of dissatisfaction, mistrust, or non-adherence that can be detrimental to the process of care. Past research suggests that less agreeable patients are especially critical towards, and reactive to, their physician's communication style, compared to more agreeable patients. On the basis of the literature, we hypothesized that less agreeable patients would react more negatively than agreeable patients to lower levels of affiliativeness (i.e., warmth, friendliness) in the physicians, in terms of satisfaction with the physician, trust in the physician, and determination to adhere to the treatment. Thirty-six general practitioners (20 men/16 women) working in their own practice in Switzerland were filmed while interacting with 69 patients (36 men/33 women) of different ages (M = 50.7; SD = 18.19; range: 18-84) and presenting different medical problems (e.g., back pain, asthma, hypertension, diabetes). After the medical interview, patients filled in questionnaires measuring their satisfaction with the physician, their trust in the physician, their determination to adhere to the treatment, and their trait of agreeableness. Physician affiliativeness was coded on the basis of the video recordings. Physician gender and dominance, patient gender and age, as well as the gravity of the patient's medical condition were introduced as control variables in the analysis. Results confirmed our hypothesis for satisfaction and trust, but not for adherence; less agreeable patients reacted more negatively (in terms of satisfaction and trust) than agreeable patients to lower levels of affiliativeness in their physicians. This study suggests that physicians should be especially attentive to stay warm and friendly with people low in agreeableness because those patients' satisfaction and trust might be more easily lowered by a cold or distant physician communication style.
Inspired by experiments that use single-particle tracking to measure the regions of confinement of selected chromosomal regions within cell nuclei, we have developed an analytical approach that takes into account various possible positions and shapes of the confinement regions. We show, in particular, that confinement of a particle into a subregion that is entirely enclosed within a spherical volume can lead to a higher limit of the mean radial square displacement value than the one associated with a particle that can explore the entire spherical volume. Finally, we apply the theory to analyse the motion of extrachromosomal chromatin rings within nuclei of living yeast.
AIM: To investigate the relationships between six classes of non-medical prescription drug use (NMPDU) and five personality traits. METHODS: Representative baseline data on 5777 Swiss men around 20 years old were taken from the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors. NMPDU of opioid analgesics, sedatives/sleeping pills, anxiolytics, antidepressants, beta-blockers and stimulants over the previous 12 months was measured. Personality was assessed using the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale; attention deficit-hyperactivity (ADH) using the Adult Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Report Scale; and aggression/hostility, anxiety/neuroticism and sociability using the Zuckerman-Kuhlmann Personality Questionnaire. Logistic regression models for each personality trait were fitted, as were seven multiple logistic regression models predicting each NMPDU adjusting for all personality traits and covariates. RESULTS: Around 10.7% of participants reported NMPDU in the last 12 months, with opioid analgesics most prevalent (6.7%), then sedatives/sleeping pills (3.0%), anxiolytics (2.7%), and stimulants (1.9%). Sensation seeking (SS), ADH, aggression/hostility, and anxiety/neuroticism (but not sociability) were significantly positively associated with at least one drug class (OR varied between 1.24, 95%CI: 1.04-1.48 and 1.86, 95%CI: 1.47-2.35). Aggression/hostility, anxiety/neuroticism and ADH were significantly and positively related to almost all NMPDU. Sociability was inversely related to NMPDU of sedatives/sleeping pills and anxiolytics (OR, 0.70; 95%CI: 0.51-0.96 and OR, 0.64; 95%CI: 0.46-0.90, respectively). SS was related only to stimulant use (OR, 1.74; 95%CI: 1.14-2.65). CONCLUSION: People with higher scores for ADH, aggression/hostility and anxiety/neuroticism are at higher risk of NMPDU. Sociability appeared to protect from NMPDU of sedatives/sleeping pills and anxiolytics.
OBJECTIVE: Methylphenidate is prescribed for children and adolescents to treat ADHD. As in many Western countries, the increase in methylphenidate consumption is a public concern in Switzerland. The article discusses the authors' assessment of prescription prevalence in 2002 and 2005 for school-aged children in the canton of Vaud. METHOD: Pharmacy prescription information is available from the regional public health authority. Descriptive analyses are conducted on an anonymized database of the years 2002 and 2005. Data for each year are compared to assess trends in methylphenidate prescription prevalence. RESULTS: The findings show an increase from 0.74% to 1.02% in the number of prescriptions for 5- to 14-year-old children, particularly in prescriptions for girls. Data also show important geographical differences in prescription. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of methylphenidate prescription is lower in Switzerland than other Western countries, particularly the United States. However, some aspects of prevalence are similar, including the increase per year, demographics, and geographic characteristics.
Background: To assess the relationship between overweight status and the concomitant adherence to physical activity, daily screen time and nutritional guidelines. Methods: Data were derived from the Swiss Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey 2006. Participants (n = 8130, 48.7% girls) were divided into two groups: normal weight (n = 7215, 44.8% girls) and overweight (n = 915, 34.8% girls), using self-reported height and weight. Groups were compared on adherence to physical activity, screen time and nutritional guidelines. Bivariate analyses were carried out followed by multivariate analyses using normal-weight individuals as the reference category. Results: Regardless of gender, overweight individuals reported more screen time, less physical activity and less concomitant adherence to guidelines. For boys, the multivariate analysis showed that any amount exceeding screen time recommendations was associated with increased odds of being overweight [>2-4 h: adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.40; >4-6 h: AOR = 1.48; >6 h: AOR = 1.83]. A similar relation was found for any amount below physical activity recommendations (4-6 times a week: AOR = 1.67; 2-3 times a week: AOR = 1.87; once a week or less: AOR = 2.1). For girls, not meeting nutritional guidelines was less likely among overweight individuals (0-2 recommendations: AOR = 0.54). Regardless of weight status, more than half of the adolescents did not comply with any guideline and <2% met all three at the same time. Conclusions: Meeting current nutritional, physical activity and screen time guidelines should be encouraged with respect to overweight. However, as extremely low rates of concomitant adherence were found regardless of weight status, their achievability is questionable (especially for nutrition), which warrants further research to better adapt them to adolescents.
BACKGROUND: The prescription of recommended medical therapies is a key factor to improve prognosis after acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, reasons for cardiovascular therapies discontinuation after hospital discharge are poorly reported in previous studies. METHODS: We enrolled 3055 consecutive patients hospitalized with a main diagnosis of ACS in four Swiss university hospitals with a prospective one-year follow-up. We assessed the self-reported use of recommended therapies and the reasons for medication discontinuation according to the patient interview performed at one-year follow-up. RESULTS: 3014 (99.3%) patients were discharged with aspirin, 2983 (98.4%) with statin, 2464 (81.2%) with beta-blocker, 2738 (90.3%) with ACE inhibitors/ARB and 2597 (100%) with P2Y12 inhibitors if treated with coronary stent. At the one-year follow-up, the discontinuation percentages were 2.9% for aspirin, 6.6% for statin, 11.6% for beta-blocker, 15.1% for ACE inhibitor/ARB and 17.8% for P2Y12 inhibitors. Most patients reported having discontinued their medication based on their physicians' decision: 64 (2.1%) for aspirin, 82 (2.7%) for statin, 212 (8.6%) for beta-blocker, 251 (9.1% for ACE inhibitor/ARB) and 293 (11.4%) for P2Y12 inhibitors, while side effect, perception that medication was unnecessary and medication costs were uncommon reported reasons (<2%) according to the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Discontinuation of recommended therapies after ACS differs according the class of medication with the lowest percentages for aspirin. According to patients, most stopped their cardiovascular medication based on their physician's decision, while spontaneous discontinuation was infrequent.
The Totalp-Platta-Malenco ophiolites in the Eastern Central Alps offer a unique opportunity to study the behaviour of Li, Be and B in ultramafic rocks in response to serpentinization and to progressive Alpine metamorphism. These units represent the remnants of a former ocean-continent transition that was intensely serpentinized during exposure on the Jurassic seafloor of the Ligurian Tethys. From north to the south, three isograd reactions (lizardite double right arrow antigorite + brucite; lizardite + talc double right arrow antigorite; lizardite + tremolite double right arrow antigorite + diopside) have been used to quantify the evolution of the light element content of metamorphic minerals. We determined the Li, Be and B concentrations in major silicate minerals from the ultramafic bodies of Totalp, Platta and Malenco by secondary ion mass spectrometry. Mantle minerals have Be concentrations (e.g. <0.001-0.009 mu g/g in olivine) similar to the metamorphic minerals that replace them (e.g. <0.001-0.016 mu g/g in serpentine). The mantle signature of Be is thus neither erased during seafloor alteration nor by progressive metamorphism from prehnite-pumpellyite to epidote-amphibolite facies. In contrast, the Li and B inventories of metamorphic minerals are related to the lizardite-to-antigorite transition. Both elements display higher concentrations in the low-temperature serpentine polymorph lizardite (max. 156 mu/g Li, max. 318 mu g/g B) than in antigorite (max. 0.11 mu g/g Li, max. 12 mu g/g B). Calculated average B/Li ratios for lizardite (similar to 1395) and antigorite (similar to 115) indicate that Li fractionates from B during the lizardite-to-antigorite transition during prograde metamorphism in ultramafic rocks. In subduction zones, this signature is likely to be recorded in the B-rich nature of forearc fluids. Relative to oceanic mantle the Be content of mantle clinopyroxene is much higher, but similar to Be values from mantle xenoliths and subduction-related peridotite massifs. These data support previous hypothesis that the mantle rocks from the Eastern Central Alps have a subcontinental origin. We conclude that Be behaves conservatively during subduction metamorphism of ultramafic rocks, at least at low-temperature, and thus retains the fingerprint of ancient subduction-related igneous events in mantle peridotites. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In many gamma-proteobacteria, the conserved GacS/GacA (BarA/UvrY) two-component system positively controls the expression of one to five genes specifying small RNAs (sRNAs) that are characterized by repeated unpaired GGA motifs but otherwise appear to belong to several independent families. The GGA motifs are essential for binding small, dimeric RNA-binding proteins of a single conserved family designated RsmA (CsrA). These proteins, which also occur in bacterial species outside the gamma-proteobacteria, act as translational repressors of certain mRNAs when these contain an RsmA/CsrA binding site at or near the Shine-Dalgarno sequence plus additional binding sites located in the 5' untranslated leader mRNA. Recent structural data have established that the RsmA-like protein RsmE of Pseudomonas fluorescens makes specific contacts with an RNA consensus sequence 5'-(A)/(U)CANGGANG(U)/(A)-3' (where N is any nucleotide). Interaction with an RsmA/CsrA protein promotes the formation of a short stem supporting an ANGGAN loop. This conformation hinders access of 30S ribosomal subunits and hence translation initiation. The output of the Gac/Rsm cascade varies widely in different bacterial species and typically involves management of carbon storage and expression of virulence or biocontrol factors. Unidentified signal molecules co-ordinate the activity of the Gac/Rsm cascade in a cell population density-dependent manner.
Non-medical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) is increasing among the general population, particularly among teenagers and young adults. Although prescription drugs are considered safer than illicit street drugs, NMUPD can lead to detrimental consequences. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between drug use (NMUPD on the one side, illicit street drugs on the other side) with mental health issues and then compare these associations. A representative sample of 5719 young Swiss men aged around 20 years filled in a questionnaire as part of the ongoing baseline Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). Drug use (16 illicit street drugs and 5 NMUPDs, including sleeping pills, sedatives, pain killers, antidepressants, stimulants) and mental health issues (depression, SF12) were assessed. Simple and multiple linear regressions were employed. In simple regressions, all illicit and prescription drugs were associated with poorer mental health. In multiple regressions, most of the NMUPDs, except for stimulants, were significantly associated with poorer mental health and with depression. On the contrary, the only associations that remained significant between illicit street drugs and mental health involved cannabis. NMUPD is of growing concern not only because of its increasing occurrence, but also because of its association with depression and mental health problems, which is stronger than the association observed between these problems and illicit street drug use, excepted for cannabis. Therefore, NMUPD must be considered in screening for substance use prevention purposes.
RésuméL'origine de l'obésité, qui atteint des proportions épidémiques, est complexe. Elle est liée au mode de vie et au comportement des individus par rapport à l'activité physique, expression des choix individuels et de l'interaction avec l'environnement. Les mesures du comportement au niveau de l'activité physique des individus face à leur environnement, la répartition des types d'activité physique, la durée, la fréquence, l'intensité, et la dépense énergétique sont d'une grande importance. Aujourd'hui, il y a un manque de méthodes permettant une évaluation précise et objective de l'activité physique et du comportement des individus. Afin de compléter les recherches relatives à l'activité physique, à l'obésité et à certaines maladies, le premier objectif du travail de thèse était de développer un modèle pour l'identification objective des types d'activité physique dans des conditions de vie réelles et l'estimation de la dépense énergétique basée sur une combinaison de 2 accéléromètres et 1 GPS. Le modèle prend en compte qu'une activité donnée peut être accomplie de différentes façons dans la vie réelle. Les activités quotidiennes ont pu être classées en 8 catégories, de sédentaires à actives, avec une précision de 1 min. La dépense énergétique a pu peut être prédite avec précision par le modèle. Après validation du modèle, le comportement des individus de l'activité physique a été évalué dans une seconde étude. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que, dans un environnement caractérisé par les pentes, les personnes obèses sont tentées d'éviter les pentes raides et de diminuer la vitesse de marche au cours d'une activité physique spontanée, ainsi que pendant les exercices prescrits et structurés. Nous avons donc caractérisé, par moyen du modèle développé, le comportement des individus obèses dans un environnement vallonné urbain. La façon dont on aborde un environnement valloné dans les déplacements quotidiens devrait également être considérée lors de la prescription de marche supplémentaire afin d'augmenter l'activité physique.SummaryOrigin of obesity, that reached epidemic proportion, is complex and may be linked to different lifestyle and physical activity behaviour. Measurement of physical activity behaviour of individuals towards their environment, the distribution of physical activity in terms of physical activity type, volume, duration, frequency, intensity, and energy expenditure is of great importance. Nowadays, there is a lack of methods for accurate and objective assessment of physical activity and of individuals' physical activity behaviour. In order to complement the research relating physical activity to obesity and related diseases, the first aim of the thesis work was to develop a model for objective identification of physical activity types in real-life condition and energy expenditure based on a combination of 2 accelerometers and 1 GPS device. The model takes into account that a given activity can be achieved in many different ways in real life condition. Daily activities could be classified in 8 categories, as sedentary to active physical activity, within 1 min accuracy, and physical activity patterns determined. The energy expenditure could be predicted accurately with an accuracy below 10%. Furthermore, individuals' physical activity behaviour is expression of individual choices and their interaction with the neighbourhood environment. In a second study, we hypothesized that, in an environment characterized by inclines, obese individuals are tempted to avoid steep positive slopes and to decrease walking speed during spontaneous outdoor physical activity, as well as during prescribed structured bouts of exercise. Finally, we characterized, by mean of the developed model, the physical activity behaviour of obese individuals in a hilly urban environment. Quantifying how one tackles hilly environment or avoids slope in their everyday displacements should be also considered while prescribing extra walking in free-living conditions in order to increase physical activity.
Habitat restoration measures may result in artificially high breeding density, for instance when nest-boxes saturate the environment, which can negatively impact species' demography. Potential risks include changes in mating and reproductive behaviour such as increased extra-pair paternity, conspecific brood parasitism, and polygyny. Under particular cicumstances, these mechanisms may disrupt reproduction, with populations dragged into an extinction vortex. With the use of nuclear microsatellite markers, we investigated the occurrence of these potentially negative effects in a recovered population of a rare secondary cavity-nesting farmland bird of Central Europe, the hoopoe (Upupa epops). High intensity farming in the study area has resulted in a total eradication of cavity trees, depriving hoopoes from breeding sites. An intensive nest-box campaign rectified this problem, resulting in a spectacular population recovery within a few years only. There was some concern, however, that the new, high artificially-induced breeding density might alter hoopoe mating and reproductive behaviour. As the species underwent a serious demographic bottleneck in the 1970-1990s, we also used the microsatellite markers to reconstitute the demo-genetic history of the population, looking in particular for signs of genetic erosion. We found i) a low occurrence of extra-pair paternity, polygyny and conspecific brood parasitism, ii) a high level of neutral genetic diversity (mean number of alleles and expected heterozygosity per locus: 13.8 and 83%, respectively) and, iii) evidence for genetic connectivity through recent immigration of individuals from well differentiated populations. The recent increase in breeding density did thus not induce so far any noticeable detrimental changes in mating and reproductive behaviour. The demographic bottleneck undergone by the population in the 1970s-1990s was furthermore not accompanied by any significant drop in neutral genetic diversity. Finally, genetic data converged with a concomitant demographic study to evidence that immigration strongly contributed to local population recovery.